Experimental Study on the Influence of Barrier Structures on Water Renewal Capacity in Slow-Flow Water Bodies
:1. Introduction
2. Experimental Methods
2.1. Experimental Facility and Instrumentation
2.2. Experimental Similarity Rule and Data Processing
2.3. Experimental Conditions
3. Experimental Results
3.1. Flow Field Distribution
3.2. Velocity Variation
3.3. Water Exchange Rate and Average Velocity
3.4. Information Entropy Analysis
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
- There is a good positive correlation between η and average velocity (R2 = 0.94). Compared with η of 21.61–44.43% of water with no structures, placing barrier structures in the water can significantly improve the water exchange rate (up to twice its value). The results are of practical significance for designing and adjusting structures in water to improve water quality.
- The location parameter l changes the deflection mainstream velocity and direction, and its influence on η is non-monotonic. With the increase in l, circulation gradually appears and the area gradually expands. The deflection angle and the ratio of lateral velocity to streamwise velocity decrease, and the deflection effect of the structure weakens. The flow field for a large l (0.69) is similar to that with no structures. To achieve a higher η by placing structures in the water, the optimal l that corresponds to the triangular prism, rectangular column, and semi-cylinder is 0.2–0.3, 0.2–0.3, and 0.3–0.55, respectively.
- Structures have different effects on the flow field due to the different interaction surfaces, and the resistance effect of the rectangular column is the strongest. The deflection angles for the triangular prism and semi-cylinder are about 30°–45° at various flow rates, and these will be smaller for a larger l. The deflection angle of the rectangular column can be 90° for a smaller l, and the influence on the flow field is more obvious. In all cases, η for the rectangular column is relatively large, while that for the semi-cylinder is relatively small. A larger interaction area between the flow and structures generally results in a higher η.
- The flow rate Q is an important factor that affects water renewal capacity, changing the interaction intensity between the flow and structures. The average velocity and η increase with the increase in Q, and the flow rate that corresponds to the maximum η is generally 6.8 L/min.
- The information entropy H varies positively with the average velocity (R2 = 0.68). H for the rectangular column is larger, indicating that the rectangular column plays a more obvious role in adjusting the velocity composition, while H for the semi-cylinder is relatively smaller.
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Experiment Conditions | Q (L/min) | l | Structural Shape | Experiment Conditions | Q (L/min) | l | Structural Shape |
R1-0-0 | 3.7 | — | — | R3-3-2 | T | ||
R1-1-1 | 0.19 | R | R3-3-3 | C | |||
R1-1-2 | T | R3-4-1 | 0.56 | R | |||
R1-1-3 | C | R3-4-2 | T | ||||
R1-2-1 | 0.31 | R | R3-4-3 | C | |||
R1-2-2 | T | R3-5-1 | 0.69 | R | |||
R1-2-3 | C | R3-5-2 | T | ||||
R1-3-1 | 0.44 | R | R3-5-3 | C | |||
R1-3-2 | T | R4-0-0 | 6.0 | — | — | ||
R1-3-3 | C | R4-1-1 | 0.19 | R | |||
R1-4-1 | 0.56 | R | R4-1-2 | T | |||
R1-4-2 | T | R4-1-3 | C | ||||
R1-4-3 | C | R4-2-1 | 0.31 | R | |||
R1-5-1 | 0.69 | R | R4-2-2 | T | |||
R1-5-2 | T | R4-2-3 | C | ||||
R1-5-3 | C | R4-3-1 | 0.44 | R | |||
R2-0-0 | 4.5 | — | — | R4-3-2 | T | ||
R2-1-1 | 0.19 | R | R4-3-3 | C | |||
R2-1-2 | T | R4-4-1 | 0.56 | R | |||
R2-1-3 | C | R4-4-2 | T | ||||
R2-2-1 | 0.31 | R | R4-4-3 | C | |||
R2-2-2 | T | R4-5-1 | 0.69 | R | |||
R2-2-3 | C | R4-5-2 | T | ||||
R2-3-1 | 0.44 | R | R4-5-3 | C | |||
R2-3-2 | T | R5-0-0 | 6.8 | — | — | ||
R2-3-3 | C | R5-1-1 | 0.19 | R | |||
R2-4-1 | 0.56 | R | R5-1-2 | T | |||
R2-4-2 | T | R5-1-3 | C | ||||
R2-4-3 | C | R5-2-1 | 0.31 | R | |||
R2-5-1 | 0.69 | R | R5-2-2 | T | |||
R2-5-2 | T | R5-2-3 | C | ||||
R2-5-3 | C | R5-3-1 | 0.44 | R | |||
R3-0-0 | 5.3 | — | — | R5-3-2 | T | ||
R3-1-1 | 0.19 | R | R5-3-3 | C | |||
R3-1-2 | T | R5-4-1 | 0.56 | R | |||
R3-1-3 | C | R5-4-2 | T | ||||
R3-2-1 | 0.31 | R | R5-4-3 | C | |||
R3-2-2 | T | R5-5-1 | 0.69 | R | |||
R3-2-3 | C | R5-5-2 | T | ||||
R3-3-1 | 0.44 | R | R5-5-3 | C |
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Pan, L.; Yang, X.; Yang, Y.-b.; Zhou, H.; Jiang, R.; Cai, J.; Li, N.; Wang, J. Experimental Study on the Influence of Barrier Structures on Water Renewal Capacity in Slow-Flow Water Bodies. Water 2022, 14, 3757. https://doi.org/10.3390/w14223757
Pan L, Yang X, Yang Y-b, Zhou H, Jiang R, Cai J, Li N, Wang J. Experimental Study on the Influence of Barrier Structures on Water Renewal Capacity in Slow-Flow Water Bodies. Water. 2022; 14(22):3757. https://doi.org/10.3390/w14223757
Chicago/Turabian StylePan, Longyang, Xingguo Yang, Yeong-bin Yang, Hongwei Zhou, Rui Jiang, Junyi Cai, Niannian Li, and Jiamei Wang. 2022. "Experimental Study on the Influence of Barrier Structures on Water Renewal Capacity in Slow-Flow Water Bodies" Water 14, no. 22: 3757. https://doi.org/10.3390/w14223757
APA StylePan, L., Yang, X., Yang, Y.-b., Zhou, H., Jiang, R., Cai, J., Li, N., & Wang, J. (2022). Experimental Study on the Influence of Barrier Structures on Water Renewal Capacity in Slow-Flow Water Bodies. Water, 14(22), 3757. https://doi.org/10.3390/w14223757