The Landscape of the Emergence of Life
:1. Introduction
2. The Last Universal Common Ancestor (LUCA)
3. Viral and Replicator Connections
4. Metabolism First
5. Nucleic Acids and Protein Systems
6. Hypothesis: ncRNA-Cellular Activity Controller?
7. Horizontal Gene Transfer
8. Life Elsewhere in the Universe
9. What’s Next?
Conflicts of Interest
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Jheeta, S. The Landscape of the Emergence of Life. Life 2017, 7, 27.
Jheeta S. The Landscape of the Emergence of Life. Life. 2017; 7(2):27.
Chicago/Turabian StyleJheeta, Sohan. 2017. "The Landscape of the Emergence of Life" Life 7, no. 2: 27.
APA StyleJheeta, S. (2017). The Landscape of the Emergence of Life. Life, 7(2), 27.