1. Introduction
The present note is largely motivated by our theorem below, itself a continuation and generalization of previous results of Martio and Srebro [
1], Tukia [
2] and Peltonen [
Theorem 1.1 ([4]) Let Mn be a connected, oriented n-dimensional (n ≥ 2
) submanifold of ℝ
N (for some N sufficiently large), with boundary, having a finite number of compact boundary components, and such that one of the following condition holds:
- (i)
Mn is of class Cr, 1 ≤ r ≤ ∞ , n ≥ 2;
- (ii)
Mn is a PL manifold and n ≤ 4;
- (iii)
Mn is a topological manifold and n ≤ 3.
Then there exists a non-constant quasimeromorphic mapping f : , where = ∪ {∞} is identified with n with spherical metric.
Recall that quasiconformal mappings are defined as follows:
Definition 1.2 Let (
M, d), (
N, ρ)
be metric spaces and let f : (
M, d) → (
N, ρ)
be a homeomorphism. Then f is called quasiconformal (or, more precisely, K -quasiconformal iff there exists 1 ≤
K ≤ ∞
, such that, for any x ∈
M , the following holds: H(f, x) is called the linear dilatation of f (at x).
Obviously, the linear dilatation is a measure of the eccentricity of the image of infinitesimal balls. Therefore (at least if one restricts oneself to Riemannian manifolds) quasiconformal mappings can be characterized as being precisely those maps that
map infinitesimal balls into infinitesimal ellipsoids (of bounded eccentricity);
map almost balls into almost ellipsoids;
distort infinitesimal spheres by a constant factor.
In fact, if one considers (in the Riemannian manifold setting) the linear mapping
f′ : ℝ
n → ℝ
n, then
Bn) =
f′) is an ellipsoid of semi-axes
a1 ≥
a2 ≥ · · · ≥
an (and equal to the square roots of the eigenvalue of the adjoint mapping of
f′) and the characterizations above follow. Not only this, but, in fact,
Moreover, quasiconformal mappings
(However, in these cases the characterization is not sharp, the proper class of functions characterized by this property being the so-called
quasisymmetric mappings.)
Of course, one naturally asks whether the “quasiconformal” in Definition 1.2 above implies, indeed, as the name suggests, that quasiconformal mappings “almost” preserve angles (given that
conformal mappings do). The answer is, as expected, positive—see [
Remark 1.3 There exist two other definitions of quasiconformality (for mappings between Riemannian manifolds of the same dimensionality), but we have chosen the one above–the so called metric definition–due to its simplicity, naturalness in our context (see below) and the fact that it makes sense for any metric space. On the other hand, if one wishes to prove even the simplest, intuitive geometric properties (like the ones mentioned above), a delicate interplay of all of the three definitions is needed.
Generalizing the definition of quasiconformality to maps that fail to be homeomorphisms necessitates a number of additional preliminary definitions and notations:
Definition 1.4 Let (
M, d), (
N, ρ)
be metric spaces. f : (
M, d) → (
N, ρ)
is called- (i)
open iff it maps open sets onto open sets;
- (ii)
discrete iff f−1(y) is discrete (in M ), for any y ∈ N.
Definition 1.5 The M, N and f be as above. The branch set Bf of f (also called the critical set in some of the literature) is defined as To introduce a fitting metric definition of quasiregularity, we have to restrict somewhat the class of spaces on which they are defined. However, this class still represents a generalization of more established definitions and more than suffices for our geometric purposes here.
Definition 1.6 Let (M, d), (N, ρ) be metric spaces. f : (M, d) → (N, ρ) is called
(i) quasiregular (or, more precisely, K -quasiregular) iff- 1.
It is sense preserving, open and discrete;
- 2.
H(f, x) is locally bounded;
- 3.
There exists H0 < ∞ such that H(f, x) ≤ H0 for a.e. x ∈ Bf.
(iii) quasimeromorphic iff (N, ρ) is the unit sphere n (equipped with standard metric).
Note that, by [
6], Theorem 6.2, the definition above, coincides in the classical case with the other, more common definitions of quasiregularity. We have preferred here to introduce this, rather than other, more common and established definitions, because, in fact, we mainly need the metric distortion properties, thence in our context its simplicity has great appeal. Moreover, it highlights the fact that quasiregular mappings are, in fact, quite general mappings that satisfy only a set of rather natural topological and metric conditions.
Since the theorem above concerns the existence of quasiconformal mappings, which, as we have seen, are generalizations of quasiconformal mappings and since Proposition 3.3 below concerns the existence of quasiconformal mappings between almost Riemannian manifolds (see Definition 3.1 below), their presence in the title is elucidated.
Given that the proof of Theorem 1.1 essentially requires the construction of a “chess-board” fat triangulation (followed by the alternate quasiconformal mapping of the “black” and “white” simplices to the interior, respective exterior of the standard simplex in
n), the presence in the title of the “fat triangulations” is also explained. Moreover, it follows that to prove Theorem 1.1 one has first to ensure the existence of fat triangulations on manifolds. The required result is given below:
Theorem 1.7 ([4]) Let Mn be a Riemannian manifold satisfying the conditions in the statement of Theorem 1.1 above. If the boundary components admit fat triangulations of fatness ≥ ϕ0, then there exists a global fat triangulation of Mn.
Remark 1.8 In fact, the conditions on the compactness and boundedness of the boundary components in the theorem above are too strong, as indicated by the results in [
where the theorem above was shown to hold also for (hyperbolic) manifolds with infinitely many boundary components (as well as for more general spaces). The role of the conditions in question is to exclude certain “pathological” cases. Given the triangulation results of [
10] for manifolds without boundary, the following corollary follows immediately:
Corollary 1.9 ([4]) Let Mn be a Riemannian manifold satisfying the conditions in the statement of Theorem 1.1 above. Then Mn admits a fat triangulation.
Remark 1.10 For a similar result see [
Recall that
fat triangulations (also called
thick in some of the literature) are defined (in [
10]) as follows:
Definition 1.11 Let τ ⊂
n ; 0 ≤
k ≤
n be a k-dimensional simplex. The fatness φ of τ is defined as being:The infimum is taken over all the faces of τ , σ < τ , and Vol
and diam
σ stand for the Euclidean j-volume and the diameter of σ respectively. (If dim
σ = 0
, then Vol
σ) = 1
, by convention.) A simplex τ is φ0-fat, for some φ0 > 0,
if ϕ(τ) ≥
A triangulation (of a submanifold of n)
T = {
i∈I is φ0-fat if all its simplices are φ0-fat. A triangulation T = {
i∈I is fat if there exists φ0 ≥ 0
such that all its simplices are φ0-fat. The following result gives a more intuitive interpretation on the notion of fatness of simplices as a function of their dihedral angles in all dimensions:
Proposition 1.12 ([10]) There exists a constant c(
that depends solely upon the dimension k of τ such thatand Having explained our concern with fat triangulation and quasimeromorphic mappings, we still have to explain the connection with differential geometry. The inherent relation between the existence of fat triangulations and differential geometry is expressed by the essential role of curvature in the construction of such triangulations. This ingrained connection is transparent in the very basic proof of Peltonen [
3] that represents one of the basic ingredients of our own construction [
4]. More precisely, an interplay between
intrinsic curvature (preserved during the Nash embedding process employed) and
extrinsic curvature (via the
tubular radius, see [
3]) is used to obtain the desired fat triangulation. We have investigated in more detail this aspect of the role of curvature, and showed the possibility of constructing fat triangulations using solely intrinsic curvature,
Ricci curvature, to be more precise, in [
13] and, in a more general context, in [
The reverse direction, that is the role of fat triangulations in determining (in the
PL case) or approximating (in the smooth case) curvature(s) was shown in detail in [
10]—see Theorem [
10] below. It is this direction, and its connection with the existence of quasimeromorphic mappings, that we explore in this paper.
Theorem 1.13 ([10]) Let Mn be a compact Riemannian manifold, with or without boundary, and let be a sequence of fat PL (piecewise flat) manifolds, that are secant approximations of Mn, converging to Mn in the Hausdorff metric. Denote by and i respectively,
the Lipschitz–Killing curvatures
of Mn,
Then i →
in the sense of measures. Recall that the
Hausdorff metric is defined as follows:
Definition 1.14 Let (
X, d)
be a metric space and let A, B ⊆
X . The Hausdorff distance between A and B is defined as:where Ur(
denotes the r-neighborhood of A, i.e
., Ur(
A) = ∪
(Here, B(a, r), denotes, as usually, the open ball of center a and radius r.) (Note that, since Mn is compact and since, given that the PL manifolds are secant approximations of Mn, all these manifolds can be considered to be embedded in the same ℝN. Thus we can employ the Hausdorff metric, instead of the more abstract Gromov–Hausdorff metric.)
The convergence of measure considered here is the
weak convergence:
Definition 1.15 Let X be a complete, separable metric space, equipped with its Borel σ-algebra, and let {µi}i be of sequence of Borel measures of finite mass on X . The sequence {µi}i is said to converge (weakly) to a measur e µ iff ∫X fdµi → ∫X fdµ, for any bounded, positive and continuous function f : X → ℝ.
Recall also that, for a Riemannian manifold
Mn, the Lipschitz–Killing curvatures are defined as follows:
where Ω
π(j−1)π(j) are the
curvature 2
-forms and
ωkl denote the
connection 1
-forms, and they are interrelated by the structure equations:
where {
ωk} is the dual basis of {
Remark 1.16 The low dimensional Lipschitz–Killing curvatures are, in fact, quite familiar: R0 ≡ volume and R2 ≡ scalar curvature. Moreover, Rn ≡ Gauss–Bonnet–Chern form, (for n = 2k).
Remark 1.17 The integral ∫Mn Rj is also known as the integrated mean curvature (of order j).
In a similar manner (but technically slightly more complicated), one can define the associated boundary curvatures (or
mean curvatures)
Hj which are curvature measures on
∂Mn: Let {
1≤k≤n be an orthonormal frame for the tangent bundle
TMn of
Mn, such that, along the boundary
en coincides with the inward normal. Then, for any 2
k + 1 ≤
j ≤
n, we define
These curvatures measures are normalized by imposing the condition that:
for any flat
Remark 1.18 As is the case with the Lipschitz–Killing curvatures, the low dimensional boundary curvatures also have quite familiar interpretations: H1 ≡ area boundary, H2 ≡ mean curvature for inward normal (as expected given the generic names for these Hj-s), etc.
Remark 1.19 One can fatly triangulate the smooth manifold Mn and obtain the desired approximation results for curvatures using the intrinsic metric, not just PL (Euclidean) approximations (see [10] and, for a generalization, [15]). The need for fat triangulations as a prerequisite for Theorem 1.13 should not be surprising, in view of the characterization of fat triangulations as being those triangulations having dihedral angles bounded from below (Proposition 1.12) and in view of the following expression of the Lipschitz–Killing curvatures in terms of dihedral angles (see [
10] for the proof):
σj) denotes the (
link of
σj, and ∡(
σj) is the internal dihedral angle of
σi <
σj; ∡(
σj) = Vol(
σj), where the volume is normalized such that Vol(
n) = 1, for any
n. (See [
10] for further details.) (Here
χ, Vol denote, as usual, the Euler characteristic and volume of
σk, respectively.)
The differential geometric consequence of Theorems 1.13 and 1.7, as well as Corollary 1.9 is the following:
Theorem 1.20 ([15]) Let N = Nn−1 be a not necessarily connected manifold, such that N =
∂M, M =
M n, where Mn is, topologically, as in the statement of Theorem 1.7. (i) If M, N are PL manifolds, then the Lipschitz–Killing curvature measures of N can be extended to those of M . More precisely, there exist Lipschitz–Killing curvature measures = {Rj} on = M ∪ N, such that |N = N and |M = M, except on a regular (arbitrarily small) neighbourhood of N , where N, M denote the curvature measures of N, M respectively.
(ii) If M, N are smooth manifolds, then the same holds, but only in the sense of measures.
Remark 1.21 Recall that Rj|
∂Mn =
Hj and, in the case of PL manifolds, it represents the contribution of the (
n −
-dimensional simplices that belong to the boundary. (For an explicit formula, see any of the formulas (3.23), (3.38) or (3.39) of [10].) Remark 1.22 In a sense, the theorem above can be considered, in view of the previous Remark, as the “reverse” of the result of [10], Section 8, regarding the convergence of the boundary measures.