Social Representations of the Disadvantaged Childhood’s Asylum of Horta in the Press (Azores, Portugal): From the Constitutional Monarchy to the First Republic
:1. Introduction
2. Disadvantaged Disabled Childcare in Portugal
3. Materials and Methods
4. Results
4.1. Horta’s Disadvantaged Childhood Asylum
4.2. Child Care in Faial’s Newspapers
4.2.1. Perception of Disadvantaged Childhood Condition
“All the support given to disabled children is worthy of the greatest trust! Invalid childhood! In fact, this simple epigraph expresses an intuitive call to charity; it indicates a call to generous impulses of the heart and imposes a duty, not merely philanthropic, but obligatorily humanitarian, which is in the essence of social duties—to watch over man for man—and, fortunately, we see here put into practice this high moral precept”.(O Faialense, 17 January 1892, p. 2)
4.2.2. Asylum Assistance
“She is the first educator in that establishment of charity which goes out of there to enter into the conditions of an honorable life, which offers her the concept and esteem that an honest woman deserves in society [...] that establishment not only serves to support and protect children but also to give society helpful women and mothers of families”.(Faialense, 11 January 1885, p. 3)
“Education is no longer the wasted children, the stunted children of the asylum. They are of good color and nourished, and it is only for this humanitarian improvement that the administration of this institute deserves not only praise, but even assistance, because the institute’s income is very small. And when we see that the teaching given in this institute to orphans beyond the primary elementary that were approved this year in the respective public exam six, and of all the more public and private schools only seven, learn to cook, wash and iron, so that the grammar, feather, pencil, needle, thimble, mop, broom and sachet silage in their hands, that there is no servant there but we must appreciate the teaching given in this institute”.(O Faialense, 12 January 1890, p. 2)
4.2.3. Assistance Strategies: Charity and Philanthropy
“Last Sunday the feast was celebrated in the Church of St. Anthony, which is dedicated to this saint and which does not allow itself to be realized on the proper day. There was a lot of competition.At the Asyladas [girls of the Asylum] dinner some gentlemen and many people of the people attended. Before dinner the creeds sang a hymn in praising God for saving them from misery and hunger. It’s an edifying and intermingling act.”.(The Faialense, 29 June 1862, p. 4)
“At 9 1.2 am on Sunday 22nd of the current in the church of St. Anthony, the administrative table of the asylum of disabled children has a mass celebrated by suffraying the soul of Counselor António José Vieira Santa Rita, founder of the hospice. All the brothers of the confraternity and those who wish to attend this act of piety are invited. The asylum will be open to anyone who deigns to visit it”.(O Faialense, 22 December 1889, p. 4)
“The Administrative Board invites the Brothers of the Confraternity and more people to attend a Mass in the Church of Santo António for the soul of the Baron of Alagoa (António Pimentel da Silveira), who was President and dedicated benefactor of the asylum”.(O Telégrafo, 17 July 1905, p. 3)
“At the entrance of the Civil Governor in the school room, the students sang the National Anthem, after which the Civil Governor raised a living enthusiastic to the Portuguese Republic that was warmly reciprocated by all...The Governor-in-Chief demonstrated the material and moral benefits resulting from the establishment of the school in this education and teaching establishment, stressing that without education and instruction the work could not be truly useful...Before the closing of the session, the Civil Governor, thanking all those present, asked to accompany him in a viva to the Portuguese Republic, to the President of the Republic, to the Government, to the administrative table, and to the Faialense People. José Garcia do Amaral and Alexandre de Lacerda were raised alive to Mr. Governador Civil, and all were enthusiastically corresponded”.(O Telégrafo, 2 January 1914, p. 1)
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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1 | The Portuguese currency at the time. |
Constitutional Monarchy (1890–1910) | ||
Public Assistance and Hospitalization | ||
Ministry | Responsible Service | Period of validity |
Kingdom/Interior | Directorate-General of Health and Public Beneficence (under the supervision of Hospital Real de São José and Annexes) | 4 December 1899–9 February 1911 |
I Republic (1910–1926) | ||
Public Assistance and Hospitalization | ||
Interior | 2nd Public Assistance Office of the Directorate General of Political and Civil Administration (under the supervision of the Hospital de São José and Annexes) | 9 February–25 May 1911 |
Directorate General of Assistance (under the supervision of the São José and Annexes Hospitals/the Civil Hospitals of Lisbon) | 25 May 1911–13 July 1918 | |
Directorate-General for Civil Hospitals of Lisbon | 9 July 1918–30 September 1918 | |
Work | Directorate-General for Assistance | 13 July 1918–10 May 1919 |
Directorate-General for Civil Hospitals of Lisbon | 30 September 1918–25 November 1925 |
Year | O Faialense (News): |
1857 | 4 |
1858 | 2 |
1859 | 1 |
1860 | 2 |
1861 | 4 |
1862 | 2 |
1863 | 3 |
1864 | 6 |
1865 | 4 |
1866 | 5 |
1867 | 4 |
1868 | 4 |
1869 | 3 |
1870 | 7 |
1871 | 5 |
1872 | 4 |
1873 | 6 |
1874 | 7 |
1875 | 2 |
1876 | 4 |
1877 | 3 |
1878 | 2 |
1879 | 0 |
1880 | 1 |
1881 | 1 |
1882 | 1 |
1883 | 4 |
1884 | 5 |
1885 | 1 |
1886 | 3 |
1887 | 2 |
1888 | 6 |
1889 | 4 |
1890 | 3 |
1891 | 3 |
1892 | 3 |
1893 | 3 |
1894 | 3 |
1895 | 1 |
Total: 128 news | |
O Telégrafo (news): | |
1904 | 2 |
1905 | 1 |
1906 | --- missing newspapers |
1907 | 5 |
1908 | 1 |
1909 | 2 |
1910 | 5 |
Total: 16 news |
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Serpa, S.; Ferreira, C.M.; Santos, A.I. Social Representations of the Disadvantaged Childhood’s Asylum of Horta in the Press (Azores, Portugal): From the Constitutional Monarchy to the First Republic. Societies 2020, 10, 4.
Serpa S, Ferreira CM, Santos AI. Social Representations of the Disadvantaged Childhood’s Asylum of Horta in the Press (Azores, Portugal): From the Constitutional Monarchy to the First Republic. Societies. 2020; 10(1):4.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSerpa, Sandro, Carlos Miguel Ferreira, and Ana Isabel Santos. 2020. "Social Representations of the Disadvantaged Childhood’s Asylum of Horta in the Press (Azores, Portugal): From the Constitutional Monarchy to the First Republic" Societies 10, no. 1: 4.