Termite Ecology in the First Two Decades of the 21st Century: A Review of Reviews
:1. Introduction
2. Methodology
3. Literature Dynamics
4. Ecology of Termites in Four Paragraphs
5. Re-Defining Termite Ecology
- Discussion of sampling methods for species diversity in natural or man-made ecosystems has continued but confirms the basic superiority (for time-limited excursions), of transect-based surveys over randomised quadrats for basic information on functional group balances. Progress with sampling in savannas is also notable.
- The existing consensus on the definitions of feeding groups remains largely, though not universally, accepted.
- There has been a large increase in articles concerned with epigeal termite mounds: their mineral (i.e., mineral particle and nutrient) properties and historical turnovers, together with those of associated gallery sheetings.
- The role of termite mounds and spacing in landscapes (especially with respect to colonisation by plants and consequent interactions with mammalian herbivores) continues to be investigated, especially in savannas.
- Genomic methods of identification of specimens, and subsequent phylogenetic reconstructions of local assemblages, can now be considered standard procedure for field work.
- Much biogeographical data on termite diversity and abundance remains to be collected and logged at point, plot and regional scales.
- The role of termites in ecosystems, especially that of their definitive contributions to organic decomposition, detritus shredding and soil conditioning has received little experimental (as opposed to rhetorical) investigation. In other words, that more exclusion experiments are still a priority, within the regulations for insecticide use, but can perhaps be circumvented by litterbag or line-intersection methodologies.
- Predation by ants may be a significant factor in termite population ecology.
- By common consent, termite biodiversity appears to matter to ecosystem stability, but definitive evidence is still in short supply.
- Invasion and climate change are new features in the discussion of termite ecology.
- Isotope analyses have the potential to better define termite feeding niches.
6. Additional Review Literature
7. Conclusions
Conflicts of Interest
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Keywords | Number of Articles 2000–2018 |
Termite | 6722 |
Termite + bacteria or fungus or protist or protozoan or flagellate | 1650 |
Termite + control | 1228 |
Termite + behaviour | 1101 |
Termite + fungus | 958 |
Termite + evolution | 780 |
Termite + bacteria | 687 |
Termite + lignocellulose or lignin or cellulose | 605 |
Termite + ecology | 436 |
Termite + genomic or proteomic or metagenomic or transcriptomic | 182 |
Termite + invasion | 78 |
Termite + sociality | 69 |
Termite + climate change | 58 |
Main Text Headings in Bignell and Eggleton 2000 [7] | Sub-Headings in Bignell and Eggleton 2000 [7] | Number of New Articles Included in Existing Sub-Headings | Additions to Existing Sub-Headings, 2000–2018 | New Main Headings Needed in 2018 |
HOW IS A TERMITE ASSEMBLAGE STUDIED? (1) | Species richness sampling (16) | 15 | - | ADDITIONAL APPROACHES (3) |
Sampling abundance and biomass (44) | 13 | Sampling mound density at the landscape level (4) | [Rearing soil-feeders in the lab] (1) | |
Estimates of attack on substrates and consumption of food (30) | 4 | Exclusion and mulching experiments (11) | [Arena interactions and food selection trials] (2) | |
Analyses of stable isotopes (5) | - | |||
THE ELEMENTS OF A TERMITE ASSEMBLAGE (71) | Feeding groups (62) | 9 | Gallery and mound properties, mound history, colony size and secondary occupants * (24) | - |
Nesting structure, gallery sheeting and mound properties, mound history, colony size and secondary occupants * (8) | 24 | Soil particle selection (4) | - | |
Properties of termite sheetings (4) | - | |||
Genetic and phylogenetic structures at field level (3) | - | |||
CURRENT INFORMATION ON TERMITE ASSEMBLAGES (4) | Data from natural ecosystems (94) | 60 | Cryptic species (4) | - |
Soil types, host plant and termite microscale distributions (10) | - | |||
Changes along natural and anthropogenic gradients (13) | 46 | Termites and climate change (3) | - | |
ROLES OF TERMITES IN ECOSYSTEM FUNCTIONING (17) | Selection and consumption of food (25) | 31 | Predation on termites (6) | - |
Energy fluxes (7) | 5 | Contributions to organic decomposition (18) | ||
Does biodiversity matter? (28) | 1 | Ecosystem services and soil health (28) | ||
Distribution of plants, herbivores, crop pests (23) | ||||
Conservation and restoration of landscapes (14) | ||||
Numerical total (144) | 327 | 208 | 161 | 48 |
© 2019 by the author. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Share and Cite
Bignell, D.E. Termite Ecology in the First Two Decades of the 21st Century: A Review of Reviews. Insects 2019, 10, 60. https://doi.org/10.3390/insects10030060
Bignell DE. Termite Ecology in the First Two Decades of the 21st Century: A Review of Reviews. Insects. 2019; 10(3):60. https://doi.org/10.3390/insects10030060
Chicago/Turabian StyleBignell, David E. 2019. "Termite Ecology in the First Two Decades of the 21st Century: A Review of Reviews" Insects 10, no. 3: 60. https://doi.org/10.3390/insects10030060
APA StyleBignell, D. E. (2019). Termite Ecology in the First Two Decades of the 21st Century: A Review of Reviews. Insects, 10(3), 60. https://doi.org/10.3390/insects10030060