Water and Energy Sustainability of Swimming Pools: A Case Model on the Costa Brava, Catalonia
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Hydraulic Model of the Pool
2.2. Energy Model of the Pool
- Thermal losses: Evaporation of water is a significant source of heat loss in swimming pools, especially in outdoor pools. The use of covers or dehumidification systems in indoor pools can control these losses. In addition, the thermal insulation of the pool and minimizing transmission losses through the pool walls and bottom are key strategies to maintain a favorable energy balance.
- Water heating: The energy required to heat pool water represents one of the largest energy demands. The use of more efficient heating systems, such as heat pumps, solar thermal systems or grey water heat recovery, can significantly reduce this consumption.
- Filtration and pumping systems: These systems are essential for maintaining water quality, but they also consume energy. Optimizing their operation and using energy-efficient equipment can reduce the associated energy costs.
- Air conditioning system: The air conditioning and heat treatment system in indoor swimming pools controls temperature, humidity, and air quality, ensuring comfort and protecting the infrastructure.
- the manometric head (pressure) at which the pump works, in m.w.c.
2.3. Experimental Design of Monitoring and Simulation in Swimming Pools
- is the evaporation value, in mm/day per unit area of the pool.
- is the average temperature.
- is the latitude, in degree of the location.
- is the temperature of Dew.
- is the height above sea level of the location.
- is the evaporation value, in mm/day per unit area.
- is a coefficient that depends on the depth of the water body (0.36 for deep water bodies and 0.5 for shallow or shallow water bodies). For swimming pools, 0.5 is used as the coefficient .
- is the saturation pressure of water vapour at water surface temperature (mmHg).
- is the saturation pressure of water vapour above the water surface at a given height (mmHg).
- is the daily average wind speed at a height of 9 m above the surface (km/h).
3. Results
- In heated indoor pools, the largest energy consumption is attributed to the water heating system described in Equation (6), where a steady-state installation, on one side of the equation, and the heat produced by the pool heating system offsetting, on the other side of the equation, all describe the various heat loss variables of the pool. This is a critical factor, as maintaining a comfortable pool water temperature requires a significant amount of energy, especially in colder climates or during low temperature seasons.
- On the other hand, in outdoor pools, where water heating systems are not usually used, the main energy consumer is the filtration system described in Equation (9), which describes the calculation of the power required by the filtration pump to recirculate the water, which is necessary for the correct treatment of the water. Filtration pumps are essential for maintaining water quality, removing impurities, and ensuring adequate sanitary conditions for users. However, these systems require a continuous use of energy to operate effectively.
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Name | Definition | Acronym |
Water filling | Refilling of pool renovation water. This water inlet is used to compensate for water losses in addition to the water loss. | Vfill |
Filter backwash | To carry out maintenance and cleaning operations on filters, water is sent in the opposite direction to the filter operation. This cleaning water is sent to the sewage system. | Vfbw |
Water renew | According to the legislation of some countries, a minimum water renewal with fresh water is required to ensure that the water quality is suitable and does not represent a problem for bathers. | Vrenew |
Water leaks | Water leaks due to lack of watertightness of the pool or the pool’s hydraulic system. | Vwleak |
Overflow | Water leaks from the pool overflow system. | Voverf |
Splash out | Water losses due to splashing, use, and interaction with users. These quantities are generally considered within the evaporation estimate for occupied pools. | Vsplahout |
Evaporation | Water losses due to evaporation from the pool surface. | Vevap |
Rain | Rainwater contribution, in the case of outdoor open-air pools, corresponds to the water collected from the total surface of the pool. In the case of indoor pools, it is necessary for the installation to have a rainwater collection system, but, in some countries, this system is not permitted by law. | Vrain |
Name | Definition | Acronym |
Water filling | In case the pool has a water heating system, this variable corresponds to the heat demand due to bringing the pool renovation water from the source temperature to the required pool temperature. | Qwf |
Filter backwash | As in the previous case, if the pool has a water heating system, this variable corresponds to the heat loss of the backwash water. | Qfbw |
Heating | Corresponds to the heat value provided by the water heating system to maintain the pool water volume according to the temperature reference. | Qheating |
Heat conduction | Heat losses, due to conduction losses, through the pool surface and through the pool walls and floor. | Qcond |
Convection | Heat losses, due to convective heat transfer, due to heat transfer between the water surface and the outside and inside air. | Qconv |
Radiation | Heat losses due to radiative heat transfer between the water surface and other surrounding surfaces, such as the walls or the sky. | Qrad |
Evaporation | Heat losses due to evaporation (phase change from liquid to gas) of water on the pool surface. | Qevap |
Rain | Heat demand due to making the rainwater entering the pool from the source temperature to the required temperature in the pool. | Qrain |
Sun insolation | Heat from direct solar radiation. | Qsunrad |
Pump electrical power | Energy needs to carry out the filtration and water treatment of the pool. | Pp |
Heating Power | Energy requirements for the thermal treatment of swimming pool water. | Ph |
Air-conditioned power | In the case of indoor pools this variable corresponds to the energy needs for the air treatment (dehumidification and thermal conditioning) of the pool. | Pac |
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Gomez-Guillen, J.-J.; Arimany-Serrat, N.; Tapias Baqué, D.; Giménez, D. Water and Energy Sustainability of Swimming Pools: A Case Model on the Costa Brava, Catalonia. Water 2024, 16, 1158. https://doi.org/10.3390/w16081158
Gomez-Guillen J-J, Arimany-Serrat N, Tapias Baqué D, Giménez D. Water and Energy Sustainability of Swimming Pools: A Case Model on the Costa Brava, Catalonia. Water. 2024; 16(8):1158. https://doi.org/10.3390/w16081158
Chicago/Turabian StyleGomez-Guillen, Juan-Jose, Núria Arimany-Serrat, David Tapias Baqué, and David Giménez. 2024. "Water and Energy Sustainability of Swimming Pools: A Case Model on the Costa Brava, Catalonia" Water 16, no. 8: 1158. https://doi.org/10.3390/w16081158
APA StyleGomez-Guillen, J.-J., Arimany-Serrat, N., Tapias Baqué, D., & Giménez, D. (2024). Water and Energy Sustainability of Swimming Pools: A Case Model on the Costa Brava, Catalonia. Water, 16(8), 1158. https://doi.org/10.3390/w16081158