1. Introduction
be a compact and connected
N-manifold of class
with boundary
, homeomorphic to an
N-dimensional disk
. For the sake of presentation, let
be embedded into a larger
, which is the closure of an open set containing
. Let
be a Tonelli Lagrangian, namely a fiberwise strictly convex and superlinear function of class
. The convexity assumption ensures that the Euler-Lagrange equation associated with
L, which in local coordinates reads
defines a locally well-posed Cauchy problem.
Definition 1. An Euler-Lagrange chord is a curve such that
If γ also satisfies the conormal boundary conditions, namelythen it is called Euler-Lagrange conormal chord (ELCC). This work provides some existence and multiplicity results for ELCCs with suitable values of the energy function
Indeed, along the solutions of the Euler-Lagrange equation, the energy function is constant, namely if
satisfies (
1), then there exists a constant
such that
. In our theorem, the existence and the multiplicity of ELCCs depend on the non existence of certain orbits, defined as follows.
Definition 2. An Euler-Lagrange conormal-tangent chord (ELCTC) is an Euler-Lagrange chord such that In other words, an ELCTC is an Euler-Lagrange chord that satisfies the conormal boundary condition in its initial point and arrives tangentially on the boundary of .
Let us define
which is well defined since
is compact and
L is fiberwise convex. Finally, we say that two curves
geometrically distinct if
. Now we are ready to state our main theorem.
Theorem 1 (Main Theorem).
Let be an N-disk and a Tonelli Lagrangian. Then, for every fixed , either:
if L is reversible, namely for all , then there are at least N geometrically distinct Euler-Lagrange conormal chords with energy κ; if L is not reversible, then there are at least two Euler-Lagrange conormal chords with energy κ but with different values of the Lagrangian action.
This work generalizes the ones on orthogonal Riemannian and Finsler geodesic chords. When the Lagrangian is the energy function of a Riemannian or Finsler metric, a solution of the Euler-Lagrange equations is a geodesic and the conormal boundary conditions are nothing but the orthogonality condition of the geodesic with the boundary. The Riemannian and Finsler geodesic chords on a manifold with boundary are strictly related with the brake orbits in a potential well for a Hamiltonian system of classical type, namely when the hamiltonian function is fiberwise even and convex (cf. [
1]). Indeed, using a Legendre transform and the Maupertuis-Jacobi principle, every brake orbit of a Hamiltonian system of classical type corresponds to a geodesic in a disk with endpoints on the boundary, where the disk is endowed with a Jacobi-Finsler metric. Seifert conjectured in [
2] that there are at least
N brake orbits in an
N-dimensional potential well of a natural Hamiltonian system, hence where the brake-orbits correspond to the geodesics of a Riemannian metric. This conjecture has been recently proved in [
3], exploiting also some partial results achieved by the same authors in different previous works (cf. [
9]), while a preliminary result for the Finsler case is presented in [
The proof of the main theorem is based on a variational approach, seeing ELCCs as critical points of the
free-time Lagrangian action functional
defined on the set of paths in
with endpoints in
and of class
, namely absolutely continuous with derivative in
. The existence and multiplicity results are then obtained through a minimax approach, exploiting a particular version of the Ljusternik and Schnirelman category.
This work directly extends the results achieved in [
11], where the main differences are as follows. Firstly, the main theorem is stated in [
11] with the additional hypothesis that if
is a unit normal vector field with respect along
, then
This condition, which is trivially satisfied when
L is the energy of a Riemannian metric (cf. [
9]), is a key ingredient to exploit the approach presented in [
12] to prove that every critical curve of
regularity. Instead, in this work we prove the desired regularity following a
penalization method and the hypothesis (4) is not required. Secondly, the geometric distinction of the ELCCs has not been proved in [
11]. Finally, the minimax method applied in this paper is more simple than the one in [
11]. Indeed, we reduce our study on a fixed-time problem, so we can avoid to take care of the possible sources of non-compactness of the time variable in the free-time Lagrangian action functional.
This work also extends [
10], since Theorem 1 holds even when
, where
is a Finsler metric on
. In this case, the ELCCs are actually
orthogonal Finsler geodesic chords, namely geodesics with respect the Finsler structure such that
Theorem 1 cannot be directly applied with
, since in this case
L is
and only
on the entire tangent bundle. However, for every fixed energy level
, we can construct (cf. ([
13] Corollary 2.3)) a
Tonelli Lagrangian
such that
, with
reversible if
F is reversible. As a consequence, every Euler-Lagrange chord for
with energy
is actually a Finsler geodesic.
2. Framework Setup and Notation
For the sake of presentation, we suppose that is embedded into a N-manifold including . Using the Whitney embedding theorem, we can see as a smooth () submanifold of , endowed with the Riemannian structure of the euclidean scalar product of . A coordinate system on naturally induces a coordinate system on the tangent bundle . If f is a real-valued function defined on , then and will denote the derivatives of f with respect to q and v respectively. In a local chart, the derivatives with respect to and will be denoted by and . We will use the Einstein notation, implying summation over a set of indexed terms in a formula. The norm is that one induced by the euclidean product in , while we denote by the norm in a space, for any .
2.1. Geometry of
There exists a function
of class
such that
for every
. For all
, we set
By the
regularity of
, there exists a
such that
and such that
is compact for any
. We also set
2.2. Sobolev and Functional Spaces
For any
, we consider the Sobolev spaces
It is well known that
is a manifold of class
and its tangent space at
x is
Due to the presence of the boundary , not all the elements of are always admissible variations. So we give the following definition.
Definition 3. Let be a non-empty subset of . Then is an admissible infinitesimal variation of x in if there exists an and a differentiable function such that
for all ;
The set of all admissible infinitesimal variation of x in is denoted by .
We identify a curve
with the pair
, where
. Thus, the main functional space of our variational problem is
In other words, a vector field is in if and are tangent to and points inside whenever .
2.3. The Free-Time Action Functional
The main functional of our variational problem is
Remark 1. The functional is well-defined only if is quadratic at infinity. Since we are considering the fixed energy problem for a Tonelli Lagrangian, the energy level is a compact submanifold of and we can modify the Lagrangian outside a compact set to achieve quadratic growth. In particular, we assume that is quadratic at infinity, namely there is a constant such thatwhere ϑ is a smooth one-form and V is a smooth function on . Through all this work, we need the following lemma (cf. ([
14], Lemma 3.1)), which provides lower and upper bounds for the lagrangian function, its derivatives and the energy functions. Its proof is based on the quadratic construction given in Remark 1 and the compactness of
Lemma 1. There exist four constants such that for all with and we have Proposition 1. The action functional is of class , namely it is continuously differentiable and its differential is locally Lipschitz continuous.
Proof. See e.g., ([
15] Theorem 2.3.2). □
The derivative of
in the
x-direction is given by
In the
T-direction we have
Hence, the differential of
Definition 4. Set . We say that is a -critical curve for on ifand The following lemma will be useful in different parts of this paper, so we state it here for the convenience of the readers.
Lemma 2. Let and let be a sequence such that is bounded from above, namely there exists such that for all . If there exists such thatthen is uniformly bounded in . 2.4. The Energy Critical Values
The behaviour of the free-time Lagrangian functional, hence of the Euler-Lagrangian flow induced by the Tonelli-Lagrangian
L, changes when
k is greater then some specific energy levels, called
critical values. Here we only describe the critical values that affect our study; for more details about the different critical values of a Tonelli Lagragian function we refer, for instance, to [
We denote by
be the maximal critical value of the energy function
E. Since
L is a fiberwise convex and
is compact, we have
The importance of this critical value is quite clear, since the projection of
is surjective if and only if
. We will also prove that whenever
, for every path
there exists a unique minimum of
among all the linear orientation preserving reparametrizations of
Section 4 for more details). As a consequence, we can reduce our analysis to a fixed time problem and this simplifies the minimax approach that we will exploit to find the critical points.
Another important value which affects the behaviour of
is the
Mañé critical value . In our setting,
can be defined as minus infimum of the mean Lagrangian action over all the closed curves
, hence
This Mañé critical value
marks an important changes in behaviour of the free-time action functional because, whenever
is bounded from below and satisfies the Palais-Smale condition. Moreover, if
, then the Euler-Lagrange flow on
is conjugated up to a time-reparametrization to the geodesic flow which is induced by a Finsler metric on
(see ([
16] Theorem 4.1)). However, our study cannot take advantage of this construction because the conormal boundary conditions (
2) may not be preserved by the time-reparametrization, as shown in the following example.
Example 1. Let Ω be andwhere indicates the component of v. Then for all and we haveand Set an energy level κ and let F be the Finsler metric on such that the Euler-Lagrange flow on is conjugated up to a time-reparametrization to the geodesic flow which is induced by F. Then and Hence the orthogonality condition for F on the boundary reads asthat is different from the conormal boundary conditions for LAs a consequence, if a curve is an orthogonal Finsler geodesic chord for F, it is an Euler-Lagrange chord for L, but it may not satisfies the conormal boundary conditions (2). We remark that the previous critical values satisfy the following chain of inequalities
Thus, all the results we are going to prove will be available when
, as assumed in Theorem 1. Moreover, all the previous critical values coincide when the Lagrangian is reversible. However, if the reversibility assumption does not hold, all these values may be different.
3. Regularity of the -Critical Curves
Proposition 2. Let be -critical for on . Then x has regularity, namely is absolutely continuous and .
Proposition 2 is the key ingredient of our variational approach to prove Theorem 1. Indeed, if there are no ELCTC in and , then the regularity of the -critical curves for on implies that they are ELCCs.
While in [
18] the regularity is proved exploiting directly the definition of critical curve in a manifold with boundary, we base our proof on a
penalization method. We allow the curves to lay on an open set which contains
, adding a penalization term that is different from zero only when the curve does not lay on
. Since we are on an open set, the regularity of the critical curves can be obtained with standard techniques. Then, we prove the regularity of the
-critical curves of the functional taking the limit to remove the penalization term. The penalization method in a manifold with boundary has been exploited, for instance, in [
19] for the Riemannian, in [
20] for the Lorentzian and in [
21] for the Finsler case.
be such that
. We set
for any
, where
has been defined in (5). For the sake of presentation, we denote
when we have fixed
and no confusion may arise. Then, fixing
, we define the functional
We remark that the energy level
does not appear in the definition of
. Indeed, since
are fixed,
is a constant and does not affect the behaviour of
. We consider on
the penalized functional
where the function
is defined by
By definition of
we have
The regularity of critical points of
can be proved by a standard argument (see, for example, ([
22] Theorem 4.1)) involving the global inversion theorem (cf. ([
23] Theorem 1.8)), which is available since
is positive definite. Thus, we have the following lemma.
Lemma 3. For any , let be a critical curve for in . Then is and satisfies the equation Remark 2. If is a critical curve for in , (14) implies the existence of a constant such that Moreover, in local coordinates (14) reads as The following result, known as Gordon’s lemma (cf. [
24]), is a key ingredient to prove the existence of a minimizer for
in the open set
. Indeed, it allows proving that
contains at least a minimizing sequence which converges in
Lemma 4 (Gordon’s Lemma).
Let such thatfor some . Then if there exists a sequence such thatthen Proof. By (
17), the sequence
for all
, satisfies the hypothesis of Lemma 2, hence
is uniformly bounded. As a consequence, recalling the definition of
in (6), for any
we have
for some strictly positive constant
C that does not depend on
n. Then
, for
n sufficiently large
and there exists a sequence
such that
Clearly we can choose
such that
Thus, integrating both hands sides of (19) we obtain
and passing to the limit we get the thesis. □
Lemma 5. For every , the following statements hold:
- (i)
for all , the sublevelsare complete metric spaces; - (ii)
satisfies the Palais-Smale condition, namely if a sequence is such that is bounded and , then admits a convergent subsequence.
Proof . (i) Fix . If is a Cauchy sequence in , then it uniformly converges to a curve with support in . Arguing by contradiction, if there exists such that lies on the boundary of , then there exists a sequence such that . By Lemma 4, , which is absurd. As a consequence, and, by the continuity of , .
(ii) Let
be a sequence such that
is bounded and
. By Lemma 2, there exists a constant
such that
Hence, for all
we have
By the Ascoli-Arzelá theorem, there exists a subsequence
that uniformly converges to a curve
y, and such that
converges weakly to
. By the completeness of the sublevels of
. It remains to prove that
, hence that
strongly in
. Set
where exp is the exponential map of the Riemannian structure of
. Since
is well defined for
n sufficiently large. Moreover,
converges uniformly to zero, hence
As a consequence,
implies that
is bounded in
by (
7) and
converges uniformly to zero, we have
Thus, from (
20) we obtain
such that
is in a single chart. If
n is sufficiently large, also
is in this chart and
converges to zero in
. Then
converges uniformly to
y and
converges weakly to
, we have
By (
21) and (
22) we obtain
L is
, we can apply the mean value theorem and, by (
11), there exists a constant
such that
Since the above inequality holds for in every local chart, converges to in and this ends the proof. □
Remark 3. Since satisfies the Palais-Smale condition and it is bounded from below, has a minimum point .
Lemma 6. For all , let be a minimum of on . Then there exist two constants such that for all andwhere are the constants defined in (15). Proof. Let
y be a curve in
such that
. Then
for all
. Hence
By (
10) and (
9), for all
we have the following chain of inequalities
As a consequence, from (25) we infer there exists a constant
such that (
24) holds. □
By Lemma 6, if is a sequence such that is a minimum for , then there exists a subsequence that is uniformly convergent to a curve y with support in . However, we need the following two intermediate results to prove that y is a minimum for , which is a key ingredient to prove Proposition 2.
Lemma 7. Let be a family in such that for any , is a minimum of on . For any , set Then there exists such that Proof. For any
, set
and let
be a maximum point for
. Since the derivative of
is non-decreasing and
for any
, then
Thus, it suffices to prove (
27) assuming that
We will prove the existence of a constant
such that
from which we infer the thesis. Indeed, by (
13) we obtain
then setting
we obtain (
By Lemma 3,
is twice differentiable. Since
is a maximum for
we have
By (
16) we have
where we omitted the dependency on
for the sake of presentation. Since we are on a compact subset of
, there exists a constant
such that
As a consequence, there exists a constant
such that
By (
7) and (
8), there exists a constant
such that
Then, using (
31) and the compactness of
, there exists a constant
such that
Now, using (
30), (
32) and (
33), from (
29) we have
Hence, there exists a constant
such that
By (
10) and (
24), we have
and, consequently,
is compact,
is a bounded function, so there exists a constant
such that
for all
, from (
35) we also deduce that there exists a constant
such that
Finally, using (
35) and (
36), from (
34) we infer that there exists a constant
such that (
28) holds, and this ends the proof. □
Lemma 8. Let be a sequence in such that . Let and set , where is the orthogonal projection on . Then converges to ξ in .
Proof. For any
, let
be a local chart such that
U is a neighbourhood of
. If we denote by
the canonical basis of
, then
is a basis for
, if
n is sufficiently large. Applying the Gram-Schmidt process to
, we obtain an orthonormal basis
. Similarly, let us denote by
the orthonormal basis of
obtained from
. With this notation, we can write
y has
are in
for all
n. Moreover, since
, we have that
converges to
. As a consequence, by (
37) we obtain the thesis. □
Lemma 9. Let be a family in such that for any , is a minimum of on . Then there exists a subsequence in such that
- 1.
strongly converges to a curve ;
- 2.
the sequence of functions weakly converges to a function ;
- 3.
the limit curve y satisfiesand ; - 4.
the limit curve y is a minimum of on .
Proof . (1) Since
is a minimum of
for all
, then there exists
such that (
23) holds. By Lemma 2,
is bounded and by the Ascoli-Arzelá theorem we obtain a decreasing sequence
that converges to 0 such that
uniformly converges to a curve
y and
weakly converges to
. By an argument analogous to that used in Lemma 5,
strongly converges to
y in
. Since
for all
, the support of
y is in
(2) Since , we can assume that and by Lemma 7, is bounded in . Then, going if necessary to a subsequence, weakly converges to a function .
(3) For any
such that
, set
. By Lemma 8,
converges to
. Since
is a minimum for
we obtain
weakly converges to
, taking the limit in the above equation gives
, we obtain (
38) by a partial integration. From (
39), by a standard argument involving the implicit function theorem we obtain that
has the same regularity of
, so it is in
(4) Recalling (
13), by Lemma 7 there exists a constant
such that
and since
for all
, then
Proof of Proposition 2. It suffices to prove the regularity of x when it touches the boundary . Indeed, when x lies on , it satisfies the Euler-Lagrange equations and it is . Since the regularity is a local property, we can restrict our analysis on a single chart in a neighbourhood of a point . Let be a neighbourhood of such that and . If , then set and, similarly, if , then set . Please note that, for our purposes, we can choose a and b as close as we desire.
Choosing T as in , for any , consider the functional defined on . By Lemma 9, there exists a curve that is a minimum of on . We shall prove that x has regularity by showing that .
As a first step, let us show that if
a and
b are sufficiently close, then
. Looking for a contradiction, we assume that this is not true. Then, for every
there exists
such that
, where
is the curve that minimizes
. By the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality and (
9) we have
for every
. As a consequence,
, and this is absurd.
Now choose the map
such that
is constant on the chart. Then
is an admissible variation of
x in
, since
. Now define
y is a minimum for
, we have that
for any
, we have that
. Since
x is a
-critical curve for
, we obtain
Looking for a contradiction, we set
and show that if
a and
b are sufficiently close, then
As a consequence,
which is an absurd. By definition of
f, we have
By the mean value theorem and (
8), we have
Similarly, using also (
11), we have
Hence, by (
42) and (
43), from (
41) we obtain
Let us show that there exists a constant
, which depends only on
x, such that
Indeed, by (
9) and since
y is a minimum for
, we have
As a consequence, there exists a strictly positive constant
such that
where we applied the Tonelli’s theorem and the Hölder inequality. Similarly, there exists a constant
such that
, we have
As a consequence, if
is sufficiently small, there exists a constant
such that
, then
and, consequently, (
40) holds and this leads to a contradiction. □
To state our next result we need the following definition.
Definition 5. We define the Hessian of Φ with respect to L in bywhere is the unique solution of the Euler-Lagrange equation associated with L such that and . In local coordinates the Hessian of Φ with respect to L in is given by where denote the components of the matrix
Corollary 1. Let be -critical for on . Then regularity. Moreover, setting there exists a function such that
- i.
a.e. in , if and - ii.
x satisfies the following equation
Moreover, satisfies the conservation law Proof. By the proof of Proposition 2, in every chart the curve
x coincides with the curve
y obtain from Lemma 9. Then
x satisfies (
47) a.e., where
is the limit of functions defined in (
26). Consequently,
for all
a.e.. Set
. Since
is a
function, by ([
25] Lemma 7.7) we have
Using (
38) in local coordinates, we get that
x satisfies the equations
Substituting the expression of
of (
50) in (
49) and using (
45), we obtain (
46). By (
46) and since
is a continuous function, also
is a continuous function in
. Then
and using (
50) we obtain that
In order to prove (
48), we can contract both terms of (
47) with
. Since
, we have
is a constant. Since
, we obtain (
48). □
Lemma 10. If is a -critical curve for on , then it satisfies the conormal boundary conditions (2). Proof. Take any vector field
such that
In this case, also
is in
and, by the
-critical assumption on
x, we obtain
Integrating by parts and using (
47), we have
Since and are arbitrary tangent vectors to , then satisfies the conormal boundary conditions. □
Proposition 3. For every , one and only one of the following statements holds:
- i.
there exists at least one ELCTC with energy κ
- ii.
every -critical curve for on is an ELCC.
Proof. Let
be a
-critical curve for
. Since
, by (
48) we infer that
for all
. Since
cannot point outside
. By Lemma 10,
satisfies the conormal boundary conditions (
2). Hence, if
, then by (
2) we have
which is absurd. Thus,
points inside
. Let us suppose that
and set
, namely the first positive time at which
. By Proposition 2,
x is of class
, then
must be tangent to
. Then
is an ELCTC. Otherwise, if
is an ELCC. □
4. The Functional
In this section, we prove that if
, then we can restrict our analysis on a fixed-time variational problem, since for every
x which is not constant there exists one and only one
such that
. This result will simplify the construction of a descent vector field that will allow using our minimax approach to prove the existence of
-critical curves (cf. [
Let us denote by
the subset of
that are constant curves in
, thus
We remark that if , then .
Proposition 4. Set , where is defined in (12). Then for every there exists an unique such that Proof. In order to prove the existence and uniqueness of a
such that (
51) holds, we are going to prove that for every
the function
is strictly increasing,
The above properties prove also (
The following inequality shows that
f is strictly increasing
Consequently, (
53) holds. Now let
be a sequence such that
. As a consequence,
By definition of , we have that if , then
By (
7), we can apply the dominated convergence theorem and we obtain
and this ends the proof. □
Lemma 11. There exist two constant such that for all we have As a consequence, for every sequence , we have that if and only if .
Proof. By definition of
and by (
10) we have
from which the right-hand side inequality of (
54) follows at once. Similarly we have
and we get the left-hand side inequality of (
54). We remark that, since
can be chosen strictly positive. □
Lemma 12. Let such that with respect to the -convergence. Then .
Proof. By Lemma 11 we have
. Moreover, by (
9) and (
54) we obtain
By Proposition 4 and Lemma 12, we can define the continuous functional
is a
functional on
, and its differential is
Accordingly to the definition of -critical curves for the functional , we give the following definition.
Definition 6. We say that a curve is a -critical curve for on ifA number is a -critical value for if there exists that is a -critical curve for on such that . Otherwise, c is said -regular value for on . From (
55) and the definition of
we can infer the following result.
Proposition 5. A curve x is -critical for on if and only if is a -critical for on .
As a consequence, exploiting also Proposition 3, we can find ELCCs by looking for the -critical curves of on .
6. Proof of the Main Theorem
In the following we assume that
. Hence, all the previous results are available and
Moreover, for every
, we denote the sublevel of
c by
Definition 8. Let and be fixed. We say that has -steepness greater than or equal to μ if there exists such that and .
Lemma 17. Let be such that does not contain any -critical curves for . Then there exists such that every has -steepness greater than or equal to .
Proof. This is a consequence of Proposition 6. Indeed, if such
does not exist, we can choose a
and a sequence
such that
Since , , going if necessary to a subsequence. Hence, is a -Palais-Smale sequence and, by Proposition 6, there is a -critical curve in C, that is absurd. □
Thanks to the previous lemma, we can construct a pseudogradient vector field for
(cf. [
11]), that is the key ingredient to prove two deformation lemmas on the sublevels of
which are necessary for our minimax approach. We need some preliminary definitions to state these lemmas.
We define the backward parametrization map
We say that
-invariant if
. On any
-invariant set
, the backward parametrization map
induces an equivalence relation and we denote by
the quotient space. Through this equivalence relation, we identify any element
x of
with its backward parametrization. The map
induces a map
defined by
Remark 4. If L is reversible, then x is a -critical curve for if and only if is a -critical curve for .
Definition 9. Let be a subset of . Then a continuous function is said admissible homotopy if
- (i)
for all ;
- (ii)
for all and ;
- (iii)
if , then , for all ;
- (iv)
if L is a reversible, must be -invariant and for every .
We are ready to state the first following lemma.
Lemma 18. Let be a -regular value for on . Then there exists an and an admissible homotopy such that
We need some other definitions in order to state the other deformation lemma.
For every
, set
and for every
Now assume that the number of -critical curves of on is finite, say .
Then we can fix an such that
for every ;
any is contractible in itself;
any does not include constant curves.
We remark that, if L is reversible, then is -invariant by Remark 4.
Lemma 19. Assume that the number of non-constant -critical curves for on is finite and let be a -critical value for . Then there exists an and an admissible homotopy such that
Lemma 20. If , then there exists such that, if , thenthat is, every curve of the sublevel lies on a tubular neighbourhood of . Proof. Since
is compact and
L is quadratic at infinity, for every
there exist two constants
such that
. As a consequence, for every
we have
from which we infer
, then
and we obtain
where we used the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality twice. By the arbitrariness of
, there exists
such that (
56) holds for every
. □
Lemma 21. There exists an admissible homotopy such that .
Proof. By Lemma 20,
for every
. By (
5), there exists a retraction
of class
defined in terms of flow of
. Hence, there exists a homotopy
g such that
, for all
. Now define the homotopy
so that
for every curve that lies in
. Combining the two homotopies
g and
k we define
which is an
-invariant homotopy such that
We require one last definition to complete our proof, which is actually a relative Ljusternik and Schnirelmann category.
Definition 10. Let X be a topological space and Y a closed subset of X. A closed subset Z of X has relative category equal to ,if k is the minimal positive integer such that , where is a family of open subset of X satisfying: ;
if , is contractible in ;
if , there exists such that and .
Proof of Theorem 1. Let
L be a reversible Tonelli Lagrangian. By Lemma 4, we can identify each curve with its backward reparametrization and we can study our variational problem in
. To prove our existence and multiplicity result, we exploit the relative category
that has been proved in [
6]. Let
be the set of all closed
-invariant subsets of
and define
Since each
is non-empty, the following quantities are well defined
With similar arguments applied in [
11], by Lemma 21 we have that
, by Lemma 18 we have that each
is a critical value for
and by Lemma 19 we have that
for all
. Hence there are at least
N-critical curves for
. By Propositions 3 and 5, either there exists an ELCTC or they are all ELCCs with energy
. It remains to prove the geometric distinction of the ELCCs. Let us denote by
-critical curve such that
. Seeking a contradiction, let us assume that
, with
. Then either
. If
, then
have the same direction and since the two curves
have the same energy
, it must be
. As a consequence, the two curves
defined by
have the same initial velocity
. By the uniqueness of the solution of the Cauchy problem
we infer that
. Since
satisfy the conormal boundary conditions and since
, the same argument applied in Proposition 3 shows that
point outside
. As a consequence,
. If
, the same argument shows that
. As a consequence, it must be
, so
, which is absurd.
L is not reversible, we get the thesis by applying the same minimax argument and the relative category
that has been proved in [
8]. However, in this case the geometric distinction of two ELCCs with different values of the energy functional cannot be ensured. □