1. Introduction
Fixed point theory plays a major role, not only in functional and nonlinear analysis, in solving problems from the theory of differential and integral equations, partial or random differential equations, differential and integral inclusions, functional equations, the approximation methods but also in management, economics, finances, computer science, and other fields [
The field of fixed point theory is based on the works of Poincaré, Lefschetz-Hopf, and Leray-Schauder. Their theory has been of high importance in the topological field, as well as for the degree theory.
The metric theory consists of making successive approximations in order to reveal the existence and the uniqueness of the solution. Mathematician Banach improved this theory by expanding its use to more than ordinary differential equations and integral equations. Banach’s fundamental fixed point theorem was used to create the metric fixed point theory, which implies contraction mappings that are defined on a complete metric space.
In 1965, Browder, Göhde, and Kirk [
4] developed the theory of multivalued mappings, which has applications in the following areas: Convex optimization, differential inclusions, control theory, management, finances, and economics. In addition, based on Banach’s theory, in 1969 Nadler Jr. [
5] demonstrated that the multivalued version of the theory has a fixed point, by using the concept of the Hausdorff metric.
In 2004, Ran and Reurings [
6] demonstrated how the Banach contraction principle endowed with a partial order can be used to solve certain matrix equations. Similarly, in 2007, Nieto and Rodrigues-López [
7] showed how the extension to the Banach contraction principle can be used to solve differential equations, however, Jachymski (2007) [
8] used graphs instead of a partial order and obtained a more general version of the previous extensions.
Espinola and Nicolae in 2015 [
9], also Nicolae and 2011 [
10], and Leustean [
11], used some fixed-point theorems in geodesic metric spaces.
Our results are particular cases of some general theorems, to the multivalued left A-contractions in the sense of Nadler and right A-contractions, and particular cases of the results given by Rus [
13], Nadler [
5], Mureşan [
15], Bucur, Guran and Petruşel [
16], and Petre and Bota [
17], etc.
2. Literature Review
In the past years, an increasing number of papers has been published on the topic of fixed points of multivalued operators, using different methods [
Based on the concept of the Hausdorff metric, Nadler Jr. (1969) [
5] introduced the notion of multivalued contractions and demonstrated that, in a complete metric space, a multivalued contraction possesses a fixed point.
Later on, Nadler’s fixed point theorem was generalized in different ways by many authors.
For example, in 2015, using an axiomatic approach of the Pompeiu-Hausdorff metric, Coroian (2015) [
19] studied the properties of the fractal operator generated by a multivalued contraction.
Aydi, Abbas, and Vetro, in their paper published in 2012 [
20], also obtained a version of the Nadler fixed point theorem. They extended Nadler’s fixed point theorem, obtaining results for multivalued mappings defined on complete partial metric spaces.
In 2013, Petre and Bota [
17] using the concept of a generalized Pompeiu–Hausdorff functional presented some fixed and strict fixed point theorems in generalized b-metric spaces.
In 1996, Angrisani and Clavelli [
21], using the class of regular-global-inf functions, presented a new method to prove fixed point theorems. We will use this method to multivalued left A-contractions in the sense of Nadler and the concept of the generalized metric space in the Perov’ sense, and we prove the compactness of the fixed points set of the considered mappings.
Bucur, Guran and Petruşel (2009) [
16] extended some old fixed point theorems and obtained some results on fixed points of multivalued operators on generalized metric spaces. Other results for generalized contractions in complete metric spaces were demonstrated by Kikkawa and Suzuki (2008) [
22]. In the year 2011, Rezapour and Amiri [
23] used Kikkawa’s method and obtained new theorems on fixed points for multivalued operators defined on generalized metric spaces.
In another paper by Rezapour and Amiri [
24], published in 2012, the authors obtained new theorems on fixed points for multivalued operators defined on generalized metric spaces by providing different conditions for [
16] published in 2009.
Thus, there have been demonstrated fixed point theorems of multivalued operators on different types of spaces.
Some authors obtained new fixed-point results in partial metric spaces, while other authors have obtained new fixed point results in b-metric spaces.
As known, the Banach contraction principle shows that a contraction defined on a complete metric space always has a unique fixed point. In addition, this principle shows that the fixed point can be approximated by using Picard’s iterates. W. A. Kirk (see reference [
25]) discusses for the first time the fixed-point theory in CAT(0) spaces (Cartan-Alexandrov-Toponogov spaces), which is known to be a geodesic metric space. W. A. Kirk demonstrated that a non-expansive mapping with a compact and convex domain, subset of the CAT(0) space, always has a fixed point. Many others specialists demonstrated new fixed point theorems for various types of mappings in the CAT(0) space (for example, references [
In this paper, we mention that the notion of convergent sequence, open subset and closed subset, Cauchy sequence, completeness, for a geodesic metric space, are analogous to those for metric spaces that are usually used.
Our results are particular cases of some general theorems, for the convex multivalued left A-contractions in the sense of Nadler, particular cases of the results given by Petruşel (1996, 2004), Rus (1979, 2008), Bucur, Guran and Petruşel (2009), and Mureşan (2002), etc.
3. Preliminaries
For a metric space, we denote by:
—the set of all subsets of X, which are nonempty;
—the set of all compact subsets of X, which are nonempty.
Based on these subsets we consider the operators:
—the gap functional;
—the Pompeiu-Hausdorff functional.
In addition, for , we have and the Kuratowski measure of noncompactness.
Let there be a real valued function . For any we denote the p-level set and
Definition 1. (see reference [
Functional is known as regular-global-inf (r.g.i.) in if and only if implies that there is a such that Functional F is called r.g.i.in X if is r.g.i.in any.
Proposition 1. (i) Let Z,YFor anyandexistswith;
(ii) For all, a complete metric space, we obtain thatis also a complete metric space.
Proposition 2. Letis a complete metric space andis a r.g.i. function in X. Ifthen the set of the global minimum point of F is nonempty and compact.
Definition 2. We consider X a set,In addition, we consider the vector space of vectors with positive real components, equipped with the usual component-wise partial order. The applicationwhich satisfies the usual axioms of the metric is defined as a generalized metric in the sense of Perov.
We mention that the generalized metric in Perov’ sense is in fact a particular case of the K-metric.
Let be a generalized metric space in Perov’sense. Here, if , and , then by we mean , for each , while stands for , for each . In addition, . If , with and , then and, if then , for each .
In a generalized metric space in the sense of Perov, the concepts of convergent sequence, Cauchy sequence, completeness, and also the concepts of open and closed subsets are defined similarly to those in a metric space. If and with for each we will denote by the open ball centred in with the radius and by the closed ball centred in with the radius . If is a multivalued operator, then we denote by Fix(T) the fixed point of T. We have .
Notice that a generalized Pompeiu-Hausdorff functional can be introduced by the setting of a generalized metric space in the sense of Perov. Namely, if is a generalized metric space in the sense of Perov with and if Hi denotes the Pompeiu-Hausdorff metric on generated by di (where ) then we denote by , the vector-valued Pompeiu-Hausforff metric on .
Definition 3. (see [
For ,
a matrix convergent to zero and for whichis said that any A multivalued operator → is a multivalued left A-contraction in the sense of Nadler.
Definition 4. If (X, d) is a metric space and x, y are two fixed elements from X with d(x; y) = l, a geodesic path from x to y is defined as an isometry c:[0; l] → c([0; 1]) ⊂ X for which c(0) = x, c(l) = y. The set c([0; 1]) of a geodesic path between two points x and y is defined as a geodesic segment. It is said that a metric space (X, d) is a geodesic space if between every two points x and y of X there is a geodesic segment.
In the specialty literature, a geodesic segment between the two points x, y is denoted by [x; y]. A point z in [x; y] is equal by (1 − α)x α y with α [0; 1]. Thus, [x; y] . The metric d is a convex function, and a closed ball B[x, r] := {y; d(y, x) ≤ r}, r > 0 is a set metrically convex.
Notice that for m = 1 we get the well-known concept of contraction mapping defined by S. B. Nadler Jr. (1969). We also point out that, by the properties of the functional H, if T is a multivalued left A-contraction, then T is a multivalued left A-contraction in the sense of Nadler.
The following definition expresses a dual concept.
Definition 5. (see reference [
Let Y ⊂ X and →P be a multivalued operator. Thus, T is called a multivalued right A-contraction if is a matrix convergent to zero and In a particular case, if is a generalized metric space in the sense of Perov, then it can be a geodesic metric space.
Observation 1. (see reference [
Notice that since , the right A-contraction condition on the multivalued operator T is equivalent to the left At—contraction condition given in Definition 3. In addition, a matrix A converges to zero if and only if matrix At converges to zero (due to the fact that A and At have the same eigenvalues) and = .
Thus, a matrix A is convergent to zero if and only if as .
Lemma 1. (see [
If (X, d) is a geodesic metric space, we have the following inequality Definition 6. Let (X, d) be a geodesic metric space. We say that A multivalued operator→is a multivalued left A-contraction in the sense of Nadler in relation to a convex metric, ifis a matrix convergent to zero andfor all.
Definition 7. If (X, d) is a geodesic metric space, and Y ⊂ X, let→Pbe a multivalued operator. In this case, T is called a multivalued right A-contraction in the sense of Nadler in relation to a convex metric, whereis a matrix convergent to zero, then the following inequality takes place 4. Fixed Point Theorems
We now present our new results.
Theorem 1. Letbe a complete geodesic metric space,and→a convex multivalued left A-contraction in the sense of Nadler in relation to a convex metric if,, is a diagonal matrix convergent to zero and for all, then and is compact. Proof. We define the functional
and we prove that:
(i) inf F = 0;
(iii) F is r.g.i. in X. □
By applying Proposition 2, the conclusion will be obtained.
(i) We take and .
such that
from Proposition 2, there will exist an
, such that
Hence, .
Thus, we obtain the sequence
with the properties:
From (3), , which implies inf F = 0.
(ii) Considering
), because
, we find
such that
and for the sequence
we will have, from (3), for any
, the following:
Thus, for all
we have
which implies that
(iii) We suppose that
F is not r.g.i. in
X. It results that there exists an
with the following properties:
There will exist a sequence
such that
in anyway we have
Considering this inequality
, for all
we have:
From (5),
we have:
Then, in the last inequality, considering , we obtain that That is a contradiction with Equation (4). Then, F is r.g.i. in X.
From Observation 1 and Theorem 1 we obtain the following dual result:
Theorem 2. Letbe a complete geodesic metric space,and→a convex multivalued right A-contraction in relation to a convex metric if,, is a diagonal matrix convergent to zero andthen the set of the fixed point of T is nonempty and compact. Proof. The proof is analogous to the proof from Theorem 1. □
Theorem 3. Letbe a complete geodesic metric space,and. Let→be a convex multivalued left A-contraction in the sense of Nadler in relation to a convex metric. If,, is a diagonal matrix convergent to zero andfor all.
Supposing that:
(i) for v, rthe following inequality is satisfiedit results that;
(ii) there is anso that.
Then T has at least one fixed point.
Proof. The proof is analogous to the proof from [
If with , we suppose that the following inequality is satisfied In this case, according to (i), we have . Thus, if we apply the contraction definition, we obtain that there is an for which . We obtain that We mention that . From we obtain a new inequality, , from which results that, according to (i), Thus, by mathematical induction, we create the sequence in with the following properties:
(b),, that means (by (i));
By (c) we get that
Thus, the sequence is Cauchy in the complete geodesic metric space . We denote by x* its limit in
We prove that . If , for each there exists un such that
On the other hand as . Hence, .
Since un for and knowing that is closed, it results that . The proof is complete. □
Theorem 4. Letbe a complete geodesic metric space,and. Let→be a convex multivalued right A-contraction in relation to a convex metric. If,, is a diagonal matrix convergent to zero andfor all.
Supposing that:
(i) for v, rthe following inequality is satisfied it results that;
(ii) there is anso that.
Then T has at least one fixed point.
Proof. The proof is analogous to the proof from Theorem 3.
If with , we suppose that the following inequality is satisfied In this case, according to (i), we have . Thus, if we apply the contraction definition, we obtain that there is an for which . We obtain that We mention that , From we obtain a new inequality, , from which results that, according to (i), Thus, by mathematical induction, we create the sequence in with the following properties:
(b),, that means (by (i)) ;
By (c) we get that
Thus, the sequence is Cauchy in the complete geodesic metric space . We denote by x* its limit in
We prove that . If , for each there exists un such that
On the other hand as . Hence .
Since un for and knowing that is closed, it results that . The proof is complete. □
Definition 8. (see [
Let be a complete geodesic metric space, a convex metric. A function → we said to be a multivalued Lipschitz operator of X into if and only if where is a fixed real number ( denotes the Pompeiu-Hausdorff metric on generated by (where ) and , the vector-valued Pompeiu-Hausforff metric on ).
If T has a Lipschitz constant , then T is called a multivalued contraction mapping (Nadler, 1969).
Theorem 5. Letbe a complete geodesic metric space,If→be a convex multivalued left A-contraction in the sense of Nadler in relation to a convex metric. If,, is a diagonal matrix convergent to zero and ifbe a Lipschitz constant for T:
then T has a fixed point. Proof. Let
be a Lipschitz constant for
T and let
. Choose
. Since
), there is a point
such that:
Now, since
, there is a point
) such that:
Continuing in this way we create a sequence
of points of
X such that
We note that
for all
. Hence
for all
It follows that the sequence is a Cauchy sequence. Since is complete, the sequence converges to a point . Therefore, the sequence converges to and, since for all i, it follows that . This completes the proof of the theorem. □
Theorem 6. Letbe a complete geodesic metric space,If→is a convex multivalued right A-contraction in relation to a convex metric. If,, is a diagonal matrix convergent to zero and ifis a Lipschitz constant for T: then T has a fixed point. Proof. The proof is analogous to the proof from Theorem 5. □
Theorem 7. Letbe a geodesic metric space,, let→ be a convex multivalued left A-contraction in the sense of Nadler in relation to a convex metric, , , is a diagonal matrix convergent to zero and let → be a convex left A-contraction in the sense of Nadler in relation to a convex metric. If the sequence converges pointwise to and if is a convergent subsequence of , then converges to a fixed point of .
Proof. Let and let . We choose an integer M such that and for all .
This proves that . Therefore, since for each j = 1,2,... it follows that . This proves the theorem. □
Theorem 8. Letbe a geodesic metric space,, let→be a convex multivalued right A-contraction in relation to a convex metric,,, is a diagonal matrix convergent to zero and let→ be a convex left A-contraction in the sense of Nadler in relation to a convex metric. If the sequence converges pointwise to and if is a convergent subsequence of , then converges to a fixed point of .
Proof. Let
and let
. Choose an integer
M such that
This proves that . Therefore, since for each j = 1,2,... it follows that . This proves the theorem. □