A Review of Driving Factors, Scenarios, and Topics in Urban Land Change Models
:1. Introduction
2. Methods
3. Results
3.1. Driving Factors
3.1.1. Key Driving Factors in Empirical Studies
3.1.2. Driving Factors in Urban LCM Studies
3.2. Topics in LCM
3.3. Urban Growth Scenarios in LCM
- “Business as usual”: future urban growth pattern as present pattern [96];
- “Environmental protection”: restricting new development within environmental preservation areas [113];
- “Compact development”: encouraging compact (high-density) and contiguous development forms [113];
- “Planned growth”: future development as previously defined land use plan or plan policies [39].
4. Discussion and Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Classification | Driving Factors | Classification | Driving Factors | ||
Natural Environment | Topography | slope | Built Environment | Land Use | distance to settlement |
distance to river | land use | ||||
distance to water surface | distance to city/district/town centers | ||||
Amenity | distance to forest | distance to residence | |||
distance to coastline | Job | distance to agriculture | |||
distance to green spaces | distance to commercial | ||||
distance to natural scenery | job location | ||||
Built Environment | Transportation | distance to roads | Service | distance to schools | |
distance to highways | distance to hospitals | ||||
distance to railways | Socio-Economy | population density | |||
distance to public transportation | property value | ||||
Land Use | distance to settlement | land use plan | |||
distance to urban center (CBD) | plan policies |
Classification | ** Driving Factors | Count | Classification | Driving Factors | Count | ||
Natural Environment (32) | Topography (14) | slope | 121 | Built Environment (53) | Land Use (13) | distance to town centers | 13 |
elevation | 50 | likelihood to change | 11 | ||||
distance to water surface | 37 | land use suitability | 3 | ||||
distance to river | 35 | availability of irrigation facility | 1 | ||||
aspect | 17 | density of crop land | 1 | ||||
soil type | 11 | density of developed lands | 1 | ||||
soil quality | 8 | Development (4) | distance to infra (water/sewer) | 8 | |||
erosion | 6 | available land | 8 | ||||
soil pH | 5 | cost of land use change | 2 | ||||
soil permeability | 3 | recent development | 2 | ||||
altitude | 2 | Job (12) | distance to agriculture | 21 | |||
silt content | 2 | distance to commercial | 17 | ||||
soil depth | 2 | distance to business | 8 | ||||
terrain | 1 | distance to industrial | 7 | ||||
Amenity (4) | distance to forest | 20 | distance to farm | 6 | |||
distance to coastline | 14 | job location | 3 | ||||
distance to green spaces | 6 | agricultural production | 2 | ||||
distance to natural scenery | 4 | distance to economic corridors | 2 | ||||
Climate (4) | precipitation | 10 | employment no. | 2 | |||
temperature | 8 | industrial production | 2 | ||||
hours of sunshine | 4 | density of oil and gas wells | 1 | ||||
moisture | 1 | unemployment rate | 1 | ||||
Risk (7) | flood risk (floodplain) | 7 | Service (3) | distance to institution | 14 | ||
distance to wetland/salt marsh | 5 | distance to hospital | 3 | ||||
seismicity | 3 | distance to convention | 1 | ||||
distance to dike | 1 | Housing (3) | floor space entropy index | 2 | |||
distance to tsunami affected area | 1 | housing density | 2 | ||||
flood retention areas | 1 | floor space dissimilarity index | 1 | ||||
water contamination | 1 | Socio-Economy (25) | Population (9) | population density | 42 | ||
Ecology (3) | vegetation/env. value | 3 | population | 14 | |||
tree type | 2 | race | 2 | ||||
endangered species | 1 | household number | 1 | ||||
Built Environment (53) | Transportation (18) | distance to major roads | 135 | housing growth rate | 1 | ||
distance to highways | 24 | job density | 1 | ||||
distance to railways | 20 | job housing balance | 1 | ||||
distance to national/express highways | 13 | literacy | 1 | ||||
distance to airport/harbor | 12 | urban population density | 1 | ||||
distance to railway station | 11 | Plan (6) | distance to protected area | 13 | |||
distance to minor roads | 8 | land use plan/policy | 8 | ||||
distance to subway station | 7 | distance to city boundary | 4 | ||||
distance to road junction | 6 | distance to historic sites | 3 | ||||
distance to county roads | 5 | county boundary | 1 | ||||
distance to motorway exits | 5 | state boundary | 1 | ||||
distance to bus station | 4 | Economy (10) | GDP | 17 | |||
distance to provincial roads | 4 | property/land value | 12 | ||||
road density | 4 | income | 5 | ||||
distance to metro station | 3 | employment rate | 3 | ||||
distance to tollgate | 2 | poverty | 2 | ||||
distance to bus route | 1 | rent | 2 | ||||
transportation noise | 1 | industrialization rate | 1 | ||||
Land Use (13) | distance to settlement | 74 | investment | 1 | |||
distance to urban center (CBD) | 52 | investment on agri. research | 1 | ||||
land use (land cover) | 49 | per capita foreign direct investment | 1 | ||||
distance to residential | 35 | Others (3) | easting parameter | 5 | |||
distance to (big) city | 25 | northing parameter | 5 | ||||
distance to open land/recreation | 15 | crime | 1 | ||||
distance to district centers | 13 | ||||||
Total Driving Factor (113) | 1,215 |
Scenario Theme | Scenario Type | Reference | |
Single | Ecology/Environment | business as usual, ecological/greenbelt | Romano et al. (2018) [121], Shi et al. (2017) [122], Park et al. (2017) [118], Goodarzi et al. (2017) [123], Lu et al. (2016) [109], Zheng et al. (2015) [61], Liu et al. (2015) [56], Akber and Shrestha (2015) [124], Zen et al. (2014) [125], Dezhkam et al. (2014) [126], Oguz (2013) [127], Xi et al. (2010) [117], Wu et al. (2010) [8], Wu and Martin (2002) [103] |
Density | business as usual, sprawl, compact | Grigorescu et al. (2019) [128], Feng et al. (2019) [129], Shoemaker et al. (2019) [130], Henríquez-Dole et al. (2018) [131], Song et al. (2017) [132], Sakieh et al. (2015) [133], Terzi (2015) [98], Sekovski et al. (2015) [134], Bihamta et al. (2015) [135], Fuglsang et al. (2013) [120], Vermeiren et al. (2012) [136], Wilson and Weng (2011) [137], Benavente et al. (2010) [100], Tang et al. (2005) [138] | |
Economic/Population Growth | business as usual, low and high economic/population growth | Bajracharya et al. (2020) [139], Huang et al. (2019) [27], Kuang (2011) [140], De Moel et al. (2011) [112], Allen and Lu (2003) [141], Bright (1992) [95] | |
Plan | business as usual, planned/policy/managed/spatial planning | Zhao and Shen (2019) [142], Chakraborty et al. (2015) [143], Yuan (2010) [144], Hoymann (2010) [21], Hansen (2010) [145] | |
Multiple | Growth and Environment | business as usual, economic growth, environmental/sustainable growth | Samie et al. (2017) [146], Hasan et al. (2017) [119], Liu et al. (2016) [51], Gallardo et al. (2016) [147], Han et al. (2015) [60], Plata-Rocha (2011) [148] |
Density and Growth | business as usual, economic growth, sprawl/compact | Li et al. (2017) [26], Price et al. (2015) [149], Te Linde et al. (2011) [20] | |
Density/Growth and Environment | business as usual, low and high growth, compact, environment | Kocabas and Dragicevic (2007) [54], Pettit and Pullar (2004) [96], Yang and Lo (2003) [114], Landis (1995) [113] | |
Plan/Density and Environment | business as usual, planned, sprawl/compact, environmental scenario | Kim and Newman (2020) [150], Rimal et al. (2019) [151], Liang et al. (2018) [152], Lu et al. (2018) [153], Osman et al. (2016) [154], Kim and Park (2015) [155], Hua et al. (2014) [156], Liu et al. (2011) [157], Wu et al. (2010) [8], Gude et al. (2007) [158] | |
Others | socio-economy, disaster, driver weight, different models, climate change, road weight, land cover change, development setback, weighting, agri. protection, growth location, global coordination | Li et al. (2020) [30], Chen et al. (2019) [29], Gibson et al. (2018) [159], Qiang and Lam (2016) [101], Gao and Kim (2016) [160], Shooshtari and Gholamalifard (2015) [64], He et al. (2015) [161], Chaudhuri and Clarke (2013) [116], Mahiny (2012) [162], Ray et al. (2010) [163], Kim (2009) [164], Lin et al. (2007) [111], Sharma et al. (2006) [49], Solecki and Oliveri (2004) [165], Hilferink and Rietveld (1999) [38] |
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Kim, Y.; Newman, G.; Güneralp, B. A Review of Driving Factors, Scenarios, and Topics in Urban Land Change Models. Land 2020, 9, 246. https://doi.org/10.3390/land9080246
Kim Y, Newman G, Güneralp B. A Review of Driving Factors, Scenarios, and Topics in Urban Land Change Models. Land. 2020; 9(8):246. https://doi.org/10.3390/land9080246
Chicago/Turabian StyleKim, Youjung, Galen Newman, and Burak Güneralp. 2020. "A Review of Driving Factors, Scenarios, and Topics in Urban Land Change Models" Land 9, no. 8: 246. https://doi.org/10.3390/land9080246
APA StyleKim, Y., Newman, G., & Güneralp, B. (2020). A Review of Driving Factors, Scenarios, and Topics in Urban Land Change Models. Land, 9(8), 246. https://doi.org/10.3390/land9080246