Seasonal Variation in Sediment Oxygen Demand in a Northern Chained River-Lake System
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Overview of Study Area
2.2. Model Setup
d(TBOD)/dt | = | Rate of change of the concentration of oxygen required to mineralize organic matter in mg/L/day. This is corrected before comparison with field BOD5 data |
= | Oxygen demand due to the oxidization of newly produced organic matter per day, mg/L/day | |
= | Deoxygenation rate at 20 °C, 1/day | |
T | = | Water temperature, °C |
θd | = | Temperature coefficient |
d(DO)/dt | = | Rate of change of dissolved oxygen concentration, mg/L/day |
θ2 | = | Temperature coefficient |
DO | = | Dissolved oxygen concentration, mg/L |
= | Total Biochemical oxygen demand in mg/L | |
vs3 | = | Organic matter settling velocity, m/day |
D | = | Average segment depth, m |
f D5 | = | Fraction dissolved TBOD |
= | Reaeration rate at 20 °C, 1/day | |
DOs | = | DO solubility at temperature T, mg/L |
SODT | = | Sediment oxygen demand rate at T, g/m2/day |
θ | = | Temperature coefficient |
2.3. Advective Transport
2.4. Initial Condition
2.5. Boundary Condition
2.6. Calibration and Validation
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Model Calibration and Validation
3.2. Spatial and Seasonal Variation of Sediment Oxygen Demand
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Gauge Station | Mean Error | Mean Absolute Error |
Lumsden | −0.32 | 0.35 |
Craven | −0.03 | 0.77 |
Highway 6 | 0.62 | 1.78 |
Upstream of Pasqua | 0.36 | 1.36 |
Pasqua | −0.62 | 1.30 |
River Reach/Lake | Description | Optimum SOD (g/m2/Day) at 20 °C | Reported SOD Range | Reference |
Reach 1 | Wascana-QR confluence to Lumsden | 1.90 | (0.1–5.3) (SOD) | [40] 2 |
(1.04–1.13) (Temp. coefficient) | [50] | |||
Reach 2 | Lumsden to Craven | 1.70 | (0.1–5.3) | [40] |
Reach 3 | Craven to Highway 6 | 0.79 | (0.1–5.3) | [40] |
Reach 4 | Highway 6 to Qu’Appelle below Loon Creek | 0.98 | (0.1–5.3) | [40] |
Lakes | Pasqua, Echo Mission, Katepwa lakes | 2.20 | (0.7–8.4) | [41] 3 |
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Akomeah, E.; Lindenschmidt, K.-E. Seasonal Variation in Sediment Oxygen Demand in a Northern Chained River-Lake System. Water 2017, 9, 254.
Akomeah E, Lindenschmidt K-E. Seasonal Variation in Sediment Oxygen Demand in a Northern Chained River-Lake System. Water. 2017; 9(4):254.
Chicago/Turabian StyleAkomeah, Eric, and Karl-Erich Lindenschmidt. 2017. "Seasonal Variation in Sediment Oxygen Demand in a Northern Chained River-Lake System" Water 9, no. 4: 254.
APA StyleAkomeah, E., & Lindenschmidt, K.-E. (2017). Seasonal Variation in Sediment Oxygen Demand in a Northern Chained River-Lake System. Water, 9(4), 254.