Drag on a Square-Cylinder Array Placed in the Mixing Layer of a Compound Channel
:1. Introduction
1.1. Motivation
1.2. State of the Art
1.3. Objectives
2. Theory
2.1. Computing the Bulk Drag Force from an Integral Momentum Balance
2.2. Drag Coefficient
3. Experimental Facility, Instrumentation and Experimental Procedure
3.1. Experimental Facility
3.2. Experimental Tests
3.3. Velocity Measurements
4. Results
4.1. Time-Averaged Flow and Main Wake Processes
4.2. Analysis of Terms in Equation (4)
4.3. Total Net Contribution of Terms in Equation (4)
4.4. Sensitivity Analysis of the Values of the Drag Coefficient Relatively to the Position of Section S3
4.5. Values of the Drag Coefficient and Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Informed Consent Statement
Conflicts of Interest
α | generic time-averaged variable; |
b | width of the fluid control-volume; |
C | forces-normalization quantity; |
Cd | drag coefficient; |
d | width of square cylinder; |
d0 | distance between two consecutive cylinders; |
Fr | Froude number; |
FD | time-averaged force exerted by the flow on the cylinders; |
g | gravitational acceleration; |
h | height of the fluid control-volume; |
hr | relative flow depth in a compound channel; |
K | shear parameter; |
l | length of the fluid control-volume; |
n | outward pointing normal unit-vector; |
nc | number of cylinders of an array; |
P | time-averaged pressure of fluid; |
Q | discharge in the channel; |
Red | Reynolds number based on cylinder’s width; |
Reynolds number based on the velocity difference between the flow in the main- channel and in the array and on the cylinder spacing; | |
R | time-averaged force exerted by the cylinders on the flow; |
Rx = |FD| | absolute value of the time-averaged drag force on the cylinders; |
Sc | total surface of the fluid control-volume; |
Sm | open control-section; |
S(m) | area of an open control-section; |
Tik | time-averaged viscous stress tensor; |
t | Time; |
U | time-averaged velocity; |
U0 | mean representative velocity of the approaching flow to the cylinder array; |
Reynolds-stress tensor; | |
Vc | control volume; |
z0 | vertical distance of the measuring level from the floodplain bed; |
x, y, z | longitudinal, lateral and vertical directions; |
θ | angle between the channel bottom and the horizontal plane; |
λ | dimensionless shear; |
ν | kinematic viscosity of fluid; and |
ρ | density of fluid |
Subscript or superscript m (m = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) refers to an open control-section | |
Subscripts mc and fp refer to main channel and floodplain respectively |
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Test | hr (-) | hfp (m) | Q (ls−1) | Qmc (ls−1) | Qfp (ls−1) | Frmc (-) | Frfp (-) | Red (-) |
SA_03 | 0.31 | 0.045 | 58.9 | 42.3 | 16.6 | 0.46 | 0.40 | 13,800 |
SA_04 | 0.41 | 0.070 | 95.4 | 63.2 | 32.2 | 0.53 | 0.40 | 18,100 |
Reference | Flow Type | Configuration | Red | Cd | |
SA_03 | compound-channel flow | 9-cylinder regular array (d0/d = 2.22) | | 13,800 | 0.74 |
SA_04 | compound-channel flow | 9-cylinder regular array (d0/d = 2.22) | | 18,100 | 0.58 |
Robertson (2016) [14] | open-channel flow | infinite regular array (x: d0/d = 5.26, y: d0/d = 2.63) | | 9670 | 2.04 |
Robertson (2016) [14] | open-channel flow | isolated cylinder in uniform flow | | 10,000–22,000 | 2.11 |
Lyn et al. (1995) [44] | closed water-channel flow | isolated cylinder in uniform flow | | 21,400 | 2.10 |
Yen and Liu (2011) [13] | air flow | isolated cylinder in uniform flow | | 21,000 | 2.06 |
Robertson (2016) [14] | open-channel flow | pairs side-by-side (2 < d0/d < 3) | | 5600–12,800 | 2.59–3.28 |
Yen and Liu (2011) [13] | air flow | pairs side-by-side (d0/d = 2.5) | | 21,000 | 1.90 |
Robertson (2016) [14] | open-channel flow | pairs tandem (2 < d0/d <3) | | 5600–12,800 | 0.92–1.15 |
Yen et al. (2008) [12] | air flow | pairs tandem (d0/d = 3) | | 900–1200 | 0.50 |
Yen et al. (2008) [12] | air flow | pairs tandem (d0/d = 1.5) | | 900–1200 | 1.15 |
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Ferreira, R.M.L.; Gymnopoulos, M.; Prinos, P.; Alves, E.; Ricardo, A.M. Drag on a Square-Cylinder Array Placed in the Mixing Layer of a Compound Channel. Water 2021, 13, 3225. https://doi.org/10.3390/w13223225
Ferreira RML, Gymnopoulos M, Prinos P, Alves E, Ricardo AM. Drag on a Square-Cylinder Array Placed in the Mixing Layer of a Compound Channel. Water. 2021; 13(22):3225. https://doi.org/10.3390/w13223225
Chicago/Turabian StyleFerreira, Rui M. L., Miltiadis Gymnopoulos, Panayotis Prinos, Elsa Alves, and Ana M. Ricardo. 2021. "Drag on a Square-Cylinder Array Placed in the Mixing Layer of a Compound Channel" Water 13, no. 22: 3225. https://doi.org/10.3390/w13223225
APA StyleFerreira, R. M. L., Gymnopoulos, M., Prinos, P., Alves, E., & Ricardo, A. M. (2021). Drag on a Square-Cylinder Array Placed in the Mixing Layer of a Compound Channel. Water, 13(22), 3225. https://doi.org/10.3390/w13223225