Simplified Design of Masonry Ring-Beams Reinforced by Flax Fibers for Existing Buildings Retrofitting
:1. Introduction
Masonry Ring-Beams Reinforced by Natural Fibers
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Materials
2.2. Methods
3. Results
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Brick Thickness [mm] | Brick Type | Load Direction and Compressive Strength [MPa] |
60 | Solid clay brick | In plane: 34.07 |
60 | Solid clay brick | Out of plane: 11.64 |
60 | Hollow clay brick | In plane: 27.38 |
60 | Hollow clay brick | Out of plane: 6.69 |
120 | Hollow clay brick | In plane: 25.62 |
120 | Hollow clay brick | Out of plane: 3.88 |
Type | MOE [MPa] | Tension [MPa] | Density [g/m3] | Equivalent Thickness [mm] | Elongation at Failure [%] |
Bidirectional | 43,000 | 532 | 430 | 0.267 | 2.34 |
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Guadagnuolo, M.; Faella, G. Simplified Design of Masonry Ring-Beams Reinforced by Flax Fibers for Existing Buildings Retrofitting. Buildings 2020, 10, 12.
Guadagnuolo M, Faella G. Simplified Design of Masonry Ring-Beams Reinforced by Flax Fibers for Existing Buildings Retrofitting. Buildings. 2020; 10(1):12.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGuadagnuolo, Mariateresa, and Giuseppe Faella. 2020. "Simplified Design of Masonry Ring-Beams Reinforced by Flax Fibers for Existing Buildings Retrofitting" Buildings 10, no. 1: 12.
APA StyleGuadagnuolo, M., & Faella, G. (2020). Simplified Design of Masonry Ring-Beams Reinforced by Flax Fibers for Existing Buildings Retrofitting. Buildings, 10(1), 12.