Hydrodynamic Decontamination of Groundwater and Soils Using ZVI
:1. Introduction
1.1. Fe0 Particle Size
1.2. Fe0 Catalysis
1.3. Contaminant Plumes
1.4. Permeability Reduction
1.5. Modelling
1.5.1. Contaminant Plume Availability
1.5.2. ZVI Operation
1.5.3. ZVI Definition
1.5.4. Significance of Iron Bacteria
1.6. Aquifer Contaminants
1.7. Reconstruction of the Aquifer Potentiometric Surface
1.7.1. Group 1 and 2 Plumes
1.7.2. Seawater Incursion
1.7.3. Group 4 Aquifers
1.7.4. Group 5 Contaminated Soils
1.8. Study Purpose
2. Materials and Methods
- Firstly, the formation of stationary hydrodynamic plumes (SHP) in both confined and unconfined aquifers. The issues associated with the advection–diffusion migration of pollutants [72] across the hydrodynamic boundaries of the SHP, due to chemical potential gradients, is not addressed in this study; the detailed modelling of the aquifer recharge using wells [73] associated with the periphery of the SHP is outside the scope of this study;
- Secondly, the formation of perched groundwater mounds (PGM) in soils located above an unconfined aquifer or an aquitard [74,75,76]. These stationary plumes (PGM) are designed to decontaminate part of the groundwater contained within an unconfined aquifer or soil. These groundwater mounds are created using a freshwater source. The PGM is used to dissolve salts (contaminant ions) within the soil, or an unconfined aquifer. These ions are then abstracted with the water, from the PGM, to allow for ion recovery using a surface located ZVI reactor, and for the appropriate disposal of the recovered pollutants.
- Appendix A—Process assumptions
- Stationary Hydrodynamic Plume Assumptions
- Example Stationary Hydrodynamic Plume
- Perched Groundwater Mound Assumptions
- Appendix B—Reaction Process Assumptions
- Confined or Unconfined Aquifer Treatment
- Stationary Groundwater Mound Treatment
- Appendix C—ZVI Formation
- Formation via an Fe3O4 Intermediary
- n-Fe0 Formation using Borohydrides
- n-Fe0 Formation using Dithionite or Hydrosulfite Ions (S2O42−)
- n-Fe0 Formation using Hydrazine
- n-Fe0 Formation using Organic Reductants
- Regeneration of n-Fe0
- Appendix D—Contaminant Removal Kinetic Models
- Adsorbent Models
- Appendix E—Contaminant Processing Assumptions
- Redox Remediation
- Appendix F—Reactor Assumptions;
- Appendix G—Creation of a Stationary Hydrodynamic Plume
- Appendix H—Formation of a Groundwater Mound
- Chemical Potential
- Standard Infiltration Groundwater Mound
- Vertically Static, Laterally Expanding Groundwater Mound
- Reconstructing a Perched Groundwater Mound to Remediate the Soil
- Modelling the Remediation of soil using a Groundwater Mound
- Appendix I—Arsenic Removal
- Unsupported n-ZVI
- Active Carbon (AC)-Supported n-ZVI (C0@n/m-Fe0)
- Biochar (BC)-Supported n-ZVI (C0@n/m-Fe0)
2.1. Data Sources
2.2. Hydrological Modelling
2.3. Aquifer Remediation Modelling
3. Modelling Remediation
3.1. Fe-Reaction, Adsorption and Redox Interpretations
- Assumption 1: ZVI reacts directly with a contaminant ion to remove it. Contaminant removal is by reduction, while the Fe0 is oxidized. The evidence for this interpretation is based on the observation that a soluble contaminant has been reduced to allow its precipitation. At the same time, the Fe0 has been oxidized to form an oxyhydroxide, e.g., [7]. There is no doubt that the two reaction start and end products occur. For example [7]:
- 2.
3.2. Redox Changes
- (i)
- Mode A: On the ZVI surface
- (ii)
- Mode B: In the hydration shell of the ZVI, where the Eh and pH conditions of the shell are intermediate between those in the water body and on the ZVI surface;
- (iii)
- Mode C: In the main water body.
3.2.1. pH Changes
3.2.2. ZVI Characteristics
- (i)
- Its zeta potential in water switches from a positive value to a negative value as the pH increases [100]. The pH (7.5 to 8.5) where this switch occurs (the iso electric point (IEP)) can decrease as the Pw increases. Pw = weight of Fe0 in the water, g L−1.
- (ii)
- For a specific Fe0 particle size and Pw, the product water pH increases with time to an equilibrium level [100]. For a specific reaction time, pH increases as Pw increases [100]. Consequently, in a continuous flow reactor containing a fixed volume of Fe0, the product water pH decreases as the water flow rate increases. i.e., pH is a function of the space velocity, SV:
- (iii)
- For a specific Fe0 particle size and Pw, the product water Eh decreases with time to an equilibrium level [100]. For a specific reaction time, Eh decreases as Pw increases [100]. Consequently, in a continuous flow reactor containing a fixed volume of Fe0, the product water Eh increases as the water flow rate increases. i.e., Eh is a function of the space velocity, SV. This, in turn, establishes that the PSE (Equation (1)) is also a function of SV.
- (iv)
- pH increases and Eh decreases for a specific value of Pw, as as (the particle surface area, m2 g−1) increases, and the particle size decreases. It is not unreasonable to expect that, for a particle size of <50 nm, as of >20 m2 g−1, and a Pw of >0.2 g L−1, the water Eh to reduce by <−0.8 V and the pH to increase by >3 units after approximately 15 min in a batch reactor [100].
3.2.3. Impact of Space Velocity in a Continuous Flow Reactor
3.2.4. Use of Fe0 to Produce Entrained n-Fe(a,b,c) Polymers
3.3. Remediation Rate Constant
3.4. Remediation of Immiscible Liquids (Oils)
3.5. Removal of Ionic Salts (Anions and Cations)
4. Applications
- Identify the contaminant plume and define its extent (Figure A1);
- Establish the nature of the aquifer, in terms of permeability, porosity and fluid flow characteristics for both the water and the contaminant;
- Define a target area, and gross rock (aquifer) volume, for the construction of the stationary hydrodynamic mound (Figure A1 and Figure A17), using a mixture of infiltration and abstraction wells;
- Insert the required infiltration and abstraction wells (Figure A17). Start abstracting water from the central part of the mound, and reinjecting/infiltrating water around the periphery (Figure 3). The potentiometric surface across the area will reorientate, to create a stationary hydrodynamic mound, e.g., Figure 7. The hydrology of this change is summarized in Appendix A and Appendix I.
- An idealized mound structure is shown in Figure 7. The idealized mound has no water leakage from the aquifer, into the hydrodynamic mound. In an idealized environment the contaminant concentration will reduce to zero, within the mound, over a short time span (Figure A2a). In reality, there will always be some fluid leakage, from the wider aquifer into the mound. This leakage, will control the amount of remediation, which is possible (e.g., Figure A2b), at a specific aquifer location, when the contaminant, is a natural pollutant (e.g., As). When the contaminant is an anthropogenic pollutant, fluid leakage from the wider aquifer, will not affect the ability of the process to remove the pollutant. The expected pollutant removal profile, in this situation, is shown in Figure A2a.
- The choice of ZVI (Appendix C) used in the reactor (Figure A6), and the reactor type selected will define the reactor size required, the amount of ZVI required, the Eh and pH of the product water (Figure A13 and Figure A14), and the amount of water, which can be processed by, a single batch of ZVI. For example, Appendix I examines (e.g., Figure A29) the removal of As, using three different forms of n-Fe0. The same level of removal, could be achieved, with each form of n-Fe0. However, the amount of n-Fe0 varies, by a factor of 10, between the different types of n-Fe0. The example, n-Fe0 formulations in Appendix I, indicate that to achieve the idealized outcome, illustrated in Figure A2a, the reactor, processing 40 m3 h−1, would require 400 kg n-Fe0 h−1, or 40 kg n-Fe0:AC h−1; or 80 kg n-Fe0:BC h−1. Using 400 kg n-Fe0:AC h−1, would significantly reduce the remediation time (e.g., Figure A2c). Therefore, the process economics and remediation duration, is impacted by the type Fe0 selected, and the amount used. These details are site specific.
- The redox modification within the reactor (Figure A13 and Figure A14) will result in the Eh of the stationary mound decreasing with time, while its pH will in-crease with time.
4.1. Example Aquifer Desalination
4.2. Groundwater Mound Decontamination
5. Conclusions
- Immiscible liquids, which are lighter than water, can be abstracted from the aquifer (or soil) using both a water flood and a surfactant flood approach. The liquids are either recovered or are processed in a surface reactor containing ZVI before the residual water is reinjected.
- The miscible liquids and dissolved ionic salts that are contained in contaminant plumes can be abstracted from an aquifer, by converting a part of the aquifer into a stationary plume. This results in both the sub-surface dilution of the contaminant and the surface-based ZVI remediation of the contaminant.
- The miscible liquids and dissolved ionic salts that are contained in naturally contaminated aquifers can be abstracted from an aquifer by converting a part of the aquifer to a stationary plume. This results in surface-based ZVI remediation of the contaminant, followed by the reinjection of the decontaminated water in order to produce a diluted contaminant level. Following a prolonged period of operation, the process will produce a decontaminated aquifer within the stationary plume.
- The miscible liquids and dissolved ionic salts that are contained in naturally (and anthropogenically) contaminated soils can be abstracted from a soil by converting a part of the soil to a perched groundwater mound. This results in the surface-based ZVI remediation of the contaminant, followed by the reinjection of the decontaminated water, which produces a diluted contaminant level. Following a prolonged period of operation, this process produces a decontaminated soil within the groundwater mound.
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A. Process Assumptions
Appendix A.1. Stationary Hydrodynamic Plume in a Confined or Unconfined Aquifer
Appendix A.1.1. Soluble, or Miscible, Contaminant Plume
Appendix A.1.2. Creating a Hydrodynamic Stationary Plume
- A volume of water [C] is continuously abstracted from the abstraction well. This water is directed to a storage tank before being processed in a reactor.
- The water exiting the reactor is passed to a storage tank before being distributed and the volume (B) is injected, or infiltrated, back into the aquifer at a number of recharge points.
- The water within the stationary plume (E) comprises water infiltrating from the injection wells/infiltration wells (B), plus makeup water from the surrounding aquifer (A), plus irreducible water, Swir (D) within the aquifer, minus abstracted water (C). Sw = E − Swir (D) = mobile water saturation.
- For base case modelling, it is assumed that A = 0 m3 h−1, and C = 40 m3 h−1.
Appendix A.2. Example Operation of a Stationary Plume
Appendix A.3. Stationary Groundwater Mound Created in Soil
- The soil contains a contaminant that is soluble in water;
- The soil either overlies an aquitard, or has a horizontal permeability that is substantially greater than its vertical permeability.
Water Mass Balance During Operation
- A volume of water [C] is continuously abstracted from the aquifer. This water is directed to a storage tank, before being processed in a reactor.
- The water exiting the reactor is passed to a storage tank before being distributed. A water volume [B] is infiltrated or injected back into the groundwater mound.
- Initially [B] > [C]. Following the formation of the groundwater mound, [C] will be approximate to [B]. [C] can, for short periods, exceed [B]. This situation occurs during periods when increases in permeability are associated with increases in ϕsoil, combined with decreases in Swir.
- The total volume of water placed in the groundwater mound will normally be more than the cumulative amount of water abstracted from the groundwater mound. This shortfall will be approximate to the pore volume, occupied by Sw within the groundwater mound.
Appendix B. Reaction Process Assumptions
Appendix B.1. Confined Aquifer, or Unconfined Aquifer, Treatment
Appendix B.2. Stationary Groundwater Mound Treatment
Appendix C. ZVI Formation
Appendix C.1. Approach 1—Formation via an Fe3O4 Intermediary
Appendix C.1.1. Reduction of n-Fe3O4 Using H and CO to Form n-Fe0
Appendix C.1.2. Methodology Variants
Appendix C.2. Approach 2—n-Fe0 Formation Using Borohydrides
Appendix C.2.1. Basic Construction of Unsupported n-Fe0
KR100975822B1 Manufacturing Method
US20070022839A1 Manufacturing Method
Appendix C.2.2. Active Carbon Supported n-Fe0 [C0@Fe0]
Appendix C.2.3. Biochar Supported n-Fe0
Appendix C.3. Approach 3—n-Fe0 Formation Using Dithionite or Hydrosulfite Ions (S2O42−)
US Patent US8283034B2
Appendix C.4. Approach 4—n-Fe0 Formation Using Hydrazine
Appendix C.5. Approach 5—n-Fe0 Formation Using Organic Reductants
Appendix C.5.1. Canadian Patent CA2728987C
- A metal ion solution is created from ferric chloride (FeCl3), ferrous sulfate (FeSO4), ferric nitrate (Fe(NO3)3, a metal chelate, Fe(III)-EDTA, Fe(III)-citric acid, Fe(III)-EDDS, Fe(I1)-EDTA, Fe(II)-citric acid, and Fe(II)-EDDS);
- An organic reductant solution is created from one or more of the following: tea extract, green tea extract, coffee extract, lemon balm extract, sorghum bran, sorghum bran extract, polyphenolic flavonoid, flavonoid, flavonol, flavone, flavanone, isoflavone, flavans, flavanol, anthocyanins, proanthocyanins, carotenoids, catechins, quercetin, and rutin;
- The metal ion solution is combined with the organic reductant and the plant-based surfactant, in order to produce n-Fe0 particles (20–250 nm);
- A plant-based surfactant is added to the solution containing the n-Fe0 to provide an activated (cationic or anionic) coating to the n-Fe0 particles. The surfactant is selected from one or more of the following: castor oil, coca oil, coconut oil, soy oil, cotton seed oil, naturally occurring plant oil, ethoxylated corn oil, ethoxylated palm oil, ethoxylated soybean oil, ethoxylated castor oil, ethoxylated coconut oil, polyoxyethylene castor oil, polyethylene glycol castor oil, ethoxylated coconut fatty acid, polyethylene glycol ester of coconut fatty acid, ethoxylated coconut oil fatty acid, polyethylene glycol monoester of coconut oil fatty acid, polyethylene glycol monococonut ester, ethoxylated coca oil, ethoxylated coco fatty acid, polyethylene glycol cocoate, polyethylene glycol monococoate, polyethylene glycol monococonut ester, monococoate polyethylene glycol, monococonut oil fatty acid ester of polyethylene glycol, polyoxyethylene monococoate, polyethylene glycol cocamide, polyethylene glycol coconut amide, polyoxyethylene coconut amide, amidified ethoxylated coconut fatty acid, ethoxylated monoethanolamide of a coconut oil fatty acid, yucca extract, soapwood extract, or extracts of other plants that produce saponins.
Appendix C.5.2. US Patent US7963720B2
- A packed bed reactor containing ASTM 20/30 sand is created. The specification example uses a column 3 m long and 0.3 m in diameter (containing 0.21 m3 sand). The expected pore volume is around 0.1 m3 (100 L);
- A 0.1 M iron ion solution of Fe(NO3)3 is created;
- A plant extract is created in deionized water, by heating dried green tea or dried lemon balm leaves to 80 °C;
- The two liquids are injected at a rate of 0.15 cm3 m−1 (each, 0.3 cm3 m−1) into the base of the sand column;
- The n-Fe0 is present in the water within the sand column, and in the product water produced from the sand column;
- The recovered particles can be coated with an organic polymer by mixing the solution containing the n-Fe0 with a solution containing the organic polymer.
Appendix C.5.3. Chinese Patent CN106077624B
- A solution is made of FeSO4, plus the poloxamer (e.g., poloxamer F68, poloxamer F108 and poloxamer F127);
- A second solution is made using either a borohydride or a green tea extract solution, made by soaking tea leaves in water;
- The reductant solution is added to the first solution, to precipitate the formation of PF-nZVI;
Appendix C.5.4. Chinese Patent CN112755963A
- A mixed solution of green tea extract, sodium alginate, and ferrous sulphate is formed. This contains green tea n-Fe0 (GT-nFe0);
- Calcium chloride is added to the solution to precipitate the formation of calcium alginate (CA). This produces GT-nFe0@CA particles. The product is magnetic, does not degrade easily, and can be used to process multiple batches of water.
Appendix C.5.5. Chinese Patent CN109967024B
- A solution of iron sulphate is created;
- A reductant solution of green tea extract plus vitamin C is created;
- The reductant solution is added to the solution containing Fen+ ions to precipitate n-Fe0.
Appendix C.5.6. Chinese Patent CN113477214A
- A solution of green tea text extract is created;
- Its pH is adjusted into the range 6 to 7 using NaOH;
- The residual plant material is carbonized to obtain a residual carbon;
- A ferric salt solution is created;
- The ferric salt solution, green tea extract and the residual carbon are mixed to produce a green n-Fe0-based biomass suspension.
Appendix C.6. Regeneration of n-Fe0
Appendix C.6.1. Gaseous Reduction
Appendix C.6.2. Acidification and Regeneration
Appendix D. Contaminant Removal Kinetic Models
- All published data is normalized to a multi-train plant processing 40 m3 h−1 for the treatment of a stationary plume in an aquifer or unconfined aquifer, or 4 m3 h−1 for the treatment of a stationary groundwater mound in soil;
- Where sufficient data is available, the first order rate constant is determined as a function of ZVI concentration, g L−1. The assumption made [93] is as follows:
Appendix E. Contaminant Processing Assumptions
- Removed by an equilibrium redox reaction [165,166,167,168], when the n-Fe0 adjusts the pH and Eh of the water to favor the precipitation of the pollutant, as one of a hydroxide, oxide, carbonate, sulphate, metal, or non-metal [92]. The precipitate is either entrained in the water or is physically adsorbed on the n-Fe0 particle surface.
Appendix E.1. Redox Remediation
pH Changes Resulting from the Presence of Fe0
- The Fe0 surface and the water body are in hydrogen stability zone 0;
- The water body is located within the 2OH− = H2O2 + 2e− = O2 + 2H+ + 2e− redox fence zone. Consequently, some of the contaminants within the water may be remediated using a Fenton Type of Reaction.
- Polonium: Po0 will be expected to precipitate on the Fe0 (Figure A11a);
- Tellurium: Te0 will be expected to precipitate on the Fe0 (Figure A11b);
- Selenium: Se0 will be expected to precipitate on the Fe0 (Figure A11c);
- Bismuth: Bi0 will be expected to precipitate on the Fe0 and Bi(OH)3 within the water body (Figure A11d);
- Antimony: Sb0 will be expected to precipitate on the Fe0 (Figure A11e);
- Arsenic: As0 will be expected to precipitate on the Fe0 (Figure A11f);
- Nitrogen: Nitrates and nitrites will expect to reduce to NH4+ or NH4OH on contact with the Fe0 (Figure A11g);
- Lead: Pb0 will be expected to precipitate on the Fe0 (Figure A11h), and Pb(OH)2 and PbO2 within the water body (Figure A11h);
- Thallium: Tl0 will be expected to precipitate on the Fe0 (Figure A11i); the oxygenation of the residual water would be expected to precipitate the residual Tl+ ions as Tl(OH)3 (Figure A11i);
- Cadmium: Cd0 will be expected to precipitate on the Fe0 (Figure A11j) and Cd(OH)2 within the water body (Figure A11j);
- Zinc: Zn(OH)2 will be expected to precipitate on the Fe0 and within the waterbody (Figure A12a);
- Nickel: Ni0 will be expected to precipitate on the Fe0 (Figure A12b), and on Ni(OH)2, Ni(OH)3, and NiOOH within the water body (Figure A12b);
- Cobalt: Co0 will be expected to precipitate on the Fe0 (Figure A12c) and Co(OH)2 within the water body (Figure A12c);
- Technetium: Tc0 will be expected to precipitate on the Fe0 (Figure A12d);
- Manganese: Mn(OH)2 will be expected to precipitate on the Fe0 (Figure A12e) and MnxOy within the water body (Figure A12e);
- Molybdenum: Mo0, or M(OH)4 will be expected to precipitate on the Fe0 (Figure A12f);
- Chromium: Cr(OH)3 will be expected to precipitate on the Fe0 and in the water (Figure A12g);
- Vanadium: VxOy will be expected to precipitate on the Fe0 (Figure A12h).
Appendix F. Reactor Assumptions
Appendix F.1. Continuous Flow, Fixed Bed Examples
Appendix F.1.1. Train A Construction
- Reactor: 0.5 m × 0.04 m O.D. ABS;
- ZVI: containing 0.5 kg of m-Fe0 powder (2 to 80 micron particle size);
- Operating time period: 1840 h of continuous operation;
- Average flow rate: 0.81 L kg−1 of Fe0 h−1;
- Water volume processed: 745 L train−1.
Appendix F.1.2. Train B Construction
- Reactor: 3 m × 0.04 m O.D. ABS;
- ZVI: containing 0.4 kg of Fe0 on a fibrous support;
- Operating time period: 1840 h of continuous operation;
- Average flow rate: 25 L kg−1 of Fe0 h−1;
- Water volume processed: 18,400 L train−1;
- The continuous flow experiment was repeated using a 3 m long, 0.04 m O.D; reactor containing 0.4 kg of Fe0 held on a fibrous support with 80% porosity;
- The reactor was operated for 1840 h continuously at an average flow rate of 0.81 L kg−1 of Fe0 h−1, processing >1500 m3 water t−1 Fe0.
Appendix F.1.3. Operational Results (Train A)
- The product water Eh was reduced relative to the feed water (Figure A13a) by an average of −221.6 mV (standard deviation = 61.8);
- The product water pH was increased relative to the feed water (Figure A13b) by an average of 1.87 units (standard deviation = 0.92); The principal Eh:pH change impacting the water for the initial cumulative 1100 m3 t−1 Fe0 was Eh;
- The average PSE change, relative to the feed water, was −0.118 V.
- The product water EC was increased initially due to the release of Fe ions (Figure A13c); after about 800 cumulative m3 t−1 had been produced, the EC of the product water started to decline below that of the feed water;
- The fixed-bed reactor was provided with a constant head of 1.3 m and a constant supply of feed water. The expected flow rate, based on particle size and head, was 12–16 m3 h−1 t−1. Initial declines over the first 140 h (and next 400 h) were reversed by particle agitation (Figure A13d). The flow rate decline after 900 h was due solely to the destruction of permeability due to the formation of Fe(OH)x minerals in the Fe0 bed. At the end of 1840 h, the particle bed was solid. This decline in the flow rate was associated with an increase in pH, a decrease in EC, and a decrease in Eh.
Appendix F.1.4. Operational Results (Train B)
- A higher flow rate and cumulative water volume processed is achievable, due to the higher permeability (and porosity) of the ZVI bed;
- The magnitude of the Eh and pH changes observed was lower than those observed in Figure A13, indicating that the change in Eh and pH is a function of the space velocity, SV (where the SV = Volume of water processed per unit time per unit volume or weight of ZVI contained in the reactor).
Appendix F.2. Significance of the Operational Results
Appendix F.2.1. PRB Formed Using Injected n-Fe0
General Porosity Closure Mechanisms
Appendix F.2.2. PRB Formed Using Fe0
Appendix G. Creation of a Stationary Hydrodynamic Plume
- The aquifer parameters, depth to base (and top if confined), potentiometric surface, contaminant plume location, contaminant plume chemistry, chemistry of the surrounding water, aquifer porosity, and aquifer permeability;
- The proposed abstraction well details, including the negative head (or pressure) created by the well;
- The proposed injection well or infiltration device details, including expected positive head (or pressure during recharge);
Item | Parameter | Value |
1 | Aquifer Thickness, m | 5 |
2 | Aquifer Porosity | 30% |
3 | Aquifer Permeability, m3 m−2 s−1 Pa−1 | |
3a | Vertical (z) direction | 5 × 10−6 |
3b | Horizontal (x) direction | 5 × 10−6 |
3c | Horizontal (y) direction | 5 × 10−6 |
4 | Stationary plume radius, m | 150 |
5 | Gross Rock volume within the plume, m3 | 353,429 |
6 | Net to Gross Ratio for the aquifer | 1 |
7 | Saturations | |
7a | Irreducible Water Saturation | |
7aa | Tixier Model | 30.19% |
7ab | Timur Model | 3.66% |
7ac | Coates Dumanoir Model | 28.70% |
7ad | Assumed for Modelling | 30.00% |
7b | Reducible Water Saturation | 70.00% |
8 | Total Mobile Water volume, m3 | 74,220 |
9 | Ground area covered by the stationary plume, ha | 7.07 |
Appendix H. Formation of a Groundwater Mound
Appendix H.1. Chemical Potential
Appendix H.2. Standard Infiltration Groundwater Mound
Appendix H.3. Vertically Static, Laterally Expanding Groundwater Mound
Modelling the Upper Surface of the Mound
Appendix H.4. Reconstructing a Perched Groundwater Mound to Remediate the Soil
- The local sediment permeability will dictate the parameters of the perched groundwater mound. Its rate of descent is a function of the vertical permeability.
- Infiltration devices are normally designed to discharge the sequestered water, primarily in a z-direction, where the vertical flow rate is as follows:
Appendix H.5. Conceptual Example of Operation
Appendix H.6. Modelling the Remediation of Soil Using a Groundwater Mound
- Placement of an abstraction borehole, or boreholes, at appropriate locations around the margins of the groundwater mound;
- Placement of an abstraction (infiltration) device located at the feather edge of the groundwater mound (Figure A24a). This device is designed to reorientate the flowlines within the groundwater mound towards the infiltration device. This results in the water level rising in the abstraction (infiltration) device (Figure A24b).
- Beryllium, Aluminum, Thorium, Uranium, Zirconium, Hafnium, Rhodium, Gallium—removable provided the groundwater mound has a pH of <3/4;
- Magnesium—removable provided the groundwater mound has a pH of <10;
- Cerium, Dysprosium, Holmium, Terbium, Gadolinium, Europium, Samarium, Scandium, Yttrium, Lanthanum, Praseodymium, Neodymium, Promethium, Thulium, Lutetium, Ytterbium, Erbium, Manganese, Iron, Cobalt, Nickel, Copper, Silver, Zinc, Cadmium, Indium, Lead, Bismuth—removable provided the groundwater mound has a pH of <7/8;
- Vanadium, Molybdenum, Antimony,—removable provided the groundwater mound has a pH of >5/6;
- Chromium, Sodium, Potassium, Lithium, Technetium, Rhenium, Thallium, Carbon, Arsenic, Phosphorous, Sulphur, Selenium, Tellurium, Fluoride, Chloride, Bromide, Iodide—no effective pH constraints.
Appendix I. Arsenic Removal
Appendix I.1. Unsupported n-ZVI
- Leakage volumes (A) into the hydrodynamic stationary plume (Figure A1) from the surrounding aquifer;
- The pH and Eh of the water entering and leaving the reactor (Figure A27);
- The reduction in site availability for the adsorption of As0 on the n-Fe0 following each usage if it is not regenerated following each use.
Appendix I.2. Active Carbon (AC) Supported n-ZVI (C0@n/m-Fe0)
- The initial stage (e.g., 0.3Yt [t0.5]−1 for t0.5 = <3) may relate to adsorption onto Fe0 or sequestration within the AC macropores.
- The second stage (e.g., 0.01Yt [t0.5]−1 + Yt = 0.9, for t0.5 = >3) may relate to adsorption within micro-pores and meso-pores.
Appendix I.3. Biochar (BC) Supported n-ZVI (C0@n/m-Fe0)
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Antia, D.D.J. Hydrodynamic Decontamination of Groundwater and Soils Using ZVI. Water 2023, 15, 540. https://doi.org/10.3390/w15030540
Antia DDJ. Hydrodynamic Decontamination of Groundwater and Soils Using ZVI. Water. 2023; 15(3):540. https://doi.org/10.3390/w15030540
Chicago/Turabian StyleAntia, David D. J. 2023. "Hydrodynamic Decontamination of Groundwater and Soils Using ZVI" Water 15, no. 3: 540. https://doi.org/10.3390/w15030540
APA StyleAntia, D. D. J. (2023). Hydrodynamic Decontamination of Groundwater and Soils Using ZVI. Water, 15(3), 540. https://doi.org/10.3390/w15030540