1. Introduction
be a complete probability space,
be a nondecreasing family of sub-
-algebras of
, on which are defined two fundamental time homogeneous independent stochastic processes: a standard
-valued Wiener
and a real-valued Poisson random measure
defined in
, where
. We denote also by
compensator of
N, in other words:
is a martingale with mean zero called the
compensated Poisson random measure. For the theory of stochastic differential equations with Poisson’s measure we refer to [
We consider
to be the filtration generated by the two processes
W and
. In this work, we are interested in the following backward stochastic differential equation driven by both a Wiener and a Poisson random measure. For a given
-valued random variable
defined on
and an
-valued càdlàg Markov process
, we consider the following multidimensional BSDEJ: for any
Recall that BSDE (
1) without the jump part was first studied by Pardoux and Peng [
2], whereby they addressed the existence and uniqueness problem under the globally Lipschitz condition. Since then, the theory of BSDE has known enormous growth and has been applied to several domains such as stochastic control and optimization, game theory, mathematical finance, economics, partial differential equations, etc. For more information, we refer the reader to [
4] and the references therein. Specifically, among these extensions we mention that Tang and Li [
5] were the first authors who studied BSDES driven by a Poisson random measure and independent Brownian motion of the type BSDEJ (
1). They proved the existence of a unique solution for such equations under the Lipschitz conditions.
There is a huge literature devoted to the theory of one-dimensional BSDEs driven by Brownian motion with continuous generators. Firstly, Lepeltier and Martin [
6] proved the existence of a solution for such BSDEs when the driver satisfies the linear growth condition, and the terminal condition is square integrable. Later, Jia and Peng [
7], based on the result found in [
6], showed that underlying BSDE has either one or uncountably many solutions. They also provided the structure of those solutions. Then, Kobylanski [
8] provided existence, comparison, and stability results for one-dimensional continuous BSDEs with a quadratic growth in the Brownian component and the terminal condition is assumed to be bounded. Finally, Fan and Jiang [
9] discussed the existence of the minimal solution to BSDE whose generator satisfies linear growth conditions in
, left-continuous and lower semi-continuous in
y and continuous in
z. Compared to the continuous setting there were few papers dealing with the existence problem for BSDE with jumps and less regular coefficients. Yin and Mao [
4] dealt with a class of one-dimensional BSDE with Poisson jumps and with random terminal times. They showed the existence and uniqueness of a minimal solution for BSDE whose driver has a linear growth. Then, Qin and Xia [
10] proved the existence of a minimal solution for BSDEs driven by Poisson processes where the coefficient is continuous and satisfies an improved linear growth assumption. They also extended the result to the case where the coefficient is left or right continuous. More recently, Madoui et al. [
11] and Abdelhadi et al. [
12] provided some examples that ensure the connection between one type of quadratic BSDEs with jumps and standard BSDEs with continuous drivers. It is worth pointing out that all the previously mentioned results are given for one-dimensional BSDE and the main tools in the proofs are approximating technique and the comparison theorem.
To the best of our knowledge, the first result dealing with multidimensional BSDE with continuous generator was provided by Hamadène [
13]. The author obtained the existence of a solution for multidimensional BSDE under the assumptions that the generator
f is uniformly continuous with respect to
z and the
f depends only on the
row of
z. Secondly, Hamadène and Mu [
14], via an existence result for a multidimensional Markovian BSDE with continuous coefficient and stochastic linear growth, proved the existence of Nash equilibrium point for a non-zero-sum stochastic differential games. Subsequently, the result was extended to a coupled system of BSDEs in Mu and Wu [
15]. Our results come to complete these studies in the setting of BSDEs with jumps and continuous generators.
Since the aim of the first result of this paper is to investigate a deterministic representation theorem for the solution of the Equation (
1). We first recall some existing results in the literature that study regularity and representation of the viscosity solution of partial differential equations via the solution of forward–backward stochastic differential equation driven by continuous Brownian motion. The first result that went in this direction was established by Pardoux and Peng in [
2] which claims the backward components
Y can be determined in terms of the forward component
X, when the coefficients satisfy the Lipschitz continuity condition. Then, they proved, under more strong smoothness conditions on the coefficients (e.g., of class
in their spacial variables), that the Brownian component
Z has continuous paths. Two years later, under the previous smoothness conditions, Ma et al. [
16] proved the following explicit representation for all
s in
Subsequently, this result was weakened by Ma and Zhang [
17] where they relaxed the smoothness condition on the coefficients by assuming that they are only
and the diffusion coefficient of the forward component is uniformly elliptic. Later, N’zi et al. [
18] studied the regularity of the viscosity solution of a quasi-linear parabolic partial differential equation with merely Lipschitz coefficients. The main results are obtained by using Krylov’s inequality in the case, where the diffusion coefficient of the forward equation is uniformly elliptic. In the degenerate case, they exploited the idea used by Bouleau-Hirsch on absolute continuity of probability density measures. On the other hand, when the Markov process is a solution of some SDE with jumps, it is shown in Barles et al. [
19] that the solution
of a class of BSDE with jumps provides a viscosity solution of PIDE by mean the deterministic functions
but no representation has been given for the
As the first result of this paper, under standard assumptions where the generator
f of BSDEJ (
1) satisfies the Lipschitz and of the linear growth conditions, we prove, without using the connection with PIDE, a new representation theorem for BSDEs with jumps (Theorem 1). This is performed with less regularity on the generator and the Markov process. Based on the seminal paper on semi-martingale theory by Çinlar et al. [
20] and Çinlar and Jacod [
21], we represent the components of the adapted solution in terms of the Markov process
starting at
x at time
t. In other words, we prove the existence of three deterministic functions
v and
such that for all
s in
. In fact, this result generalizes the one obtained by El Karoui et al. [
3] to the jump case.
As the second result, starting with the case where
f satisfies the linear growth condition, with the help of the
-domination property and some lower and upper bounds of the density of the law related to the transition probability of the underlying Markov process, we prove an existence result for BSDEJ (
1) with a continuous generator in
z, and globally Lipschitz in
such that
. Then, for the case where
f satisfies the sub-linear growth condition, we prove that
. Finally, by assuming that the generator
f depends on
z, and
rather than
, we obtain the existence of at least one solution to BSDEJ whose generator is continuous in
z, and
k. Notice that our results use neither a comparison theorem, nor a deterministic representation usually obtained by partial integral differential equations.
This paper is divided into four sections. In
Section 2, we shall give some preliminaries, introduce some notations and definitions and state some technical results.
Section 3 deals with the deterministic representation of solutions of BSDEJ by means of the representation of additive functionals of Markov processes to establish the existence and uniqueness of solutions of our BSDEJ in the Markovian case.
Section 4, we deal with Markovian BSDEJ with a continuous generator and prove the existence of at least one solution to our Markovian BSDEJ using the so-called
-domination technique and some regularization and approximation arguments. Furthermore, some special cases on linear and sub-linear growth conditions and the regularity of the generator are discussed. We conclude this paper with several examples of Markov processes with the
-domination property.
3. Deterministic Representation for Markovian BSDEJ
In this section, we are interested in a class of multidimensional BSDE with jumps for which the generator f and the random terminal value at time T are both functions of a right process X on the filtered probability space for . Notice that the filtration is generated by the Markov process X and two processes obtained in the Lemma 2, still denoted W and .
Our objective is to generalize to the jump case the work of El Karoui et al. ([
3], Theorem 4.1, p. 46). That is, to represent the components of the BSDEJ’s adapted solution in Lipschtiz framework in terms of
X and some deterministic functions. Compared with the representation by the well-known Feynman–Kac formula using PIDEs, our method does not require regularity on the coefficients.
From now, we shall deal with the following Markovian BSDEJ: for all
is an
right process and
The following assumptions will be considered in this paper.
are measurable functions, and satisfy the following hypotheses:
- (H3.1)
- (H3.2)
For any
- (H3.3)
There exists
, such that for all
In view of the hypotheses
, and
the Lemma 2.4 in [
5], see also [
26] among others, confirms that the BSDEJ (
4) admits a unique solution
which belongs to
In what follows, we are interested to establish a Markovian structure of the solution of a BSDEJ in terms of some deterministic measurable functions evaluated at .
The following Lemma is found to be useful.
Lemma 3. Under the assumptions –. There exists a constant C such that for any , we have Proof. Applying Itô’s formula from
s to
T, to
with the Equation (
4), we obtain
are real-valued martingales.
If we take the expectation in each member, we obtain
Making use of the linear growth of
g and
f and
for any
, we obtain, by the usual techniques for BSDEs,
It follows, thanks to Gronwall’s Lemma and Assumption
, that
Similarly, from (
6), one can arrive at
Finally, a combination of the two above inequalities leads to (
5), which achieves the proof. □
Theorem 1. Under the assumptions –, there exist three measurable and deterministic functions , and such that for any Moreover, ,and is continuous such that . Proof. We split it up into two steps.
Step 1. In this step, we suppose that
f does not depend on
z and
, in which case, Equation (
4) becomes
Therefore, by taking the conditional expectation with respect to
, we obtain for all
Now, by the Markov property of
for all
, we can write
The regularity of
u can be checked similarly as in Proposition 2.5 in [
the filtration generated by the deterministic functions
is a continuous
-valued function. Thus, for any
f and
g such that
Notice that we do not change the filtration here, we have just introduced the appropriate filtration to guarantee the measurability of the deterministic function u.
The process
admits a càdlàg version given by
thanks to the decomposition (
8) as the sum of an absolutely continuous process and a martingale which can be chosen to be càdlàg.
Obviously, the stochastic process
is an additive square-integrable martingale and therefore, by Lemma 4.1. [
3] p. 45, or by Lemma 2, with
X starting at
x at time
t, it admits the following representation:
are two measurable functions
. Moreover, for
, we have
and then compute the difference
. On the one hand, we have
On the other hand, in view of the equality (
Now, due to the uniqueness of the solution of Equation (
7), we obtain
that is exactly our BSDEJ.
Step 2. In this step, we shall consider the general case where the generator
f depends on
z and
Let us introduce the following sequence
defined by
Since we are still under the Lipschitz condition of the generator, one can show exactly as in the proof of the Lemma 2.4 in [
5] (see also [
26]) that
is a Cauchy sequence in the Banach space
, and hence,
From the previous step, for any
, we know that there exist three measurable functions
such that
We conclude, by recursion, for any
there exist measurable functions
such that
Notice that theses representations have been studied in the literature for smooth coefficients by Barles et al. [
19], (Bouchard and Elie [
27] [Section 4]) and Delong [
Then, by invoking (
10) and (
11), it follows that
the same convergence holds true for
v and
. Finally, the linear growth condition on
u is a simple consequence of the previous representation in step 2 and Lemma 3. This completes the proof. □
4. Markovian BSDEJs with Continuous Generators
Our aim in this section is to handle the existence problem for multidimensional Markovian BSDE driven by both
q-dimensional Brownian motion and compensated Poisson random measure on
E. We first study the case when the BSDEJ generator is only continuous with respect to the state variable along with the Brownian component and Lipschitz in the jump component. The idea of the proof is to approximate the BSDEJ under consideration by a suitable sequence of, BSDEJs having globally Lipschitz coefficients that guarantee the existence and uniqueness of solution and then obtain the existence result of the original equation by using limit arguments in appropriate spaces. The drawback to relaxing the Lipschitz condition on
is that it belongs to the functional space
and thus, the approximating technique does not work in this situation. However, if we allow the generator
f to depend on
rather than
, as a particular case, we can prove an existence result in the case where
f is also continuous in
Finally, due to the lack of the comparison principle between solutions of multidimensional Markovian BSDE, the technique used in [
6] cannot be applied in our situation. As the trade-off, we shall use the relationship between the processes
established in Theorem 1 and the
-domination technique to be defined below.
4.1. Partially Continuous Case
Let us consider the BSDEJ of the following type for all
g is the same as in BSDEJ (
4). Throughout this section, we assume that
f satisfies the following assumptions:
- (H4.1)
The mapping
is continuous for any fixed
- (H4.2)
For any
Before we state and prove the main results of this section, let us first recall the precise definition of the
-domination condition, as given in Hamadène [
Definition 2. (-domination condition) For a given , a family of probability measures defined on is said to be -dominated by another family of probability measures , if for any , there exists an application such that
Let , , and the law of our Markov process , defined for each , by .
We further assume the following assumption:
- (H4.3)
For each and for each the family is -dominated by .
Lemma 4. Let f satisfy , , , and . Then, there exists a sequence of functions such that:
, for some positive constant
, for all ;
For all and , there exists positive a constant C such that ;
For any , and for any compact subset
Proof. Let
be an element of
with compact support and satisfy
. We define
such that
Obviously, the sequence of the measurable functions
, such that
satisfies all the assertions of Lemma 4. □
Next, we state and prove the first main result in this section. The following theorem extends a part from the paper [
14], from BSDEs driven by Brownian motion to BSDEs with jumps. However, our generator depends also on the state variable
y which is not covered in [
Theorem 2. Assume that – and – are in force. Then, there exists a triple of processes belonging to that solves the BSDEJ (12). Proof. We first define the following family of approximating BSDEJs obtained by replacing the generator
f in BSDEJ (
4) by
defined in Lemma 4.
On the one hand, since for each
is uniformly Lipschitz with respect to
, so Lemma 2.4 in [
5] or [
26] shows that there exists a unique solution
which solves BSDEJ (
On the other hand, since
satisfies the property (
c) in Lemma 4, Theorem 1 yields that, there exist three sequences of deterministic measurable functions
such that
Furthermore, we have the following deterministic expression for the function
such that for
Hence, keeping in mind the property
(b), as in Lemma 3, one can show that there exists a constant
(independent from
n) such that for any
In particular, due to the fact that
, we obtain
, and thus, for any
The remainder of the proof will be broken down into the following three steps.
Step 1. In this step, we will prove, for each
, that
has a convergent subsequence in
. On one hand, since
satisfies the property
(b), the same technique as in the proof of Lemma 3, yields
We now apply the property
(b) with Assumption
and the estimate (
16) to show that there exists a positive constant
C such that, for any
Therefore, there exists a subsequence
, (which is still labeled by
), and
-measurable deterministic function
such that
On the other hand, let
be fixed,
n, and
be integers. Then, from (
14), we have
We first estimate
. According to the Schwarz inequality and (
17), we obtain
Next, the
-domination property implies
, for
, it follows from (
18) that for any
-almost every
, we have
Therefore, by letting N and tend to infinity successively, the sequence has a convergence subsequence in with limit for any and every .
Step 2. We are going to show the existence of a subsequence still denoted
which converges in
solution of the BSDEJ (
From step 1, there exists a measurable function
u on
, such that for any
Considering (
15), and using Lebesgue’s dominated convergence Theorem, the sequence
converges to
, that is,
Next, we will show the convergence of
respectively in
. For the sake of convenience, we omit the subscript
To simplify the notations, for any
, and
, we set:
Itô’s formula applied to
leads to
are real-valued martingales. Hence, according to property
(b), the Assumption
and the estimate (
16), we obtain by taking the expectation in (
Thanks to (
20), it follows that
converges to some
. Finally, we have proved that for a subsequence
Step 3. In this step, we will verify that the limits of the subsequences are exactly the solutions to BSDEJ (
12). It remains to prove that
converges to
. For
, we define
then, we have
Thanks to (
a) in Lemma 4 and (
converges to 0. Again, according to (
22) and the continuity of
f with respect to
, it follows, using Assumptions
and Lebesgue’s dominated theorem, that
converges to 0 as
n tends toward infinity. Moreover, since
satisfies the property
(b) in Lemma 4,
f satisfies
, and the estimate (
16), a simple computation shows that there is a positive constant
C such that
. Now, we return to estimate the second term
. The linear growth condition
(b) together with
imply that:
On the other hand, it is easy to see that
Then, from the property (d) in Lemma 4, we conclude that the second term of the last inequality converges to 0. Finally, Lebesgue’s dominated convergence theorem asserts that converges also to 0 in .
Eventually, we find, by sending
n and
N to infinity, the converges of sequence
, and then
-a.s. It follows clearly that
solves Equation (
12). □
To obtain the convergence in , we add the following assumption on the generator f:
- (H4.4)
is measurable and for any
, there exists a constant
such that
Corollary 1. Assume that and are in force. Then, there exists a triple of processes belonging to that solves the BSDEJ (12). Proof. By using the inequality
, it is easy to check that the sub-linear growth condition
implies the linear growth condition
, thus the above theorem confirms that there exists a triple
solution to the BSDEJ (
12) which belongs to
. It remains to prove that the sequence
defined in the above proof converges to
. From (
12) and (
13), squaring both sides of
, taking the supremum, the conditional expectation, using BDG inequality, we obtain
are defined by (
Since (respectively converges in (respectively to (respectively, ), the fourth and fifth terms on the right-hand side of the above inequality tends to 0 as n goes towards infinity. Then, by using similar arguments to estimate (respectively, ) in the previous step, one can prove that the first (respectively, the third) term also tends to 0 as n tends to infinity.
Next, we proceed to estimate the second term in inequality (
24). Since
satisfies the property
(b) in Lemma 4 and
f satisfies
, we have
Thanks to Hölder’s inequality applied with
, along with
and the estimate (
16), one can show that
Chebyshev’s inequality yields that there is a positive constant
C such that
By letting N tend to infinity, the previous inequality tends to 0 as n goes to infinity. Consequently, converges to in . □
Remark 2. Note that all the previous results of this section still hold true if the Markov process is constant with value on .
4.2. Totally Continuous Case
So far, we have investigated the existence results for BSDEs driven by a Brownian motion and a compensated Poisson random measure. The case of BSDEJ with continuous generators
y and
z and Lipschitz continuous on
is considered. We claim that, from a mathematics point of view, it is hard to deal with the general case where the generator
f is continuous in
. Indeed, the difficulty comes from the fact that the process
takes values in the functional space
not in
. In the remainder of this paper, we try to relax the globally Lipschitz condition on
by considering the following special case
. For a given measurable function
f defined from
, we consider the three assumptions:
- (H4.5)
for any
, there exists a constant
such that
- (H4.6)
for any
, there exists a constant
such that
- (H4.7)
the mapping is continuous for any fixed
Theorem 3. Under ,, and BSDEJ (25) has at least one solution which belongs to . Furthermore, if f satisfies , , and , then the solution is in Proof. For a given
, an element of
with a compact support such that
. We define
such that
f be a function satisfying
. The sequence of the measurable functions
, defined by
satisfies the following proprieties
- (i)
for some positive constant C;
- (ii)
, for all in the product space ;
- (iii)
For all and , there exists positive constant C such that ;
- (iv)
For any
, and for any compact subset
Firstly, to prove the existence, we define the following family of approximating BSDEJs obtained by replacing the generator
f in BSDEJ (
25) with
defined above.
By Lemma 2.4 in [
5] Equation (
26) admits a unique solution denoted
and belongs to
. Taking into account that
satisfies the above (iii), Theorem 1 confirms the existence of three sequences of measurable and deterministic functions
such that
Furthermore, we have the following equality
where we have denoted by
Starting from the sequence defined in (
26) and reasoning as in the three steps of the proof of Theorem 2, we can also establish the existence of at least one solution
to BSDEJ (
25) which belongs to
provided that
,, and
hold true. Furthermore, using similar arguments in the proof of Corollary 1, one can prove that the solution
is in fact in
,, and
are in force. □
4.3. Examples of Markov Processes Satisfying -Domination
Let us give some examples of Markov processes satisfying our assumption .
- 1.
Obviously, the Brownian Motion with drift, starting at x at time t: , where for all and is an -valued Brownian motion and , satisfies the since it has a density;
- 2.
Let us now consider a more general Markov process solution to the following SDE
. The functions
, satisfy the following conditions:
- (a)
is Lipschitz with respect to x uniformly in t;
- (b)
is invertible and bounded and its inverse is bounded;
- (c)
b is Lipschitz with respect to x uniformly in t and of linear growth.
According to Lemma 4.3 in [
14], the law
- 3.
Let be an -valued Brownian motion such that if and an -stable subordinator starting at zero, , independent of for every . Set a rotationally invariant -stable process whose generator is the fractional power of order of the negative Laplacian, corresponding to the Riesz potential of order .
It is well known that
is a Markov process and the law
has a transition density
satisfying the following upper and lower estimates
for all
, and
. Under a simple relation between
d, the law
- 4.
D be an open subset of
be the exit time of
X from
D. The process
X killed upon exiting
D is defined by
is an isolated point. The infinitesimal generator of the Markov process
is the Dirichlet fractional Laplacian,
, i.e., the fractional Laplacian with zero exterior conditions.
It is shown in ([
28], Theorem 1.1) that when
D is a
open set in
the heat kernel
which is also the transition density of
has the following lower and upper estimates: for every
denotes the distance between
x and
, the complement of
D and
is the transition density defined in example 3. Therefore, under a simple condition on
d, the law
- 5.
For simplicity and ease of notation, we shall take
. The Brownian motion killed upon exiting
D is defined as
Now, we define the subordinate killed Brownian motion,
for all
, as the process obtained by subordinating
via the
-stable subordinator
That is
be the transition density of
. It is proved in ([
29], Lemma 2.1) that if
D is a bounded
domain in
then for any
, there exist two positive constants
such that for any
Therefore, under a condition on and p, the law of satisfies .
- 6.
, we consider the time-inhomogeneous and non-symmetric non-local operators:
is a
-symmetric matrix-valued measurable function on
are measurable functions, and
We denote by
the fundamental solution of the operator
the fundamental solution of the operator
. From (
can be interpreted as a perturbation of
by the operator
, so the heat kernels
p and
q are related by the following Duhamel formula:
for all
For any
, we denote
It is proved under some mild conditions of the coefficients
b, and
(see (
H, and (
H in [
30], Theorem 1.1) that there exists a unique heat kernel
satisfying (
29). Moreover,
is the transition density of the Markov process
X associated to the operator
. The two-sided estimates below of
q were established in ([
30], Corollary 1.5): For any
, there exist constants
such that on
The law of satisfies .