Influence of Farming Intensity and Climate on Lowland Stream Nitrogen
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Farming Intensity
2.2. Hydrochemistry Monitoring
- Fortnightly grab-sampling in benchmark streams: Sub-surface grab samples were taken from a well-mixed section with no macrophytes in the center of the stream channel during the daytime. This instantaneous sampling was used for the analysis of conservative and non-conservative N fractions (i.e., TN, TDN, NO3−, DON, and NH4+).
- Automatic pooled sampling in benchmark streams: High-frequency monitoring using automated equipment was conducted during the same two-year period. Glacier refrigerated automatic samplers (ISCO-Teledyne) collected an equal water volume every four hours from the same sampling point, and the pooled samples were collected fortnightly. The final nutrient concentration in the only sampler carboy thus represented a time-proportional average for the fortnightly sampling period. As this sampling involved refrigerated storage of pooled samples for up to two weeks, the emphasis was placed on the analysis of TN.
- Snapshot grab-sampling in the series of streams was made once in winter and once in summer. Sub-surface grab samples were taken in a well-mixed section with no macrophytes from the center of the stream channels during the daytime. This instantaneous sampling was used for the analysis of different N fractions, with emphasis on dissolved compounds (i.e., TDN, NO3−, DON, and NH4+).
2.3. Laboratory Measurements
2.4. Data Analysis
3. Results
3.1. Climate and Hydrology
3.2. Total Nitrogen Concentrations and Losses in Benchmark Streams
3.3. Influence of Temperature and Discharge on Total Nitrogen Concentrations
3.4. Influence of Climate/Hydrology and Farming Intensity on Nitrogen Species
4. Discussion
4.1. Influence of Farming Intensity
4.2. Influence of Climate
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Climate & Farming Intensity | Benchmark Streams | Snapshot Grab-Sampling |
TEMP Low | Granslev stream Haplic Luvisols # O.M. = 5% F.A.= 29%; mean L.U. = 0.25 ha−1 N fertilizer = 45 kg N·ha−1·year−1 (45 % fertilizers; 55% manure) | Mainly Luvisols and Podsols; Arenosols # O.M. < 5%. Range F.A. = 0%–26% |
TEMP High | Gelbæk stream Gleyic Luvisols # O.M. < 5% F.A.= 92%; mean L.U. = 0.79 ha−1 N fertilizer = 143 kg N·ha−1·year−1 (45 % fertilizers; 55% manure) | Mainly Luvisols and Podsols, some Albeluvisols Arenosols and Cambisols # O.M. < 5%. Range F.A. = 74%–93% |
SUBT Low | Chal-Chal stream Luvic Phaeozem and Eutric Vertisols * O.M. = 5.2% F.A.= 30%; mean L.U. = 0.62 ha−1 N fertilizer = 76 kg N·ha−1·year−1 (18% fertilizers; 82% manure) | Phaeozem and Vertisols * O.M. = 5% ± 1.5 Range F.A. = 0%–25% |
SUBT High | Pintado Stream Eutric Regosols * O.M. = 4% to 5% F.A.= 90%; mean L.U. = 2.00 ha−1 N fertilizer = 242 kg N·ha−1·year−1 (17% fertilizers; 83% manure) | Mainly Phaeozem * O.M. = 5% ± 1.5 Range F.A. = 75%–100% |
Total n | nstreams = 4 | nstreams = 39 (w), 38 (s) |
Sampling | grab and pooled sampling 2 years | 1 sample in (w) and 1 in (s) |
Characteristic | TEMP Low | TEMP High | SUBT Low | SUBT High |
Accumulated rainfall of each study year (mm·y−1) | 756–770 | 766–778 | 1010–1030 | 1196–1405 |
Mean regional accumulated rainfall (mm·y−1) | 765 a | 1100–1200 b | ||
Base Flow Index (BFI) | 0.88 | 0.64 | 0.39 | 0.29 |
Region | Year | Low-Farming Intensity | High-Farming Intensity | ||
TN Loss | FWC TN | TN Loss | FWC TN | ||
SUBT | 1 | 1.39 | 0.82 | 4.67 | 1.99 |
SUBT | 2 | 2.12 | 0.72 | 9.17 | 2.13 |
TEMP | 1 | 6.11 | 1.2 | 13.16 | 6.28 |
TEMP | 2 | 4.68 | 0.98 | 12.65 | 6.23 |
N Form | Benchmark Streams | Snapshot Sampling | |
Fortnightly Sampling | Winter | Summer | |
Comparison between Climate/Hydrology Conditions (TEMP vs. SUBT) | |||
TDN | F(1, 181) = 38.16 *** | F(1, 35) = 29.97 *** | F(1, 34) = 19.60 *** |
NO3− | F(1, 186) = 78.25 *** | F(1, 35) = 29.99 *** | F(1, 34) = 30.58 *** |
DON | F(1, 181) = 27.27 *** | F(1, 35) = 1.44, p = 0.24 ns | F(1, 34) = 4.90 * |
NH4+ | F(1, 186) = 0.19, p = 0.66 ns | F(1 35) = 7.72 ** | F(1, 34) = 2.31, p = 0.14 ns |
DIN/TDN | F(1, 181) = 179.67 *** | F(1, 35) = 30.06 *** | F(1, 34) = 23.67 *** |
Comparison between Farming Intensity Conditions (Low & High) Nested in Climate/Hydrology | |||
TDN | F(2, 181) = 71.85 *** | F(2, 35) = 30.30 *** | F(2, 34) = 20.78 *** |
NO3− | F(2, 186) = 80.12 *** | F(2, 35) = 28.48 *** | F(2, 34) = 20.49 *** |
DON | F(2, 181) = 24.42 *** | F(2, 35) = 0.232, p = 0.79 ns | F(2, 34) = 1.19, p = 0.31 ns |
NH4+ | F(2, 186) = 10.05 *** | F(2, 35) = 2.75, p = 0.08 ms | F(2, 34) = 3.09, p = 0.08 ms |
DIN/TDN | F(2, 181) = 14.67 *** | F(2, 35) = 6.26 ** | F(2, 34) = 5.50** |
Interaction between Farming Intensity and Climate/Hydrology | |||
TDN | F(1, 181) = 307.1 *** | F(1, 35) = 85.0 *** | F(1, 34) = 116.4 *** |
NO3- | F(1, 186) = 193.6 *** | F(1, 35) = 57.5 *** | F(1, 34) = 52.33 *** |
DON | F(1, 181) = 255.1 *** | F(1 35) = 103.0 *** | F(1, 34) = 59.9 *** |
NH4+ | F(1, 186) = 140.3 *** | F(1, 35) = 106.0 *** | F(1, 34) = 21.6 *** |
DIN/TDN | F(1, 181) = 2744.1 *** | F(1, 35) = 299.3 *** | F(1, 34) = 132.9*** |
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Goyenola, G.; Graeber, D.; Meerhoff, M.; Jeppesen, E.; Teixeira-de Mello, F.; Vidal, N.; Fosalba, C.; Ovesen, N.B.; Gelbrecht, J.; Mazzeo, N.; et al. Influence of Farming Intensity and Climate on Lowland Stream Nitrogen. Water 2020, 12, 1021.
Goyenola G, Graeber D, Meerhoff M, Jeppesen E, Teixeira-de Mello F, Vidal N, Fosalba C, Ovesen NB, Gelbrecht J, Mazzeo N, et al. Influence of Farming Intensity and Climate on Lowland Stream Nitrogen. Water. 2020; 12(4):1021.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGoyenola, Guillermo, Daniel Graeber, Mariana Meerhoff, Erik Jeppesen, Franco Teixeira-de Mello, Nicolás Vidal, Claudia Fosalba, Niels Bering Ovesen, Joerg Gelbrecht, Néstor Mazzeo, and et al. 2020. "Influence of Farming Intensity and Climate on Lowland Stream Nitrogen" Water 12, no. 4: 1021.
APA StyleGoyenola, G., Graeber, D., Meerhoff, M., Jeppesen, E., Teixeira-de Mello, F., Vidal, N., Fosalba, C., Ovesen, N. B., Gelbrecht, J., Mazzeo, N., & Kronvang, B. (2020). Influence of Farming Intensity and Climate on Lowland Stream Nitrogen. Water, 12(4), 1021.