1. Introduction
Entrapped air is an important issue in hydraulic engineering because of the serious operating problems arising with air expulsion. Air release/vacuum valves [
1] are commonly used to release entrapped air accumulated during normal operation or the filling of a pipeline.
High pressure surge originates at the end of the filling phase, because of the impact of the liquid column on the valve, after the air has been expelled, due to the difference in density between air and water [
3]. On the other hand, the presence of air can be beneficial in some conditions because of the cushioning effect of the air pocket, which operates as an air chamber, especially during the transient first phase. The drastic increase in the mixture elasticity [
4] can result in a lower water hammer celerity causing pressure surge to decrease.
Air release valves play a key role in the transient following air expulsion from a pipeline. Despite their widespread application, data regarding efficiency and effectiveness of air release valves are still lacking, and little or no attention has been paid to maintenance and operational issues [
Theoretical and experimental analysis of hydraulic transients induced by air release from a rapidly filling pipe have been widely described in the technical literature. During air release, three pressure oscillation phases can be distinguished [
9]: (a) a first rigid column phase during the pipeline filling until the air is completely expelled; (b) a second water hammer phase following the impact of the water column on the orifice; (c) a third phase with pressure oscillations around the steady state value, with progressively reducing pressure peaks because of flow friction. The maximum pressure surge is achieved in the second phase, when severe transients can arise at the impact.
By means of experiments in a rapidly filling horizontal pipe, Zhou
et al. [
10] showed the main role of the orifice size and driving head on each phase. When no air is released, or when the orifice size is small, water hammer effects are negligible because of the air pocket cushioning effect. When the orifice is very large, the cushioning effect of entrapped air vanishes and the water column can easily impact the pipe end, causing a significant pressure surge. For intermediate orifice sizes, the cushioning effect of the air pocket decreases as the air release rate increases.
In the experiments, three types of pressure patterns were identified, which correspond to different air-water interface shapes: for the first pattern, the water front is relatively free of entrained air and the water reaches the pipe end along the bottom first, whereas a vertical air-water interface occurs for the second one and an intermediate situation for the third case. The authors also showed that the air-water interface is steep for high filling velocity, whereas, for smaller orifices, a non-vertical interface occurs. In this case, a certain amount of air was entrapped as air pockets in the flow, thus causing the long period pressure oscillation to persist. Consequently, the Froude number of the flow becomes a critical issue governing the pressure transients that develop and should be taken into account when analyzing experimental results and extending laboratory results to field installations.
Similarly, Lee [
11] observed that the pressure surge in a rapidly filling pipe is quite sensitive to the orifice size. Experiments were carried out on a horizontal pipe equipped with an orifice at the end, with size ranging from zero (closed end) to half size of the pipe diameter. Lee concluded that, for very small orifices, entrapped air operates like a spring and reduces pressure surge. For an orifice with intermediate size, air is expelled quite readily and the water column can have a high velocity at the impact. For a large orifice, water following air expulsion can have high velocity, but the impact may be minimal due to non-significant flow deceleration.
The volume of entrapped air also influences the peak pressure, as pointed out by many researchers [
13]. Among these, Zhou
et al. [
8] carried out experiments on a horizontal pipeline by varying the length of the initial air pocket, showing that the peak pressure increases with the decrease of the air pocket length. In the case of undulating pipeline under a high initial void fraction of the air pocket, Zhou
et al. [
13] showed that the increase of the maximum peak pressure obtains through the reduction of the void fraction, because of the decrease of the air cushioning effect. The highest pressure occurs at a certain small void fraction, whereas for smaller values, the smaller space for the water movement decreases the water impact force and thus the maximum pressure reduces as well.
Other relevant results were obtained by many researchers, who analyzed air release through both orifices [
14] and air release valves [
16]. In many cases, the valve (or the orifice) was located at the end of an ascending pipe [
16] or at the end of a horizontal pipe [
Nevertheless, in field installations, supply pipes are almost never horizontal or vertical, since the pipe profile is a sequence of ascending and descending pipes, with air release/vacuum valves at high points. Consequently, Balacco
et al. [
9] developed an extensive experimental research to analyze pressure surges arising during the filling of an initially empty undulating pipeline. The pipeline was made of U-PVC with outside diameter O
D = 75 mm (inner diameter
D 67.8 mm) and was fitted with an orifice for air venting at the high point. The experiments were carried out by varying upstream and downstream valve opening degree, orifice diameter
d and pipe sloping angle α (11°, 22° and 30°).
When the downstream valve was closed, the maximum pressure surge was achieved for a diameter of the orifice depending on the pipe sloping angle. The ratio d/D at which the pressure surge is maximum was found to reduce at increasing sloping angle, ranging between d/D = 0.19 for α = 11° and d/D = 0.08 for α = 30°.
When the downstream valve was partially opened, the size of the orifice poorly affected the maximum pressure surge. Experiments showed that the larger the orifice diameter, the smaller the opening degree of the upstream valve for which pressure surge achieves the maximum values. Finally, in the case of a fully open downstream valve, the maximum pressure surge was found fairly independent of the valve diameter.
Because of the large data collected during experiments, Balacco
et al. [
9] did not discuss in detail the pressure pattern and the transient characteristics at varying upstream and downstream opening degree and orifice diameter. In addition, the effect of the length of the descending pipe was not analyzed in the paper, although many authors pointed out the role of the size of the entrapped air pockets. To this aim, laboratory set up was modified and the length of the downstream pipe was doubled with respect to the first series. Pressure transients were recorded and pressure pattern was identified at varying system characteristics. Collected data were also analyzed in terms of maximum pressure surge at the air vent section to obtain a preliminary estimate of the peak pressure.
3. Results and Discussion
The experiments were carried out by manually turning the upstream butterfly valve and varying upstream (ψ
u) and downstream (ψ
d) valve opening degree, orifice size (
d), length of descending pipe (
Ld). For the sake of simplicity, the experimental variables used are summarized in
Table 1. Orifice sizes were set according to commercial air vacuum valve sizes and to the need to preserve the ratio
D between valve and pipe diameter suggested by manufactures (
D = 0.094–0.375).
Table 1.
Experimental variables used in the experiments.
Table 1.
Experimental variables used in the experiments.
Variable | Value |
H0 (m) | 16.30 |
ψu (%) | 25, 50, 100 |
ψd (%) | 0, 25, 50,100 |
OD (mm) | 75.0 |
D (mm) | 67.8 |
d (mm) | 6.4, 9.1, 12.7, 19.1, 25.4 |
Ld (m) | 5.90, 11.84 |
A total of 120 configurations are analyzed. For each configuration, experiments were run at least five times to determine the consistency of results. In almost all cases, results show the repetitiveness of the transient under all the investigated configurations. For example, in
Figure 2, the pressure surge at P2 following the opening of the upstream valve is plotted for S configuration and ψ
d = 100%, ψ
u = 50%,
d = 6.4 mm. Data for all the five runs are plotted, exhibiting the same pressure pattern and small deviations from the average.
Figure 2.
Pressure transients for all runs with ψd = 100%, ψu = 50%, d = 6.4 mm (S configuration).
Figure 2.
Pressure transients for all runs with ψd = 100%, ψu = 50%, d = 6.4 mm (S configuration).
The consistency of the transients recorded at the three transducers is also preliminary assessed. For example, in
Figure 3a, the whole transient recorded at the transducers is plotted for S configuration and ψ
d = 0%, ψ
u = 100%,
d = 6.4 mm, whereas, in
Figure 3b–d, details are given for better understanding. In
Figure 3b, the initial phase of the transient is plotted. Transducer P1 exhibits a different pressure pattern with respect to the other ones. It is also confirmed for the final part of the experiment (
Figure 3c) that pressure patterns for P2 and P3 are quite similar, whereas P1 exhibits smaller pressure surges, although the same period of pressure oscillation can be observed for all the transducers.
Figure 3.
Pressure transient for ψd = 0%, ψu = 100%, d = 6.4 mm (S configuration).
Figure 3.
Pressure transient for ψd = 0%, ψu = 100%, d = 6.4 mm (S configuration).
In the last part of the transient (
Figure 3d), a number of pressure surges can be identified, which are caused by the expulsion of air pockets entrapped in the water column coming from upstream. In addition, in this case, the pressures measured by P2 and P3 are slightly different, whereas P1 exhibits a much smoother pattern.
Finally, it can be noticed that the pressure recorded at P2 is lower than P1 and P3 when approaching steady state conditions. This is consistent with the experimental set-up, since the head over the pipeline is almost constant because of the very low discharge flowing when the downstream valve is closed, and the elevation of transducer P2 is around 3 m higher than P1 and P3 (
Figure 1).
Plotted data also show that the pressure transient results from the superposition of mass oscillation transients and elastic transients. The former are characterized by low frequency and generally small peak pressure, and originate because of either the cushioning effect of the air during the filling of the pipeline or the movement of large air pockets during venting. Elastic transients are generated as a result of the impact of the water column on the orifice after an air pocket has been expelled. Such transients have high frequency and magnitude depending on the velocity of the water column at the impact.
In case the downstream valve is completely open (ψ
d = 100%), experiments show a very small pressure increase, in the order of a few decimals of bar. As an example, in
Figure 4, the pressure transients recorded for S configuration and ψ
u = 25%,
d = 6.4 mm (a); ψ
u = 25%,
d = 25.4 mm (b); ψ
u = 100%,
d = 6.4 mm (c); ψ
u = 100%, and
d = 25.4 mm (d) are plotted.
Because of the larger outlet area, the larger part of the initially entrapped air in the pipeline is expelled downstream and only a small part is expelled through the orifice at the highpoint. As a result, the elastic transients are negligible and the mass oscillation prevails in the resulting transient. The effects of both the orifice size and the length of the descending pipe are almost negligible. Consequently, collected data for this configuration are not further analyzed.
Figure 4.
Pressure transients for ψd = 100% with S configuration and: (a) ψu = 25%, d = 6.4 mm; (b) ψu = 25%, d = 25.4 mm; (c) ψu = 100%, d = 6.4 mm; (d) ψu = 100%, d = 25.4 mm.
Figure 4.
Pressure transients for ψd = 100% with S configuration and: (a) ψu = 25%, d = 6.4 mm; (b) ψu = 25%, d = 25.4 mm; (c) ψu = 100%, d = 6.4 mm; (d) ψu = 100%, d = 25.4 mm.
When the downstream area is partially (or totally) closed, transients show relevant pressure peaks instead. The greatest differences in the pressure transients were observed when the downstream valve is closed (ψ
d = 0%) because of the entrapment of a significant air volume, which can be expelled only by means of the air release valve. The air pockets assume different shapes and size according to the filling velocity and air discharge flowing through the orifice. In
Figure 5, the pressure transients for S configuration and: ψ
u = 25%,
d = 6.4 mm (a); ψ
u = 25%,
d = 25.4 mm (b); ψ
u = 100%,
d = 6.4 mm (c); ψ
u = 100%,
d = 25.4 mm (d) are given.
Plotted data show that a number of high frequency pressure peaks occurs for ψu = 25% and d = 6.4 mm, whereas no peak is recorded for d = 25.4 mm. For smaller d, such pressure peaks also show a certain regularity during time, with a somewhat periodic behavior before all air is expelled.
Experiments with ψu = 100% exhibit a similar pressure pattern. A reduction in the number of pressure peaks is noticed while increasing the opening degree of the upstream valve, although the influence of ψu on the pressure pattern seems it smaller.
As mentioned above, the transient results from the superposition of high frequency pressure peaks and low frequency pressure oscillation. The former depends on the release of the air pockets moving upward with the flow, the latter depends instead on the expulsion of much larger air pockets coming back from downstream. The release of such larger air pockets causes a rigid column-like transient in the flow. The smaller the orifice diameter, the longer the time for release. The increase of the time required for full expulsion of the air pockets causes a greater acceleration of the water column. Consequently, smaller orifice diameters lead to a greater pressure peak. In the last part of the transient, when the pressure has achieved a steady state condition, small pressure peaks can be identified, which depend again on the expulsion of residual air pockets flowing with water from upstream.
Similarly, in
Figure 6 and
Figure 7 the pressure transients for ψ
d = 25% and ψ
d = 50% are plotted. Unlike the case ψ
d = 0%, data show a smaller influence of the orifice size on the pressure pattern, whereas the pressure transient significantly changes by varying the upstream valve opening degree.
Figure 5.
Pressure transients for ψd = 0% with S configuration and: (a) ψu = 25%, d = 6.4 mm; (b) ψu = 25%, d = 25.4 mm; (c) ψu = 100%, d = 6.4 mm; (d) ψu = 100%, d = 25.4 mm.
Figure 5.
Pressure transients for ψd = 0% with S configuration and: (a) ψu = 25%, d = 6.4 mm; (b) ψu = 25%, d = 25.4 mm; (c) ψu = 100%, d = 6.4 mm; (d) ψu = 100%, d = 25.4 mm.
Figure 6.
Pressure transients for ψd = 25% with S configuration and: (a) ψu = 25%, d = 6.4 mm; (b) ψu = 25%, d = 25.4 mm; (c) ψu = 100%, d = 6.4 mm; (d) ψu = 100%, d = 25.4 mm.
Figure 6.
Pressure transients for ψd = 25% with S configuration and: (a) ψu = 25%, d = 6.4 mm; (b) ψu = 25%, d = 25.4 mm; (c) ψu = 100%, d = 6.4 mm; (d) ψu = 100%, d = 25.4 mm.
Figure 7.
Pressure transients for ψd = 50% with S configuration and: (a) ψu = 25%, d = 6.4 mm; (b) ψu = 25%, d = 25.4 mm; (c) ψu = 100%, d = 6.4 mm; (d) ψu = 100%, d = 25.4 mm.
Figure 7.
Pressure transients for ψd = 50% with S configuration and: (a) ψu = 25%, d = 6.4 mm; (b) ψu = 25%, d = 25.4 mm; (c) ψu = 100%, d = 6.4 mm; (d) ψu = 100%, d = 25.4 mm.
Only few configurations show a pressure peak during the transient, and no periodic regularity as for ψd = 0% was identified. Pressure transients for L configuration show a similar pattern and are not analyzed for the sake of brevity.
A comprehensive analysis of experiments, summarized in
Table 2 and
Table 3, is plotted in
Figure 8 and
Figure 9 for the
S and L configuration, respectively. In this paper, only the maximum pressure surge is analyzed at varying system configurations. The ratio between peak pressure
pmax and steady state pressure
p0 at transducer P2 is given, in order to compare results from different configurations.
Table 2.
Values of pmax/p0 at varying ψu, ψd, d/D (S configuration, Ld = 5.90 m).
Table 2.
Values of pmax/p0 at varying ψu, ψd, d/D (S configuration, Ld = 5.90 m).
ψd (%) | d/D | ψu (%) |
25 | 50 | 100 |
0 | 0.09 | 3.41 | 2.31 | 2.82 |
0.13 | 2.39 | 2.22 | 2.18 |
0.19 | 1.98 | 1.91 | 1.95 |
0.28 | 1.73 | 1.72 | 1.59 |
0.37 | 1.49 | 1.51 | 1.64 |
25 | 0.09 | 1.35 | 1.94 | 2.15 |
0.13 | 1.44 | 2.10 | 1.97 |
0.19 | 1.84 | 2.01 | 1.81 |
0.28 | 1.85 | 1.66 | 1.40 |
0.37 | 1.93 | 1.54 | 1.68 |
50 | 0.09 | 1.29 | 1.42 | 1.45 |
0.13 | 1.39 | 1.48 | 1.49 |
0.19 | 1.42 | 1.49 | 1.56 |
0.28 | 1.46 | 1.40 | 1.48 |
0.37 | 1.48 | 1.28 | 1.28 |
Table 3.
Values of pmax/p0 at varying ψu, ψd, d/D (L configuration, Ld = 11.84 m).
Table 3.
Values of pmax/p0 at varying ψu, ψd, d/D (L configuration, Ld = 11.84 m).
ψd (%) | d/D | ψu (%) | | |
| | 25 | 50 | 100 |
0 | 0.09 | 1.63 | 1.60 | 1.58 |
0.13 | 1.44 | 1.42 | 1.50 |
0.19 | 1.58 | 1.47 | 1.70 |
0.28 | 1.49 | 1.61 | 1.72 |
0.37 | 1.59 | 1.69 | 1.83 |
25 | 0.09 | 1.40 | 1.87 | 1.66 |
0.13 | 1.46 | 1.58 | 1.62 |
0.19 | 1.54 | 1.68 | 1.76 |
0.28 | 1.93 | 1.32 | 1.43 |
0.37 | 1.76 | 2.05 | 2.23 |
50 | 0.09 | 1.42 | 1.50 | 1.77 |
0.13 | 1.35 | 1.52 | 1.57 |
0.19 | 1.39 | 1.60 | 1.45 |
0.28 | 1.36 | 1.60 | 1.45 |
0.37 | 1.37 | 1.56 | 1.65 |
Figure 8.
Values of pmax/p0 at varying ψd, ψu, d/D (S configuration, Ld = 5.90 m).
Figure 8.
Values of pmax/p0 at varying ψd, ψu, d/D (S configuration, Ld = 5.90 m).
Figure 9.
Values of pmax/p0 at varying ψd, ψu, d/D (L configuration, Ld = 11.84 m).
Figure 9.
Values of pmax/p0 at varying ψd, ψu, d/D (L configuration, Ld = 11.84 m).
Data show that the opening degree of the upstream valve has a small influence on the maximum pressure. For S configuration, a greater dispersion can be observed only for the smaller values of
D and ψ
d. For the other configurations, deviations at varying ψ
u are always within (0.40–0.50)·
p0. The maximum pressure surges for this configuration range between 1.3·
p0 and 3.5·
p0, as already pointed out by Balacco
et al. [
In case of L configuration, much smaller deviations are observed. Unlike the S configuration, the greatest scattering generally occurs for the greatest ratios d/D. Maximum pressure surges are also fairly independent of d/D, with values of pmax/p0 generally within 1.3–2.0.
Due to the limited influence of the opening degree of the upstream valve, in
Figure 10, the average peak pressure at varying ψ
u is plotted for both S and L configurations as a function of ψ
d and
Figure 10.
Average pressure surges for S and L configurations at varying ψd, d/D.
Figure 10.
Average pressure surges for S and L configurations at varying ψd, d/D.
All the values fall in a fairly narrow interval, except for the S configuration with ψd = 0% and the smaller ratios of d/D, which exhibit greater pressure peaks.
Although the large number of configurations analyzed in the experiments provides a preliminary framework of the phenomenon, the interpretation of the results by means of the models available in the literature proves much more difficult. Because of the entrapped air pockets within the water column, such models are not able to reliably predict the pressure surge resulting from expulsion.
For the rigid column transient, the models (e.g., [
16]) assume a sharp interface between the air pocket and the water column. The air pocket is progressively expelled from the pipeline through the orifice (or the air vent). On the contrary, in the analyzed configurations, especially for lower values of
ψd, a number of (more or less) large air pockets are entrapped within the water column, similar to the ones identified by Zhou
et al. [
10] in the “Zero or Minimal Air Release-Waterhammer Effects Negligible” pressure oscillation pattern.
Consequently, a more complex model should be developed, which accounts for the forces acting on the air pocket. The reliability of one-dimensional governing equations should be also carefully verified.
The maximum pressure surge due to the elastic transient arising from the expulsion of small air pockets from upstream could be calculated using the well-known relationship of Allievi–Joukowsky (e.g., [
12]). Nevertheless, the deceleration of the water column consequent to the impact on the orifice after air expulsion is very hard to estimate. Preliminary calculation carried out by Balacco
et al. [
9] showed calculated values to be always greater than measured values. For the greater opening degree of the downstream valve, calculated maximum pressure surges were one order of magnitude greater than the measured values.
As for the rigid column model, the available models refer to a sharp interface between air and water, and not to a small air pocket entrapped within the water column. It is also difficult to estimate the water hammer celerity because of the entrapped air, although some models are available to this aim in the literature. The elastic pressure surge is also independent of the length of the downstream pipe.
The experiments show that the elastic pressure peaks are generally negligible because of the small size of the air pockets moving with the flow. In addition, the pressure surges due to the mass oscillation resulting from the pressurization of the initially empty pipeline are quite small. The maximum pressure peaks occur instead as result of the mass oscillation caused by the release of the large air pockets moving upward because of the buoyancy force.