Security and Accuracy of Fingerprint-Based Biometrics: A Review
:1. Introduction
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- Law enforcement: Biometric technology has been embraced with open arms by law enforcement agencies across the world for its efficiency in security-oriented scenarios. In fact, biometrics is not a new tool in law enforcement. Fingerprint biometrics have been adopted by Argentinian criminologists for more than a century. Nowadays, with rapid technological development, biometrics have launched a worldwide revolution in law enforcement. Biometric recognition systems have now been utilized by law enforcement agencies of many countries, including the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, and China. For example, in 2011, the Department of Defense and the FBI started working on the United States’ next generation biometric system, named Next Generation Identification (NGI), which is designed to include fingerprint, face, iris, and palm data, and their facial recognition program became fully operational in late 2014 [9].
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- Border control: In order to prevent identity fraud and strengthen border and national security, many countries employ biometric systems to track and manage the flow of passengers across borders. For instance, since 2008, all non-Americans who travel to the United States are requested to scan their fingerprint by US border security officials [10]. In order to eliminate the need for paper passports, Australia is planning to boost its “Seamless Traveler” program. The proposal of this program is to have 90 percent of the 35 million annual travelers to enter Australia via a paperless biometric recognition system by 2020 [11].
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- Consumer biometrics: Consumer devices equipped with biometric systems are standalone products for the consumer market, such as door locks, surveillance systems, automotive, and especially mobile devices (smartphones, tablets, etc.). In the past, passwords were the only secure way of authentication, and fingerprint scanners were most likely used by law enforcement agencies and the military. However, times have changed. In the last decade, biometric technology has developed in leaps and bounds and spread to every corner of our lives as a more secure method of authentication. With the popularity of smart phones, mobile phones utilizing biometrics is a winning combination in the consumer market, allowing biometric technology to become much more widely accepted [12].
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- Financial services: Finance is the most mature biometrics market outside the domain of law enforcement for the logic that protecting money is the first priority for most people. Financial companies have been early adopters of biometrics. For example, cash machines with fingerprint readers are currently deployed at an increasing pace [13]. Moreover, a new MasterCard, which includes an embedded fingerprint reader, attempts to introduce a biometric authentication layer for card payment [14], so as to enhance customers’ comfort level in terms of security and convenience.
- Security and recognition accuracy, despite being two most important aspects in biometric system design, have not been adequately studied simultaneously. Prior to this review paper, no research work has delivered a comprehensive review considering both of them. In this paper, up-to-date research and insights into security and recognition accuracy are thoroughly analyzed and discussed.
- Based on a thorough analysis, limitations of existing research are discussed and suggestions for future work to overcome those limitations are provided.
- The two most critical attacks to biometric systems are discussed in this paper. How to resolve the challenges, so as to defend biometric systems, is the focus of current and future biometric security research.
- Most existing methods, either with or without template protection, were set forth in ideal situations. In this paper, we emphasize the importance of considering recognition accuracy under non-ideal conditions. Our analysis is backed by solid evidence and detailed comparison.
2. Security Analysis: Attacks and Countermeasures
- (a)
- Attacks at the interface, e.g., attacks at point 1;
- (b)
- Attacks at the modules, e.g., attacks at points 3 and 5;
- (c)
- Attacks to the channels between modules, e.g., attacks at points 2, 4, 7, and 8;
- (d)
- Attacks to the template database, e.g., attacks at point 6.
2.1. Attacks to User Interface and Countermeasures
2.2. Attacks to Template Databases and Countermeasures
2.2.1. Cancelable Biometrics
2.2.2. Biometric Cryptosystems
3. Recognition Accuracy
3.1. Accuracy under Ideal vs. Non-Ideal Conditions
3.2. Accuracy Without vs. With Template Protection
4. Conclusions
- New developments in deep learning techniques have enhanced the performance of biometric systems across a wide range of biometric modalities, such as face recognition modality. We envisage that deep learning techniques [78,79,80] will also be potential tools for latent fingerprint matching. However, the use of deep learning algorithms may bring potential threats to biometric systems because of the vulnerabilities of those deep learning algorithms themselves.
- The security issues (e.g., spoofing attacks, attacks to biometric templates) analyzed for a general biometric system are also valid to any biometric system on different platforms, for example, a mobile platform. Nowadays, smartphones are becoming more and more popular, thus forming a promising platform for the use of biometrics [81]. However, mobile biometrics face more challenges, since smartphones usually have less computing capability and limited energy. Therefore, light-weight secure algorithm design for mobile biometrics is an emerging research topic [82,83,84].
- Trade-off between security and recognition accuracy in fingerprint template protection remains a challenge. As shown in Table 5, the best matching performance of fingerprint competition with template protection is the EER = 1.542%, which is much worse than that (EER = 0.022%) without template protection. Besides exploring more robust and distinctive features and designing better transformation functions, the use of multi-biometrics in template protection design is likely to be the way forward and deserves further research.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Number | Attacks | Attack Points |
1 | Spoofing—present fake biometric data to sensor | 1 |
2 | Exploit similarity, e.g., using face from identical twins | 1 |
3 | Zero-effort attempt—attacker uses own biometric sample to impersonate an authorized user | 1 |
4 | Physically destroy the biometric sensor so as to make it out of service | 1 |
5 | Replay attack—the attacker intercepts a biometric signal and replay it into the system | 2 and 4 |
6 | Cut the communication channel to make the system unavailable | 2 and 4 |
7 | Denial of Service attack—alters the information from the channel in order to deny a genuine user from being authenticated | 2 and 4 |
8 | Hill-climbing attack—conveniently modify the query image until a desired matching score is obtained. | 2 and 4 |
9 | Continuously inject samples in order to deny genuine users to access the system | 2 and 4 |
10 | Inject Trojan horse programs | 3 and 5 |
11 | Attacker illegally obtains original biometric templates | 6 |
12 | Attacker modifies the template such as adding or replacing info | 6 |
13 | Read biometric templates from a communication channel and replay | 7 |
14 | Alter the information transmitted through a communication channel in order to deny genuine users to access the system | 7 |
15 | Cut the communication channel in order to make the system unavailable | 7 |
16 | Alter the transported matching or non-matching information in order to deny access of a genuine user or allow an impostor access. | 8 |
17 | Cut the communication channel in order to make the system unavailable | 8 |
Approaches | Year of Publication | Category or Technique | Databases | Sensors | Best Performance (Correct Classification Rate) |
Tan and Schuckers [24] | 2006 | Wavelet transform | Michigan State University (MSU) gummy finger database | Capacitive DC, optical, and electro-optical | 80%–100% |
Coli et al. [25] | 2008 | Both static and dynamic features | Private database | Optical | 75.35% |
Galbally et al. [26] | 2012 | Fingerprint parameterization based on 1uality related features | ATVS | Optical | 90% |
Kim [27] | 2017 | Difference of the dispersion in the image gradient field | LivDet 2009 and ATVS | Optical | 95.63% (ATVS) 86.83% (LivDet 2009) |
Jung and Heo [28] | 2018 | Convolutional neural network (CNN) | 2015 competition set | Optical | 98.60% |
Kundargi and Karandikar [29] | 2018 | Completed local binary pattern (CLBP) and wavelet transform (WT) | LivDet 2011 | Optical | 91.7% |
Xia et al. [30] | 2018 | Weber local binary and Support Vector Machine (SVM) | LivDet 2011, 2013, 2015 | Optical | 94.04% |
Yuan et al. [31] | 2018 | BP neural network | LivDet 2013 | Optical | 93.22% |
Cancelable Biometrics | ||||
Approaches | Year of Publication | Category or Technique | Databases | Best Performance |
Ratha et al. [32] | 2001 | Introduction of the “cancelable biometrics” concept | - | - |
Jin et al. [34] | 2004 | Bio-hashing | FVC2002 DB1-DB4 | EER = 0 |
Ratha et al. [33] | 2007 | Cartesian, polar, and surface folding transformations | - | - |
Lee et al. [35] | 2007 | The first alignment-free cancelable fingerprint system | FVC2002 DB1 | EER = 3.4% |
Ahn et al. [36] | 2008 | Using triplets of minutia points | FVC2002 DB2 | EER = 3.61% |
Yang et al. [37] | 2009 | Using local and global features | FVC2002 DB2 | EER = 13% |
Ahmad and Hu [38] | 2010 | Using a projection line | FVC2002 DB2 | EER ≈ 20% |
Wang and Hu [40] | 2012 | A densely infinite-to-one mapping (DITOM) approach | FVC2002 DB1 FVC2002 DB2 FVC2002 DB3 | EER = 3.5% EER = 5% EER = 7.5% |
Zhang et al. [43] | 2013 | A registration-free cancelable fingerprint template based on Minutia Cylinder Code (MCC) | - | - |
Wang and Hu [41] | 2014 | Curtailed circular convolution | FVC2002 DB1 FVC2002 DB2 FVC2002 DB3 | EER = 2% EER = 3% EER = 6.12% |
Ferrara et al. [46] | 2014 | A two-factor protection scheme using non-invertible transformation and user-specific key | FVC2002 DB1 FVC2002 DB2 FVC2002 DB3 FVC2002 DB4 FVC2004 DB1 FVC2006 DB2 | EER = 2% EER = 1.1% EER = 4.4% EER = 3.1% EER = 3.0% EER = 0.1% |
Wang and Hu [42] | 2016 | A blind system identification approach | FVC2002 DB1 FVC2002 DB2 FVC2002 DB3 | EER=4% EER=3% EER=8.5% |
Wang et al. [39] | 2017 | A partial Hadamard transform approach | FVC2002 DB1 FVC2002 DB2 FVC2002 DB3 FVC2004 DB2 | EER = 1% EER = 2% EER = 5.2% EER = 13.3% |
Sandhya and Prasad [49] | 2017 | Using fused structures (both local and distant structures) at the feature level | FVC2004 DB1 FVC2004 DB2 FVC2004 DB3 | EER = 11.89% EER = 12.71% EER = 17.60% |
Arjona et al. [47] | 2018 | Physically Unclonable Functions based on minutia cylinder codes | FVC2002 DB2 FVC2002 DB3 | EER = 0.39% EER = 0.81% |
Yang et al. [48] | 2018 | Defeat the attacks via record multiplicity (ARM) through the feature decorrelation algorithm | FVC2002 DB1 FVC2002 DB2 FVC2002 DB3 FVC2004 DB2 | EER = 5.75% EER = 4.71% EER = 10.22% EER = 12% |
Yang et al. [50] | 2018 | Cancelable multi-biometric system based on fingerprint and finger-vein | MD-A MD-B | EER = 0.55% EER = 0.69% |
Dwivedi and Dey [51] | 2018 | Fusion at the score level and the decision level | Virtual_A Virtual_B Virtual_C | EER = 0.55% EER = 0.13% EER = 0.5% |
Biometric Cryptosystems | ||||
Approaches | Year of Publication | Category or Technique | Databases | Best Performance |
Juels and Watternberg [52] | 1999 | Introduction of the cryptographic primitive, fuzzy commitment scheme | - | - |
Uludag and Jain [53] | 2004 | Utilization of a fingerprint minutiae line based representation scheme in fuzzy vault | - | - |
Dodis et al. [55] | 2004 | Proposes two primitives: fuzzy extractor and secure sketch | - | - |
Uludag et al. [57] | 2005 | Realization of fuzzy vault with the fingerprint minutiae data | IBM-GTDB | FAR = 0 |
Arakala et al. [61] | 2007 | The first fingerprint biometric application—protected Fuzzy Extractor | FVC2000 | EER ≈ 10% |
Teoh and Kim [56] | 2007 | Randomized dynamic quantization, transformation to binarized biometric data, and protection by using fuzzy commitment | FVC2002 DB1 | FAR = 0, FRR = 0.9% |
Nandakumar et al. [58] | 2007 | An automatic implementation of the fuzzy vault scheme based on fingerprint minutiae. High curvature points are derived from the fingerprint orientation field as helper data to align the template and query minutiae | FVC2002 DB2 | FAR = 0, FRR = 10% |
Li et al. [60] | 2010 | An alignment-free fingerprint cryptosystem based on the fuzzy vault scheme, fusing the local features, known minutia descriptor, and minutia local structure | FVC2002 DB1, DB2 | FAR = 0.35, FRR = 17.5% FAR = 0, FRR = 10% |
Xi et al. [62] | 2011 | Use the minutia local structure called Dual Layer Structure Check (DLSC) to eliminate the alignment process | FVC2002 DB2 | EER = 4.5% |
Yang et al. [64] | 2012 | A registration-free Delaunay triangle-based fuzzy extractor. | FVC2002 DB2 | EER = 13% |
Karthi and Azhilarasan [63] | 2013 | Use both the key generating cryptosystem and feature transformation method | FVC2004 | FAR = 1%, FRR = 1% |
Yang et al. [66] | 2013 | A minutiae-based fuzzy vault with cancellability by applying a polar transformation to each Delaunay triangle group | FVC2002 DB1, DB2 | FAR = 0.38%, FRR = 19% FAR = 2.25%, FRR = 8% |
Liu and Zhao [65] | 2017 | A secured fingerprint MCC matching scheme utilizing l1-minimization | FVC2002 DB1, DB2 FVC2004 DB1 | FAR = 0, FRR = 8.6% FAR = 0, FRR = 16% FAR = 0, FRR = 34.4% |
Alam et al. [67] | 2018 | Bit-toggling strategy to inject noise into the proposed fingerprint template | FVC2002 DB1, DB2, DB3 FVC2004 DB1, DB2, DB3 | EER = 1% EER = 2.07% EER = 6.11% EER = 15.44% EER = 9.15% EER = 9.28% |
Sarkar and Singh [68] | 2018 | A symmetric cryptographic key is spawned using cancelable fingerprint template | FVC2002 DB1 | - |
Published on | Benchmark | Participant | Type | Algorithm | EER | |
Without template protection | 27/07/2017 | FV-STD-1.0 | Beijing Hisign Bio-info Institute | Company | HXKJ | 0.022% |
09/02/2016 | FV-STD-1.0 | Neurotechnology Company | Company | MM_FV | 0.042% | |
29/08/2011 | FV-STD-1.0 | Tiger IT Bangladesh | Company | TigerAFIS | 0.108% | |
With template protection | 28/12/2013 | STFV-STD-1.0 | Securics, Inc | Company | Biotope | 1.541% |
25/03/2013 | STFV-STD-1.0 | Biometric System Laboratory | Academic Research Group | P-MCC64 | 2.207% | |
25/02/2013 | STFV-STD-1.0 | Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences | Academic Research Group | SCT | 4.082% |
Approaches | Low/No Security | High Security | Databases |
Li et al. [60] | (17.5/0.35) | (35.8/0) | FVC2002 DB1 |
Liu et al. [76] | (14.33/0) | (20.40/0) | FVC2002 DB1 |
Ferrara et al. [45] | (3.18/0) | (51.29/0) | FVC2002 DB1 |
Yang et al. [77] | - | (3.38/3.38) | FVC2002 DB1 |
Sandhya and Prasad [49] | - | 2.19/2.19 | FVC2002 DB1 |
Wang et al. [39] | - | (1.0/1.0) | FVC2002 DB1 |
Liu and Zhao [65] | - | (8.6/0) | FVC2002 DB1 |
Arjona et al. [47] | - | (15.14/0) | FVC2002 DB3 |
Yang et al. [48] | (4/4) | (4.57/4.57) | FVC2002 DB3 |
Alam et al. [67] | - | (5.95/5.95) | FVC2002 DB1 |
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Yang, W.; Wang, S.; Hu, J.; Zheng, G.; Valli, C. Security and Accuracy of Fingerprint-Based Biometrics: A Review. Symmetry 2019, 11, 141.
Yang W, Wang S, Hu J, Zheng G, Valli C. Security and Accuracy of Fingerprint-Based Biometrics: A Review. Symmetry. 2019; 11(2):141.
Chicago/Turabian StyleYang, Wencheng, Song Wang, Jiankun Hu, Guanglou Zheng, and Craig Valli. 2019. "Security and Accuracy of Fingerprint-Based Biometrics: A Review" Symmetry 11, no. 2: 141.
APA StyleYang, W., Wang, S., Hu, J., Zheng, G., & Valli, C. (2019). Security and Accuracy of Fingerprint-Based Biometrics: A Review. Symmetry, 11(2), 141.