Pattern Recognition and Deep Learning Technologies, Enablers of Industry 4.0, and Their Role in Engineering Research
:1. Introduction
1.1. Scope and Motives for the Study
1.2. Previous Research
1.3. Main Contributions of This Paper
2. Literature Review
2.1. Pattern Recognition
2.2. Deep Learning
3. Methodology
3.1. Study Search
3.2. Study Selection
4. Descriptive Study Analysis
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Q | Quartile |
R | Correlation coefficient |
CC | Cloud computing |
AI | Artificial intelligence |
BD | Big data |
ML | Machine learning |
MI | Machine intelligence |
DL | Deep learning |
NB | Naïve bayes |
NN | Nearest neighbor |
RF | Random forest |
PR | Pattern recognition |
KNN | K-nearest neighbor |
SLR | Systematic literature review |
ANN | Artificial neural network |
SVM | Support vector machine |
GNN | Graph neural network |
CNN | Convolutional neural network |
DBN | Deep belief network |
SAE | Stacked autoencoder |
RNN | Recurrent neural network |
MLP | Multilayer perceptron |
GAN | Generative adversarial network |
SOM | Self-organizing map |
SLP | Single-layer perceptron |
PNN | Probabilistic neural network |
RBM | Restricted Boltzmann machine |
PCA | Principal component analysis |
HMM | Hidden Markov model |
IoT | Internet of Things |
NLP | Natural language processing |
NLG | Natural language generation |
AUC | Area under the curve |
CAD | Computer-aided diagnosis |
DNN | Deep neural network |
MAE | Mean absolute error |
LDA | Linear discriminant analysis |
GRU | Gated recurrent unit |
TDNN | Time-delay neural network |
MAPE | Mean absolute percentage error |
RMSE | Root mean squared error |
VAPE | Variance of absolute percentage error |
RBFN | Radial basis function network |
LSTM | Long short-term memory |
CURE | Clustering using representatives |
STING | Statistical information grid-based method |
RMSEP | Root mean square prediction error |
BIRCH | Balanced iterative reducing and clustering using hierarchies |
CLIQUE | Clustering in quest |
DBSCAN | Density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise |
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Type of Study | Domain | Case Structure | Used PR Method for Data Management |
Research article [33]. | Classification model. | Detailed visual recognition. | CNN |
Research article [34]. | Characteristic retrieval, selection and classification. | Robotic hand control. | SVM and naïve Bayes (NB) |
Research article [35]. | Forecast. | Hierarchy pattern recognition for tourist demand. | Nearest neighbor (NN) |
Research article [36]. | Image classification. | Chemical pattern recognition in medicine plants. | Hierarchical cluster analysis and principal component analysis (PCA) |
Research article [37]. | Characteristic retrieval and classification. | Grip control in hand prosthetic. | CNN |
Literature review [28]. | PR algorithms security. | General description of PR algorithms. | Literature index |
Research article [38]. | Image classification. | Image processing in steel samples. | Random forest (RF) |
Research article [39]. | Characteristic retrieval. | Structural health monitoring. | NN |
Research article [40]. | Group analysis. | Trajectory semantics for common life patterns in cities. | ANN, k-means, and density-based method |
Research article [41]. | Character retrieval. | Online human activities classification. | CNN |
Research article [42]. | Optimal number of sensors and number of fusion patterns. | Structural steel health monitoring. | Concentrated method |
Research article [43]. | Hybrid synaptic device. | Acoustic pattern recognition. | ANN |
Research article [44]. | Chemical fingerprint. | Chemical pattern recognition in medicine plants. | PCA, hierarchical cluster analysis, and partial least squares discriminant analysis |
Survey [45]. | Activity recognition based on sensors. | Sensor mode, deep mode, and application. | Content analysis |
Research article [46]. | Prosthetic leg device. | Recognizer based on electromyogram. | Hidden Markov model |
Research article [47]. | Loading profiles grouping. | Residential electric consumption behavior. | PCA and k-means |
Research article [48]. | Labeling and audio classification. | Pretraining for BD. | CNN |
Research article [49]. | Characteristic retrieval and classification. | Failure diagnostics in rollers. | Deep belief networks |
Research article [50]. | Data retrieval and classification. | Vehicular trajectory integrity. | Dynamic time warping and bottom-up algorithms |
Research article [51]. | Pattern association. | Multivariable pattern recognition for quality monitoring. | NB |
Research article [52]. | Electronic nose. | Toxic volatile compound monitoring. | Self-organizing map (SOM) and k-means |
Research article [53]. | Grouping analysis. | Travel behavior analysis at homes. | K-means or C-means |
Literature review [54]. | Precision agriculture. | Farming teledetection. | Descriptive literature revision |
Research article [55]. | Characteristic retrieval. | Statistical process control. | CNN |
Research article [56]. | Data grouping. | Mixed characteristic data cluster analysis | Mixture regression |
Research article [57]. | Synaptic device. | Color recognition and color mixture. | ANN |
Research article [58]. | Characteristic classification. | Unmanned aircraft structural health monitoring. | SOM and principal component analysis |
Research article [59]. | Visual recognition. | Instance segmentation in objects. | CNN |
Research article [60]. | Characteristic retrieval, selection, and classification. | Control graphics pattern behavior. | Radial basis function neural network |
Research article [61]. | Characteristic classification. | Prosthetic control for upper extremities. | Linear discriminant analysis (LDA) |
Research article [62]. | Photonic device design. | Dimensional reduction technique. | PCA |
Research article [63]. | Image classification. | Tool wear forecast. | ANN |
Research article [64]. | Training pattern generation. | Control graphics for quality assurance. | SVM and probabilistic neural network |
Research article [65]. | Characteristic retrieval and classification. | Failure diagnostics for planetary gearboxes. | Stacked autoencoders (SAEs) and generative adversarial networks |
Literature review [66]. | Application summary for artificial neural networks. | Current tendencies in ANN models regarding pattern recognition. | Content analysis |
Research article [67]. | Image classification and preprocessing. | Pattern identification for partial GIS downloads in an IoT context. | CNN |
Research article [68]. | Characteristic retrieval, selection, and classification. | Conduction pattern recognition for intelligent electrical energy management. | PCA |
Research article [69]. | Electric signal analysis and classification. | Reliable schematics for island detection. | K-nearest neighbor (KNN) |
Research article [70]. | Classification and forecast. | Determination of flow charts and flow volume fractions in pipelines. | Support vector machine and multilayer perceptron |
Research article [71]. | Characteristic retrieval and classification. | Automatic interpretation of data of nonspecified metabolomics. | CNN and RF |
Research article [72]. | Group analysis. | Maritime traffic patterns. | Gaussian distribution |
Research article [73]. | Characteristic classification. | Structural health monitoring at pedestrian bridges. | ANN |
Research article [74]. | Learning convergence. | Effective learning rules for pattern recognition. | Spiking neural networks |
Research article [75]. | Forecast. | Electrical energy consumption forecast. | k-medoids, deep neural network (DNN), and long short-term memory |
Research article [76]. | Dimension reduction and clustering. | Computational data mining for bacterium detection. | PCA, multidimensional scaling, minimum curvilinearity, and Markov clustering |
Research article [77]. | Character segmentation, retrieval, and recognition. | Automatic bill and banknote processing. | ANN |
Literature review [78]. | Main methodologies summary. | Syntactic methods for artificial vision tasks. | Systematic literature review (SLR) |
Research article [79]. | Drop pattern analysis. | Design of an automatic drop detection system. | ANN |
Research article [80]. | Multiple regression model. | Financial indicator retrieval. | Principal component analysis and backpropagation neural network |
Research article [81]. | Image classification. | Medical image quality evaluation. | CNN |
Research article [82]. | Forecast. | Electrical energy consumption evaluation with velocity forecast. | K-means, ANN, Markov transition matrix, and multiple linear regression |
Research article [83]. | Signal process. | Short-circuit failure detection. | Fast Fourier transforms and multiple signal classification |
Survey [84]. | Robust and efficient pattern recognition. | Interpretation analysis in DL methods and network architecture designs. | Content analysis |
Research article [85]. | Image processing. | Textile industry quality control. | CNN |
Research article [86]. | Signal classification. | Fracture characterization in asphaltic mixtures. | K-means |
Research article [87]. | Signal classification and analysis. | Prosthetic control for upper limbs. | LDA |
Research article [88]. | Characteristic retrieval. | Damage detection, localization and diagnostics. | Autoregressive model |
Research article [89]. | Data grouping. | Acoustic emission analysis in cement mortars. | K-means |
Research article [90]. | Electric signal classification and analysis. | Electrical energy consumption optimization. | ANN |
Research article [91]. | Sound wave classification and grouping. | Ultrasound for muscular contraction monitoring. | LDA and Gaussian process regression |
Type of Study | Dominion | Case Structure | DL Methods Used for Data Management |
Research article [21]. | Data input. | Hybrid framework for electrical energy data monitoring. | MLP |
Research article [92]. | Informatics security. | Attack detection in data management. | NB and DNN |
Research article [100]. | Nonlinear classifiers. | Multilayered neural network interpretation. | CNN |
Research article [101]. | Federated learning. | Data collaboration framework at an IoT scenario. | DNN |
Research article [102]. | Classification model. | Fabrication quality control. | MLP |
Research article [103]. | Hybrid model for object detection. | Semantic image segmentation. | CNN |
Survey [104]. | New GNN taxonomy. | GNN general and complete description. | Literature survey |
Research article [105]. | Failure diagnostics. | Useful life prediction bearing electric locomotive. | DBN |
Research article [106]. | Computer vision. | Climatic degradation free images. | GAN |
Research article [107]. | Classification model. | Parkinson’s disease automatic illness detection. | CNN |
Research article [108]. | Predictive model. | Smart electrical energy gauges. | RNN |
Research article [109]. | Graphic signal processing. | Convolutional filter graphs and architecture. | GNN |
Research article [110]. | Computer vision. | Cardiac movement analysis. | SAE |
Survey [111]. | ANN. | CNN new algorithms. | Literature survey |
Research article [112]. | Forecast. | Climatologic information. | MLP |
Research article [113]. | Classification model. | Teledetection. | CNN and SAE |
Research article [114]. | Signal integrity evaluator. | Automatic image quality. | SAE |
Research article [115]. | Hybrid model for data analysis. | Urban traffic flow forecast. | CNN and RNN |
Research article [116]. | Data input. | Hybrid framework for Hadoop cluster monitoring. | DBN |
Research article [117]. | Federated learning. | Data administration from the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). | DNN |
Research article [118]. | Failure diagnostics. | Useful life forecast for rollers. | CNN |
Research article [119]. | Model classification. | Health attention APP based in CC. | MLP |
Research article [120]. | Data input. | Urban traffic management and control. | GAN |
Research article [121]. | Data input. | Noise elimination model for traffic data. | SAE |
Survey [122]. | Data overfitting in DL. | Image data enhancement. | Literature survey |
Research article [123]. | Predictive methods. | Hidden link visibility in supply chains. | GNN |
Research article [124]. | Data input. | Historical monitoring of a raised bridge. | CNN |
Research article [125]. | Parallel calculation method (master–slave). | Urban traffic flow forecast. | DBN. |
Research article [126]. | Backpropagation algorithm. | Neural error assignation. | DNN |
Research article [127]. | Hybrid ML model. | Information lifecycle management. | MLP |
Research article [128]. | Failure detection. | Useful life forecast engine bearings, centrifugal pump, and hydraulic pump. | CNN |
Research article [129]. | Computer vision. | Synthetic image and automatic COVID-19 patient detection. | GAN |
Research article [130]. | Local directional position pattern (LDPP). | Facial expression recognition. | DBN |
Survey [131]. | Object detection. | Summary of latest methodological advances with DL. | Literature survey |
Research article [132]. | High-resolution network (HRNet). | Visual recognition. | CNN |
Research article [133]. | Regression and binary classification model. | Emergency event forecast. | RNN |
Research article [134]. | Empirical risk minimization. | ML on graphs. | GNN |
Research article [135]. | Characteristic retrieval. | Human activity recognition. | CNN and RNN |
Research article [136]. | DL architecture. | Location recognition. | DNN |
Research article [137]. | Object detection fast R-CNN. | Detection system performance. | CNN |
Survey [138]. | DL. | Concepts, CNN architectures, challenges, applications, and future directions. | Literature survey |
Research article [139]. | Deep long short-term memory (LSTM) architecture. | Automatic COVID-19 detection and X-rays. | DNN |
Research article [140]. | Forecast. | Electrical energy load profiles in smart gauges. | RNN |
Research article [141]. | Supervised classificationand ConvNetQuake algorithm. | Earthquake detection and localization. | CNN |
Research article [142]. | Bioinspired DL. | Credit approval decision automation. | MLP |
Research article [143]. | Hybrid forecast model. | Natural gas price. | DBN |
Research article [144]. | ANN classifier. | Facial image manipulation detection. | GAN |
Research article [145]. | Image classification. | Breast cancer and computer-assisted diagnostics. | CNN |
Research article [146]. | Deep tensor neural network architecture. | Molecular property discoveries. | DNN |
Research article [147]. | Process analytics. | Enterprise process forecast. | SAE |
Literature review [148]. | Conceptual framework for GNN process classification. | Latest GNN methods. | SLR |
Research article [149]. | Computer vision. | Synthetic medical image generation. | GAN |
Research article [150]. | Failure detection. | Useful life forecast of rollers. | RNN |
Research article [151]. | Classification model. | COVID-19 automatic pneumonia detection. | CNN |
Research article [152]. | Cyberattack detection. | SCADA network systems. | DBN |
Research article [153]. | DL architecture. | Short-term urban traffic flow forecast. | DNN |
Research article [154]. | Graphic signal nonlinear processing. | Topological network analysis. | GNN |
Research article [155]. | Time series analysis. | BD growth forecast. | SAE |
Research article [156]. | Image classification. | CNN architecture design. | CNN and genetic algorithms |
Research article [157]. | Robust predictive modeling. | Detection of novel chemical substances. | CNN |
Inclusion Criteria | Exclusion Criteria |
Studies answer directly to research question of the study. | Not written in the English language. |
Studies must clearly show an AI focus using PR or DL during a large portion of its methodology. | Lack of focus on domains and research areas. |
h5 index ≥ 40. | Data management capacity in engineering. |
SJR index ≥ 40. | Scientific publications not reviewed by peers. |
Studies must be classified under journal quartile Q1 and Q2, preferably Q1. | Studies must be published between the years 2016–2021. |
Number of quotes. | Database reputation. |
Number of citations, excluding for publications of the year 2021. | No use of PR/DL methodologies. |
If the studies were published in more than one magazine or conference, the most recent version is included. |
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Share and Cite
Serey, J.; Alfaro, M.; Fuertes, G.; Vargas, M.; Durán, C.; Ternero, R.; Rivera, R.; Sabattin, J. Pattern Recognition and Deep Learning Technologies, Enablers of Industry 4.0, and Their Role in Engineering Research. Symmetry 2023, 15, 535.
Serey J, Alfaro M, Fuertes G, Vargas M, Durán C, Ternero R, Rivera R, Sabattin J. Pattern Recognition and Deep Learning Technologies, Enablers of Industry 4.0, and Their Role in Engineering Research. Symmetry. 2023; 15(2):535.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSerey, Joel, Miguel Alfaro, Guillermo Fuertes, Manuel Vargas, Claudia Durán, Rodrigo Ternero, Ricardo Rivera, and Jorge Sabattin. 2023. "Pattern Recognition and Deep Learning Technologies, Enablers of Industry 4.0, and Their Role in Engineering Research" Symmetry 15, no. 2: 535.
APA StyleSerey, J., Alfaro, M., Fuertes, G., Vargas, M., Durán, C., Ternero, R., Rivera, R., & Sabattin, J. (2023). Pattern Recognition and Deep Learning Technologies, Enablers of Industry 4.0, and Their Role in Engineering Research. Symmetry, 15(2), 535.