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Improving the Knowledge on Distribution, Food Preferences and DNA Barcoding of Natura 2000 Protected Species Paracossulus thrips (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) in Romania

Geanina Magdalena Iacob
Cristina Craioveanu
Vladimír Hula
Virgiliu Marius Aurelian
Monica Beldean
1,3 and
Cristian Sitar
Sociobiology and Insect Ecology Lab, Department of Taxonomy and Ecology, Babes-Bolyai University, Clinicilor 5, 400006 Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Department of Forest Ecology, Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology, Mendel University in Brno, 613 00 Brno, Czech Republic
Asociația Pentru Natura și Oameni, 407240 Cojocna, Romania
Zoological Museum, Babeș Bolyai University, Clinicilor 5, 400006 Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Romanian Institute of Science and Technology, Saturn 24-26, 400504 Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Insects 2021, 12(12), 1087;
Submission received: 8 October 2021 / Revised: 22 November 2021 / Accepted: 30 November 2021 / Published: 3 December 2021
(This article belongs to the Section Insect Ecology, Diversity and Conservation)



Simple Summary

NATURA 2000 species, Paracossulus thrips is one of the locally distributed, least studied moth species and is currently considered an endangered species in several European countries, even though the risk factors and its biology and ecology are not well known. In our study, conducted in Transylvania, Romania, we confirm the host plant as Phlomis tuberosa and describe the habitat type of P. thrips; we also present four new populations and the first DNA barcoding sequences for the species. Our study provides baseline knowledge on the biology and ecology of P.thrips, relevant for conservation, and for establishing management measures.


Paracossulus thrips (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) is one of the locally distributed and endangered species. In Europe, it is also one of the few protected moth species, through Annexes II and IV of the Council Directive 92/43/EEC, Annex II of the Bern Convention. To date, little is known about the biology and ecology of this species. Our study was conducted in Transylvania, Romania. Romania hosts some of the strongest populations of the species in the European region. As part of the study, we conducted field observations, vegetation analyses, and genetic analyses. In our paper, we show the habitat types where we encounter P. thrips in Transylvania and confirm Phlomis tuberosa as a host plant. Furthermore, a piece of important information for habitat conservation is given. In this paper, we present the eggs and larvae of P. thrips, the first DNA barcoding sequences, and four new populations of P. thrips in Romania. Our study provides baseline knowledge about the biology and ecology of P. thrips, which is important for conservation and establishing management measures.

1. Introduction

Paracossulus thrips (Hübner, 1818) (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) is a locally distributed, poorly studied moth species. It is currently considered an endangered species in several European countries, although the risk factors are not well known. In Europe, it is also one of the few protected moth species, through Annexes II and IV of the Council Directive 92/43/EEC [1,2], Annex II of the Bern Convention and, not evaluated species in IUCN Red List. In the Romanian Red List of Lepidoptera, it is marked as vulnerable (VU) [3]. In the Bulgarian Red List it is critically endangered (CR) [2].
However, very little is known about the biology and ecology of P. thrips. Most studies are limited to reporting the presence of the species and providing a general description of the habitat.
P. thrips occurs in habitats with steppe-like xerophilous vegetation on loamy, loamy-sandy, or loess soils [3]. The species has been reported in natural habitats as well as in semi-natural and anthropogenic habitats such as meadows, pastures, and roadsides [4].
Regarding the food plant of the larvae, P. thrips is one of the few European Cossidae and Natura 2000 Lepidoptera species for which the host plant is not known with certainty. According to most studies [1,5,6,7,8,9,10], the larvae feed on Artemisia roots. From the observations of [4], it appears that P. thrips prefers Phlomis tuberosa.
Without knowing its host plant, it is not possible to determine the ecological preferences of the species and thus, determine adequate management. Therefore, knowledge of the host plant and the habitat of the species is critical to its conservation.
P. thrips is a western sub-boreal Palaearctic species distributed from eastern Europe to southwestern Siberia [6,11]. In the European part of its distributional range, it has been reported from southern Poland, Hungary [4,12,13,14], Serbia [10], Bulgaria [2,6,10,15,16], Romania [1,7], Ukraine [17] in the central and south of the European part of the Russian Federation [9,18,19,20,21,22,23], Caucasus [11,23,24,25,26,27,28] and from the south of Urals. In Asia it has been reported from Turkey, Iran [29], Transcaucasia in Armenia and Georgia [11,30,31,32,33], in Kazakhstan [34,35], Turkmenistan, in the south of Western Siberia [5,9,22,23,25,36,37,38,39,40,41] (locally in the Omsk Region, Altai Territory, and Khakas).
The species has been reported in southern Poland (near Przemysl) [42,43], but in the absence of recent reports, the presence of the species remains uncertain. In Hungary, populations are present in the NE (Tisza Valley) and the SE (Hortobágy area) parts of the country, although populations near Budapest are probably extinct [4]. In Serbia, it has been reported from Vidlič, Stara Planina, Suva Planina and Šljivovički Vis [10]. In Bulgaria, it has been reported from Silven, Plovdiv, Burgas, Resselets, Balchik-Topola [21,28,44,45,46,47]. In the Balchik region, it was collected in the early and mid-1990s [48]. It is now extinct in all known areas of Bulgaria, being rediscovered near Sofia in 2020 [10]. From Ukraine, there are reports from the Odesa and Crimea regions, as well as from the northern part of the country near Kyiv [49].
The first reports of the species on the present territory of Romania date from the beginning of the 20th century, from Transylvania, Szt Gothard [50,51]. More recent reports from Transylvania are from Jucu de Sus [7], Fanatele Clujului (La Copârșaie) [52], Viișoara (Coast of the Moon) [53], Suatu and Căian, Dumbrăveni, La săratura, Rșscruci, Roșia Montană, Sighișoara, Tarnava Mare [7]. From Moldova, it has been reported from Iași [54], Podu Iloaiei [55], Lețcani, Valea Lupului, Valea lui David [56], Valea Ilenei [57,58]. From Dobrogea it has been reported from Visterna [59], Izvoarele, Hagieni-Limanu, Dealurile Beștepe [8,60,61], Urluia, Vedereasa [7] (Figure 1). Nevertheless, its distribution in Romania remains poorly characterized.
In the European part of its range, most populations are found in Romania, followed by the populations in Ukraine [4]. Although P. thrips is widespread, the known populations are relatively isolated from one another and no other populational data is known.
The species of interest was described in 1818 by Hübner as Bombyces thrips, it is synonymous with Cossus fuchsianus Eversmann, 1831; Cossus kindermanni Freyer, 1836; Hypopta trips, Kjrby, 1892 [9], and was included in the genus Catopta Staudinger, 1899 [42,62].
The species thrips was attributed to the genus Paracossulus by [43], considering its placement in the genus Catopta to be incorrect. The arguments leading to the placement of thrips in the genus Paracossulus were morphological aspects such as the rami of the antenna and the structural features of the thorax sclerites [43]. Later, important details were shown in the structure of the male genital apparatus [41].
Morphologically, P. thrips is closer to the genera Parahypopta and Cossulus than Catopta [43]. However, a comprehensive phylogenetic study of the Cossidae family is needed for a better understanding of the taxonomic placement of the P. thrips. The European populations of the P. thrips were attributed to ssp. polonica [62] which was later synonymized with the nominotypical form [31].
In this article, we attempt to fill some of these informational gaps by reporting four new populations in Romania, confirming the host plant for the larvae in the investigated areas, and performing DNA barcoding analyses to establish the taxonomic position of the species from a molecular perspective for the first time.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Field Survey

For observations on the biology and ecology of the species, field studies were conducted, in 2021, in Jucu de Sus, in Natura 2000 ROSCI0295 Dealurile Clujului Est (Cluj County), 26 km from Cluj Napoca, where P. thrips has a stable and vigorous population. To identify new populations, we conducted observations in habitats with steppe vegetation in Natura 2000 Protected areas: ROSCI0238 Suatu–Cojocna–Crairât; ROSCI0210 Râpa Lechința and ROSCI0272 Vulcanii Noroioi of Pâclele Mari and Pâclele Mici.

2.2. The Identification of the Larval Host Plant

To establish the host plant species with certainty, we used larvae obtained from the eggs of a female captured in Jucu de Sus. We used a sample of 300 eggs/larvae. After hatching, the larvae received fresh roots of Artemisa absinthium, A. maritima, A. vulgaris (Asteraceae) and tubers and root of Phlomis tuberosa, Nepeta nuda, and Salvia verticillata (Lamiaceae). Plants were harvested from steppe habitats where the presence of P. thrips is certain. The rhizomes, tubers and roots were cut into slices and placed in the container with the newly emerged larvae so that the larvae could have access to each of the plant species mentioned above.

2.3. The Study of Adult Moths

For studying the adult moths, the specimens were lured using light traps. The light source was a fluorescent Hg vapor lamp of 2 × 160 W, a UV blacklight lamp of 2 × 18 W and 3 Led UV light traps 30 LEDs, 5W. The lured specimens were photographed and released. All light traps worked between 20:30 and 02:00. For each studied location, one to five individuals were collected and stored in the Zoological Museum of the Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca (Table 1 and Table 2). Freshly emerged specimens were collected from Jucu de Sus and kept alive to determine the lifespan and behavior of the adults and to obtain eggs.

2.4. Vegetation Analysis

The relevés were realized by using a stratified sampling procedure according to the Braun–Blanquet method. The abundance-dominance notes specific to the phytosociological relevé [63] were replaced by the percentage cover of species, estimated as the horizontal projection of each species on the soil surface. The sampling areas were 25 m2 (5 × 5 m). To complete the habitat-level plant species inventory, the relevé method was combined with the linear transect method [64]. The habitats were established according to the literature [65].
The analysis of ecological categories of the investigated phytocoenoses was carried out to indirectly highlight the stationary conditions of each site. Thus, the percentage of species belonging to each ecological category was calculated at the site level. The identified phytotaxa were ecologically characterized according to the literature [66].

2.5. Molecular Analysis

2.5.1. Sampling and Collection of Data

Four sequences of P. thrips were obtained for this study. The samples were collected from 2 localities (Table 2). Legs were stored in tubes with 96% ethanol. The moths are stored in the Zoological Museum of the Babeș-Bolyai University as vouchers. The sequences were obtained at the Biodiversity Institute of Ontario, Canada. DNA isolation, PCR amplification, and DNA sequencing followed standard protocols [67,68].

2.5.2. Sequence Analysis

For comparison with the cladogram of [43], we mined sequences of the Palearctic Cossidae from BOLD and NCBI. The full information regarding them is found in Appendix A, Table A1.
Sequence alignment and calculation of genetic distances were done in MEGA X software. Bootstrap analysis (1000 replicates) and the neighbor-joining tree of the COI sequences (the Kimura-two-parameter was used) were also built in MEGA X. We used as the out-group a sequence of Noctua fimbriata (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae).

3. Results

3.1. Biology

During the field observations conducted in the Natura 2000 Protected area ROSCI0295 Dealurile Clujului Est (Jucu de Sus), and laboratory survey, we obtained information on adults, eggs, larval behavior, and food plant preferences which represent baseline data on the biology and ecology of the species.
The adult flight period is about four weeks, depending on weather conditions. The flight period may begin from mid-July to mid-late-August. In warm years, the first adults appear as early as late June. Adults are on the wing between 9:30 and 11:30 pm.
According to our observations, adults have low dispersal ability due to heavy flight and short activity/night time. The lifespan of adults held in captivity was 4–5 days; they do not feed (Figure 2A–C). The female lays eggs using the 1.5–2 cm long ovipositor. The eggs are oval, with a larger circumference in the basal third, and are covered with a sticky layer that makes them adhere very well to the substrate (Figure 2D). The available female from Jucu de Sus laid 324 eggs; thereby we assume that a female lays more than 300 eggs.
The larvae fed exclusively on the tubers of Phlomis tuberosa (Figure 3A–E and Figure 4A–D), although fresh Artemisia, Nepeta nuda and Salvia verticillata roots were also available. On the field, we found that the newly hatched caterpillars entered the P. tuberosa stem in the crown area at the base of the leaves that forms the basal rosette of the plant (Figure 3E).

3.2. Vegetation Description

Natura 2000 protected area ROSCI0295 Dealurile Clujului Est (Jucu de Sus) exhibits a slightly rugged relief, churned up by landslides. The dominant vegetation consists of meadow species interspersed with strips of Eleagnus angustifolia planted to stabilize the soil, alongside shrubs of Prunus spinosa, Crataegus monogyna and Rosa canina. P. tuberosa grows in the immediate vicinity of shrubs and has a high density, over 1000 stems. The meadow is used as sheep pasture all year round [69] (Figure 5A,B).
Depending on the humidity preferences, dominant species are xero-mesophytes (58.53%), followed by mesophytes (19.51%) and xerophytes (17.07%) species. Regarding the temperature factor, most species are micro-mesotherms (65.85%), followed by moderate thermophilous (12.19%) and eurytherms (12.19%) species and according to the soil reaction, dominant species are weakly acidophiles-to-neutrophiles (46.34%), followed by amphytolerant (24.39%) species (Figure 6).
The Natura 2000 protected area ROSCI0238 Suatu–Cojocna–Crairât consists of a series of fragments of mesoxerophilous and xerophilous steppe meadows arranged on hills with steep slopes, southern aspect, and carbonate soils. Most of these meadows are used as pastures [70] (Figure 5C,D).
In the study area, a part of the meadow area is annually mown and the other part is set on fire. The vegetation structure includes steppe and forest-steppe species, with Stipa lessingiana, Stipa pulcherrima, Stipa tirsa and Stipa capillata dominating. The population of Phlomis tuberosa is located at the base of the slope in an area shaded by a Robinia pseudoacacia plantation and, the meadow is covered by ecotone species characteristic of the former xerothermic forests in the Transylvanian Basin. About 200 stems of P. tuberosa were observed in this area. Analyzing the vegetation, we assume that the surface occupied by P. tuberosa was much larger, but was restricted due to the invasion of Robinia pseudoacacia.
According to the humidity preferences, dominant species are xero-mesophytes (56.66%), followed by xerophytes (25%) and mesophytes (16.66%) species. Regarding the temperature factor, most species are micro-mesotherms (53.33%), followed by moderate thermophilous (40%) species and according to the soil reaction, dominant species are weakly acidophiles-to-neutrophiles (65%), followed by amphytolerant (26.66%) species (Figure 7).
The identified habitats in ROSCI0295 Dealurile Clujului Est (Jucu de Sus) are 6210 Semi-natural dry grasslands and 557 Scrubland facies on calcareous substrates (Festuco-Brometea). In ROSCI0238 Suatu–Cojocna–Crairat–Cojocna, the identified habitat is 6240 * Sub-558 pannonian steppe grasslands. The vegetation structure for both study areas is presented in Appendix A, Table A2.
For the next two sites, we had the existing information in the standard site forms or management plans:
The Natura 2000 protected site ROSCI0210 Râpa Lechința is located on the eastern bank of the river Mureș, near Lechința, and preserves a mosaic of steppe meadows formed on clay-rich and slightly saline soils. The site has an area of 283 hectares and is famous for some rare Lepidoptera species such as Cucullia mixta lorica, Hadula dianthi hungarica and Conisania poelli ostrogovichi. The habitat is 6240* Sub-pannonian steppe grasslands [71,72] (Figure 5E,F).
The Natura 2000 protected area ROSCI0272 Vulcanii Noroioși of Pâclele Mari and Pâclele Mici is located in SE Romania, in the outer part of the Eastern Carpathians [73]. The nature reserve covers an area of 4 ha and is an area of geological and floristic interest, where several protected plant species can be found: Crambe tataria, Iris aphylla ssp. hungarica, Artemisia santonicum, Atriplex tatarica, Ephedra distachya, etc. The habitat is 1530* Pannonic salt-steppes and salt-marshes [74,75] (Figure 5G,H).

3.3. New Populations Identified in Romania

Following the field survey, we discovered four new populations of P. thrips in Romania:
  • Protected area ROSCI0238 Suatu–Cojocna–Crairât. Near Ploscoș (Valea Florilor) on Dealul Gorgan, four males of P. thrips were observed in 7 July 2015 by Sitar C. and Crișan A.
  • Protected area ROSCI0238 Suatu–Cojocna–Crairât. In Cojocna, the larvae were present in the stems of P. tuberosa in the cemetery near the village on 18 September 2021. There is a high density of Phlomis plants at the edge of the cemetery. (Iacob G., Sitar C., Beldean M.) (Figure 5C,D).
  • Protected area ROSCI0210 Râpa Lechința, near Lechința (Mureș County). On 14 August 2021, a light trap deployed by Iacob G. and Sitar C attracted a female P. thrips (Figure 5E,F).
  • Protected area ROSCI0272 Vulcanii Noroioși of Pâclele Mari and Pâclele Mici. On 5 August 2015 a light trap deployed by Aurelian V.M. attracted a male P. thrips (Figure 5G,H).

3.4. Sequence Analysis

The four sequences of P. thrips were submitted to GenBank; they are the first published sequences of this species (accession numbers OK314991, OK314992, OK314993, OK314994). The sequences belong to individuals from two populations: three from Jucu de Sus (Cluj County) and one from Pădurea Babadag (Tulcea County) (Table 2). The two populations are 450 km apart and are geographically isolated by a natural barrier (Carpathian mountains) (Figure 1). The genetic distance between individuals is 0 and 0.002 (Table 3). The values of genetic distance between the sequences of P. thrips and the out-group are 0.6857 and 0.6846, respectively (Table 3). Full sequences of P. thrips are available in the Appendix A, Table A3.
In the molecular analysis, we examined 21 Palearctic species of Cossidae. Our dataset consisted of 191 sequences mined from BOLD and NCBI (see the electronic Supplementary Materials, Annex S1). The neighbor-joining (NJ) tree was made based on 113 of the sequences (Figure 8) for comparison with the cladogram of [43]. The lowest values of the recorded genetic distances are 0.0041 and 0.0166 between species Yakudza vicarius and Eogystia hippophaecolus, respectively, 0.0622 between Streltzoviella insularis and Kerzhnerocossus tannuolus (see the electronic Supplementary Materials, Annex S2). The nearest species to P. thrips is Eogystia sibirica (0.1036) (Figure 9). The matrix with the genetic distances between P. thrips and the species from the same clade is presented in Table 3. Catopta griseotincta is the most distant species from P. thrips (0.1862), after the out-group (Figure 9). All genetic distances between specimens of P. trips and specimens of the genus Catopta are presented in (Table 4). The average genetic distance of the entire analyzed group is 0.1231 (without out-group) and 0.1328 (with out-group). Genetic distances for all sequences are available in the electronic Supplementary Material, Annex S2.
Our results show that DNA barcoding worked well in discriminating P. thrips sequences. Our results also show that DNA barcoding worked well in discriminating the 21 species considered in the analysis.

4. Discussion

P. thrips is susceptible to extinction as a result of the geographical isolation of extant populations. There is also a lack of information on larval host plants, types of habitats, or population densities and dynamics. As such, this species is given protected status in Europe. In the first part of the study, we attempted to establish with certainty the larval host plant. To date, most authors consider Artemisia sp. to be the larval host plant [1,5,6,7,8,9,10]. Ref. [4] states that the host plant is P. tuberosa, but there are no published studies to confirm this so far. Our studies confirm that P. tuberosa is the larval host plant for P. thrips in Romania
The limited mobility and short flight time of adults also limit the colonization of new habitats. Thus, any pressure exerted on the remaining habitat by external factors will also affect the populations of P. thrips. For this reason, we consider the knowledge of the ecological preferences of P. tuberosa and population dynamics to be extremely important in order to better formulate any future management and protection implications.
Phlomis tuberosa is a continental Eurasian species. In Romania, it has been reported mainly in stands with woody vegetation, such as forests, bushes, vineyards, but also in hay meadows. It is often found in forest-steppe regions [76]. It occurs in stands with slight or no human impact, being considered oligohemerobic to mesohemerobic [77]. From an ecological point of view, the species is associated with xerothermic oak and deciduous forests, which are conditioned azonally by the orographic and edaphic particularities (Quercetalia pubescentis Br.–Bl 1931 em.), as well as with xeric grassland communities, established on cleared slopes in the oak area [66].
Thorough knowledge of habitat preferences can provide the data needed to identify potential habitats, including the identification of any new populations of P. thrips. Although most of the moth populations in the European part of the range are on the territory of Romania, the distribution of the species in this country is not yet fully characterized. For example, the presence of the nearby Hungarian populations from Hortobágy and Gyula [4] possibly indicates the existence of a population of P. thrips in the western part of Romania.
Although the light traps worked for almost 6 h, between 20:30 and 02:00, all individuals were observed between 09:30 and 10:30. The short flight interval, the isolated populations, and the direct observations made on the field indicate a low dispersal capacity of the individuals. Another limiting factor that contributes to the reduced dispersion is the short life span of adults. This aspect is also characteristic of other species of Cossidae [78] due to the atrophied buccal apparatus of adults that do not feed.
The second part of our study attempted to confirm the current taxonomic placement of P. thrips. Until recently, P. thrips was classified as Catopta [62], but in 1990 the species was included by [43] in the distinct genus Paracosulus. Ref. [43] presents a cladogram (based on the external morphology of the adults) that places the species P. thrips closer to the genera Dyspessacossus, Parahypopta, and Dyspessa. Furthermore, the genus Catopta is assigned to the subfamily Catoptinae [79] that was described based on the apomorphic features of the genitals of both sexes [79].
This framing is also supported by our DNA barcoding analysis. The sequences of P. thrips are grouped in the same cluster and form a clade with the species Eogystia sibirica, Parahypopta caestrum, Mormogystia proleuca, and Holcocerus gloriosus. All of them are grouped into a larger clade with the genus Dyspessa represented by three species: D. ulula, D. Psychidion, and D. salicicola. Thus our preliminary genetic data confirms the morphological studies of [43] and they argue the use of the genus Paracossulus instead of the genus Catopta. This is supported both by the position of the two genera in the phylogenetic tree and by the genetic distance between Paracossulus and Catopta which is on average 0.1832 (Table 4). A comparison of P. thrips with species of the genera Dyspesacossus and Cossulus was not possible due to the lack of available sequences.
Despite the geographical isolation, there are no significant differences between the sequences of P. thrips from the specimens from Jucu de Sus and the specimen from Babadag Forest (Figure 1) (Table 3). This lack of genetic diversity between the various isolated populations requires further studies with different methods.
P. thrips and its habitat are directly threatened by overgrazing (especially by sheep and/or goats) at most or all sites, by mowing of meadows or by other land mismanagement practices which lead to rapid habitat degradation. As such, conservation measures for P. thrips are acutely needed to prevent these threats and management practices must be substantiated based on available data. There was a fine mosaic of over-exploited to abandoned places. All meadows as habitat were grazed and mown for hay and part of the steppe-like meadows were commonly burned. Habitat changes similar to those happening in the rest of Europe are present here too. Namely, meadows are changing to more homogenous ones, without the fine mosaic of micro-habitats. It seems that for a species such as P. thrips traditional burning (in spring, with cold nights) is not problematic. Food plants are robust enough to protect larvae inside of the roots and burning provides free space for new seedlings of P. tuberosa. Otherwise without burning the populations survive only on old plants of P. tuberosa and it should be very problematic in the future.
Studies on the dispersal capacity of the species and estimates of populations are needed in the nearest future.

Supplementary Materials

The following are available online at, Annex S1: All sequences mined from BOLD & NCBI; Annex S2: MEGA- Genetic distances.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization C.S. and C.C.; methodology, C.S., V.H., M.B. and G.M.I.; software, G.M.I.; writing—original draft preparation, G.M.I.; writing—review and editing, C.S., V.H., V.M.A. and C.C.; field work, C.S., G.M.I., V.M.A. and M.B. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research was funded by a grant of the Ministry of Research and Innovation, CNCS—UEFISCDI, project number PN-III-P4-ID-PCCF-2016-0016 (DARKFOOD), within PNCDI III, Babeș-Bolyai University through the Special research scholarship, contract number 35726/09.12.2020 and Milvus Group Association’s Scholarship Grant, contract number 8/12.04.2021. The both scholarships awarded to Geanina Magdalena Iacob.

Institutional Review Board Statement

The study was conducted with the approval of ANANP (National Agency for Protected Areas—Romania), registration number 357/STCJ/13.08.2021.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

Not applicable.


The authors are grateful to Sanda Roșca for the help with Figure 1 and Adriana Radulovici for performing the sequencing of samples.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Appendix A

Table A1. The full information for the sequences mined from GenBank.
Table A1. The full information for the sequences mined from GenBank.
BOLD_IDNCBI_IDSpeciesCountryReference TitleAuthorsCollection Date
LON5690-17\Acossus terebraNorwayiBOL Data ReleaseiBOL20 July 2010
LEFIF227-10HM874920Acossus terebraFinlandSpecies-Level Para- and Polyphyly in DNA Barcode Gene Trees: Strong Operational Bias in European Lepidoptera.Mutanen, M. et al., 2016\
GBMNC49256-20MF052579Catopta albonubilusChinaUsing full-length metabarcoding and DNA barcoding to infer community assembly for speciose taxonomic groups: a case study.Hao, M.-D. et al., 2020\
GBMNC49263-20MF051783Catopta albonubilusChinaUsing full-length metabarcoding and DNA barcoding to infer community assembly for speciose taxonomic groups: a case study.Hao, M.-D. et al., 2020\
GBMNC49258-20MF051921Catopta albonubilusChinaUsing full-length metabarcoding and DNA barcoding to infer community assembly for speciose taxonomic groups: a case study.Hao, M.-D. et al., 2020\
GBMNC49259-20MF051897Catopta albonubilusChinaUsing full-length metabarcoding and DNA barcoding to infer community assembly for speciose taxonomic groups: a case study.Hao, M.-D. et al., 2020\
GBMNC49260-20MF051847Catopta albonubilusChinaUsing full-length metabarcoding and DNA barcoding to infer community assembly for speciose taxonomic groups: a case study.Hao, M.-D. et al., 2020\
GBMNC49261-20MF051833Catopta albonubilusChinaUsing full-length metabarcoding and DNA barcoding to infer community assembly for speciose taxonomic groups: a case study.Hao, M.-D. et al., 2020\
GBMNC49262-20MF051788Catopta albonubilusChinaUsing full-length metabarcoding and DNA barcoding to infer community assembly for speciose taxonomic groups: a case study.Hao, M.-D. et al., 2020\
QUNOE344-12KC860946Catopta griseotinctaChinaA brief review of genus Catopta Staudinger, 1899 (Lepidoptera: Cossidae) with description of a new species from ChinaYakovlev, R.V. et al., 201330 July 2011
QUNOE345-12KC860945Catopta griseotinctaChinaA brief review of genus Catopta Staudinger, 1899 (Lepidoptera: Cossidae) with description of a new species from ChinaYakovlev, R.V. et al., 201330 July 2011
KC860946QUNOE344Catopta griseotinctaChinaA brief review of genus Catopta Staudinger, 1899 (Lepidoptera: Cossidae) with description of a new species from ChinaYakovlev, R.V. et al., 201330 July 2011
FBLMX240-11KX040722Cossus cossusGermanyiBOL Data ReleaseiBOL14 July 2010
GWORZ171-10HM914074Cossus cossusItalyiBOL Data ReleaseiBOL20 July 1996
LON5692-17\Cossus cossusNorwayiBOL Data ReleaseiBOL15 June 2013
PHLAH054-12KX045460Cossus cossusRomaniaSpecies-Level Para- and Polyphyly in DNA Barcode Gene Trees: Strong Operational Bias in European Lepidoptera.Mutanen, M. et al., 201626 July 1999
PHLAH357-12\Cossus cossusSpainSpecies-Level Para- and Polyphyly in DNA Barcode Gene Trees: Strong Operational Bias in European Lepidoptera.Mutanen, M. et al., 20161 September 2005
GBMNA30579-19MK440671Cossus cossusAzerbaijanA DNA-based description of a new carpenter moth species (Lepidoptera: Cossidae) from MoroccoYakovlev, R.V. et al., 20191 July 2008
GBMNA30580-19MK440678Cossus cossusAzerbaijanA DNA-based description of a new carpenter moth species (Lepidoptera: Cossidae) from MoroccoYakovlev, R.V. et al., 20191 July 2008
GBMNA30582-19MK440673Cossus cossusRussiaA DNA-based description of a new carpenter moth species (Lepidoptera: Cossidae) from MoroccoYakovlev, R.V. et al., 20193 June 2006
GBMNA30583-19MK440674Cossus cossusRussiaA DNA-based description of a new carpenter moth species (Lepidoptera: Cossidae) from MoroccoYakovlev, R.V. et al., 20193 June 2006
GBMNA30587-19MK440667Cossus cossusLebanonA DNA-based description of a new carpenter moth species (Lepidoptera: Cossidae) from MoroccoYakovlev, R.V. et al., 20191 May 2006
GBMNA30588-19MK440668Cossus cossusTurkeyA DNA-based description of a new carpenter moth species (Lepidoptera: Cossidae) from MoroccoYakovlev, R.V. et al., 20191 June 2002
GBMNA30589-19MK440669Cossus cossusTurkeyA DNA-based description of a new carpenter moth species (Lepidoptera: Cossidae) from MoroccoYakovlev, R.V. et al., 20191 June 2002
GBMNA30595-19MK440679Cossus cossusTurkeyA DNA-based description of a new carpenter moth species (Lepidoptera: Cossidae) from MoroccoYakovlev, R.V. et al., 20193 August 2005
LEATD168-13\Cossus cossusAustriaDNA barcode library for Lepidoptera from South Tyrol and Tyrol (Italy, Austria)—Impetus for integrative species discrimination in the 21st CenturyHuemer, P. & Heber, P.D.N., 20167 June 2013
PHLAI332-13\Cossus cossusAustriaDNA barcode library for Lepidoptera from South Tyrol and Tyrol (Italy, Austria)—Impetus for integrative species discrimination in the 21st CenturyHuemer, P. & Heber, P.D.N., 20162 June 2012
PHLAI333-13\Cossus cossusAustriaDNA barcode library for Lepidoptera from South Tyrol and Tyrol (Italy, Austria)—Impetus for integrative species discrimination in the 21st CenturyHuemer, P. & Heber, P.D.N., 201619 June 2012
PHLAC470-10JF860045Cossus cossusItalyDNA-barcoding von schmetterlingen (Lepidoptera) in Waldstandorten Südtirols (IT01 ritten und IT02 montiggl)Huemer, P. & Hebert, P.D.N., 20124 June 2010
GBGL13644-14KC791441Cossus cossusChinaForest Resource Conservation Department, Key Laboratory for Silviculture and Conservation of Ministry of EducationLi, J. & Chen, M.10 August 2012
GBGL13645-14KC791442Cossus cossusChinaForest Resource Conservation Department, Key Laboratory for Silviculture and Conservation of Ministry of EducationLi, J. & Chen, M.10 August 2012
GWOR4165-09KX070766Cossus cossusGermanySpecies-Level Para- and Polyphyly in DNA Barcode Gene Trees: Strong Operational Bias in European Lepidoptera.Mutanen, M. et al., 201623 June 2008
ODOPE724-11KX040920Cossus cossusGermanySpecies-Level Para- and Polyphyly in DNA Barcode Gene Trees: Strong Operational Bias in European Lepidoptera.Mutanen, M. et al., 201617 June 2005
ODOPE725-11KX040085Cossus cossusGermanySpecies-Level Para- and Polyphyly in DNA Barcode Gene Trees: Strong Operational Bias in European Lepidoptera.Mutanen, M. et al., 201628 June 2008
PHLAG857-12\Cossus cossusGermanySpecies-Level Para- and Polyphyly in DNA Barcode Gene Trees: Strong Operational Bias in European Lepidoptera.Mutanen, M. et al., 20167 June 1991
PHLAG861-12\Cossus cossusItalySpecies-Level Para- and Polyphyly in DNA Barcode Gene Trees: Strong Operational Bias in European Lepidoptera.Mutanen, M. et al., 201622 August 1993
PHLAG862-12\Cossus cossusItalySpecies-Level Para- and Polyphyly in DNA Barcode Gene Trees: Strong Operational Bias in European Lepidoptera.Mutanen, M. et al., 201610 July 1994
PHLAG864-12\Cossus cossusAustriaSpecies-Level Para- and Polyphyly in DNA Barcode Gene Trees: Strong Operational Bias in European Lepidoptera.Mutanen, M. et al., 201624 June 1994
PHLAG865-12\Cossus cossusAustriaSpecies-Level Para- and Polyphyly in DNA Barcode Gene Trees: Strong Operational Bias in European Lepidoptera.Mutanen, M. et al., 201614 March 2002
PHLAG866-12\Cossus cossusAustriaSpecies-Level Para- and Polyphyly in DNA Barcode Gene Trees: Strong Operational Bias in European Lepidoptera.Mutanen, M. et al., 20165 July 1989
LEFIB066-10HM870975Cossus cossusFinladTesting DNA Barcode Performance in 1000 Species of European Lepidoptera: Large Geographic Distances Have Small Genetic ImpactsHuemer, P. et al., 2014/
PHLAG872-12KM572562Cossus cossusAustriaTesting DNA Barcode Performance in 1000 Species of European Lepidoptera: Large Geographic Distances Have Small Genetic ImpactsHuemer, P. et al., 201428 June 2011
LEFID742-10HM873499Cossus cossusFinlandTesting DNA Barcode Performance in 1000 Species of European Lepidoptera: Large Geographic Distances Have Small Genetic ImpactsHuemer, P. et al., 201414 July 2007
GBMNA30593-19MK440665Cossus cossus albescensSpainA DNA-based description of a new carpenter moth species (Lepidoptera: Cossidae) from MoroccoYakovlev, R.V. et al., 201929 June 1990
GBMNA30594-19MK440666Cossus cossus albescensSpainA DNA-based description of a new carpenter moth species (Lepidoptera: Cossidae) from MoroccoYakovlev, R.V. et al., 201916 June 2007
GBGL26652-19MG279391Dervishiya cadambaeIndiaFirst report of occurrence of Dervishiya cadambae (Moore, 1865) on grapes, Vitis vinifera L. in India UnpublishedYadav, D.S. et al.\
PHLAE163-11JN307399Dyspessa psychidionGreeceSpecies-Level Para- and Polyphyly in DNA Barcode Gene Trees: Strong Operational Bias in European Lepidoptera.Mutanen, M. et al., 201619 May 2009
PHLAE164-11JN307400Dyspessa psychidionGreeceSpecies-Level Para- and Polyphyly in DNA Barcode Gene Trees: Strong Operational Bias in European Lepidoptera.Mutanen, M. et al., 201619 May 2009
PHLAG166-12\Dyspessa psychidionGreeceSpecies-Level Para- and Polyphyly in DNA Barcode Gene Trees: Strong Operational Bias in European Lepidoptera.Mutanen, M. et al., 201616 May 2009
GBMND20662-21MW170375Dyspessa salicicolaArmeniaA new species of Carpenter-Moths (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) from Tarbagatai (NE Kazakhstan) and Altai (SW Siberia, Russia) MountainsYakovlev, R.V. et al., 2020\
GBMND20663-21MW170376Dyspessa salicicolaArmeniaA new species of Carpenter-Moths (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) from Tarbagatai (NE Kazakhstan) and Altai (SW Siberia, Russia) MountainsYakovlev, R.V. et al., 2020\
GBMND20665-21MW170379Dyspessa salicicolaKazakhstanA new species of Carpenter-Moths (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) from Tarbagatai (NE Kazakhstan) and Altai (SW Siberia, Russia) MountainsYakovlev, R.V. et al., 2020\
GBMND20666-21MW170380Dyspessa salicicolaRussiaA new species of Carpenter-Moths (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) from Tarbagatai (NE Kazakhstan) and Altai (SW Siberia, Russia) MountainsYakovlev, R.V. et al., 2020\
GBMND20667-21MW170381Dyspessa salicicolaRussiaA new species of Carpenter-Moths (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) from Tarbagatai (NE Kazakhstan) and Altai (SW Siberia, Russia) MountainsYakovlev, R.V. et al., 2020\
GBMND20668-21MW170377Dyspessa salicicolaAzerbaijanA new species of Carpenter-Moths (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) from Tarbagatai (NE Kazakhstan) and Altai (SW Siberia, Russia) MountainsYakovlev, R.V. et al., 2020\
GBGL26653-19MF596152Dyspessa salicicolaAzerbaijanThe taxonomic status of Cossus cossus afghanistanus (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) from Afghanistan: insights from molecular and morphological data.Shapoval, N.A. et al., 20171 July 2008
LON7224-18\Dyspessa ululaCroatia\\1 June 2018
GBMND20671-21MW170384Dyspessa ululaCroatiaA new species of Carpenter-Moths (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) from Tarbagatai (NE Kazakhstan) and Altai (SW Siberia, Russia) MountainsYakovlev, R.V. et al., 2020\
LEATH739-14\Dyspessa ululaItalyDNA barcode library for Lepidoptera from South Tyrol and Tyrol (Italy, Austria)–Impetus for integrative species discrimination in the 21st CenturyHuemer, P. & Heber, P.D.N., 20166 June 2014
LEATJ785-15\Dyspessa ululaItalyDNA barcode library for Lepidoptera from South Tyrol and Tyrol (Italy, Austria)–Impetus for integrative species discrimination in the 21st CenturyHuemer, P. & Heber, P.D.N., 201618 June 2015
PHLAA450-09HM425963Dyspessa ululaFranceSpecies-Level Para- and Polyphyly in DNA Barcode Gene Trees: Strong Operational Bias in European Lepidoptera.Mutanen, M. et al., 20166 June 2009
PHLAE165-11JN307401Dyspessa ululaGreeceSpecies-Level Para- and Polyphyly in DNA Barcode Gene Trees: Strong Operational Bias in European Lepidoptera.Mutanen, M. et al., 201617 May 2009
PHLAF586-11\Dyspessa ululaItalySpecies-Level Para- and Polyphyly in DNA Barcode Gene Trees: Strong Operational Bias in European Lepidoptera.Mutanen, M. et al., 201611 June 2009
PHLAG165-12\Dyspessa ululaGreeceSpecies-Level Para- and Polyphyly in DNA Barcode Gene Trees: Strong Operational Bias in European Lepidoptera.Mutanen, M. et al., 201615 July 2009
PHLAG174-12\Dyspessa ululaItalySpecies-Level Para- and Polyphyly in DNA Barcode Gene Trees: Strong Operational Bias in European Lepidoptera.Mutanen, M. et al., 201616 July 2010
PHLAG175-12\Dyspessa ululaItalySpecies-Level Para- and Polyphyly in DNA Barcode Gene Trees: Strong Operational Bias in European Lepidoptera.Mutanen, M. et al., 201616 July 2010
PHLSA419-11\Dyspessa ululaCroatiaSpecies-Level Para- and Polyphyly in DNA Barcode Gene Trees: Strong Operational Bias in European Lepidoptera.Mutanen, M. et al., 201625 May 1995
PHLSA420-11\Dyspessa ululaCroatiaSpecies-Level Para- and Polyphyly in DNA Barcode Gene Trees: Strong Operational Bias in European Lepidoptera.Mutanen, M. et al., 201625 May 1995
PHLSA755-11\Dyspessa ululaFranceSpecies-Level Para- and Polyphyly in DNA Barcode Gene Trees: Strong Operational Bias in European Lepidoptera.Mutanen, M. et al., 201620 May 2010
PHLSA756-11\Dyspessa ululaFranceSpecies-Level Para- and Polyphyly in DNA Barcode Gene Trees: Strong Operational Bias in European Lepidoptera.Mutanen, M. et al., 201620 May 2010
GBGL13650-14KC791450Eogystia hippophaecolusChinaForest Resource Conservation Department, Key Laboratory for Silviculture and Conservation of Ministry of EducationLi, J. & Chen, M.10 August 2012
GBGL13651-14KC791451Eogystia hippophaecolusChinaForest Resource Conservation Department, Key Laboratory for Silviculture and Conservation of Ministry of EducationLi, J. & Chen, M.10 August 2012
GBGL13658-14KC791458Eogystia hippophaecolusChinaForest Resource Conservation Department, Key Laboratory for Silviculture and Conservation of Ministry of EducationLi, J. & Chen, M.28 July 2012
GBGL13659-14KC791459Eogystia hippophaecolusChinaForest Resource Conservation Department, Key Laboratory for Silviculture and Conservation of Ministry of EducationLi, J. & Chen, M.28 July 2012
GBGL13661-14KC791482Eogystia sibiricaChinaForest Resource Conservation Department, Key Laboratory for Silviculture and Conservation of Ministry of EducationLi, J. & Chen, M.28 July 2012
GBGL13662-14KC791483Eogystia sibiricaChinaForest Resource Conservation Department, Key Laboratory for Silviculture and Conservation of Ministry of EducationLi, J. & Chen, M.28 July 2012
GBGL13663-14KC791484Eogystia sibiricaChinaForest Resource Conservation Department, Key Laboratory for Silviculture and Conservation of Ministry of EducationLi, J. & Chen, M.28 July 2012
GBGL13664-14KC791443Holcocerus artemisiaeChinaForest Resource Conservation Department, Key Laboratory for Silviculture and Conservation of Ministry of EducationLi, J. & Chen, M.8 August 2012
GBGL13665-14KC791444Holcocerus artemisiaeChinaForest Resource Conservation Department, Key Laboratory for Silviculture and Conservation of Ministry of EducationLi, J. & Chen, M.8 August 2012
GBGL13666-14KC791445Holcocerus artemisiaeChinaForest Resource Conservation Department, Key Laboratory for Silviculture and Conservation of Ministry of EducationLi, J. & Chen, M.8 August 2012
MAMOT1708-12KX860954Holcocerus gloriosusPakistanMapping global biodiversity connections with DNA barcodes: Lepidoptera of PakistanMuhammad A. et al., 20179 May 2012
MAMOT1709-12KX863339Holcocerus gloriosusPakistanMapping global biodiversity connections with DNA barcodes: Lepidoptera of PakistanMuhammad A. et al., 201710 May 2012
MAMOT1710-12KX862572Holcocerus gloriosusPakistanMapping global biodiversity connections with DNA barcodes: Lepidoptera of PakistanMuhammad A. et al., 20178 May 2012
GBGL26655-19MF071456Kerzhnerocossus tannuolusRussiaReview of the genus Kerzhnerocossus Yakovlev, 2011 (Lepidoptera: Cossidae) with descriptions of two new species from Russia and MongoliaSaldaitis, A., 2011\
GBGL26656-19MF071457Kerzhnerocossus tannuolusRussiaReview of the genus Kerzhnerocossus Yakovlev, 2011 (Lepidoptera: Cossidae) with descriptions of two new species from Russia and MongoliaSaldaitis, A., 2011\
GBGL31256-19KT713822Meharia semilactea\Elusive ditrysian phylogeny: an account of combining systematized morphology with molecular data (Lepidoptera)Heikkilae, M. et al., 2015\
LEFIJ14982-20\Meharia sp.Morocco\\13 May 2010
GBGL31258-19KT713823Meharia sp.\Elusive ditrysian phylogeny: an account of combining systematized morphology with molecular data (Lepidoptera)Heikkilae, M. et al., 2015\
BCMI261-11 Mormogystia proleucaIsraeliBOL Data ReleaseiBOL27 May 2009
BCMI266-11 Mormogystia proleucaIsraeliBOL Data ReleaseiBOL31 May 2009
GWORZ172-10 Parahypopta caestrumItalySpecies-Level Para- and Polyphyly in DNA Barcode Gene Trees: Strong Operational Bias in European Lepidoptera.Mutanen, M. et al., 201623 June 1998
PHLAB331-10HQ968493Phragmataecia castaneaeLeichtensteinSpecies-Level Para- and Polyphyly in DNA Barcode Gene Trees: Strong Operational Bias in European Lepidoptera.Mutanen, M. et al., 201617 June 2009
CGUKA294-09KX043172Phragmataecia castaneaeUnitedKingdomSpecies-Level Para- and Polyphyly in DNA Barcode Gene Trees: Strong Operational Bias in European Lepidoptera.Mutanen, M. et al., 201617 July 2007
GWOR4145-09KX071724Phragmataecia castaneaeGermanySpecies-Level Para- and Polyphyly in DNA Barcode Gene Trees: Strong Operational Bias in European Lepidoptera.Mutanen, M. et al., 20168 June 2008
LEFIF226-10HM874919Phragmataecia castaneaeFinlandTesting DNA Barcode Performance in 1000 Species of European Lepidoptera: Large Geographic Distances Have Small Genetic ImpactsHuemer, P. et al., 201410 June 2002
GBGL13668-14KC791461Streltzoviella insularisChinaForest Resource Conservation Department, Key Laboratory for Silviculture and Conservation of Ministry of EducationLi, J. & Chen, M.28 July 2011
GBGL13669-14KC791462Streltzoviella insularisChinaForest Resource Conservation Department, Key Laboratory for Silviculture and Conservation of Ministry of EducationLi, J. & Chen, M.28 July 2012
GBGL13670-14KC791463Streltzoviella insularisChinaForest Resource Conservation Department, Key Laboratory for Silviculture and Conservation of Ministry of EducationLi, J. & Chen, M.28 July 2012
GBGL10959-12JN673375Streltzoviella insularisJapanRIKEN Plant Science Center, Advance NMR Metabomics Research TeamVergara, F. et al.\
GBMNC49243-20MT785457Yakudza vicariusChina\\\
GBGL13671-14KC791464Yakudza vicariusChinaForest Resource Conservation Department, Key Laboratory for Silviculture and Conservation of Ministry of EducationLi, J. & Chen, M.28 July 2012
GBGL13676-14KC791469Yakudza vicariusChinaForest Resource Conservation Department, Key Laboratory for Silviculture and Conservation of Ministry of EducationLi, J. & Chen, M.28 July 2012
GBMNC49252-20MF052057Yakudza vicariusChinaUsing full-length metabarcoding and DNA barcoding to infer community assembly for speciose taxonomic groups: a case studyHao, M.D. et al., 2020\
FBLMT329-09HQ955163Zeuzera pyrinaGermanySpecies-Level Para- and Polyphyly in DNA Barcode Gene Trees: Strong Operational Bias in European Lepidoptera.Mutanen, M. et al., 201624 July 1993
LEFIL178-10JF854515.1Zeuzera pyrinaHungarySpecies-Level Para- and Polyphyly in DNA Barcode Gene Trees: Strong Operational Bias in European Lepidoptera.Mutanen, M. et al., 201616 June 2007
CGUKD508-09KX043062.1Zeuzera pyrinaUnited KingdomSpecies-Level Para- and Polyphyly in DNA Barcode Gene Trees: Strong Operational Bias in European Lepidoptera.Mutanen, M. et al., 201618 July 2008
LON266-08KX047718.1Zeuzera pyrinaNorwaySpecies-Level Para- and Polyphyly in DNA Barcode Gene Trees: Strong Operational Bias in European Lepidoptera.Mutanen, M. et al., 201626 July 2007
GU663065.1 Noctua fimbriataFranceiBOL Data ReleaseiBOL13 July 1993
Table A2. Vegetation structure in ROSCI0295 Dealurile Clujului Est—Jucu de Sus (releves 1–4) and ROSCI0238 Suatu–Cojocna–Crairat–Cojocna (releve 5–6). Natura 2000 habitat: releve 1–4—6210 Semi-natural dry grasslands and scrubland facies on calcareous substrates (Festuco-Brometea); releves 5–6—6240* Sub-pannonan steppe grasslands.
Table A2. Vegetation structure in ROSCI0295 Dealurile Clujului Est—Jucu de Sus (releves 1–4) and ROSCI0238 Suatu–Cojocna–Crairat–Cojocna (releve 5–6). Natura 2000 habitat: releve 1–4—6210 Semi-natural dry grasslands and scrubland facies on calcareous substrates (Festuco-Brometea); releves 5–6—6240* Sub-pannonan steppe grasslands.
No. of Releve123456
Total Area (sq. m.)252525252525
Total Cover (%)999899999880
1.544Festuca rupicola Heuffel20352010105
1.53.54Bromus japonicus Thunb.15 0.5250.5
15 10
300Achillea milleifolium L.10 21022
1.533Xeranthemum cylindraceum Sibth. et Sm.10 0.515
24.54Elymus hispidus (Opiz) Melderis ssp. hispidus5 2015
243Fragaria viridis Weston5 22 1
322Cruciata glabra (L.) Ehrend.5 0.50.5
2.52.50Galium verum L.3330.522
330Glechoma hederacea L.3
1.53.54Thymus pannonicus All.2 0.50.52
2.534Agrimonia eupatoria L.20.5320.5
330Inula britanica L.2 0.50.5
235Medicago falcata L.1
2.533Clinopodium vulgare L. 1
Torilis japonica (Hoott.) DC.1 0.50.5
2.544Brachypodium pinnatum (L.) Beauv.0.55150.522
234Euphorbia cyparissias L.0.5550.50.53
2.53.53Crataegus monogyna Jacq.0.5
330Odontites vernus (Bellardi) Dumort.0.5
330Hypericum perforatum L. 0.1
234Artemisia absinthium L.0.5 20.5
154Eryngium campestre L.0.5 0.51
Daucus carota L. ssp. carota0.5 0.51 1
1.534Picris hieracioides L.0.5 0.5
2.52.50Pimpinella saxifraga L.
1.53.54Potentilla recta L.0.5 0.5
4.534Mentha longifolia (L.) Hudson0.5
243.5Stipa tirsa Steven 5 103
154Stipa capillata L. 155
14.54.5Stipa lessingiana Trin. et Rupr. 155
155Salvia nutans L. 101
000Elymus repens (L.) Gould. 52
244Teucrium chamaedrys L. 0.5 51
2.534.5Filipendula vulgaris Moench 55 31
254Dorycnium pentaphyllum Scop. ssp. herbaceum (Vill.) Bonnier et Layens 15 3
330Carex tomentosa L. 33
234Phleum phleoides (L.) Karsten 3
1.53.54Inula ensifolia L. 2
244Thesium linophyllon L. 0.5 2
23.54Adonis vernalis L. 30.50.511
1.544.5Cephalaria uralensis (Murray) Roemer et Schultes 1
145Teucrium montanum L. 1
304Dactylis glomerata L. 70.50.55
23.54Bupleurum falcatum L. 0.50.5 0.51
234Coronilla varia L.
233Prunus spinosa L.
1.53.54Linum hirsutum L. 0.5
23.54.5Centaurea stoebe L. 0.5
154Ajuga laxmannii (L.) Bentham 0.5 0.5
244Odontites luteus (L.) Clairv. 0.5
244.5Onobrychis viciifolia Scop. 0.51
244Echium maculatum L. 0.51
1.553Dichanthium ischaemum (L.) Roberty 5 0.51
244Thalictrum minus L. 1 0.5
2.504.5Plantago media L. 0.51
244Galium glaucum L. 0.51
1.544Astragalus monspessulanus L. 0.5
245Koeleria macrantha (Ledeb.) Schultes ssp. macrantha 0.5
23.54.5Potentilla arenaria Borkh. 0.5
2.535Salvia pratensis L. 0.5
244.5Crambe tatarica Sebeok 0.51
235Asperula cynanchica L.
344Juglans regia L. 0.1
1.54.54Plantago argentea Chaix 0.1
2.53.50Tragopogon dubius Scop. 0.1
144Veronica spicata L. ssp. spicata 0.5 0.11
3.500Trifolium repens L. -2
230Poa angustifolia L. 32 1
2.53.54Phlomis tuberosa L. 20.5 15
233Origanum vulgare L. 2
2.543Salvia nemorosa L. 20.5 10 sibirica L. 0.5
255Stachys recta L. 3
2.533Inula salicina L. 0.50.5
1.544Stipa pennata L. 10
244Rosa gallica L. 3
334.5Prunella grandiflora (L.) Scholler 0.5
23.54Jurinea mollis (L.) Reichenb. ssp. transsylvanica (Sprengel) Hayek 1
330Lolium perenne L. 1
300Sonchus oleraceus L. 1
234.5Polygala major Jacq. 0.5
23.54Bromus pannonicus Kummer et Sendtner 1
234Carex michelii Host 2
330Cerinthe minor L. 1 arvensis L. 2
2.500Lotus corniculatus L. 0.5 1
300Plantago lanceolata L. 0.5
2.540Robinia pseudoacacia L. 1
23.54Salvia austriaca Jacq. 0.5 1
240Salvia verticillata L. 5
233Seseli annuum L. 0.5
2.540Setaria pumila (Poiret) Schultes 1
300Taraxacum officinale Weber 1
323Tragopogon pratensis L. ssp. pratensis 2
Table A3. The four CO1 sequences of Paracossulus thrips.
Table A3. The four CO1 sequences of Paracossulus thrips.
>RONOC164-18 Paracossulus thrips
>RONOC165-18 Paracossulus thrips
>RONOC166-18 Paracossulus thrips
>RONOC167-18 Paracossulus thrips


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Figure 1. Distribution of Paracossulus thrips populations in Romania. Green dots represent newly populations: 1—population from Cojocna; 2—population from Ploscos, 3—population from Râpa Lechinșa; 4—population from Vulcanii Noroioși; Black dots represent known population; The two locations for sequences sampling: (a)—Jucu de Sus; (b)—Babadag, a also indicate the studied area.
Figure 1. Distribution of Paracossulus thrips populations in Romania. Green dots represent newly populations: 1—population from Cojocna; 2—population from Ploscos, 3—population from Râpa Lechinșa; 4—population from Vulcanii Noroioși; Black dots represent known population; The two locations for sequences sampling: (a)—Jucu de Sus; (b)—Babadag, a also indicate the studied area.
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Figure 2. Paracossulus thrips—imago (A) Female collected from ROSCI0210 Râpa Lechința on 14 August 2021. (B) Male collected from ROSCI0238 Suatu–Cojocna–Crairât near Ploscoș (Valea Florilor) on 7 July 2015. (C) Male collected from ROSCI0272 Vulcanii Noroioși on 5 August 2015. (D) P. thrips eggs—photo under stereomicroscope.
Figure 2. Paracossulus thrips—imago (A) Female collected from ROSCI0210 Râpa Lechința on 14 August 2021. (B) Male collected from ROSCI0238 Suatu–Cojocna–Crairât near Ploscoș (Valea Florilor) on 7 July 2015. (C) Male collected from ROSCI0272 Vulcanii Noroioși on 5 August 2015. (D) P. thrips eggs—photo under stereomicroscope.
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Figure 3. The pattern of damage caused by Paracossulus thrips larvae in underground stems and tuberous roots of Phlomis tuberosa: (A) P. thrips larva piercing the tuber of P. tuberosa; (B) Feeding damage on the rhizome of P. tuberosa; (C) P. tuberosa tuber eaten by P. thrips caterpillar; (D) P. tuberosa tuber showing characteristic P. thrips larval damage; (E) After hatching, the larvae of P. thrips enter the stems of P. tuberosa at the base of the leaves that form the basal rosette.
Figure 3. The pattern of damage caused by Paracossulus thrips larvae in underground stems and tuberous roots of Phlomis tuberosa: (A) P. thrips larva piercing the tuber of P. tuberosa; (B) Feeding damage on the rhizome of P. tuberosa; (C) P. tuberosa tuber eaten by P. thrips caterpillar; (D) P. tuberosa tuber showing characteristic P. thrips larval damage; (E) After hatching, the larvae of P. thrips enter the stems of P. tuberosa at the base of the leaves that form the basal rosette.
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Figure 4. Phlomis tuberosa: (A) Pink flowers arranged in multiflora verticil; (B) triangular lower root leaves; (C) Brown rhizome with fibrous roots; (D) P. tuberosa tubers.
Figure 4. Phlomis tuberosa: (A) Pink flowers arranged in multiflora verticil; (B) triangular lower root leaves; (C) Brown rhizome with fibrous roots; (D) P. tuberosa tubers.
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Figure 5. The habitat in sample locations: (A,B) The Natura 2000 protected area ROSCI0295 Dealurile Clujului Est (Jucu de Sus); (C,D) The Natura 2000 protected area ROSCI0238 Suatu–Cojocna–Crairât (Cojocna); (E,F) The Natura 2000 protected site ROSCI0210 Râpa Lechința; (G,H) The Natura 2000 protected area ROSCI0272 Vulcanii Noroioși from Pâclele Mari and Pâclele Mici.
Figure 5. The habitat in sample locations: (A,B) The Natura 2000 protected area ROSCI0295 Dealurile Clujului Est (Jucu de Sus); (C,D) The Natura 2000 protected area ROSCI0238 Suatu–Cojocna–Crairât (Cojocna); (E,F) The Natura 2000 protected site ROSCI0210 Râpa Lechința; (G,H) The Natura 2000 protected area ROSCI0272 Vulcanii Noroioși from Pâclele Mari and Pâclele Mici.
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Figure 6. The ecological perspective of investigated vegetation in Natura 2000 ROSCI0295 Dealurile Clujului Est (Jucu de Sus).
Figure 6. The ecological perspective of investigated vegetation in Natura 2000 ROSCI0295 Dealurile Clujului Est (Jucu de Sus).
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Figure 7. The ecological perspective of investigated vegetation in Natura 2000 ROSCI0238 Suatu–Cojocna–Crairat (Cojocna).
Figure 7. The ecological perspective of investigated vegetation in Natura 2000 ROSCI0238 Suatu–Cojocna–Crairat (Cojocna).
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Figure 8. Neighbor-joining (NJ) tree of COI barcodes of Palearctic Cossidae. The tree includes sequences of P. thrips and as out-group Noctua fimbriata (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), all highlighted in red.
Figure 8. Neighbor-joining (NJ) tree of COI barcodes of Palearctic Cossidae. The tree includes sequences of P. thrips and as out-group Noctua fimbriata (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), all highlighted in red.
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Figure 9. The average values of the genetic distances of the analyzed species towards the P. thrips species.
Figure 9. The average values of the genetic distances of the analyzed species towards the P. thrips species.
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Table 1. Voucher and specimens’ details from studied locations.
Table 1. Voucher and specimens’ details from studied locations.
Species Voucher Locality Natura 2000 Site County Sex Age
Paracossulus thripsLEP007309Jucu de SusROSCI0295Clujfemaleimago
LEP007310Jucu de SusROSCI0295Clujmaleimago
LEP007312Râpa Lechința, IernutROSCI0238Mureșfemaleimago
LEP007313Ploscoș, Gorgan HillROSCI0210Clujmaleimago
LEP007314Vulcanii NoroioșiROSCI0272Buzăumaleimago
Table 2. The details of specimens used for DNA barcoding.
Table 2. The details of specimens used for DNA barcoding.
Sequence_ID Species Collected By Collection Date Country County Locality
RONOC164-18 Paracossulus thripsSitar C.21 July 2016RomaniaClujJucu de Sus
RONOC165-18 Paracossulus thripsSitar C.5 August 2016RomaniaClujJucu de Sus
RONOC166-18 Paracossulus thripsSitar C.21 July 2016RomaniaClujJucu de Sus
RONOC167-18 Paracossulus thripsSzekely L.26 August 2011RomaniaTulceaBabadag Forest
Table 3. The genetic distances between P. thrips and the species from the same clade. The genetic distances from the out-group are presented in column 14.
Table 3. The genetic distances between P. thrips and the species from the same clade. The genetic distances from the out-group are presented in column 14.
SEQUENCE_IDSPECIES 1234567891011121314
RONOC164-18Paracossulus thrips1 0.00210.00210.00210.10370.10580.10580.11200.13280.13280.11200.10790.10790.6846
RONOC165-18Paracossulus thrips2 0.00000.00000.10170.10370.10370.11000.13070.13070.11000.10580.10580.6867
RONOC166-18Paracossulus thrips3 0.00000.10170.10370.10370.11000.13070.13070.11000.10580.10580.6867
RONOC167-18Paracossulus thrips4 0.10170.10370.10370.11000.13070.13070.11000.10580.10580.6867
GBGL13661-14Eogystia sibirica5 0.00210.00210.07050.10580.10580.09540.09540.09540.6888
GBGL13662-14Eogystia sibirica6 0.00000.07260.10790.10790.09750.09750.09750.6909
GBGL13663-14Eogystia sibirica7 0.07260.10790.10790.09750.09750.09750.6909
GWORZ172-10Parahypopta caestrum8 0.11830.11830.10370.09960.09960.6846
BCMI261-11Mormogystia proleuca9 0.00000.11000.11000.11000.6805
BCMI266-11Mormogystia proleuca10 0.11000.11000.11000.6805
MAMOT1708-12Holcocerus gloriosus11 0.00410.00410.6888
MAMOT1709-12Holcocerus gloriosus12 0.00000.6929
MAMOT1710-12Holcocerus gloriosus13 0.6929
GU663065.1Noctua fimbriata14
Table 4. The matrix with the genetic distances between P. thrips and Catopta species.
Table 4. The matrix with the genetic distances between P. thrips and Catopta species.
SEQUENCE_IDSPECIES 12345678910111213
RONOC164-18Paracossulus thrips1 0.00210.00210.00210.18460.18460.18460.18260.18460.18460.18460.18460.1846
RONOC165-18Paracossulus thrips2 0.00000.00000.18670.18670.18260.18050.18260.18260.18260.18260.1826
RONOC166-18Paracossulus thrips3 0.00000.18670.18670.18260.18050.18260.18260.18260.18260.1826
RONOC167-18Paracossulus thrips4 0.18670.18670.18260.18050.18260.18260.18260.18260.1826
KC860946.1Catopta griseotincta5 0.00000.10790.11000.10790.10790.10790.10790.1079
QUNOE344-12Catopta griseotincta6 0.10790.11000.10790.10790.10790.10790.1079
GBMNC49256-20Catopta albonubilus7 0.00210.00000.00000.00000.00000.0000
GBMNC49258-20Catopta albonubilus8 0.00210.00210.00210.00210.0021
GBMNC49259-20Catopta albonubilus9 0.00000.00000.00000.0000
GBMNC49260-20Catopta albonubilus10 0.00000.00000.0000
GBMNC49261-20Catopta albonubilus11 0.00000.0000
GBMNC49262-20Catopta albonubilus12 0.0000
GBMNC49263-20Catopta albonubilus13
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MDPI and ACS Style

Iacob, G.M.; Craioveanu, C.; Hula, V.; Aurelian, V.M.; Beldean, M.; Sitar, C. Improving the Knowledge on Distribution, Food Preferences and DNA Barcoding of Natura 2000 Protected Species Paracossulus thrips (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) in Romania. Insects 2021, 12, 1087.

AMA Style

Iacob GM, Craioveanu C, Hula V, Aurelian VM, Beldean M, Sitar C. Improving the Knowledge on Distribution, Food Preferences and DNA Barcoding of Natura 2000 Protected Species Paracossulus thrips (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) in Romania. Insects. 2021; 12(12):1087.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Iacob, Geanina Magdalena, Cristina Craioveanu, Vladimír Hula, Virgiliu Marius Aurelian, Monica Beldean, and Cristian Sitar. 2021. "Improving the Knowledge on Distribution, Food Preferences and DNA Barcoding of Natura 2000 Protected Species Paracossulus thrips (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) in Romania" Insects 12, no. 12: 1087.

Note that from the first issue of 2016, this journal uses article numbers instead of page numbers. See further details here.

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