1. Introduction
Since more than a century ago, convexity has been the focus of intense investigation, and it has an amazing history in mathematics. This theory and its generalizations have significant advantages for the investigation of extremum problems. In addition to its fascinating and in-depth findings in numerous disciplines of applied and engineering sciences, this theory is widely accepted and provides a numerical setup and framework for scientists to analyze a wide range of unrelated problems. The term “convexity” has attracted a lot of attention and has become a fruitful source of research and ideas. Interested readers can see the following literature about convex analysis, convex functions, and their applications [
s-convex functions [
n-polynomial harmonically
s-type convex functions [
3]; convex functions with applications to means [
4]; GA-convex functions [
p–harmonic exponential type convexity [
6]; and generalized exponential-type convex functions [
The term convexity played a significant and vital role in the generalizations and extensions of inequalities throughout the past few decades. The theories of inequality and convexity are strongly related to one another. Information technology, statistics, stochastic processes, probability, integral operator theory, optimization theory, and numerical integration all make use of the integral inequalities. Many mathematicians and academics have focused their considerable efforts and contributions over the past few decades on the study of inequalities. Interested readers can go through the following articles about different type of inequalities, i.e. Hermite–Hadamard integral inequalities [
8], Ostrowski type inequalities [
9], weighted Chebysev–Ostrowski type inequalities [
10], Ostrowski type integral inequalities using hypergeometric functions [
11], reverse Minkowski’s inequality [
12], reverse Hermite–Hadamard’s inequalities [
13], and Minkowski’s inequalities [
The primary goal and uniqueness of this article is that it discusses Hermite–Hadamard inequalities and their refinements for modified p-convex functions using a new identity with the aid of power mean and Hölder inequalities.
We organized this article in the following manner: we discuss some fundamental definitions and ideas in
Section 2. In
Section 3, we elaborate the concept and properties of the modified
p-convex function. For a modified
p-convex function, we examine a new generalization of the Hermite–Hadamard type inequality in
Section 4. The Hermite–Hadamard type inequality is then improved in
Section 5 using a modified
p-convex. In
Section 6, we investigate some applications involving modified Bessel functions via modified
p-convex. Lastly, in
Section 7, a conclusion and future directions of the newly introduced idea are expressed.
2. Preliminaries
It is advisable to explore and expound on a few definitions, theorems, and notes in the first part for the sake of thoroughness, quality, and reader interest. This section’s main goal is to explain and examine certain familiar terms and definitions that we require for our examination in subsequent sections. The first concepts we discuss are convex function, Hermite–Hadamard type inequality, h-convex function, s-type convex function, p-convex function, and m-convex function. A few theorems related to the p-convex function are also included.
In the year 1905, Jensen [
15], for the first time, presented the meaning of a convex function, which reads as follows:
Definition 1. Assume that is a convex subset of a real vector space and is a real valued function. A real valued function is convex ifholds ∀ , and Theorem 1 ([
Assume that is an interval in and is convex. Then, is Lipschitz on any closed interval . No one can deny the Hermite–Hadamard inequality’s astonishing and spectacular significance in literature due to its importance in various fields. Since that time, scholars have continued to be interested in the aforementioned inequality, and as a result, numerous generalizations and enhancements have been made. Due to the extensive perception and uses of this kind of inequality in the scope of pure and applied analysis, it has continued to be a topic of significant interest. This inequality states that if real-valued function
is convex for
, and
, then
Interested readers can refer to (see [
The term
m-convexity was investigated and explored by G. Toader in (see [
Definition 2 (see [
A real valued function is m-convex if holds ∀ , and Definition 3 (see [
Assume that and are an interval in , and let be a non-negative function, . A non-negative function is h-convex if holds for all , and Remark 1. Choosing , then the above function collapses to the classical convex function (see [23,24]). Definition 4 (see [
A function is p-convex if, and
Remark 2. Choosing , then the above function collapse to ordinary convex function.
Definition 5 (see [
A function is s–type convex, if holds ∀ , and Theorem 2 (see [
Assume that and . If and are real functions defined on and if and are integrable functions on , then with equality holding if and only if , almost everywhere, where A and B are constants. Theorem 3 (see [
Assume that and . If and are real functions defined on and if and are integrable functions on , then 3. Modified p-Convex Functions and Its Algebraic Properties
Due to the theory of convexity’s numerous applications in applied sciences and optimization, it has undergone a remarkable development during the past few decades. Even while convexity has yielded a variety of conclusions, the majority of the problems in the real world are nonconvex in nature. Studying nonconvex functions, which are roughly close to convex functions, is therefore always worthwhile. Convex functions have received acclaim from numerous well-known mathematicians during the twentieth century, including Jensen, Hermite, Holder, and Stolz. An unprecedented amount of research was conducted throughout the 20th century, yielding significant findings in the fields of convex analysis, geometric functional analysis, and nonlinear programming.
We will provide our basic definition of the modified p-convex function and its corresponding features as the main topic of this section.
Definition 6. A function is said to be modified p-convex ifholds for all , and Remark 3. (i) Choosing we obtain Definition 4.
(ii) Choosing in Definition 6, we obtain Definition 5.
(iii) Choosing and in Definition 6, then (iv) Choosing and in Definition 6, we obtain Definition 1.
(v) Suppose and in Definition 6, we obtain Definition (2.1) in [28]. These are the amazing advantages of this newly investigated concept; if we choose the value of p, m, and s, then we attain new extended inequalities and also obtain some inequalities, which are associated with some previously published results.
Lemma 1. The following inequalities and are held, if for all and .
Proof. The proof is obvious. □
Remark 4. Assume that in the above Lemma 1, then we attain the following inequalities and .
Proposition 1. Every p-convex function on a p-convex set, i.e., , is a modified p-convex function.
Proof. Using the Definition 6, we have
From the Remark 4, since
for all
we have
Proposition 2. Every -convex function on a p-convex set, i.e., , is a modified p-convex function.
Proof. Using the Definition 6, we have
From the Lemma 1, since
for all
we have
Proposition 3. Every modified p-convex function with the mentioned condition is an -convex.
Proof. Using the Definition 6, we have
Using the condition
, we have
Now, we present some examples regarding the newly introduced definition, i.e., modified p-convex function.
Example 1. If , , and is a -convex function [29]; then, by employing Proposition 2, it is a modified p-convex function. Example 2. Let , , , and ; then, is a -convex function [29], so by employing Proposition 2, it is a modified p-convex function. Example 3. Let , , , and ; then, is a -convex function [29], so by employing Proposition 2, it is a modified p-convex function. Now, we will discuss and prove some of its properties here.
Theorem 4. Assume that and are two modified p-convex functions; then, + is also a modified p-convex function.
Proof. Let
be a modified
; then,
which completes the proof. □
Theorem 5. If is a modified p-convex function, then for non-negative real number c, c is a modified p-convex function.
Proof. Let
be a modified
p-convex function,
; then,
which completes the proof. □
Theorem 6. Let a function be p-convex, and increasing function is an s-type m-convex function. Then, is a modified p-convex function.
Proof. ∀
, we have
This is the required proof. □
Theorem 7. Let be an arbitrary family of modified p-convex functions, and let If then O is an interval and is a modified p-convex function on
Proof. ∀
, then we have
This shows simultaneously that O is an interval since it contains every point between any two of its points, and is a modified p-convex function on □
4. New Generalization of Type Inequality Using Modified p-Convex Function
Massive generalizations of mathematical inequalities for multiple functions have significantly influenced traditional research. Numerous fields, including linear programming, combinatorics, theory of relativity, optimization theory, quantum theory, number theory, dynamics, and orthogonal polynomials, are affected by and use integral inequalities. This issue has received much attention from researchers. The Hermite–Hadamard inequality is widely used and a popular inequality in the literature pertaining to convexity theory. The main focus of this part is to derive a new generalization of type integral inequality via a modified p-convex function.
Theorem 8. Let be a modified p-convex function. If then Proof. Since
is modified
p-convexity, we have
which leads to
Using the change of variables, we obtain
Integrate the above inequality with respect to
and we attain
Here, we prove the first half of the desired inequality.
For the next half, suppose
, and using the Definition 6, we obtain
This concludes the proof. □
Corollary 1. Assume that in the above Theorem 8, then Corollary 2. Assume that in Theorem 8, then Corollary 3. Assume that in Theorem 8, then Corollary 4. Assume that in Theorem 8, then Corollary 5. Assume that in Theorem 8, then Corollary 6. Assume that in Theorem 8, then Remark 5. Assume that in Theorem 8, then we retrieve inequality (2). 5. Refinements of Type Inequality via Modified p-Convex Function
First, we prove a new lemma. On the basis of the new lemma, with the help of Holder and power mean inequality using newly introduced definition, we obtained some refinements of the inequality. For the comprehensiveness of this section, some corollaries are presented.
Lemma 2. Let be differentiable mapping on with , and If , and , then Proof.
multiplies both sides by
, then we obtain the required result. □
Theorem 9. Let be a differentiable function on with , and If and are modified p-convex on for , and , thenwhere Proof. Employing Lemma 2 and property of modulus, we have
Using power mean inequality, we have
Using modified
p-convexity of
we have
This is the required proof. □
Corollary 7. Choosing in the above Theorem 9, we havewhere Corollary 8. If we put in Theorem 9, thenwhere Corollary 9. If we put in Theorem 9, thenwhere Theorem 10. Let be a differentiable function on with , and . If and are modified p-convex on for , , and , thenwhereand Proof. Employing Lemma 2, Hölder’s inequality and modified
p-convexity of
we have
This is the required proof. □
Corollary 10. Choosing in the above Theorem 10, we havewhereand Corollary 11. If we put in Theorem 10, thenwhereand Corollary 12. Choosing in the above Theorem 10, thenwhereand Theorem 11. Let be differentiable mapping on with , and If and are modified p-convex on , , and , thenwhere Proof. Employing Lemma 2 and modified
p-convexity of
we have
This is the required proof. □
Corollary 13. Suppose in Theorem 11, thenwhere Corollary 14. If we put in Theorem 11, thenwhere Corollary 15. Suppose in Theorem 11, thenwhere 6. Application for Some Special Functions
This section involves some applications to the estimations of some special functions, namely, modified Bessel functions. These functions can be found in transmission line studies, non-uniform beams, and the statistical treatment of relativistic gas in statistical mechanics. In order to find the applications of these special functions regarding the newly introduced idea, first, we remember the following remark, which is proved and discussed by İşcan (see [
29], p. 142).
Remark 6. Let be a real interval, and be a function, then
If and is a convex and non-decreasing function, then is p-convex.
If and is a convex and non-increasing function, then is p-convex.
Modified Bessel functions:
First of all, one thing to have in mind, throughout such types of applications, MBF represents a modified Bessel function.
Recall that the series representation of the first kind of MBF is represented by
(see [
30], p. 77) and is given by
while the second kind of MBF is represented by
(see [
30], p.78) and is given by
For this, we assume that
, which is defined by
Proposition 4. For and , then In particular,
, then we obtain the following inequality
, and
are defined in Theorem 9.
Proof. Applying inequality (
20) to the mapping
, but Agarwal proved in (see [
31]) that
is convex on
since the power series only has positive coefficients. It is obvious that if we fix the value of
throughout the interval
, then
is positive and non-decreasing. So, this implies that
is convex and non-decreasing. Further, this implies that
is convex and non-decreasing. If
, then by using Remark 6
, it is a
p-convex. Finally, according to Proposition 1, it is a modified
p-convex function. So, we deduce the inequality (
26). Now, we have used the fact that
; then, the inequality (
26) reduces to the inequality (
27). □
Proposition 5. For and , then In particular, choosing
, then we obtain the following inequality,
is true, where
are defined in Theorem 10.
Proof. Applying inequality (
21) to the mapping
, and
, we deduce the inequality (
28). Now, we have used the fact that
, then the inequality (
28) reduces to the inequality (
29). □
7. Conclusions
Convexity is important and crucial in many branches of pure and applied sciences. For a novel class of convexity known as the modified p-convex function, we proposed new assessments of the type inequality. We also reviewed and investigated some of its algebraic properties. We demonstrated that our novel class of modified p-convex functions are far larger than known function classes such as convex and harmonically convex. We have enhanced the Hermite–Hadamard inequality for functions whose first derivative in absolute form at a given power is a modified p-convex. Our recent findings are expected to have applications in convex theory, quantum calculus, special functions, and post-quantum calculus. They may also serve as catalysts for further research in a variety of unrelated pure and applied fields.
Author Contributions
Resources, P.O.M. and M.D.L.S.; conceptualisation, H.M.S., M.T. and M.D.L.S.; data curation, M.D.L.S. and H.A.; formal analysis, H.M.S., M.T. and E.A.-S.; funding acquisition, M.D.L.S.; investigation, H.M.S., M.T., P.O.M., M.T., E.A.-S. and M.D.L.S.; methodology, M.T. and H.A.; project administration, M.T.; software, P.O.M., H.A. and E.A.-S.; supervision, M.T. and E.A.-S.; validation, P.O.M. and H.A.; visualization, M.T.; writing—original draft, M.T. and P.O.M.; writing—review and editing, H.M.S. and E.A.-S. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
This research received no external funding.
Data Availability Statement
Not applicable.
The authors are grateful to the Basque Government for its support through Grants IT1555-22 and KK-2022/00090 and to MCIN/AEI 269.10.13039/501100011033 for Grant PID2021-1235430B-C21/C22.
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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