Climate, Water, Soil
1. Prolegomena
2. Main Contribution of This Special Issue
2.1. Rethinking Climate, Climate Change, and its Relationship with Water
2.2. Climate, Land-Soil Characteristics, and Land Cover/Use as Critical Drivers of Water Balance and Availability
2.3. Agronomic Practices as Drivers of GHG Emissions and Plant Species Response
2.4. Environmental Parameters as Predictors of Fauna
3. Knowledge Gaps and Challenges in the Climate–Crop–Water–Soil System
3.1. Factors Driving the Sustainability of Natural Resources and Human Health
3.1.1. The Growing Global Population and Natural Resource Management
3.1.2. Climate
3.2. Need for Insights into the Interaction between Climate, Crops, Water, and Soil
3.3. Resolving Prediction Deficiencies
4. Epilogue
- (a)
- It is highlighted the complexity of the climate–crop–water–soil system as a critical driver of the quality of natural resources, water availability, and ecosystem functioning and services, controlled by spatial–temporal site characteristics, hydroclimatic regimes, and anthropogenic activities as critical system regulators.
- (b)
- It is revealed the need to unfold the mechanisms/processes behind the interactions occurring across the system components under different circumstances and climate scenarios, to identify the potential consequences of this interaction on the status of natural resources and ecosystems, and shed light on the effect of anthropogenic management practices on the whole system (Figure 1).
- (c)
- Future work should provide high-quality experimentation data, and conclusions from a wider range of climatic conditions, hydrologic regimes, agroecological zones, ecosystems, land uses, soil types, and management practices [63];
- (d)
- Moreover, insights into the mutual relationship between the climate and the short- and long-term shifts in the hydrological cycle, such as those of Koutsoyiannis [14], vegetation attitude, biodiversity, microbiology, and (bio) chemical and physical properties of soils, as critical drivers of carbon, nutrient, and water cycles and climate footprint [63], are needed;
- (e)
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
List of Contributions
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Tzanakakis, V.A.; Angelakis, A.N. Climate, Water, Soil. Water 2023, 15, 4196.
Tzanakakis VA, Angelakis AN. Climate, Water, Soil. Water. 2023; 15(23):4196.
Chicago/Turabian StyleTzanakakis, Vasileios A., and Andreas N. Angelakis. 2023. "Climate, Water, Soil" Water 15, no. 23: 4196.
APA StyleTzanakakis, V. A., & Angelakis, A. N. (2023). Climate, Water, Soil. Water, 15(23), 4196.