Multilevel Ordinal Logit Models: A Proportional Odds Application Using Data from Brazilian Higher Education Institutions
:1. Introduction
2. Ordinal Logit Regression—A Traditional Proportional Odds Approach
3. Multilevel Perspective
4. A Multilevel Proportional Odds Approach
- Level 1:
- Level 2:
- General Model:
5. Data
6. Empirical Application
- Linear GLM estimation:
- Binary GLM estimation:
- Ordinal GLM estimation:
- GLLAMM estimation:
7. Comparison of Research Models and Discussion
7.1. The GLM Linear Estimation
7.2. The GLM Binary Estimation
- ▪
- If the intention is to try to study, based on the variables present in the database, which factors lead an HEI to be in the top positions of the WEBOMETRICS ranking (Group , in this case), why should the stratum be mixed with the stratum ?
- ▪
- On the other hand, if the intention is to understand what leads an HEI to fall into the very bottom positions of the ranking studied, why mix group with stratum ?
- ▪
- However, if the intention is to study the composition of the Group or the Group , what should be performed with the HEIs in the groups , , and ?
- ▪
- If we assume the conjunction of groups and , forming a new category, and the mixture of and generating another category, what should we do with the individuals in the Group ?
7.3. The GLM and GLLAMM Ordinal Estimations
7.3.1. OR Analysis
- For Ordinal GLM estimation:
- For Ordinal GLLAMM estimation:
- For Ordinal GLM estimation:
- For Ordinal GLLAMM estimation:
7.3.2. Intercept (Threshold) Analysis
7.4. Accuracy and Suitability of Estimates
7.5. The Expected Values as a Function of the Study’s Predictor Variables
8. Final Considerations
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
HEI Names | Is It a Federal University? | |
Federal University of Western Para | yes | −14.99009635 |
Federal University of The Southern Border | yes | −13.73180070 |
Darcy Ribeiro North Fluminense State University | no | −13.67610299 |
Federal University of Latin American Integration | yes | −13.51506685 |
University of the International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusophony | yes | −13.27160473 |
Federal University of Health Sciences of Porto Alegre | yes | −10.37416534 |
Sao Francisco University | no | −9.752614271 |
Catholic University of Petropolis | no | −9.506667313 |
Municipal University of Sao Caetano Do Sul | no | −9.215742952 |
University of the Sapucai Valley | no | −9.123246743 |
Federal University Of Lavras | yes | −8.436202000 |
Vila Velha University | no | −8.411085314 |
Nilton Lins University | no | −8.354072711 |
Candido Mendes University | no | −8.347125089 |
Marilia University | no | −8.234944757 |
Cuiaba University | no | −8.232441189 |
Metropolitan University of Santos | no | −8.188602961 |
Amapa State University | no | −8.079419237 |
State University of Health Sciences of Alagoas | no | −8.064994723 |
Severino Sombra University | no | −8.064994723 |
Santa Ursula University | no | −8.064994723 |
Presidente Antonio Carlos University | no | −8.064994723 |
Camilo Castelo Branco University | no | −8.064994723 |
Iguacu University | no | −8.064994723 |
Ibirapuera University | no | −8.064994723 |
Vale do Rio Doce University | no | −8.064994723 |
Planalto Catarinense University | no | −8.064994723 |
State University of Rio Grande Do Sul | no | −8.064994723 |
Rio Verde University | no | −8.064994723 |
State University of Roraima | no | −8.064994723 |
State University of Alagoas | no | −8.064994723 |
University of the Campanha Region | no | −7.974555746 |
Braz Cubas University | no | −7.974555746 |
Itauna University | no | −7.860477850 |
Federal University of Amapa | yes | −7.677428376 |
Grande ABC University | no | −7.174835087 |
Jose do Rosario Vellano University | no | −6.468046656 |
Joinville Region University | no | −6.242757024 |
Federal University of Roraima | yes | −6.143240450 |
State University of Northern Parana | no | −6.006872575 |
Cruz Alta University | no | −5.891714847 |
Federal Rural University of the Amazon | yes | −5.795563090 |
Cruzeiro do Sul University | no | −5.657494653 |
Foundation Federal University of Grande Dourados | yes | −5.334567978 |
Catholic University of Salvador | no | −5.089159010 |
Federal University of Triangulo Mineiro | yes | −5.007426154 |
Federal Rural University of The Semi-Arid Region | yes | −4.281043460 |
Federal University of the Jequitinhonha and Mucuri Valleys | yes | −4.252152738 |
Federal University of Alfenas | yes | −3.731053337 |
Sorocaba University | no | −3.492989706 |
Federal University of Itajuba | yes | −3.298113673 |
Anhanguera University | no | −3.133556781 |
Federal University of Acre | yes | −2.978102075 |
Dom Bosco Catholic University | no | −2.976272160 |
Franca University | no | −2.805512911 |
Federal Rural University of Pernambuco | yes | −2.636823118 |
Salgado de Oliveira University | no | −2.629415418 |
Ribeirao Preto University | no | −2.601152707 |
Potiguar University | no | −2.475139817 |
Federal Rural University of Rio De Janeiro | yes | −2.434885013 |
Sagrado Coracao University | no | −2.421717770 |
Acarau Valley State University | no | −2.386904761 |
Tocantins University | no | −2.386904761 |
Rondonia Federal University | yes | −2.321180703 |
Federal University of The Sao Francisco Valley | yes | −2.268085483 |
Pontifical Catholic University of Sao Paulo | no | −2.203539879 |
Santos Catholic University | no | −2.185315550 |
Federal University of Alagoas | yes | −2.143302503 |
Bandeirante University of Sao Paulo | no | −2.123308368 |
Federal University of the State of Rio De Janeiro | yes | −2.080315766 |
Federal University of Tocantins Foundation | yes | −1.859696753 |
Pampa Federal University Foundation | yes | −1.700680157 |
Tuiuti University Of Parana | no | −1.658723722 |
Professor “Jose De Souza Herdy” University of Grande Rio | no | −1.652905607 |
Mogi Das Cruzes University | no | −1.619034111 |
Fumec University | no | −1.516993675 |
State University of Mato Grosso Do Sul | no | −1.436778710 |
City of Sao Paulo University | no | −1.424392798 |
Sao Judas Tadeu University | no | −1.415667314 |
Minas Gerais State University | no | −1.007623742 |
Regional University of Cariri | no | −0.936288606 |
Reconcavo da Bahia Federal University | yes | −0.889593824 |
Rio Verde Valley University | no | −0.866415961 |
State University of Piaui | no | −0.866415961 |
Santa Cecilia University | no | −0.866415961 |
Amazonia University | no | −0.383843188 |
State University of Campinas | no | 0.000001716 |
Federal University of Rio Grande Do Sul | yes | 0.000441941 |
University of Sao Paulo | no | 0.001643641 |
Federal University of Rio De Janeiro | yes | 0.026150447 |
Federal University of Minas Gerais | yes | 0.085981454 |
Federal University of Santa Catarina | yes | 0.091604285 |
University of Western Paulista | no | 0.126200469 |
Federal University of Ceara | yes | 0.294389265 |
Federal University of Sao Carlos | yes | 0.310381033 |
Federal University of Rio Grande | yes | 0.343443136 |
State University of Maranhao | no | 0.485721407 |
Federal University of Pernambuco | yes | 0.547950963 |
University of Western Santa Catarina | no | 0.576139939 |
Castelo Branco University | no | 0.630102533 |
Santo Amaro University | no | 0.630102533 |
Contestado University | no | 0.630102533 |
Federal University of Vicosa | yes | 0.822644994 |
Federal University of Sao Paulo | yes | 0.919583062 |
Brasilia University | yes | 1.214990312 |
ABC Federal University | yes | 1.272662705 |
Methodist University of Piracicaba | no | 1.299548471 |
Positivo University | no | 1.455745927 |
Paraiba Valley University | no | 1.553119688 |
Federal University of Parana | yes | 1.624846845 |
Federal University of Pelotas | yes | 1.638422371 |
Federal University of Mato Grosso | yes | 1.884384028 |
Mato Grosso State University | no | 1.939326056 |
Catholic University of Pernambuco | no | 2.036981661 |
Federal University of Piaui | yes | 2.120003238 |
Federal University of Maranhao | yes | 2.139401048 |
Amazonas State University | no | 2.336524924 |
Federal University of Ouro Preto | yes | 2.394441009 |
Regional University of Northwestern Rio Grande do Sul State | no | 2.616960817 |
Technological Federal University of Parana | yes | 2.619387447 |
Tiradentes University | no | 2.622135482 |
Federal University of Mato Grosso Do Sul | yes | 2.632919886 |
Federal University of Bahia | yes | 2.876477055 |
Julio de Mesquita Filho Paulista State University | no | 3.132439958 |
Federal University of Campina Grande | yes | 3.140551802 |
North Parana University | no | 3.439539019 |
Guarulhos University | no | 3.574697821 |
Para State University | no | 3.587890006 |
Uberaba University | no | 3.729799680 |
Federal University of Rio Grande Do Norte | yes | 3.999376018 |
Federal University of Amazonas | yes | 4.036775310 |
Federal University of Sergipe | yes | 4.067316504 |
Feevale University | no | 4.121768718 |
Federal University of Santa Maria | yes | 4.145951484 |
Federal University of Sao Joao Del Rei | yes | 4.185864581 |
Veiga de Almeida University | no | 4.203584165 |
Anhembi Morumbi University | no | 4.301687824 |
Rio Grande do Norte State University | no | 4.318800807 |
Paranaense University | no | 4.318800807 |
Community University of the Chapeco Region | no | 4.318800807 |
Alto Uruguai e das Missões Integrated Regional University | no | 4.345878060 |
Federal University of Para | yes | 4.491504554 |
Taubate University | no | 4.634044812 |
Federal University of Uberlandia | yes | 4.804616760 |
Fluminense Federal University | yes | 4.852823692 |
Federal University of Paraiba | yes | 4.985137105 |
Santa Cruz State University | no | 5.038850317 |
State University of Southwest Bahia | no | 5.041621224 |
Salvador University | no | 5.164845860 |
State University of Midwest | no | 5.309082320 |
Pontifical Catholic University Of Goias | no | 5.457353354 |
State University of Ceara | no | 5.626526798 |
Paulista University | no | 5.709381079 |
Federal University of Goias | yes | 5.752312579 |
State University of Goias | no | 5.802286719 |
University of Extreme South Catarinense | no | 5.833866187 |
Federal University of Juiz De Fora | yes | 5.948009565 |
Santa Cruz do Sul University | no | 6.024406003 |
Regional University of Blumenau | no | 6.220647133 |
Federal University of Espírito Santo | yes | 6.229696268 |
Catholic University of Pelotas | no | 6.237231979 |
Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro | no | 6.599206352 |
Rio dos Sinos Valley University | no | 6.699586880 |
Mackenzie Presbyterian University | no | 6.703518715 |
Fortaleza University | no | 7.200753664 |
Itajai Valley University | no | 7.296747253 |
Lutheran University Of Brazil | no | 7.47832689 |
Pernambuco University | no | 7.481812386 |
Bahia State University | no | 7.512211886 |
Brazilian Catholic University | no | 7.566038025 |
State University of Western Parana | no | 7.654403455 |
Pontifical Catholic University Of Rio Grande Do Sul | no | 7.961440315 |
Nove de Julho University | no | 7.996981951 |
Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas | no | 8.087346315 |
State University of Feira de Santana | no | 8.281796599 |
Rio de Janeiro State University | no | 8.606858437 |
Santa Catarina State University | no | 8.611956177 |
Ponta Grossa State University | no | 8.637562072 |
Caxias do Sul University | no | 8.711704534 |
Methodist University of Sao Paulo | no | 8.908381972 |
Paraiba State University | no | 9.227040499 |
Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais | no | 9.310656616 |
University of Southern Santa Catarina | no | 9.448175941 |
State University Of Maringa | no | 9.515227693 |
Estacio de Sa University | no | 9.615633159 |
Passo Fundo University | no | 10.12255267 |
State University of Montes Claros | no | 11.46164999 |
State University of Londrina | no | 11.51611222 |
Pontifical Catholic University of Parana | no | 12.82779457 |
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Year | Number of Universities | Total | ||||
Group | Group | Group | Group | Group | ||
2012 | 38 (20.7%) (14.6%) | 37 (20.1%) (14.4%) | 35 (19.1%) (14.3%) | 37 (20.1%) (14.3%) | 37 (20.1%) (15.0%) | 184 (100.0%) (14.5%) |
2013 | 38 (20.4%) (14.6%) | 38 (20.4%) (14.4%) | 36 (19.4%) (14.8%) | 38 (20.4%) (14.7%) | 36 (19.4%) (14.6%) | 186 (100.0%) (14.7%) |
2014 | 37 (20.4%) (14.2%) | 37 (20.4%) (14.4%) | 35 (19.3%) (14.3%) | 37 (20.4%) (14.3%) | 35 (19.3%) (14.2%) | 181 (100.0%) (14.3%) |
2015 | 37 (20.3%) (14.2%) | 37 (20.3%) (14.4%) | 36 (19.8%) (14.8%) | 37 (20.3%) (14.3%) | 35 (19.2%) (14.2%) | 182 (100.0%) (14.4%) |
2016 | 37 (20.3%) (14.2%) | 37 (20.3%) (14.4%) | 36 (19.8%) (14.8%) | 37 (20.3%) (14.3%) | 35 (19.2%) (14.2%) | 182 (100.0%) (14.4%) |
2017 | 37 (20.4%) (14.2%) | 37 (20.4%) (14.4%) | 35 (19.3%) (14.3%) | 37 (20.4%) (14.3%) | 35 (19.3%) (14.2%) | 181 (100.0%) (14.3%) |
2018 | 37 (21.8%) (14.2%) | 34 (20.0%) (13.2%) | 31 (18.2%) (12.7%) | 35 (20.6%) (13.6%) | 33 (19.4%) (13.4%) | 170 (100.0%) (13.4%) |
Total | 261 (20.6%) (100.0%) | 257 (20.3%) (100.0%) | 244 (19.3%) (100.0%) | 258 (20.4%) (100.0%) | 246 (19.4%) (100.0%) | 1266 (100.0%) (100.0%) |
Variable | Description |
Year of monitoring of a given Brazilian university, considering the period from 2012 to 2018. | |
Unique identifier of a given Brazilian university. | |
Name of university. | |
Nominal dichotomous variable that identifies the stratum if a given Brazilian university is, or is not, a university mostly maintained with Federal funds (Legally, Brazil comprises three types of universities: public universities (Federal, State, and Municipal), private non-profit universities (typically affiliated with religious entities), and private for-profit universities [48]. Broadly, Federal universities in Brazil are esteemed as the most prestigious; however, notable exceptions exist in international rankings, notably USP and the University of Campinas (UNICAMP), which are State universities [49]). | |
Metric variable that relates the number of students enrolled in the institution’s doctoral programs (doctoral students and Ph.D. candidates) to the total number of professors at a given Brazilian university. |
Metric Variables | |||||||
Variable | Min | 1stQ | Median | 3rdQ | Max | Mean | SD |
0.000 | 0.006 | 0.099 | 0.326 | 2.719 | 0.265 | 0.410 | |
Categorical Variables | |||||||
yes: 405; no: 861. |
Estimation | Transformation Applied to the Dependent Variable |
Ordinal GLM | None. The dependent variable is the same as described in Section 5, i.e., groups ordered in ascending order from E to A. |
Ordinal GLLAMM | Same as above. |
Linear GLM | The consideration of groups ordered in ascending order from E to A in metric form, taking values from 1 to 5. |
Binary GLM | Combining groups A and B to form the best_performance category; combining strata D and E to create the worst_performance category; disregarding the observations belonging to Group C. |
Estimation | Algorithm | Package | Version |
Linear GLM | lm() | stats | 4.3.0 |
Binary GLM | glm() | stats | 4.3.0 |
Ordinal GLM | clm() | ordinal | 2023.12-4 |
Ordinal GLLAMM | clmm() | ordinal | 2023.12-4 |
Parameters | Linear GLM Coefficients | Binary GLM Coefficients | Ordinal GLM Coefficients | Ordinal GLLAMM Coefficients |
- | - | −0.95857 (0.13414) | −4.72308 (0.53377) | |
- | - | 0.34030 (0.13000) | 1.87845 (0.32800) | |
- | - | 1.56304 (0.13852) | 6.93229 (0.00204) | |
- | - | 3.73099 (0.18940) | 12.81046 (0.00314) | |
2.41243 (0.06940) | −1.35809 (0.20318) | - | - | |
−0.03336 b (0.01498) | −0.14496 a (0.04641) | −0.11248 a (0.02767) | −0.12914 a (0.00163) | |
1.86460 a (0.07720) | 11.18187 a (0.91810) | 7.10328 a (0.38711) | 12.78852 a (0.00313) | |
0.77469 a (0.06760) | 0.88002 a (0.22474) | 0.83859 a (0.13499) | 6.19182 a (1.02605) | |
- | - | - | 54.3560 | |
−747.7575 * (d.f. = 3) | −651.1707 (d.f. = 3) | −982.7719 (d.f. = 3) | −106.3296 (d.f. = 3) | |
−1863.838 (d.f. = 5) | −382.7152 (d.f. = 4) | −1.545.69700 (d.f. = 7) | −770.28320 (d.f. = 8) | |
- | - | - | 0.94293 | |
1266 | 1022 | 1266 | 1266 |
Comparing Estimates | d.f. | p-Value | |
Linear GLM versus a null linear GLM estimation | 747.7315 | 2 | 0.000 |
Binary GLM versus a null binary logistic GLM estimation | 651.1707 | 3 | 0.000 |
Ordinal GLM versus a null ordinal logistic GLM estimation | 982.7719 | 3 | 0.000 |
Ordinal GLLAMM versus a multilevel null ordinal logistic estimation | 106.3296 | 3 | 0.000 |
Comparative Estimates | d.f. | p-Value | ||
Linear GLM versus Binary GLM | - | - | - | - |
Linear GLM versus Ordinal GLM | −1863.838 −1545.697 | 636.2818 | 2 | 0.000 |
Linear GLM versus Ordinal GLLAMM | −1863.838 −770.2827 | 2187.111 | 3 | 0.000 |
Binary GLM versus Ordinal GLM | - | - | - | - |
Binary GLM versus Ordinal GLLAM | - | - | - | - |
Ordinal GLM versus Ordinal GLLAMM | −1545.697 −770.2827 | 1550.829 | 1 | 0.000 |
Model | Federal University | Group E Probability | Group D Probability | Group C Probability | Group B Probability | Group A Probability |
GLM | No | 0.2771637 | 0.3070985 | 0.2425269 | 0.1498028 | 0.02340802 |
Yes | 0.1421969 | 0.2357452 | 0.2956447 | 0.2738828 | 0.05253039 | |
GLLAMM | No | 0.00880949216 | 0.85862298 | 0.1315927 | 0.0009720858 | 0.000002732045 |
Yes | 0.00001818504 | 0.01319328 | 0.6638869 | 0.3215682073 | 0.001333463391 |
Estimation | KSPA Test | p-Value |
Ordinal GLLAMM | 0.0134 | 0.6335 |
Ordinal GLM | 0.0901 | 0.000 |
Linear GLM | 0.1651 | 0.000 |
Binary GLM | 0.0802 | 0.000 |
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Freitas Souza, R.d.; Lima, F.G.; Corrêa, H.L. Multilevel Ordinal Logit Models: A Proportional Odds Application Using Data from Brazilian Higher Education Institutions. Axioms 2024, 13, 47.
Freitas Souza Rd, Lima FG, Corrêa HL. Multilevel Ordinal Logit Models: A Proportional Odds Application Using Data from Brazilian Higher Education Institutions. Axioms. 2024; 13(1):47.
Chicago/Turabian StyleFreitas Souza, Rafael de, Fabiano Guasti Lima, and Hamilton Luiz Corrêa. 2024. "Multilevel Ordinal Logit Models: A Proportional Odds Application Using Data from Brazilian Higher Education Institutions" Axioms 13, no. 1: 47.
APA StyleFreitas Souza, R. d., Lima, F. G., & Corrêa, H. L. (2024). Multilevel Ordinal Logit Models: A Proportional Odds Application Using Data from Brazilian Higher Education Institutions. Axioms, 13(1), 47.