MSFD In-Depth Knowledge of the Marine Environment as the Stepping Stone to Perform Marine Spatial Planning in Greece
:1. Introduction
2. Area under Investigation
- Territorial waters: The Territorial Waters of Greece were very recently (January 2021) set to 12 nm in the Ionian Sea, whereas they are set to 6nm from the baseline in the Aegean and Levantine Sea.
- Contiguous Zone: Greece has no designated contiguous zone.
- Continental Shelf: The continental shelf was only designated in the common maritime borders with Italy in the Ionian Sea with an agreement in 1978 (Greek Law 786).
- Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ): Greece proclaimed an EEZ towards the west in 2020 in agreement with Italy (Law 4716/2020, O.J. 163/A/28-8-2020) and towards the south with Egypt (Law 4717/2020, O.J. 164/A/28-8-2020) (Figure 1).
3. The state of the Marine Environment in Greece
3.1. The State of the Marine Environment in Greece
3.1.1. Biological Diversity; Descriptor 1
3.1.2. Food Webs; Descriptor 4
3.1.3. Habitats; Descriptor 6
3.2. Anthropogenic Pressures Affecting the Marine Environment
3.2.1. Biological Pressures
3.2.2. Physical Pressures
3.2.3. Introduction of Substances, Litter, and Energy
4. Aligning MSFD and MSPD
4.1. MSFD–MSPD Interrelation
4.2. Spatial Coverage and Gaps
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
BD | Birds Directive |
CFP | Common Fisheries Policy |
EQS | Environmental Quality Standards |
EU | European Union |
FAO | Food and Agriculture Organisation |
GES | Good Environmental Status |
GDP | Gross Domestic Product |
GSAs | Geographical subareas |
HABs | Harmful Algal Blooms |
HD | Habitats Directive |
ICZM | Integrated Coastal Zone Management |
MPA(s) | Marine Protected Area(s) |
MRUs | Marine Reporting Units |
MS(s) | Member State(s) |
MSFD | Marine Strategy Framework Directive |
MSP | Maritime Spatial Planning |
MSPD | Maritime Spatial Planning Directive |
NEAT | Nested Environmental Status Assessment Tool |
NIS | Non-Indigenous Species |
PAHs | Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons |
UNEP | United Nations Environmental Programme |
WFD | Water Framework Directive |
WWTP | Waste Water Treatment Plant |
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Paramana, T.; Karditsa, A.; Milatou, N.; Petrakis, S.; Megalofonou, P.; Poulos, S.; Dassenakis, M. MSFD In-Depth Knowledge of the Marine Environment as the Stepping Stone to Perform Marine Spatial Planning in Greece. Water 2021, 13, 2084.
Paramana T, Karditsa A, Milatou N, Petrakis S, Megalofonou P, Poulos S, Dassenakis M. MSFD In-Depth Knowledge of the Marine Environment as the Stepping Stone to Perform Marine Spatial Planning in Greece. Water. 2021; 13(15):2084.
Chicago/Turabian StyleParamana, Theodora, Aikaterini Karditsa, Niki Milatou, Stelios Petrakis, Persefoni Megalofonou, Serafim Poulos, and Manos Dassenakis. 2021. "MSFD In-Depth Knowledge of the Marine Environment as the Stepping Stone to Perform Marine Spatial Planning in Greece" Water 13, no. 15: 2084.
APA StyleParamana, T., Karditsa, A., Milatou, N., Petrakis, S., Megalofonou, P., Poulos, S., & Dassenakis, M. (2021). MSFD In-Depth Knowledge of the Marine Environment as the Stepping Stone to Perform Marine Spatial Planning in Greece. Water, 13(15), 2084.