On a ?2n-Graded Version of Supersymmetry
:1. Introduction
2. Preliminaries
2.1. -Manifolds and Their Basic Geometry
2.2. A Toy -Superspace
2.3. Majorana Spinors
2.4. -Graded Majorana Spinors
3. -Extended Supersymmetry
3.1. A -Extended Poincaré Algebra
3.2. Direct Consequences of the Algebra
- Positivity of energy: a direct computation shows (no sum over I). Then, passing to the representation as Hermitian operators allow us to write and thus for any state
- Irreducible representations of supersymmetry carry the same value of : this follows from , which implies that is a Casimir.
- The spin of each state in a multiplet varies in steps of 1/2: this follows from .
3.3. -Minkowski Space-Time
3.4. Invariant Differential Forms
3.5. Superfields
3.6. -Minkowski Space-Time
4. Closing Remarks
Conflicts of Interest
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Bruce, A.J.
On a ?2n-Graded Version of Supersymmetry
. Symmetry 2019, 11, 116.
Bruce AJ.
On a ?2n-Graded Version of Supersymmetry
. Symmetry. 2019; 11(1):116.
Bruce, Andrew James.
2019. "On a ?2n-Graded Version of Supersymmetry
" Symmetry 11, no. 1: 116.
Bruce, A. J.
(2019). On a ?2n-Graded Version of Supersymmetry
. Symmetry, 11(1), 116.