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Deformation Termination of the Kanggur Ductile Shear Zone in Eastern Tianshan, NW China: Insights from U-Pb Dating of Zircon and Apatite

School of Earth Science and Resources, Chang’an University, Xi’an 710054, China
Geological Survey Academy of Xinjiang, Urumqi 830000, China
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Minerals 2022, 12(10), 1284;
Submission received: 1 September 2022 / Revised: 7 October 2022 / Accepted: 10 October 2022 / Published: 13 October 2022
(This article belongs to the Section Mineral Geochemistry and Geochronology)


The Kanggur ductile shear zone (KDSZ), located in the south margin of the Central Asia Orogenic Belt (CAOB), plays a critical role in the tectonic evolution and mineralization in eastern Tianshan. Although different isotopic chronologies have been reported, the termination of the KDSZ deformation remains controversial. Here, we provide new data obtained by U-Pb dating of zircon and apatite from Huangshandong synkinematic granite (HSG) and Huludong deformed granite (HDG) to constrain the termination of the KDSZ deformation. The U-Pb age of apatite from HSG (249.1 ± 1.8 Ma) is identical to that of zircon (256.5 ± 2.1 Ma) within the error range. In contrast, the U-Pb age of apatite from HDG (248.1 ± 4.0 Ma) is significantly younger than that of zircon (347.3 ± 2.5 Ma). The HDG and HDG have the geochemical characteristics of I-type granites petrogenesis, including high SiO2 (up to 75.47%), high alkaline (K2O + Na2O = 6.39%–8.05%), low FeOT/MgO (2.4–3.4), and peraluminous (A/CNK = 1.01–1.08). Combined with previous Sr-Nd isotope compositions, the positive zircon εHf(t) values and TDM2 ages indicate that the ca. 347 Ma HDG originated from the re-melting of juvenile crust crustal-derived magma in a volcanic arc environment during the northward subduction of the Kanggur oceanic basin, and the ca. 257 Ma HSG originated from the partial melting of thickened juvenile crust in a post-collisional environment. Although trace elements of zircon show typical magmatic characteristics, apatite does not. With the presence of distinct major and trace elements in apatite, the apatite from HSG is characterized by high Mn (>2500 ppm), slight enrichment in the middle rare earth elements (MREEs), and obvious negative Eu anomalies (δEu = 0.09–0.21), indicating that it is related to magmatic apatite. In contrast, the apatite from HDG, with low Mn (<860 ppm), depleted light rare earth elements (LREEs), and variable Eu anomalies (δEu = 0.30–1.34), demonstrated fluid metasomatism with metamorphic overprinting. Combined with the regional geology and published geochronology data, the HSG is interpreted to be derived from the magma experiencing cooling crystallization in the plastic state from 256.5 to 249.1 Ma, while the HDG is considered to have experienced metamorphism and deformation between 347.3 and 248.1 Ma. Owing to the relatively low closure temperature of the U-Pb isotopic system, the apatite U-Pb ages are interpreted as Early Triassic tectono-magmatism events, corresponding to the end of deformation of the KDSZ. This is inferred to be related to the continuous evolution of the Paleo-Asian Ocean in the Late Permian to Early Triassic.

1. Introduction

The Central Asia Orogenic Belt (CAOB), surrounded by the North China, Tarim, European, and Siberian cratons (Figure 1a), is a typical accretionary orogen [1,2]. Different levels and types of ductile shear zones were formed during convergence, subduction accretion, collision, and amalgamation related to the Paleo-Asian Ocean [2,3,4,5,6,7]. Eastern Tianshan, as an important part of the CAOB, is famous for the Kanggur Ductile Shear Zone (KDSZ) and associated orogenic deposits. The KDSZ of eastern Tianshan is considered not only to control the mineralization of gold deposits [8], but also to modify those of nickel and copper deposits [9,10]. Notably, there are several synkinematic granites and deformed granites in the KDSZ, including the Keziertage, Huangshan, Huangshandong, and Huludong intermediate-to-felsic intrusive rocks [11,12,13,14]. The deformation behavior of such bodies is critical for understanding tectonic processes within the continental lithosphere [15]. Although the termination of the KDSZ deformation is constrained by structural mapping [16] and various isotope dating methods, terminated isotopic age is still controversial and has been suggested to be in the Early Permian [13,17,18], Middle Permian [19,20,21], Late Permian [18,20], Early Triassic [14], and Middle Triassic [22].
Zircon, as the most abundant accessory mineral within igneous rocks, is hardly reformed in a wide range of temperatures and pressures and is widely used for geochronology [23,24,25]. Furthermore, apatite, Ca5(PO4)3(F, Cl, OH), is also commonly observed in different igneous rocks over a range of different geological processes [26,27]. It is increasingly used for ascertaining the tectonic event history as it is a supplement to the recorded information of zircon grains [15,28,29]. Apatite fission track (AFT) thermochronology was gradually developed into a well-established method for the analysis of tectonic thermal evolution history within a near-surface to 120 °C low-temperature window [30,31,32]. Owing to its unique structure and chemical behavior, apatite has also been applied in high-temperature thermochronology studies in recent years [31,33], including constraints on the shear zone deformation time [15,34] and the metallogenic process of magmatic hydrothermal deposits [35,36,37]. As the U-Pb apatite system has a closure temperature of ca. 350–550 °C [31,38,39,40,41], it is even cooler when there is fluid involved [26,37,42,43]. Therefore, apatite provides a unique opportunity to date the deformation and metasomatism in ductile shear zones [15].
In this study, we present the petrology, U-Pb ages of zircon and apatite, and major and trace element compositions of apatite of synkinematic and deformed granites to provide new insights into the termination of the KDSZ deformation. These data add new constraints on the geodynamic setting of the KDSZ in the southern CAOB.

2. Geological Setting

Eastern Tianshan, located at the southern margin of the Tu-Ha basin (Figure 1b), has important metallogenic potentiality and hosts Cu-Ni-Au-Mo-Fe-Pb-Zn resources in Xinjiang, NW China (Figure 1c). The KDSZ in east–west direction is bound by the Kanggur dextral strike-slip shear fault and the Yamansu fault [12,45], with a scale that is ~500 km long and ~20 km wide. It is commonly subdivided into three tectonic units, namely the Dananhu–Tousuquan Belt, Jueluotage Belt (including Kanggur Ductile Shear Zone and Aqishan–Yamansu Arc), and Central Tianshan Block (Figure 1c) [44].
The strongly deformed strata of the KDSZ consist of the Lower Carboniferous Gandun Formation (flysch formation, e.g., tuffaceous siltstone, tuffaceous sandstone, and pyroclastic rock) and the Upper Carboniferous Wutongwozi Formation (pelagic sediments of deep-sea bathyal facies, e.g., bioclastic carbonate, siliceous rock, spilite, and tuffaceous siltstone), with massive Variscan–Indosinian granitoids, abundant Early Permian ultramafic–mafic intrusions, and tiny ophiolitic fragments [46,47,48]. Among them, the Permian synkinematic granite forming a lenticular tailing structure was produced by partial melting of the thickened juvenile lower crust in a post-collisional orogenic environment [2,47,49], whereas the Carboniferous granite that underwent deformation was likely derived from partial melting of metasomatized mantle wedge in a subduction-related arc environment [7,44]. Additionally, tight fold deformation occurred in the Carboniferous thin-layer clastic rocks, and σ-type rotated porphyroclasts developed in the mylonitized sandstone of the KDSZ [48,50,51]. All of the above deformation characteristics indicate that the KDSZ movements experienced compressive deformation, along with dextral strike slip [19,52]. In addition to the deformation, metamorphism is generally found in the KDSZ [50,51]. A series of important deposits occurred in the KDSZ, such as the orogenic gold deposits (e.g., Kanggur, Matoutan, and Shiyingtan deposits) [8], magmatic sulfide copper–nickel deposits (e.g., Lubei, Huangshan, Huangshandong, Huangshannan, Hulu, and Tulargen deposits) [9,53,54,55], porphyry molybdenum deposits (e.g., Baishan and Donggebi) [56,57], and pegmatite lithium–beryllite deposits (e.g., Jingerquan) [48,58].
The Dananhu–Tousuquan Belt, north of the KDSZ, is composed of Early Ordovician to Late Carboniferous volcanic and intrusive rocks, which host a series of significant porphyry copper deposits (e.g., Yuhai, Tuwu, and Fuxing) [59,60,61] and volcanic massive sulfide copper-zinc deposits (e.g., Huangtupo and Xiaorequanzi) [62,63]. From the Ordovician to Silurian, the rock assemblage transitioned from basalt and andesite to dacite and rhyolite, with tuff and subordinate limestone [64]. The Devonian strata generally consist of tuffaceous sandstones and siltstones with mafic to felsic volcanic rocks [65]. The Carboniferous strata are dominated by bimodal volcanic rocks, wherein the rocks of the Tuwu copper deposit are slightly deformed.
The Aqishan–Yamansu Belt, south of the KDSZ, consists of the Lower Carboniferous Yamansu Formation (shallow marine carbonate and terrigenous clastic formations with andesitic tuff) and the Upper Carboniferous Tugutubulake Formation (basaltic and andesitic pyroclastic rocks), along with granitic intrusive rocks and intermediate–basic dykes [66,67]. A series of iron deposits related to volcanism have been identified in this belt, including the Hongyuntan, Bailingshan, Heijianshan, Chilongfeng, and Yamansu deposits [68,69].

3. Petrology

Synkinematic and deformed granites subjected to dextral strike-slip shear are common in the KDSZ. The Huangshandong synkinematic granite (HSG) was emplaced into the Lower Carboniferous Gandun Formation and is approximately 8.5 km long and 2 km wide. Its lenticular shape indicates the presence of strong strike-slip extrusion stress in an uncooled plastic state (Figure 2a). The Huludong deformed granite (HDG) intruded into the Lower Devonian Dananhu Formation with medium-grade metamorphism and deformation (Figure 2b).

3.1. Huangshandong Synkinematic Granite

The HSG, composed of granodiorite, is elongated lenticularly along the plane (Figure 2a) and may have experienced ductile deformation in the plastic state. Previous studies have identified that the HSG was emplaced in the Middle–Late Permian [70,71]. The granodiorite of HSG mainly comprises plagioclase (50%–60%), quartz (25−30%), K-feldspar (10%±), and minor biotite and muscovite (Figure 2c,e). Recrystallization occurs at the edge of the large-grain quartz, which displays wavy extinction (Figure 2d). Biotite is schistose, showing chloritization and epidotization (Figure 2e). The apatite is hypidiomorphic granular and distributed between biotite and plagioclase (Figure 2f).

3.2. Huludong Deformed Granite

The Early Carboniferous deformed granites have been reported to exist in many places of the KDSZ, for instance Knaggur, Jianshan, and Huludong [8]. The HDG, composed of monzogranite, has a gneissic structure and undergoes middle- and high-grade metamorphism and deformation (Figure 2g). The monzogranite of the HDG mainly comprises K-feldspar (35%±), plagioclase (30%±), quartz (25%±), and minor biotite (Figure 2h). Subsequently, K-feldspar and plagioclase formed porphyroclasts, and the quartz recrystallized to form a matrix (Figure 2i,j). The K-feldspar (0.15–3.0 mm) comprises microcline, with argillarization, chlorite, and epidotite alteration (Figure 2h). The plagioclase (0.12–2.0 mm) with agglomerated lamellae twins is obviously dislocated (Figure 2i). The quartz distributed around the microcline shows wavy extinction and recrystallization (Figure 2j). The biotite with slight deformation experienced chloritization and epidotization. The particle size of apatite is 0.02–0.12 mm, and the apatite is subhedral granular, distributed in biotite schistosity or wrapped in quartz (Figure 2k).

4. Analytical Methods

4.1. Zircon U-Pb Dating

Zircon and apatite grains were separated from the whole-rock samples using heavy liquid and magnetic techniques, hand-picked under a binocular microscope, and mounted in epoxy resin. The internal structure of the zircons (including zoning, structures, and fractures) was characterized by cathodoluminescence (CL) imaging using a Cameca electron microprobe (JSM-6510A from Japan) at Yujin Technology Co., Ltd. Trace element composition analysis and U-Pb dating of zircon were conducted by using an Agilent 7500a laser ablation system coupled with an iCAP RQ ICP–MS at Nanjing FocuMS Technology Co. Ltd. The analytical spot size, laser frequency, and energy density were 32 mm, 5 Hz, and 6.5 J/cm2, respectively. The analytical drift of the U-Th-Pb isotope ratio was corrected using linear interpolation (with time) for every 10 analyses in accordance with variations in the standard zircon 91,500. Weighted mean calculations and concordia diagrams were produced using the ISOPLOT software [72]. In situ zircon trace element analyses were conducted on the same zircon grains that had been analyzed for U-Pb isotopes, and the analysis procedures and conditions were the same as those for the U-Pb isotopic analysis. The time-resolved spectra were processed offline using the ICP-MS DataCal software [73].

4.2. Apatite U-Pb Dating

Zircon U–Pb isotope analysis was carried out in-situ by using a NWR193 laser-ablation microprobe (Elemental Scientific Lasers LLC), attached to a Analytikjena M90 at Yanduzhongshi Geological Analysis Laboratories Ltd.. The downhole fractionation, instrument drift, and mass bias correction factors for Pb/U ratios on apatite were calculated using two analyses on the primary (MAD2) [74] and secondary standard apatite: McClure Mt [75], Otter Lake [31,76] and Durango [77] analyzed at the beginning of the session and after every 10 unknown apatites using the same spot size and conditions as those used for the samples. The trace element contents of apatite were quantified using SRM610 as an external standard and 44Ca as the internal standard element assuming stoichiometric proportions.
Each analysis of the apatite began with a 20 s blank gas measurement followed by a further 40 s of analysis time after the laser was switched on. Apatite was sampled at 40 μm spots using a laser at 8 Hz and a density of approximately 4 J/cm2. A flow of He carrier gas at a rate of 0.55 L/min carried the particles ablated by the laser out of the chamber to be mixed with Ar gas and subsequently carried to the plasma torch. Isotopes measured included 31P, 44Ca, 140Ce, 202Hg, 204Pb, 206Pb, 207Pb, 208Pb, 232Th, and 238U wherein each element was measured every 0.18 s with a longer counting time for Pb isotopes compared to the other elements. The data reduction used was based on the detailed method outlined by Meffre et al. [78] with an additional modification to correct for the small amount of common Pb present in the primary standard using the 207Pb correction [79].

4.3. Major and Trace Elements of Apatite

The major and trace elements of apatite were determined at Yanduzhonqshi Geological Analysis Laboratories Ltd. The major elements of apatite grains were determined using a JEOL JXA 8230 electron probe microanalyzer equipped with four wavelength-dispersive-type spectrometers. The operating conditions were as follows: 15 kV accelerating voltage, 20 nA beam current, and 5 μm focused electron beam size. The standards used were as follows: apatite [F, P, Ca], corundum [Al], jadeite [Si, Na], CeP5O14 (synthetic) [Ce], KNbO3 (synthetic) [K], PbMoO4 (synthetic) [Pb], U-Th-Pb (synthetic) [Th], LaP5O14(synthetic) [La], PrP5O14(synthetic) [Pr], NaCl (synthetic) [Cl], MnO (synthetic) [Mn], barite [S], uraninite [U], magnetite [Fe], olivine [Mg], and rutile [Ti]. The analytical reproducibility was within 2%. The trace elements in apatite were determined using LA-ICP-MS. LA-ICP-MS analysis of separated apatite grains was conducted using an Analytikjena M90 quadrupole ICPMS with a 193 nm NWR193 Ar-F excimer laser. An Agilent 7700× ICP-MS instrument with helium as the carrier gas was used to acquire the ion-signal intensities. The laser ablation spots were 25 μm in diameter. The international standards NIST SRM 610 and NIST SRM 612 were used for the external calibration of the in situ apatite analysis. 43Ca was used as the internal standard for the LA-ICP-MS calibration. Data reduction was conducted using the ICP-MS DataCal software [80].

4.4. In Situ Hf Isotopic Dating

Zircon in situ Hf isotope analysis was conducted at Nanjing FocuMS Technology Co., Ltd. using a New Wave ArF 193 nm laser ablation system coupled to a Neptune Plus MC-ICP-MS. Analytical spots were located close to or on the top of the previous LA-ICP-MS analytical spots, with a beam diameter and laser repetition rate of 44 μm and 8 Hz at 15 J/cm2, respectively. During the analysis, the standard 91,500 zircon, 176Hf/177Hf = 0.282296 ± 0.000008 (2σ), was used for external standardization. The 176Lu decay constant in the εHf(t) calculation was 1.865 × 10−11y−1 [81]. The depleted mantle line was defined by present-day 176Hf/177Hf = 0.28325 and 176Hf/177Hf = 0.0384 [82]. The single-stage (TDM) and two-stage Hf model ages (TDM2) were calculated using the methods of Griffin et al. [82] and Griffin et al. [83], respectively.

4.5. Major and Trace Elements of Granites

Whole-rock geochemical compositions were obtained at the Xinjiang Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources. The main elements were determined using a Philips PW2404X XRF and an Axios X-ray fluorescence spectrometer. Trace element compositions were determined using a Finnigan MAT HR-ICP-MS and NexION 300× after acid digestion of the samples in Teflon bombs.

5. Results

5.1. Zircon U-Pb Ages

Two samples of HSG and HDG were dated using zircon U-Pb analysis. The LA-ICP-MS dating results are presented in Table 1; representative CL images of zircon grains from these rocks are shown in Figure 3. All the analyzed zircons are prismatic, euhedral, and colorless, and most of them show oscillatory zoning patterns, which imply a magmatic origin. The analyzed zircons have variable U (38.2–298.8 ppm) and Th (12.7–160.4 ppm) contents, with Th/U ratios ranging from 0.15 to 0.71. Twenty-five zircon grains from HSG show a narrow range with 206Pb/238U ages of 248.4 to 267.1 Ma, yielding a concordant age of 256.6 ± 1.1 Ma (MSWD = 4.6; Figure 4a), with a weighted mean age of 256.5 ± 2.1 Ma (MSWD = 0.89; Figure 4b). Twenty-three zircon grains from HDG show a narrow range with 206Pb/238U ages of 337.6 to 358.8 Ma, yielding a concordant age of 347.3 ± 0.9 Ma (MSWD = 1.2; Figure 4c), with a weighted mean age of 347.3 ± 2.5 Ma (MSWD = 1.8; Figure 4d).
Results for apatite dating of HSG and HDG are presented in Table 2. Thirty apatite grains from HSG show a narrow range with 207Pb-corrected ages of 229.4 to 284.0 Ma, yielding a lower intercept age of 249.2 ± 3.5 Ma (MSWD = 1.08; Figure 5a), with a weighted mean age of 249.1 ± 1.8 Ma (MSWD = 0.97; Figure 5b). Twenty-nine apatite grains from HDG show a narrow range with 207Pb-corrected ages of 217.2 to 269.9 Ma, yielding a lower intercept age of 247 ± 11 Ma (MSWD = 0.46; Figure 5c), with a weighted mean age of 248.1 ± 4.0 Ma (MSWD = 0.68; Figure 5d).

5.2. Trace Element Composition of Zircon

A total of 45 analyses were conducted for zircon grains to estimate trace element composition in HSG and HDG, and the results are presented in Table 3. The zircon grains from HSG have low Ti (0.59–10.25 ppm, mean = 5.03 ppm) and Ta (0.15–1.06 ppm, mean = 0.35 ppm). In comparison, the zircon grains from HDG have high Ti (5.65–12.10 ppm, mean = 8.69 ppm) and Ta contents (0.51–0.67 ppm, mean = 0.56 ppm). The chondrite-normalized REE patterns of the zircon grains from both HSG and HDG show depleted LREEs, enriched HREEs, and weak negative Eu and large positive Ce anomalies (Figure 4a,c). Combined with oscillatory zoning, high Th/U ratios (>0.1), and identical REE patterns, zircons from both HSG and HDG show the characteristics of typical magmatic zircon [84,85].

5.3. Major and Trace Element Compositions of Apatite

A total of 38 analyses were conducted for apatite grains to estimate major and trace elements by electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) and LA-ICP-MS, respectively, and the results are presented in Table 4 and Table 5. The apatite grains from HSG and HDG have similar CaO, P2O5, SiO2, and Cl contents, in the ranges of 53.17–55.83, 41.28–42.96, 0–0.26, and 0–0.08 wt.%, respectively. The apatite grains from HSG have high MnO (0.33–0.82 wt.%, average: 0.58 wt.%), FeOT (0.03–0.22 wt.%, average: 0.11 wt.%), and F contents (2.90–4.10 wt.%, average: 3.44 wt.%). In contrast, the apatite grains from the HDG have low MnO (0.04–0.15 wt.%, average: 0.09 wt.%), FeOT (0–0.05 wt.%, average: 0.02 wt.%), and F contents (1.89–4.15 wt.%, average: 2.87 wt.%).
The apatite grains from HSG have high Mn (2570–7960 ppm, mean = 6204.7 ppm) and Fe contents (1140–4770 ppm, mean = 2775.8 ppm). In contrast, the apatite grains from HDG have low Mn (493–854 ppm, mean = 692.5 ppm), Fe (226–928 ppm, mean = 469.9 ppm), and LREE contents (35–1315 ppm, mean = 279.1 ppm). The chondrite-normalized REE patterns of apatite grains from the HSG show enrichment in LREEs (1012–3168 ppm, mean = 1827.4 ppm) with obvious negative Eu anomalies (δEu = 0.09–0.21). In comparison, the apatite grains from the HDG have variable total REEs ranging from 170.9 to 2442.6 ppm (mean = 879.9 ppm) and low LREE/HREE (0.2–1.2, mean = 0.5).

5.4. Zircon Hf Isotope

In situ zircon Hf isotopic analyses of HSG and HDG samples are presented in Table 6 and plotted in Figure 6. The initial 176Hf/177Hf ratios of HSG ranged from 0.282972 to 0.2830656 (mean = 0.283016, n = 25), with calculated εHf(t) values ranging from 12.2 to 15.2. The two-stage Hf model ages (TDM2) range from 279.0 to 479.4 Ma, with an average of 381 Ma. The 176Hf/177Hf ratios of HDG samples range from 0.282875 to 0.282920 (mean = 0.282903, n = 10), with calculated εHf(t) values ranging from 10.5 to 12.2 (mean = 11.6, n =10). The two-stage Hf model ages (TDM2) range from 552 to 655 Ma, with an average of 589.9 Ma.

5.5. Major and Trace Element Geochemistry of Granites

The whole-rock major and trace element data are presented in Table 7 and plotted in the “granite” compositional field in the TAS diagram (Figure 7a). Eight samples from HSG are characterized by high SiO2 (71.90–72.99 wt.%), Al2O3 (14.44–15.43 wt.%), and Na2O (4.42–5.29 wt.%) and low TiO2 (0.16–0.21 wt.%), MgO (0.51–0.66 wt.%), and Fe2O3T (1.42–1.90 wt.%) contents, indicating that HSG may belong to the calc-alkaline magmatic affinity (Figure 7b). All of the samples from HSG display relatively low A/CNK values (1.06–1.09) and are classified as peraluminous. Six samples from HDG are characterized by high SiO2 (68.16–75.47 wt.%), Al2O3 (12.58–16.92 wt.%), Na2O (3.44–5.16 wt.%), and K2O (2.55–4.24 wt.%) and low TiO2 (0.28–0.37 wt.%), MgO (0.52–0.78 wt.%), and Fe2O3T (1.54–2.08 wt.%) contents, exhibiting a calc-alkaline to high-K calc-alkaline magmatic affinity (Figure 7b). All of the samples from HSG display relatively low A/CNK values (1.01–1.08) and are classified as peraluminous.
The samples from HSG are characterized by low ΣREE (50.45–67.51 ppm), LREE enrichments and HREE depletions (LREE/HREE = 7.3–14.9), and weak negative Eu (δ Eu = 0.65–1.10) and weak negative Ce anomalies (δ Ce = 0.96–0.97) (Figure 7c). Moreover, they are also enriched in large-ion lithophile elements (LILEs; e.g., Rb, U, and K) and depleted in high-field-strength elements (HFSEs; e.g., Ta, Nb, P, and Ti; Figure 7d) compared to the primitive mantle. The samples from HDG are characterized by low ΣREE (64.90–91.40 ppm), LREE enrichment and HREE depletion (LREE/HREE = 5.2–8.0), and weak negative Eu (δ Eu = 0.65–0.86) and weak Ce anomalies (δ Ce = 0.78–1.30; Figure 7c). Furthermore, they are also enriched in LILEs (e.g., Rb, U, and K) and depleted in HFSEs (e.g., Ta, Nb, P, and Ti) compared to the primitive mantle (Figure 7d).

6. Discussion

6.1. Petrogenesis of Granites

The absence of amphibole, together with the high SiO2 (up to 75.47%), high total alkalinity (K2O + Na2O = 6.39. 8.05%), and low FeOT/MgO (2.4–3.4), suggests that the HSG and HDG experienced extensive magmatic fractionation [89]. The granite was previously interpreted as S-, I-, and A-types by different studies as it tends to have a similar major element and mineral composition to haplogranite [89,90]. The two plutons are relatively low in (K2O + Na2O)/CaO and 10,000 Ga/Al, falling into the I- and S-type granite fields (Figure 8a). Notably, the A/CNK values (1.01–1.08) belong to peraluminous granites, in contrast to the S-type granites, which are usually strongly peraluminous with A/CNK values much higher than 1.1 [89,91]. Furthermore, the P2O5 content (less than 0.2%) decreased with increasing SiO2 content (Figure 8b), thereby acting as a critical indicator for identifying I-type and S-type granites as apatite was more inclined to reach saturation in metaluminous and mildly peraluminous magmas (A/CNK <1.1) compared to strongly peraluminous melts [91,92]. Thus, the HSG and HDG are identified as I-type granites [91,93].
In general, magma sources proposed for I-type granites are (1) mafic to intermediate (meta)igneous rocks without sediments [97] or (2) mixed crustal-derived and mantle-derived magmas [98]. The samples from HSG and HDG show a positive correlation in the La vs. La/Sm diagram (Figure 8c), indicating that their compositional variations are mainly controlled by partial melting [95]. The samples show high SiO2 (up to 75.47%) and low MgO (less than 0.8%), indicating that they were generated by the partial melting of pure crustal material (Figure 8d). Furthermore, the ca. 347 Ma HDG is characterized by positive zircon εHf(t) values (10.5 to 12.2), relatively young TDM2 ages (552 to 655 Ma), and published data of lower (87Sr/86Sr)i ratios and higher εNd(t) of the Early Carboniferous [42], indicating that it originated from the re-melting of juvenile crust crustal-derived magma in a volcanic arc environment during the northward subduction of the Kanggur oceanic basin [88,99,100]. Nevertheless, the ca. 257 Ma HSG has higher positive zircon εHf(t) values (12.2 to 15.2), younger TDM2 ages (279.0 to 479.4 Ma), and published data of higher εNd(t) (5.42 to 7.12) of the Late Permian [49], indicating that it originated from the partial melting of thickened juvenile crust in a post-collisional environment [47,100].

6.2. Genesis of Apatite

6.2.1. Apatite from HSG

The U-Pb system of apatite from HSG is seemingly undisturbed as it recorded a single inverse isochron trend yielding 249.1 ± 1.8 Ma (MSWD = 0.97), which is consistent with the zircon U-Pb age of 256.5 ± 2.1 Ma (MSWD = 0.89). Meanwhile, the apatite grains from HSG do not record any textural evidence of deformation and recrystallization (Figure 5a). The slight enrichment in LREEs and MREEs, depletion in HREEs, and obvious negative Eu anomalies of apatite (Figure 9) correspond to those from classic granites of the Lachlan Fold Belt showing little evidence of a metamorphic overprint [101,102]. As the substitution of variable valence elements in apatite is controlled by oxygen fugacity, Ca2+ in apatite is regularly replaced as it has a similar radius to Eu3+, Mn2+, and Ce3+ [103]. Thus, the clustered Ce/Ce* values (1.10–1.20) of apatite from HSG show a relatively stable crystallization environment (Figure 10a). Moreover, the remarkably high Mn (>2500ppm) and low Eu/Eu* (0.09–0.21) values imply that the apatite crystallized from magma (Figure 10b) [104]. This is consistent with the samples mostly being plotted within the I-type granite field (Figure 10c). Therefore, the mineralogy of homogeneous composition, similar geochronology, and clustered major and trace elements of apatite from HSG indicate that its grains were likely crystallized from I-type granite (Figure 10c). The lenticular morphology of the synkinematic granite is attributed to the crystallization in the plastic state during cooling.

6.2.2. Apatite from HDG

The U-Pb age of apatite from HDG records a single inverse isochron trend yielding 248.1 ± 4.0 Ma (MSWD = 0.68), which is obviously later than the zircon U-Pb age (347.3 ± 2.5 Ma, MSWD = 1.8). Asynchronous U-Pb ages of zircon and apatite suggest that two tectono-magmatic events accompanied the unclosed U-Pb isotopic system. The deformation behavior of quartz and plagioclase from HDG indicates that they experienced deformation and recrystallization (Figure 2h–j). Moreover, the apatite grains with different colors in the EBSD images indicate that the composition of apatite grains from HDG underwent activation and migration (Figure 5c). Previous studies demonstrated that Y and LREEs can be released from apatite as REE-bearing phosphate mineral inclusions, wherein apatite interacts with low-salinity fluids [35,37,105,106,107,108]. The strong depletion in LREEs, enrichment in HREEs, and variable Eu anomalies of apatite suggested are obviously different from those of typical apatite from granite and thereby metasomatism (Figure 9) [101]. The scatter of Ce/Ce* values (0.55–1.28) and LREE patterns of apatite grains from HDG show an unclosed transformation environment (Figure 10a) [37]. Low Mn (<860 ppm) and high Eu/Eu* (0.30–1.34) values (Figure 10b) of apatite from HDG indicate that the later metasomatic fluid may yield an oxidizing system [37]. Thus, the heterogeneous composition, inconsistent geochronology of zircon and apatite, and scattered major and trace elements of apatite together indicate that the apatite grains crystallized from HDG show an obvious trend toward the low- and medium-grade metamorphic and metasomatic apatite fields (Figure 10c). The gneissic structure of HDG may be related to ductile deformation.

6.3. Termination of the KDSZ Deformation

The orogenic gold deposits of the KDSZ, occurring in the Carboniferous strata with strong deformation, formed in the Late Permian to Early Triassic (e.g., Kanggur and Jinshan) [8,110]. Magmatic copper–nickel sulfide deposits of the KDSZ were formed in the Early Permian and underwent distinctly ductile deformation (e.g., Huangshandong) [9,10]. It can be inferred that the formation of the KDSZ is closely related to mineralization.
Based on field observations and measurements, previous studies have shown that the deformation process of the KDSZ can be divided into collisional N–S compression, post-collisional extension, and dextral strike slip [16,45,111,112]. The deformation of the KDSZ seems to have started with the subduction–accretion of the Kanggur ocean basin at the end of the Carboniferous [13,16,45]. Although different isotopic ages have been published (Table 8), including the U-Pb (zircon, niobium tantalite, and monazite), Re-Os (molybdenite), and Ar-Ar (biotite, muscovite, hornblende, plagioclase, and sericite) isotopic systems, the termination of the KDSZ deformation is still debated on Early Permian [13,17,18], Middle Permian [19,20,21], Late Permian [18,20], Early Triassic [14], or Middle Triassic (Table 8) [22]. Isotopic ages of typical tectono-magmatism in eastern Tianshan are shown in Table 8.
As the U-Pb apatite system has a closure temperature of ca. 350–550 °C [31,38,40], it has been applied to constrain the shear zone deformation time [15,34] and metallogenic process of magmatic hydrothermal deposits [35,36,37,43]. The closure temperature of the apatite U-Pb isotope system can be reduced to 190 °C if fluid is present [26,43]. In view of the deformation behavior of quartz and plagioclase during the ductile deformation [119,120], the deformation temperature of the KDSZ was estimated to be between 400 and 550 °C [50,51], corresponding to that of a typical ductile shear zone [121]. Thus, the deformation temperature of the KDSZ crossed the closure temperature of the apatite U-Pb isotopic system [40]. Furthermore, the apatite from HDG was metasomatized by fluid, indicating that the isotopic fingerprint was covered by metamorphism. Therefore, we propose that the apatite age of ca. 248 Ma obtained in this study can be considered as the termination of the KDSZ deformation in eastern Tianshan, which can thus provide new constraints for the regional tectono-magmatic evolution (Figure 11) [122,123].
However, what did the KDSZ experience from 347 to 248 Ma? The HDG formed at ca. 347 Ma is estimated to have invaded a depth of 15 km (Figure 12a), as the brittle–plastic transition of feldspar and quartz generally occurs at that depth. Combined with the minimum closure temperature (350 °C) of apatite and the geothermal gradient (35 °C/km), the HDG is estimated to have experienced an uplift of about 5 km from 347 to 248 Ma (Figure 12b), which is inferred to be related to the continuous evolution of the Paleo-Asian Ocean.

7. Conclusions

The U-Pb age of apatite from HSG (249.1 ± 1.8 Ma, MSWD = 0.97) is identical to that of zircon (256.5 ± 2.1 Ma, MSWD = 0.89). Additionally, the U-Pb age of apatite from HDG (248.1 ± 4.0 Ma, MSWD = 0.68) is significantly later than that of zircon (347.3 ± 2.5 Ma, MSWD = 1.8).
The HSG and HDG have the geochemical characteristics of highly fractionated I-type granite petrogenesis. Moreover, their positive zircon εHf(t) values and TDM2 ages indicate that the HSG originated from the re-melting of younger juvenile crustal-derived magma compared to HDG.
The apatite from HSG is characterized by high Mn, low Eu/Eu*, slight enrichment in MREEs, and obvious negative Eu anomalies, indicating a typical magmatic origin. In contrast, the apatite from HDG is characterized by low Mn, high Eu/Eu*, and depletion in LREEs, demonstrating that it experienced fluid metasomatism with a metamorphic overprinting.
The apatite U-Pb age (ca. 248.1 Ma) is interpreted as the Early Triassic tectono-magmatism event, which not only corresponds to the magmatism and mineralization in the Jingerquan area, but also represents the termination of KDSZ deformation in eastern Tianshan.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, T.L. and P.L.; formal analysis, P.L. and Y.-G.F.; investigation, P.L. and T.-Y.Z.; resources, G.C. and Z.-X.Z.; writing—original draft preparation, P.L.; writing—review and editing, T.L. and Y.-G.F.; supervision, T.L.; funding acquisition, G.C. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research was funded by the second Tibetan Plateau Scientific Expedition and Research (2019QZKK0806), the National Key R & D project of China (2018YFC0604001–04) and the Project of Xinjiang Natural Science Youth Fund (2020D01B51).

Data Availability Statement

The raw/processed data required to reproduce these findings cannot be shared at this time as the data also forms part of an ongoing study.


We thank Changzhi Wu and Mengxi Wang from the Chang’an University for their discussion on primary manuscript. We also thank Qiong Han and Liuyuan Jin of Xinjiang Geological Survey Academy for their assistance during fieldwork.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interest or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.


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Figure 1. (a) Simplified map of the CAOB. (b) Tectonic framework in northern Xinjiang. (c) Simplified geological map of eastern Tianshan showing the distribution of representative deposits, modified from Li et al. [44].
Figure 1. (a) Simplified map of the CAOB. (b) Tectonic framework in northern Xinjiang. (c) Simplified geological map of eastern Tianshan showing the distribution of representative deposits, modified from Li et al. [44].
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Figure 2. Typical features of the HSG and HDG. (a) The lenticular HSG. (b) The gneissic HDG. (c) Porphyry granodiorite of HSG. (d) Recrystallized quartz from HSG showing undulatory extinction in perpendicular polarized light. (e) Subhedral granular apatite from HSG associated with microcline with perpendicular polarized light. (f) Granular apatite from HSG associated with biotite in plane polarized light. (g) Weakly oriented gneissic monzogranite of HDG. (h) Chlorite alteration and metasomatized K-feldspar from HDG with perpendicular polarized light. (i) Deformed plagioclase from HDG surrounded by wave extinction quartz with perpendicular polarized light. (j) Quartz with undulatory extinction around plagioclase with perpendicular polarized light. (k) Subhedral granular apatite in plane polarized light. Mineral abbreviations: Q—quartz; Pl—plagioclase; Kf—K—feldspar; Bi—biotite; Mus—muscovite; Ep—epidote; Chl—chlorite; Ap—apatite.
Figure 2. Typical features of the HSG and HDG. (a) The lenticular HSG. (b) The gneissic HDG. (c) Porphyry granodiorite of HSG. (d) Recrystallized quartz from HSG showing undulatory extinction in perpendicular polarized light. (e) Subhedral granular apatite from HSG associated with microcline with perpendicular polarized light. (f) Granular apatite from HSG associated with biotite in plane polarized light. (g) Weakly oriented gneissic monzogranite of HDG. (h) Chlorite alteration and metasomatized K-feldspar from HDG with perpendicular polarized light. (i) Deformed plagioclase from HDG surrounded by wave extinction quartz with perpendicular polarized light. (j) Quartz with undulatory extinction around plagioclase with perpendicular polarized light. (k) Subhedral granular apatite in plane polarized light. Mineral abbreviations: Q—quartz; Pl—plagioclase; Kf—K—feldspar; Bi—biotite; Mus—muscovite; Ep—epidote; Chl—chlorite; Ap—apatite.
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Figure 3. Cathodoluminescence (CL) images of representative zircons from the HSG and HDG.
Figure 3. Cathodoluminescence (CL) images of representative zircons from the HSG and HDG.
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Figure 4. (a) U-Pb concordia diagram of the zircons from the HSG. (b) Weighted mean 206Pb/238U age of the zircons from the HSG. (c) U-Pb concordia diagram of the zircons from the HDG. (d) Weighted mean 206Pb/238U age of the zircons from the HDG.5.2. Apatite U-Pb Ages.
Figure 4. (a) U-Pb concordia diagram of the zircons from the HSG. (b) Weighted mean 206Pb/238U age of the zircons from the HSG. (c) U-Pb concordia diagram of the zircons from the HDG. (d) Weighted mean 206Pb/238U age of the zircons from the HDG.5.2. Apatite U-Pb Ages.
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Figure 5. (a) U-Pb concordia diagram of the apatite from the HSG. (b) Weighted mean 206Pb/238U age of the apatite from the HSG. (c) U-Pb concordia diagram of the apatite from the HDG. (d) Weighted mean 206Pb/238U age of the apatite from the HDG.
Figure 5. (a) U-Pb concordia diagram of the apatite from the HSG. (b) Weighted mean 206Pb/238U age of the apatite from the HSG. (c) U-Pb concordia diagram of the apatite from the HDG. (d) Weighted mean 206Pb/238U age of the apatite from the HDG.
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Figure 6. (a) In situ zircon Hf isotope diagram. (b) The initial 176Hf/177Hf ratios from HSG and HDG.
Figure 6. (a) In situ zircon Hf isotope diagram. (b) The initial 176Hf/177Hf ratios from HSG and HDG.
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Figure 7. (a) Total alkali (Na2O + K2O) versus silica (SiO2) (TAS) diagram, modified after Middlemost [86]. (b) SiO2 vs. K2O diagram. (c) Chondrite-normalized REE distribution. (d) Primitive mantle-normalized trace element diagrams. Normalizing factors are from Sun and McDonough [87]. The data of Late Permian granite are from Muhtar et al. [49], and the data of Early Carboniferous granite are from Du et al. [88].
Figure 7. (a) Total alkali (Na2O + K2O) versus silica (SiO2) (TAS) diagram, modified after Middlemost [86]. (b) SiO2 vs. K2O diagram. (c) Chondrite-normalized REE distribution. (d) Primitive mantle-normalized trace element diagrams. Normalizing factors are from Sun and McDonough [87]. The data of Late Permian granite are from Muhtar et al. [49], and the data of Early Carboniferous granite are from Du et al. [88].
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Figure 8. Geochemical affinity of the HSG and HDG. (a) (K2O + Na2O)/ CaO vs. 10,000Ga/Al, after Whalen et al. [94]. (b) SiO2 vs. P2O5 diagrams, after Chappell [91]. (c) La/Sm vs. La, after Chung et al. [95]. (d) Mg# vs. SiO2 diagram, after Gerdes et al. [96].
Figure 8. Geochemical affinity of the HSG and HDG. (a) (K2O + Na2O)/ CaO vs. 10,000Ga/Al, after Whalen et al. [94]. (b) SiO2 vs. P2O5 diagrams, after Chappell [91]. (c) La/Sm vs. La, after Chung et al. [95]. (d) Mg# vs. SiO2 diagram, after Gerdes et al. [96].
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Figure 9. Chondrite-normalized REE patterns of apatite from HSG and HDG. The chondrite REE values are from Sun and McDonough [87].
Figure 9. Chondrite-normalized REE patterns of apatite from HSG and HDG. The chondrite REE values are from Sun and McDonough [87].
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Figure 10. Biplots of apatite from the bedrock apatite database. (a) Eu/Eu* vs. Ce/Ce* in apatite. (b) Eu/Eu* vs. Mn contents in apatite. (c) Sr/Y vs. ΣLREE (defined here as La-Nd), modified from O’Sullivan et al. [109]. Abbreviations for groups: ALK—alkali-rich igneous rocks; IM—mafic I-type granitoids and mafic igneous rocks; LM—low- and medium-grade metamorphic and metasomatic; HM—partial-melts/leucosomes/high-grade metamorphism; S—S-type granitoids and high aluminum saturation index (ASI) ‘felsic’ I-types; UM—ultramafic rocks including carbonatites, lherzolites, and pyroxenites.
Figure 10. Biplots of apatite from the bedrock apatite database. (a) Eu/Eu* vs. Ce/Ce* in apatite. (b) Eu/Eu* vs. Mn contents in apatite. (c) Sr/Y vs. ΣLREE (defined here as La-Nd), modified from O’Sullivan et al. [109]. Abbreviations for groups: ALK—alkali-rich igneous rocks; IM—mafic I-type granitoids and mafic igneous rocks; LM—low- and medium-grade metamorphic and metasomatic; HM—partial-melts/leucosomes/high-grade metamorphism; S—S-type granitoids and high aluminum saturation index (ASI) ‘felsic’ I-types; UM—ultramafic rocks including carbonatites, lherzolites, and pyroxenites.
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Figure 11. Isotopic ages and closure temperature of isotopic system. The closure temperature data of isotopic system are modified from Chew et al. [40].
Figure 11. Isotopic ages and closure temperature of isotopic system. The closure temperature data of isotopic system are modified from Chew et al. [40].
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Figure 12. Schematic diagram of the crustal uplift during Early Carboniferous to Early Triassic.
Figure 12. Schematic diagram of the crustal uplift during Early Carboniferous to Early Triassic.
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Table 1. LA-ICP-MS U-Pb data of zircon grains from HSG and HDG of the KDSZ.
Table 1. LA-ICP-MS U-Pb data of zircon grains from HSG and HDG of the KDSZ.
Spot No.Th (ppm)U (ppm)Th/UIsotope RatiosAges (Ma)Concordance
Table 2. LA-ICP-MS U-Th-Pb data of apatite grains from HSG and HDG of the KDSZ.
Table 2. LA-ICP-MS U-Th-Pb data of apatite grains from HSG and HDG of the KDSZ.
Spot No.UThPbIsotope Ratiosf206%Ages (Ma)
Table 3. Trace element compositions (10−6) of zircon grains from the HSG and HDG of the KDSZ.
Table 3. Trace element compositions (10−6) of zircon grains from the HSG and HDG of the KDSZ.
Spot No.LaCePrNdSmEuGdTbDyHoErTmYbLuPScTiYNbHfTa
20HSD-010.07 3.72 0.05 0.76 1.54 0.52 9.66 3.21 40.26 15.02 69.98 14.74 160.27 29.80 248.21 356.00 2.34 484.74 1.16 10973.90 0.22
20HSD-020.00 3.71 0.03 0.70 2.36 0.37 19.20 7.18 96.24 37.05 183.75 40.27 447.70 84.24 377.06 464.84 0.88 1152.38 3.13 11538.87 1.06
20HSD-030.00 3.18 0.04 0.87 2.80 0.62 16.55 5.36 64.28 22.93 103.26 20.75 218.22 38.79 288.60 385.22 6.13 759.27 1.31 10658.63 0.25
20HSD-040.00 2.47 0.03 0.78 1.99 0.36 13.60 4.90 59.21 20.90 95.54 19.67 204.33 36.85 244.23 427.48 1.47 690.11 1.50 11389.03 0.43
20HSD-050.00 11.63 0.03 0.80 2.96 1.08 20.41 7.75 105.45 42.19 202.12 42.52 453.19 83.88 449.82 546.32 3.31 1264.16 1.64 10762.89 0.47
20HSD-070.00 8.10 0.05 0.86 2.56 1.50 17.68 6.71 86.83 34.42 167.50 36.14 400.66 76.73 589.50 404.94 9.82 1033.26 0.96 8432.80 0.18
20HSD-080.00 8.42 0.05 1.14 3.12 1.25 23.00 7.55 91.23 31.63 143.33 28.29 297.61 53.71 302.03 385.79 4.18 994.34 1.89 10747.96 0.37
20HSD-090.01 6.50 0.06 1.15 3.19 1.11 20.82 7.17 92.11 34.64 160.02 32.73 348.21 63.26 374.46 445.13 6.82 1110.94 2.21 10720.18 0.33
20HSD-100.12 11.51 0.11 1.30 2.97 0.84 18.22 6.73 90.68 35.95 174.72 36.14 394.16 71.18 415.77 538.11 6.61 1080.11 1.52 11576.79 0.43
20HSD-110.00 14.64 0.03 1.10 3.30 1.33 24.23 8.89 114.28 43.93 203.73 41.11 433.65 77.04 428.57 532.14 3.82 1287.99 1.30 10359.39 0.31
20HSD-120.00 4.05 0.02 0.61 1.44 0.67 9.96 3.33 43.06 16.56 79.09 16.83 188.45 36.14 434.83 340.38 4.57 512.66 0.87 9888.66 0.20
20HSD-130.00 9.51 0.06 1.33 3.66 1.82 23.82 8.60 112.17 43.40 203.66 40.67 430.83 77.67 715.47 447.83 9.49 1325.98 1.57 8701.18 0.27
20HSD-140.02 3.40 0.10 1.73 5.03 0.79 28.91 9.59 107.78 36.24 152.80 29.93 306.50 52.35 519.24 477.67 5.13 1144.47 1.51 11721.04 0.32
20HSD-150.00 11.09 0.02 0.89 2.84 0.94 18.21 6.61 84.90 32.32 153.96 31.74 335.49 61.59 564.58 466.36 6.37 976.47 1.13 9319.26 0.29
20HSD-160.00 5.85 0.04 0.87 2.40 1.59 19.40 7.02 93.99 37.78 188.11 39.57 442.50 85.40 365.88 460.32 9.13 1144.56 1.11 8369.95 0.15
20HSD-170.00 3.75 0.01 0.30 1.15 0.42 8.25 3.19 41.05 15.77 77.43 15.82 176.99 32.42 305.04 340.13 2.13 472.73 0.90 12139.13 0.26
20HSD-180.05 11.02 0.10 1.25 2.64 0.95 17.06 6.01 78.15 30.80 145.45 29.93 323.84 58.65 353.66 485.07 3.58 912.06 1.13 10517.98 0.26
20HSD-190.00 11.35 0.03 0.99 3.42 1.45 23.43 8.23 107.09 40.52 191.07 39.13 420.71 76.26 383.17 471.17 5.16 1218.32 1.46 9967.16 0.35
20HSD-200.00 15.02 0.05 1.02 3.74 1.68 32.67 11.63 145.19 53.12 243.80 48.71 508.27 88.41 428.73 513.78 5.90 1574.45 1.39 10792.45 0.34
20HSD-220.01 3.20 0.04 0.88 2.92 0.44 15.55 5.53 66.12 24.06 110.46 22.83 245.52 44.43 315.11 416.37 2.16 765.20 1.66 11310.36 0.41
20HSD-234.05 23.83 1.93 10.33 4.73 1.19 20.15 7.19 90.00 35.22 165.91 33.61 358.07 64.46 2561.04 470.78 5.64 1037.54 1.20 9446.60 0.25
20HSD-240.00 10.81 0.08 1.41 3.72 1.83 24.21 9.24 121.15 47.57 226.13 46.34 502.00 93.34 532.47 505.17 10.25 1451.57 1.78 9406.52 0.33
20HSD-250.08 10.55 0.14 1.44 2.55 1.57 19.45 7.65 101.89 41.22 200.90 42.83 470.40 84.35 495.38 522.69 4.25 1224.79 1.43 11529.37 0.52
20HSD-260.00 10.00 0.06 1.10 3.12 2.04 28.64 10.19 127.06 48.48 230.65 47.99 512.94 94.91 432.54 408.99 9.46 1451.60 1.06 8578.40 0.19
20HSD-270.00 4.72 0.01 0.29 1.14 0.32 10.19 4.15 56.31 23.29 117.24 25.71 293.87 55.40 332.57 348.34 0.59 692.44 2.08 11461.53 0.61
20HSD-280.00 2.79 0.02 0.25 0.86 0.24 5.96 2.35 29.93 11.79 58.51 12.88 151.87 29.38 368.05 302.89 4.06 362.22 1.02 10289.09 0.30
20HSD-290.00 12.80 0.05 0.98 3.18 1.23 22.29 7.75 99.41 37.81 178.47 36.34 384.62 70.03 363.33 500.29 4.22 1126.31 1.37 10089.38 0.32
20HSD-300.00 2.49 0.03 0.76 2.53 0.40 14.72 5.26 61.05 20.66 84.11 16.35 167.91 28.14 233.90 418.81 3.27 654.28 1.56 11449.89 0.38
20HLD-010.02 0.53 0.01 0.15 0.28 0.08 1.19 0.41 4.31 1.77 7.55 1.65 15.70 3.23 339.02 342.69 8.42 1149.03 1.63 9850.39 0.51
20HLD-030.05 0.57 0.02 0.18 0.26 0.10 0.91 0.33 3.77 1.46 6.82 1.60 15.33 3.49 690.29 339.47 8.56 1228.32 1.87 9616.76 0.55
20HLD-050.04 0.45 0.03 0.18 0.25 0.08 0.85 0.24 2.42 0.98 4.70 1.23 11.29 2.59 544.54 356.69 5.65 1430.99 2.00 9415.22 0.59
20HLD-060.06 0.48 0.04 0.30 0.30 0.10 0.76 0.22 2.35 0.89 4.34 1.06 11.41 2.22 972.75 341.19 6.89 963.37 1.72 9628.53 0.56
20HLD-070.39 3.52 0.19 1.07 0.49 0.11 0.79 0.21 2.12 0.86 4.31 1.02 11.40 2.32 2482.14 341.06 12.10 1068.81 1.48 9662.93 0.51
20HLD-090.01 0.77 0.02 0.19 0.25 0.11 0.89 0.29 3.55 1.62 8.05 2.12 21.22 4.82 614.68 416.71 9.14 2142.45 2.56 8420.94 0.67
20HLD-100.15 0.74 0.06 0.31 0.23 0.07 0.80 0.24 2.92 1.25 5.91 1.44 15.00 3.14 433.19 348.28 10.07 941.37 1.46 9777.20 0.54
20HLD-110.65 8.61 0.20 1.20 1.26 0.40 7.16 2.52 34.46 14.92 73.63 17.82 193.95 40.24 525.74 228.10 58.06 466.20 1.15 8996.50 0.34
20HLD-120.06 12.04 0.05 0.79 1.60 0.68 12.08 4.24 57.49 24.00 121.04 28.20 304.02 61.61 65.43 269.01 12.10 765.91 1.05 8912.85 0.36
20HLD-130.03 23.42 0.08 1.60 3.68 1.39 24.94 9.63 130.60 56.26 281.76 65.49 710.89 143.01 31.45 316.20 9.14 1774.49 2.80 8699.90 0.84
20HLD-140.58 20.23 0.16 1.68 2.09 0.51 12.09 4.88 70.71 30.66 154.47 36.76 397.45 79.76 392.05 256.33 17.62 978.18 4.46 10551.10 1.39
20HLD-151.28 49.97 1.48 8.95 7.47 1.93 29.09 9.67 120.34 47.31 222.05 50.14 529.83 104.95 1083.61 258.59 8.42 1444.92 2.25 9951.31 0.83
20HLD-160.00 10.37 0.03 0.99 2.10 0.91 13.77 5.13 65.72 27.51 134.63 30.59 320.05 65.95 0.00 268.51 8.56 860.92 0.93 8703.77 0.44
20HLD-170.64 24.26 0.34 2.40 4.87 0.95 16.07 5.76 79.54 33.54 173.73 41.59 461.91 95.44 4357.60 286.58 5.65 1078.18 3.13 9765.72 1.14
20HLD-180.82 27.04 0.64 4.65 4.22 1.26 20.13 6.84 92.60 38.98 197.39 45.55 493.90 100.54 305.64 279.97 6.89 1243.26 3.16 9670.60 1.02
20HLD-190.03 20.72 0.15 2.37 5.30 1.87 30.31 10.87 144.35 58.36 283.50 65.07 684.45 137.50 105.91 297.40 10.07 1835.63 2.00 8649.84 0.65
20HLD-200.71 12.71 0.36 2.34 1.90 0.79 13.11 4.66 62.65 27.00 136.48 32.20 355.37 72.72 764.27 262.24 13.69 869.06 1.91 8593.78 0.50
Table 4. Major element compositions (10−2) of apatite grains from the HSG and HDG of the KDSZ.
Table 4. Major element compositions (10−2) of apatite grains from the HSG and HDG of the KDSZ.
Spot No.Al2O3P2O5Ce2O3SiO2K2OCaOPbOSO3La2O3Na2OMgOMnOPr2O3FeOTiO2FClTotal
20HSD-01 0.05541.9220.0710.1210.24554.090.052000.1840.0670.78900.1960.0483.0980.06299.72
20HLD-01 042.2270.0390.0010.03855.3400.030000.0920.026002.5720.02999.30
20HLD-02 042.5280.0560.033054.2300.030.145000.0800.02403.2790.02599.08
20HLD-03 0.03342.2290.050.070.0454.160.0550.030000.09300.0130.024.1470.02999.24
20HLD-04 0.01442.19900.0650.02855.8300.05000.0210.06500.02902.5940.02299.84
20HLD-05 0.00642.8240.0250.0910.00253.90.0120.05000.0340.08300.01802.950.03398.78
20HLD-06 041.8250.0320.0310.00855.1800.050000.0490.0770.02802.7410.02698.88
20HLD-07 0.05342.0980.0670.2640.154.7300.070.04800.0240.04400.00102.9510.0399.26
20HLD-08 0.01842.870.0160.0550.00455.300.02000.0140.1490001.8920.01299.55
20HLD-09 0.01442.9600.0590.03954.820.0120.010.024000.1410.0130.020.013.0660.05899.95
20HLD-10 042.3780.0060.0810.05254.7900.030000.06700.0480.0122.7730.01799.11
20HLD-11 0.04742.6460.0160.0960.01354.8500.060.07200.0120.0630.0930.01402.7860.02499.60
20HLD-12 0.00142.50.0050.0770.00254.050.1040.020.167000.07800.0290.0272.5420.02298.55
20HLD-13 042.5050.0390.048054.320.0370.03000.0230.1010002.7370.0198.77
20HLD-14 042.74700.0610.00354.600.040000.0690.010.0080.0362.6110.00999.12
20HLD-16 042.4270.0140.0450.01654.9400.050.14400.0120.1280.0260.03103.3260.01999.85
20HLD-17 0.02142.3260.0290.1010.01155.1400.010.072000.1100.02702.6480.03599.48
20HLD-18 0.00841.4090.0440.0410.00554.570.0740.07000.0020.1080.0610.0190.0043.6210.04198.57
20HLD-19 0.02542.84900.0730.00154.290.0310.060000.07100.01802.8170.01999.11
20HLD-20 0.01142.5350.010.0350.00454.3500.040000.1090.0510.00502.5560.00498.67
Table 5. Trace element compositions (10−6) of apatite grains from the HSG and HDG of the KDSZ.
Table 5. Trace element compositions (10−6) of apatite grains from the HSG and HDG of the KDSZ.
Table 6. Hf isotope composition of zircon grains from HSG and HDG of the KDSZ.
Table 6. Hf isotope composition of zircon grains from HSG and HDG of the KDSZ.
Spot No.T(Ma)176Yb/177Hf176Lu/177Hf176Hf/177HfεHf(0)εHf(t)TDM (Ma)T2DM (Ma)fLu/Hf
20HSD-01254.00.011629 0.000127 0.000454 0.000004 0.283014 0.000009 8.113.7333381−0.99
20HSD-02258.10.027567 0.000122 0.001080 0.000002 0.282972 0.000008 6.612.2397479−0.97
20HSD-03251.90.013551 0.000615 0.000501 0.000021 0.283002 0.000009 7.713.2350410−0.99
20HSD-04251.40.012154 0.000229 0.000449 0.000009 0.282992 0.000010 7.312.8363433−0.99
20HSD-05254.20.029700 0.000778 0.001119 0.000026 0.283022 0.000008 8.413.8327370−0.97
20HSD-06267.10.026272 0.000172 0.001006 0.000008 0.283038 0.000009 9.014.7303324−0.97
20HSD-07258.90.028854 0.000339 0.001177 0.000010 0.283021 0.000010 8.313.9328369−0.96
20HSD-08248.40.030252 0.000447 0.001141 0.000013 0.282981 0.000009 6.912.3385465−0.97
20HSD-09257.70.026652 0.000279 0.000979 0.000010 0.282977 0.000009 6.812.3390469−0.97
20HSD-10254.00.027490 0.000266 0.001075 0.000009 0.283005 0.000008 7.813.2351408−0.97
20HSD-11259.80.028210 0.000315 0.001056 0.000011 0.283046 0.000010 9.214.8292310−0.97
20HSD-12260.60.027056 0.000271 0.001031 0.000009 0.283003 0.000008 7.713.3352407−0.97
20HSD-13259.00.041531 0.000300 0.001582 0.000011 0.283015 0.000009 8.113.6341388−0.95
20HSD-14260.60.027278 0.000880 0.001008 0.000032 0.282975 0.000010 6.712.3392471−0.97
20HSD-16259.30.039020 0.000233 0.001573 0.000006 0.283057 0.000011 9.615.1279291−0.95
20HSD-18262.50.046152 0.000545 0.001677 0.000018 0.283019 0.000008 8.313.8337379−0.95
20HSD-19254.60.030896 0.000167 0.001181 0.000006 0.283042 0.000009 9.114.5299326−0.96
20HSD-20258.90.032997 0.000223 0.001272 0.000007 0.283033 0.000011 8.814.3312343−0.96
20HSD-21261.50.028172 0.000123 0.001082 0.000004 0.283042 0.000009 9.114.7298320−0.97
20HSD-23259.20.030054 0.000260 0.001134 0.000012 0.283032 0.000009 8.714.3312343−0.97
20HSD-24255.70.041629 0.000365 0.001624 0.000016 0.283020 0.000009 8.313.7334378−0.95
20HSD-25249.00.038974 0.001030 0.001439 0.000037 0.283042 0.000010 9.114.4301331−0.96
20HSD-26250.10.044217 0.000331 0.001711 0.000011 0.283066 0.000009 9.915.2269279−0.95
20HSD-28256.80.014469 0.000344 0.000586 0.000011 0.283000 0.000011 7.613.2353412−0.98
20HSD-30264.80.014413 0.000072 0.000536 0.000003 0.282986 0.000009 7.112.9372438−0.98
20HLD-03347.30.034900 0.000841 0.001100 0.000023 0.282906 0.000010 4.311.8492 578 −0.97
20HLD-05337.60.040700 0.000178 0.001270 0.000008 0.282912 0.000010 4.511.9486 567 −0.96
20HLD-07342.10.046900 0.000571 0.001500 0.000013 0.282920 0.000010 4.812.2477 552 −0.96
20HLD-08345.20.062400 0.001070 0.001930 0.000035 0.282903 0.000010 4.211.5508 597 −0.94
20HLD-09341.70.053700 0.000424 0.001710 0.000017 0.282899 0.000008 4.011.4510 603 −0.95
20HLD-10352.10.041200 0.000133 0.001290 0.000006 0.282914 0.000009 4.612.0483 562 −0.96
20HLD-12351.50.047300 0.000500 0.001530 0.000016 0.282906 0.000010 4.311.7498 584 −0.95
20HLD-16349.40.051100 0.000173 0.001590 0.000007 0.282875 0.000009 3.210.5543 655 −0.95
20HLD-17351.20.068400 0.000303 0.002100 0.000008 0.282897 0.000009 4.011.2518 612 −0.94
20HLD-18344.30.040500 0.001620 0.001270 0.000047 0.282902 0.000009 4.111.6500 589 −0.96
Table 7. Whole-rock geochemical compositions of the HSG and HDG of the KDSZ.
Table 7. Whole-rock geochemical compositions of the HSG and HDG of the KDSZ.
Sample No.20HSD-Y120HSD-Y220HSD-Y320HSD-Y420HSD-Y520HSD-Y620HSD-Y720HSD-Y820HLD-Y120HLD-Y220HLD-Y320HLD-Y420HLD-Y520HLD-Y6
Major elements (%)
Na2O + K2O6.77.126.466.476.56.76.396.537.197.768.017.547.88.05
Trace elements (ppm)
Table 8. Isotopic ages of typical tectono- magmatism in Eastern Tianshan.
Table 8. Isotopic ages of typical tectono- magmatism in Eastern Tianshan.
No.Name Rocks/OresDeformationDated MineralsDating MethodsAges (Ma)References
1Kanggur gold depositMylonitized andesiteApparently deformedZirconLA-ICP-MS U-Pb338.0 ± 1.7Muhtar et al. [8]
Mylonitized daciteApparently deformedZirconLA-ICP-MS U-Pb338.1 ± 2.2Muhtar et al. [8]
Mylonitized rhyoliteApparently deformedZirconLA-ICP-MS U-Pb332.4 ± 2.8Muhtar et al. [8]
Mylonitized granite porphyryApparently deformedZirconLA-ICP-MS U-Pb342.6 ± 1.9Muhtar et al. [8]
Mylonitized quartz keratophyreApparently deformedWhole rockAr-Ar plateau262.2 ± 1.5Chen et al. [19]
Quartz chlorite sericite myloniteApparently deformedWhole rockAr-Ar plateau261.5 ± 1.2Chen et al. [19]
Mylonitized pyroclastic rocksApparently deformedWhole rockAr-Ar plateau262.9 ± 1.4Chen et al. [19]
granitic mylonite Apparently deformedWhole rockAr-Ar plateau260.1 ± 1.8Chen et al. [19]
Mylonitized gold oresApparently deformedSericiteAr-Ar plateau253.9 ± 1.8Chen et al. [20]
Mylonitized gold oresApparently deformedSericiteAr-Ar plateau261.0 ± 1.0Chen et al. [20]
Mylonitized gold oresApparently deformedSericiteAr-Ar plateau252.5 ± 1.7Chen et al. [20]
Mylonitized gold oresApparently deformedSericiteAr-Ar plateau262.7 ± 3.0Muhtar et al. [21]
Mylonitized gold oresApparently deformedSericiteAr-Ar plateau263.4 ± 2.9Muhtar et al. [21]
Mylonitized gold oresApparently deformedMuscoviteAr-Ar plateau256.0 ± 1.0Liu et al. [113]
2Keziertage synkinematic graniteGneissic biotite graniteSlightly deformedZirconLA-ICP-MS U-Pb288.9 ± 1.9Muhtar et al. [13]
Biotite monzograniteSlightly deformedZirconLA-ICP-MS U-Pb291.5 ± 1.7Muhtar et al. [13]
K-feldspar graniteSlightly deformedZirconLA-ICP-MS U-Pb287.9 ± 3.1Muhtar et al. [13]
Biotite quartz monzoniteSlightly deformedZirconLA-ICP-MS U-Pb278.5 ± 1.8Muhtar et al. [13]
GabbroSlightly deformedZirconLA-ICP-MS U-Pb278.1 ± 2.3Muhtar et al. [13]
Greisen dioriteSlightly deformedHornblendeAr-Ar plateau276.5 + 1.6Wang et al. [17]
Greisen dioriteSlightly deformedHornblendeAr-Ar plateau276.0 + 4.0Wang et al. [17]
GraniteSlightly deformedHornblendeAr-Ar plateau276.5± 1.6Wang et al. [18]
GraniteSlightly deformedHornblendeAr-Ar plateau272.2± 1.5Wang et al. [18]
GraniteSlightly deformedHornblendeAr-Ar plateau278.4 ± 1.5Wang et al. [18]
Greisen dioriteSlightly deformedBiotiteAr-Ar plateau261.0 + 1.0Wang et al. [18]
Greisen dioriteSlightly deformedBiotiteAr-Ar plateau253.9 ± 2.3Wang et al. [18]
GraniteSlightly deformedBiotiteAr-Ar plateau261.0 ± 1Wang et al. [18]
GraniteSlightly deformedBiotiteAr-Ar plateau256.9 ± 1.3Wang et al. [18]
GraniteSlightly deformedBiotiteAr-Ar plateau253.9 ± 2.3Wang et al. [18]
3Huangshannan graniteMylonitized muscovite graniteApparently deformedZirconLA-ICP-MS U-Pb259.9 ± 1.4Tang et al. [114]
4Shuangchagou graniteMylonitized granodioriteApparently deformedZirconLA-ICP-MS U-Pb252.4 ± 2.9Zhou et al. [115]
5Jingerquan pegmatite depositPegmatiteUndeformedMuscoviteAr-Ar plateau243.0 + 2.0Chen et al. [22]
Spodumene pegmatiteUndeformedNiobium tantaliteLA-ICP-MS U-Pb250.8 ± 1.0Feng et al. [58]
Peraluminous graniteUndeformedZirconLA-ICP-MS U-Pb250.0 ± 4.0Muhtar et al. [47]
GabbroUndeformedZirconLA-ICP-MS U-Pb248.7 ± 1.4 Liu et al. [48]
MonzogabbroUndeformedZirconLA-ICP-MS U-Pb250.7 ± 2.5Liu et al. [48]
MonzogabbroUndeformedZirconLA-ICP-MS U-Pb247.0 ± 1.8Liu et al. [48]
MonzogabbroUndeformedZirconLA-ICP-MS U-Pb247.6 ± 1.2 Liu et al. [48]
Muscovite granite UndeformedMonazite SIMS U-Th-Pb252.9 ± 1.9 Liu et al. [48]
Muscovite granite UndeformedMonazite SIMS U-Th-Pb246.0 ± 2.0 Liu et al. [48]
6Donggebi molybdenum depositPorphyritic graniteUndeformedZirconLA-ICP-MS U-Pb234.6 ± 2.7Sun et al. [116]
Fine-grained graniteUndeformedZirconLA-ICP-MS U-Pb231.8 ± 2.4Sun et al. [116]
OresUndeformedMolybdeniteRe-Os Isochron234.0 ± 2.0Sun et al. [116]
OresUndeformedMolybdeniteRe-Os Isochron234.3 ± 1.6Han et al. [117]
7Baishan molybdenum depositGranite porphyryUndeformedZirconLA-ICP-MS U-Pb228.1 ± 8.0Zhang et al. [118]
OresUndeformedMolybdeniteRe-Os Isochron224.8 ± 4.5Zhang et al. [56]
8JinshanMylonitized dioriteApparently deformedZirconLA-ICP-MS U-Pb334.5 ± 4.7Muhtar et al. [110]
gold depositAuriferous quartz lodeApparently deformedMuscoviteAr-Ar plateau248.6 ± 0.8Muhtar et al. [110]
Auriferous quartz lodeApparently deformedMuscoviteAr-Ar plateau249.6 ± 0.9Muhtar et al. [110]
9Huangshandong synkinematic graniteGranodioriteSlightly deformedZirconLA-ICP-MS U-Pb256.6 ± 1.1This study
GranodioriteSlightly deformedApatiteLA-ICP-MS U-Pb249.1 ± 1.8This study
10Huludong deformed graniteMonzograniteSlightly deformedZirconLA-ICP-MS U-Pb347.3 ± 0.9This study
MonzograniteSlightly deformedApatiteLA-ICP-MS U-Pb248.1 ± 4.0This study
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MDPI and ACS Style

Li, P.; Liang, T.; Zhao, T.-Y.; Feng, Y.-G.; Chen, G.; Zhu, Z.-X. Deformation Termination of the Kanggur Ductile Shear Zone in Eastern Tianshan, NW China: Insights from U-Pb Dating of Zircon and Apatite. Minerals 2022, 12, 1284.

AMA Style

Li P, Liang T, Zhao T-Y, Feng Y-G, Chen G, Zhu Z-X. Deformation Termination of the Kanggur Ductile Shear Zone in Eastern Tianshan, NW China: Insights from U-Pb Dating of Zircon and Apatite. Minerals. 2022; 12(10):1284.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Li, Ping, Ting Liang, Tong-Yang Zhao, Yong-Gang Feng, Gang Chen, and Zhi-Xin Zhu. 2022. "Deformation Termination of the Kanggur Ductile Shear Zone in Eastern Tianshan, NW China: Insights from U-Pb Dating of Zircon and Apatite" Minerals 12, no. 10: 1284.

APA Style

Li, P., Liang, T., Zhao, T.-Y., Feng, Y.-G., Chen, G., & Zhu, Z.-X. (2022). Deformation Termination of the Kanggur Ductile Shear Zone in Eastern Tianshan, NW China: Insights from U-Pb Dating of Zircon and Apatite. Minerals, 12(10), 1284.

Note that from the first issue of 2016, this journal uses article numbers instead of page numbers. See further details here.

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