Polarization Observations of AGN Jets: Past and Future
:1. Introduction
2. Polarization Studies in Blazar Jets
2.1. Early Optical–Radio Polarization Correlations
2.2. Resolving the Polarization Structure
2.3. A Blazar Jet Polarization Model
3. VLBI Polarization Observations of Nearby AGN Jets
3.1. M87
3.2. 3C 84
3.3. 3C 273
4. New Developments & Future Prospects
5. Circular Polarization
6. Conclusions
- Blazars. It seems clear we have advanced a lot in the understanding of the polarization emission in blazars, and the connection between the properties between optical and radio polarization. Although it was clear that various radiative transfer mechanisms, such as Faraday effects, would affect the multi-band polarization observation, the understanding of their extent and characteristics has significantly improved in the recent years.The works by Gabuzda et al. [43,44] and Algaba et al. [46,47] aiming to resolve the location and characteristics of the specific radio polarized regions have been enhanced and complemented by more detailed analysis such as the analysis by Park et al. [49], who considered (i) higher frequencies, (ii) explicit RM dependence with frequency, and (iii) a saturation point where the optical depth transitions into optically thin, and RM does not increase any more. Once these aspects are considered, the connection between optical and radio emission are better understood.On the other hand, the origins of the emission are now also better understood to be ascribed to a shock or magnetic reconnection phenomenology. The multi-band study of the time evolution of polarization together with follow-up of the VLBI structural changes has provided not only understanding of the intrinsic jet polarization properties, but also of the jet dynamics and evolution.
- Nearby AGN jets. Due to its proximity and very massive black hole, M87 enables detailed polarimetric studies of the supermassive black hole and its jet. In multifrequency VLBA observations, RM magnitudes were found to decrease with increasing distance from the black hole within the Bondi radius [81]. An analytic black hole accretion flow model was applied to the RM data, from which the pressure profile of the medium surrounding the jet was determined. The result is in good agreement with the current understanding that the M87 jet is systematically collimated by the pressure of winds, which have actually been reproduced in recent GRMHD simulations [63,102]. Recent observations with the EHT have revealed a linear polarization image of the M87 black hole [30]. The observed EVPA of the ring follows an azimuthal pattern. After comparing the results with GRMHD models, it was concluded that M87 is in a MAD state, in which there is a strong poloidal magnetic field in the vicinity of the black hole [107]. Combined with a spinning black hole, this magnetic field can produce powerful jets, as seen in M87.The nearby radio galaxy 3C 84 demonstrates many interesting features, including restarted jet activity, a strong collision between the jet and a compact dense cloud, and so on. The pc-scale jet of this source has been known for its very weak linear polarization. However, recent VLBI observations made at 43 and 86 GHz have detected significant patches of linear polarization in the jet right downstream the core [132]. By using these results, combined with ALMA-only linear polarization measurements at 98, 233, and 344 GHz, a large RM of ∼ was derived. The RM, depolarization, and RM variability may be explained by Faraday rotation occurring in a boundary layer of a transversely stratified jet [132]. The results of this study suggest that future observations of polarization at mm wavelengths can provide valuable information on the magnetic field structure and the RM distribution in nearby AGNs, because shorter wavelengths are expected to produce less depolarization.The nearby flat spectrum radio quasar 3C 273 hosts a powerful jet extending to kpc-scales. Due to the rich linear polarization structure of the jet and its large width on pc scales, VLBA observations in 1997 and 2002 revealed that the jet exhibits a significant transverse gradient in RMs [142,143]. This result indicates that a helical or toroidal magnetic field is wrapping around the jet. Further observations of linear polarization with the VLBA provided even more interesting results. Lisakov et al. [146] found that transverse RM gradients were also observed in the jet based on VLBA observations in 2009. As a result of the swing in jet direction in 2003, the jet position angles between 1997/2002 and 2009 were significantly different. In contrast, the RMs at the same jet distance in the different epochs are smoothly interconnected. It appears that the Faraday screen is wider than the narrow relativistic jet observed at one epoch, and that the jet illuminates different parts of the screen in different epochs. Based on this result, the jet-sheath model with a sheath threaded by a helical magnetic field serving as the Faraday screen was derived.
- Recent Developments in VLBI polarimetry. A number of novel algorithms for instrumental polarization calibration and polarimetric imaging have been developed recently, including GPCAL [150], PolSolve [151], eht-imaging [152,153], DMC [154], and THEMIS [155]. These softwares and pipelines overcome some of the limitations of the existing software, LPCAL, which has been widely used for instrument polarization calibration for VLBI data for decades. They have been applied to the first polarimetric imaging of the M87 black hole conducted with the EHT and have been demonstrated to be effective [30]. In the region of jet launching and acceleration/collimation, AGN jets are typically weakly polarized, presumably as a result of turbulent accretion flows surrounding them. Therefore, these advanced software tools will be useful for studying the magnetic field structure of AGN jets with future polarimetric VLBI observations. In a recent study, it was demonstrated that the high calibration accuracy provided by GPCAL can significantly improve a linear polarization view of the sub-parsec core of the M87 [156].
- Circular Polarization Circular polarization in AGN jets is believed to be produced by either synchrotron emission or Faraday conversion. The resulting CP is typically of the order of % and is challenging to detect reliably. Nevertheless, a few studies, using dedicated calibration techniques, found that the CP sign is generally stable over time for several sources. This suggests that the magnetic fields responsible for the observed CP may also be stable. Some studies have attempted to model the observed CP signs in several AGN jets by assuming a helical magnetic field in the jets as well as linear polarization vectors and transverse RM gradients. Moreover, an anti-correlation between the fractional linear and circular polarization was discovered in PKS 2126–158, indicating that Faraday conversion may be in action in this source.
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Park, J.; Algaba, J.C. Polarization Observations of AGN Jets: Past and Future. Galaxies 2022, 10, 102. https://doi.org/10.3390/galaxies10050102
Park J, Algaba JC. Polarization Observations of AGN Jets: Past and Future. Galaxies. 2022; 10(5):102. https://doi.org/10.3390/galaxies10050102
Chicago/Turabian StylePark, Jongho, and Juan Carlos Algaba. 2022. "Polarization Observations of AGN Jets: Past and Future" Galaxies 10, no. 5: 102. https://doi.org/10.3390/galaxies10050102
APA StylePark, J., & Algaba, J. C. (2022). Polarization Observations of AGN Jets: Past and Future. Galaxies, 10(5), 102. https://doi.org/10.3390/galaxies10050102