Timescale Methods for Simplifying, Understanding and Modeling Biophysical and Water Quality Processes in Coastal Aquatic Ecosystems: A Review
:1. Introduction
“Nature is pleased with simplicity. And nature is no dummy.”—Commonly attributed to Isaac Newton
1.1. What Are Timescales?
1.2. Some Fundamental Concepts and Definitions
1.2.1. Constituents, Particles, Parcels, and Types
1.2.2. Lagrangian and Eulerian Descriptions and Approaches
1.3. Transport Timescales
- Residence time—Although the term “residence time” is frequently used to mean a variety of things [88,92,93,94], one of the most common definitions is the time taken by a particle to leave a water body or defined region of interest [92,95,96,97]. Because particles originating at different locations and times within a water body may require different amounts of time to exit, residence time (according to this definition) is a function of location and time [87,92,97]. A strict interpretation of this residence time definition is the time taken to leave a water body for the first time (see Figure 3), an important distinction in tidal systems where oscillatory transport can cause particles to exit and then re-enter the domain of interest one or more times [26,95,98,99]. Numerical simulations currently offer the best methods for estimating time- and position-dependent timescales in realistic domains [66,97,100,101]; however, other (field-based [102,103,104,105], analytic [22,59]) methods may also provide trustworthy estimates, though with less resolution or with additional simplifying assumptions. Other residence time definitions, which are not location- and time-specific, also exist and see wide application (see “flushing time” below).
- Age—Age is defined as the time elapsed since a particle entered a water body or defined region [88,94,96,106]. Because the time to reach a specific location after entering will vary across the water body and over time, age (like residence time, as per our preferred definition above) is also time- and location-specific (see Figure 3). Age is seen as the complement to the location- and time-specific residence time: while age is the time taken since entering to reach location x within a water body, residence time is the time remaining within the water body after reaching location x [87,88,96,106]. Some authors have generalized the common definition for age above, arriving at the following: “the time elapsed since the parcel under consideration left the region in which its age is prescribed to be zero” [63,64].
- Transit time—Transit time has been defined as the total time for a particle to travel across an entire water body or defined region, from entrance to exit [93,96]. Therefore, transit time is the sum of the location- and time-specific age and residence time (see Figure 3). Some authors have taken advantage of the fact that transit time is equivalent to age computed at the downstream boundary or exit of a water body [28,107]. Travel time is similar to transit time, in that it usually references the time taken to travel between two defined points in space [28]. The transit time and location- and time-specific age and residence time are easily derived analytically for a plug flow situation (see Appendix A).
- Exposure time—Exposure time goes forward where the strict definition of residence time stops. While the strict, spatially and temporally variable residence time only accounts for time spent within a defined region until leaving it the first time, exposure time accounts for the total time spent within the domain of interest [87], including “all subsequent re-entries” [95] (see Figure 3). Thus, exposure time may be of particular relevance in systems with oscillatory tidal flows [108]. When computing exposure time with a numerical model, it is important that the computational domain be larger than the domain of interest [95], since transport processes outside the domain of interest control particle re-entry.
- Flushing time—“Flushing time is a bulk or integrative parameter describing the general exchange characteristics of a waterbody without identifying detailed underlying physical processes or their spatial distribution” ([27], adapted from [87]). There are numerous methods for defining and quantifying flushing times, many of them mathematically quite simple. For example, if advection is expected to dominate exchange between the domain of interest and an adjacent water body (as for a river reach), an advective flushing time may be estimated simply as V/Q, where V is the volume of the domain of interest, and Q is the rate of volumetric flow through it. For this situation, V/Q estimates the time for all water in the domain of interest to be replaced, whereas ½(V/Q) represents the mean time for replacement of the original water. Analogously, if we assume that an estuary behaves similarly to a “plug flow reactor”, i.e., with perfect cross-sectional mixing but zero streamwise mixing, V/Q would represent the time needed to replace all the water initially in the estuary by water entering through its upstream boundary (Figure 4). Some variations on this approach include: (A) substitution of V with freshwater volume Vfw and of Q with freshwater inflow rate Qfw, if one is interested in the time to replace freshwater [52,109] (this is often called the “freshwater fraction method” [58,110]); or (B) substitution of V and Q, respectively, with scalar mass M and scalar flux F (in units (mass/time)), if one is concerned with time for replacement of a scalar quantity [87]. (Incidentally, the V/Q [90,104], Vfw/Qfw [109], and M/F [111] formulations are sometimes called “residence times”.) It should be noted that the V/Q estimate depends on the (sometimes arbitrary) size of the domain of interest [112].
- e-folding flushing time—Another construct for quantifying time for flushing is the e-folding time (τe-fold). This approach capitalizes on the frequently observed exponential-like decrease of constituent mass within a water body over time as it is subjected to flushing. This roughly exponential decrease is often observed in the results of coastal transport simulations [87,100,101,112,113,114,115] (see Figure 5) and tracer experiments [116,117]. Mathematically, the exponential form results from assuming a constant flow rate through a perfectly well-mixed system of constant volume, as for a CSTR (continuously stirred tank reactor) [87]. The well-mixed assumption employed here (Figure 6) is in stark contrast to the plug flow assumption above (Figure 4) and thus may be the more appropriate assumption for estuaries subject to strong (e.g., tidal) dispersive mixing. τe-fold may be obtained as (A) the reciprocal of the specific decay rate calculated from an exponential best-fit to a concentration time series [87,100,112,113] or simply as (B) the time when mass falls to 1/e (37%) of its initial value [114,117]. If the CSTR assumptions are perfectly met, τe-fold = V/Q, but if they are not met (e.g., for basins with bidirectional, tidal exchange flow), V/Q may not accurately characterize the effective flushing time captured by methods (A) or (B) above [87]. Although the well-mixed assumption is almost never satisfied, the e-folding construct is nonetheless employed widely and can work well in representing the net effect of all flushing processes acting on a basin. It is important to note the quantitative difference between this flushing time approach (which characterizes flushing of only 63%, or 1-e−1, of initial mass; Figure 6) and the simple advective V/Q, Vfw/Qfw, and M/F approaches above, whose aim is to characterize 100% replacement of initial mass or volume (Figure 4). Indeed, any perfect CSTR would never truly experience 100% replacement of initial mass, as suggested by the exponential dependency of concentration on time. Even so, for an inert constituent in a well-mixed system, the concentration tends to zero as time tends to infinity, resulting in a finite domain-averaged residence time, which is equal to the e-folding time [88,94,113,118].
- Tidal prism flushing time—Another class of flushing time approaches for estuaries—tidal prism models—prominently acknowledges tides as a flushing agent [119,120]. The most basic form for the tidal prism flushing time is V∙Ttide/Vp [58], where V is estuary volume, Ttide is the tidal period, and Vp is the tidal prism volume (i.e., estuary volume difference between high and low tides). Applications of this general approach may vary in the way V and Vp are defined or calculated [27,110]. Moreover, authors have employed a range of assumptions and adjustments for capturing the influence of freshwater inflow or return flow at the seaward boundary [27,58,119]. Like the e-folding time, the tidal prism flushing (or “turnover” [58,110]) time is based on the assumption of well-mixedness [87,119].
- Turnover time—The V/Q [58], Vfw/Qfw [110], M/F [88,94], e-folding [121], and other bulk approaches [110] are also sometimes called “turnover times.” A relatively new approach for estimating bulk estuary turnover timescales is based on the total exchange flow (TEF) through a cross section at the estuary mouth; TEF is calculated using an isohaline framework [122], and the TEF timescale τTEF may be thought of as “the ratio of the mass of salt in the estuary to the salt flux into the estuary” [110]. (τTEF is also called a “residence time” [122].) In addition to physical processes, the term “turnover time” is frequently applied to biological or geochemical processes as well [62,90,123,124,125].
- Retention time—The term “retention time” is frequently, though not exclusively, used to refer to how long constituents (e.g., nutrients, sediment, organisms) remain within a particular aquatic environment or sub-environment [14,126]. Mechanisms influencing constituent retention can include both hydrodynamic processes (e.g., pools, eddies, and dead zones [14]; stratification and mixing [127]), sedimentation [14], biogeochemical processing [14], and motility of organisms [127]. Hydraulic “retention time” is sometimes treated interchangeably with “residence time” [128] or with expressions described herein as “flushing times” [129].
1.4. What Are Timescales Good for?
- A more meaningful substitute for primitive variables and native process rates: Computed or measured primitive variables (e.g., velocity, pressure, temperature, concentration; also known as state variables) and native process rates (e.g., velocity, production, growth) are not always conducive to interpretation in their raw form [79,89]. (Here, we use the term “native process rate” to refer to the typical rate variable(s) used in connection with a particular process, e.g., velocity or discharge for water movement, or specific growth rate for biomass growth.) On the other hand, diagnostic timescales can incorporate valuable contextual information that native process rates and primitive variables do not. For that reason, timescales can serve as auxiliary variables that might better illuminate a scientific problem [79,89]. For example, the primitive variable “velocity” alone contains no additional problem-specific information that can aid the user in understanding the practical effect of that velocity: it is just a velocity. Whereas the advective timescale τadv—the timescale counterpart to velocity—typically conveys the time needed for a particle to traverse a specified water body or distance (e.g., the time taken by a fisherman’s cooler to travel to the river mouth from the upstream location where it, sadly, fell overboard). Therefore, in comparison to a process rate or primitive variable, a timescale can in many cases take the user farther on an interpretive level by communicating what the process rate, materially, means in the context of the scientific question at hand.
- A common currency for comparing speeds of processes: Timescales provide a common cross-disciplinary currency by which the speed of disparate processes can be compared [23]. For example, consider the observed reduction in the concentration of a decaying pollutant in a river over the first couple days after release. Relevant process rates (e.g., decay (1/time), river discharge (volume/time)) can be transformed into timescales (τdecay, τflush) that can then be directly compared. Therefore, if τdecay is, for instance, 0.2 day and τflush is 30 days, the ~2 order-of-magnitude difference in timescales suggests that decay is a much faster process than river-driven flushing and is likely primarily responsible for any significant concentration reduction in the couple days following pollutant release. Since they all carry the same units, timescales can thus help bridge the gap between scientific disciplines and make quick, back-of-the-envelope assessments of dominant processes possible. Timescale ratios can represent the competition between processes; in some cases, such dimensionless numbers can serve as simple indicators of how an ecosystem might respond to a combination of different physical, biological, or geochemical processes [21,23,25,132,133,134,135,136].
- Distilling numerical model outputs [89,137]: The output files of numerical fluid flow models can be immense. Making sense of all those gigabytes, or even terabytes, of spatially and temporally detailed data is a non-trivial effort [79,137,138]. Timescales can extract the essence from such comprehensive datasets. In contrast to other analysis techniques that might provide spatially (temporally) detailed glimpses of the output at limited points in time (space), timescales can integrate across space and/or time and take advantage of most, if not all, of the results [79,138]. For this reason, timescales derived from the results of complex numerical models may be considered “holistic” [79,138]. Importantly, a model-derived timescale, such as the transit time for a particle through an estuary, may be considered holistic in a second sense: it takes into account all processes and forcings included in the model that influence the transport (e.g., river flow, tides, wind, density gradients, etc.) [139]. It is this second meaning that we refer to hereinafter.
- Comparing systems across space or time: An effective way of enhancing understanding of an aquatic system is through comparison with other systems or through assessing the functioning of a single system under different conditions over time. Timescales can help encapsulate the general physical or ecological state of aquatic systems across space or time, do so in a way that is relatively simple and intuitive, and allow for easy comparisons.
- Building simple(r) models: The partial differential equations (PDEs) governing hydrodynamics and scalar transport are complex, as they are composed of many terms describing multiple influences on momentum and mass balances. Because high-quality (i.e., stable and accurate) numerical solutions to the governing equations can be computationally costly, justifiable simplification of these PDEs is therefore a worthwhile activity. One simplification approach implements timescales of variability in combination with other (e.g., velocity, length, pressure, density) scales to estimate the relative magnitudes of individual terms in time-marching equations [2]; terms that “scale” much smaller than other terms may be justifiably neglected, with the equations reducing to the most essential terms and, hopefully, the numerical solution becoming more tractable and efficient. Another method of simplification involves quantifying the primary processes with timescales, creating dimensionless ratios with those timescales, and then substituting those ratios appropriately into a time- or space-dependent equation. The conversion of a mathematical relationship into dimensionless form can significantly reduce the complexity—and increase the solvability—of the equation [21,23]).
- Assessing connectivity: Transport timescales can contribute substantially to assessments of connectivity between different aquatic systems or subregions within a system [56,95,140,141,142]. In fact, transport timescales can form the basis for one important assessment tool—the “connectivity matrix” [95,140] (see Section 3.4).
- In conceptual models: Timescales are often invoked in conceptual models or qualitative descriptions of how systems work. Even if not quantified or clearly defined, well-known terms such as “residence time” capture a general meaning that a scientific or management audience can conceptually follow. Timescales are frequently used (in mental models, written descriptions, cartoons, schematics, etc.) to qualitatively explain ecological phenomena such as phytoplankton bloom development in coastal systems [6,143], legacy phosphorus across watersheds [14], coastal hypoxia [11], nutrient release from sediments in shallow lakes [144], and eutrophication in lakes [145] and coastal systems [146].
2. How Are Diagnostic Timescales Estimated?
2.1. Combining Process Rates with Other Scales
2.2. Transport Timescales Based on Observational Data
2.2.1. Drifter-Based Experiments
2.2.2. Tracer-Based Experiments
2.3. Transport Timescales Based on Numerical Models
2.3.1. Forward Methods
2.3.2. Backward Methods
3. Timescale Applications for Explaining Ecosystem Processes and Variability in Water Quality
3.1. Timescales in Conceptual Models
3.2. Implementing Timescales in Building Simple Models
3.2.1. Simple Models of the Physical Environment
3.2.2. Simple Ecological Models Using Physical Timescales
3.2.3. Simple Ecological Models Using Physical and Biogeochemical Timescales
3.3. Assessing Relative Speeds or Dominance of Processes
- Estuarine nitrogen processing: In their studies covering several European estuaries, Middelburg and Nieuwenhuize compared water “residence time” estimates to turnover times for particulate nitrogen, nitrate, ammonium [90], and amino acids [123], providing insight into which nutrient forms may become limiting [90] and whether individual forms will be significantly modified during transport through an estuary [90,123].
- Hypoxia development in a tidal river: In their study of the effect of water diversion structures on water quality in a complex, heavily managed tidal environment, Monsen et al. [230] compared 2D model-computed e-folding flushing times to half-lives for biological oxygen demand (BOD) [231]. They found that when a physical barrier was installed on a branch of the San Joaquin River (CA, USA), consequently forcing all flow through the mainstem, flushing times on the mainstem could decrease enough (relative to BOD half-life) to prevent the development of hypoxia, a frequent occurrence in a deep portion of the mainstem San Joaquin.
- Nutrient processing on shelves and export to the open ocean: Sharples et al. [210] compared their global-scale, latitudinally varying estimates of continental shelf residence times (Figure 14A herein) with nutrient processing times (assumed independent of latitude) in a discussion of which shelf regions would be expected to experience more (middle to high latitudes) or less (low latitudes) nitrate removal before exchange with the open ocean occurs.
- Development of a unique estuarine bacterial community: In their study of the Parker River Estuary and Plum Island Sound (MA, USA), Crump et al. [91] studied the conditions for the development of a unique community of estuarine bacterioplankton, as opposed to the advected populations of riverine or marine origin that were prevalent in the estuary. They compared water residence times and bacterial doubling times across seasons and the salinity gradient, finding that a local estuarine community developed at intermediate salinity only in the summer and fall, when water residence time was much longer than average doubling time, thus allowing the local community ample time to develop. In contrast, no local bacterial community developed in spring, when residence time was similar to average doubling time—apparently short enough to prevent the development of new estuarine bacterioplankton populations [91].
- Benthic control of phytoplankton biomass: Several authors have compared benthic grazing timescales to transport and/or phytoplankton growth timescales to understand controls on estuarine aquaculture potential [134] or phytoplankton biomass [25,61,124,232,233,234]. Extending the conceptual model of Dame [233] (who expanded that of Smaal and Prins [234]), Strayer et al. [232] presented a graphical conceptual model (Figure 19A) of phytoplankton regulation as a function of hydrologic residence time on the horizontal axis and bivalve clearance time (i.e., time for a bivalve population to clear the overlying water column of phytoplankton through their pumping) on the vertical axis. They described three regimes within that 2D timescale space, each associated with a different control on phytoplankton biomass (advective loss, bivalve grazing, or phytoplankton growth), stating that the regime boundaries would vary as a function of phytoplankton net growth rate. The Strayer et al. [232] conceptual model (Figure 19A) was used to show how bivalve clearance rates changed as a function of bivalve invasion or population decline. The Strayer et al. [232] conceptual model was later extended through (1) the generalization of the benthic grazing timescale to include potentially any in situ loss process and (2) normalization of the loss and transport timescales by the algal growth timescale (Figure 19B) [23]. The latter model was derived from the simple, dimensionless expression in Equation (7), was consistent with the Strayer model control domains, and showed that the regime boundaries are in fact defined by two timescale ratios, i.e., at = 1, = 1, and = (see description in Section 3.2.3). These conceptual models, together, demonstrate the utility of timescales (and their ratios) in understanding and delineating the conditions under which an ecosystem response (e.g., algal biomass accumulation) is controlled by one of several processes.
3.4. Evaluating Connectivity
- Exposure of marine protected areas (MPAs) to shipping-related pollution: Delpeche-Ellmann et al. [56] analyzed the paths of GPS-tracked surface drifters released in the Gulf of Finland’s main shipping fairway, providing insight into which MPAs on the edges of the Gulf are most likely to be affected by pollutants originating in the fairway, as well as timescales for transport to the MPAs. The transport timescales provide information for environmental managers regarding the time available to respond to pollutant spills and contain them before they reach MPAs.
- “Material connectivity”: Oldham et al. [229] noted that, in the field of hydrology, there have been numerous efforts at characterizing hydrological or hydraulic connectivity between landscapes; whereas, to their knowledge, there had been no attempts to “characterise connectivity in terms of the ‘effectiveness’ of transferring material,” a notion which those authors termed “material connectivity.” They argued that material connectivity must account for both physical transport and biological or chemical processing, since two environments may have strong hydrological connectivity between them but, if material carried by the water undergoes significant removal during transit, the material connectivity may be poor. The ratio of a transport timescale τtran to a reaction or “material processing” timescale τrxn—termed the Damköhler number (Da) in the chemical engineering literature and generalized by Oldham et al. [229]—was proposed to capture the conditions under which material connectivity is strong or weak. For example, when reactions remove a constituent during transit and Da = τtran/τrxn >> 1, transport is very slow compared to in situ loss processes; the constituent material will be substantially lost during transport, resulting in material disconnectivity even under conditions of hydraulic connectivity. On the other hand, if Da << 1, transport is very fast compared to processing, the material behaves essentially conservatively, and material connectivity is therefore strong. Relatedly, Brodie et al. [237] estimated residence times for freshwater and several water quality constituents exported to the Great Barrier Reef and made the case that residence times of pollutants in that system are potentially much greater than those of the water itself, contrary to common assumptions.
- Harmful algal bloom (HAB) initiation in geometrically complex estuaries: Qin and Shen [199] performed both theoretical analyses and 3D numerical modeling to understand the roles of estuary geometry and hydrodynamic connectivity between estuary subregions in determining where HABs are first observed to begin. (For their species of interest, a density of 1000 cells/mL was defined as the HAB threshold). Their idealized analytical model (in which residence time was a key parameter) predicted that the location of first HAB occurrence in a hydraulically interconnected system of two water bodies (e.g., the mainstem of a tidal river and its tributary) is determined by the relative ratios of residence time to volume (τr/V) for the two water bodies. A HAB was predicted to be observed first in the water body with the larger τr/V ratio, i.e., the longer residence time and/or smaller volume. Results from numerical experiments with a 3D transport-reaction model of the lower James River (Figure 22A) were consistent with the theoretical model, demonstrating that—regardless of the initial source location of cells—flushing (represented by model-computed τr) and subregion volume V are indeed dominant factors determining where a HAB is first observed. Specifically, their 3D simulations were initiated with a non-zero algal concentration in the bottom layer of the lower James River mainstem (see Figure 22B), to represent cyst release in that region; initial algal concentrations were zero elsewhere, including in the tributaries. Nonetheless, only a few days were needed for concentrations in the tributaries to be higher than in the mainstem, initiated by cell transport from the mainstem driven by estuarine circulation. Simulated bloom-level densities ultimately developed first in the tributaries (Figure 22D), as predicted by the theoretical model. Both numerical and analytical results are consistent with, and help explain, first occurrences of toxic algal blooms in that system, which are frequently observed in the Lafayette River, a relatively small tributary to the James with a long residence time.
3.5. Comparing Systems across Space or Time
- Ecosystem responses to management actions: To understand changes in hydrodynamics, water quality, and ecosystem processes induced by the installation of a temporary physical salinity-intrusion barrier in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta (CA, USA), Kimmerer et al. [62] employed high-speed boat-based isotope mapping (same approach as in [173]) to produce spatial patterns of water age with and without the barrier. Benthic grazing turnover time (i.e., time for benthic bivalve population to filter through the entire overlying water column) was also estimated as one measure of ecosystem response to related changes in salinity.
- Variability and drivers of estuarine flushing: In order to investigate the sensitivity of flushing in Mobile Bay (AL, USA) to river flow, wind, and baroclinic forcing, Du et al. [243] estimated both bulk (e-folding flushing time) and spatially variable (freshwater age) transport timescale metrics using a 3D numerical model. Deriving a simple empirical flushing time–discharge relationship based on a set of sensitivity runs and comparing to previous estimates based on a 2D depth-integrated model [244], they concluded that baroclinic processes reduce flushing times by approximately half. The spatial and temporal transport time patterns produced in these analyses (Figure 24 herein) could serve as valuable information toward interpreting variability in water quality and ecosystem processes.
- Retention of harmful algal cells: Ralston et al. [127] employed a 3D coupled hydrodynamic-biological model of the Nauset Estuary (MA, USA) to explore the physical and biological processes controlling recurrent blooms of the toxic alga Alexandrium fundyense. Implementing an e-folding approach to calculate A. fundyense residence times under a range of conditions, they explored the influence of swimming behavior, spring-neap tidal phase, wind, and stratification on retention of cells in one of the estuary’s salt ponds, concluding that all four processes are major factors determining retention. Although growth and mortality were turned off in these simulations, the computed residence times are particularly holistic, in that they not only include 3D hydrodynamic processes but also organism behavior (see Figure 25 herein).
- Ecosystem transformations by bivalves: The graphical timescale-based conceptual model of Strayer et al. [232] (see Figure 19A and Section 3.3 above) describes the evolution of five aquatic ecosystems in response to major changes in bivalve grazer populations. The process controlling phytoplankton was shown to be capable of shifting between advection, grazing, and algal growth as a function of either bivalve invasion or population decline.
- Hydrologic influence on zooplankton communities: Augmenting an 18-year field dataset with calculated water residence times, Burdis and Hirsch [33] explored several potential environmental drivers of zooplankton community structure in a natural riverine lake. As hypothesized, they found that water residence time was the most important driver of zooplankton abundance and community structure. Similar to Peierls et al. [57] and Hall et al. [238], use of a transport timescale allowed these authors to collapse spatial location and temporally variable hydrology into a single variable associated with each sample.
4. Discussion
4.1. The Timescale “Tower of Babel”
4.2. Holism of Timescales
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
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Process | Native Process Rate | Units | Timescale | Relevant Citations |
Diffusion/Dispersion/Mixing | Diffusion/Dispersion/Mixing Coefficient (K) | length2/time | L2/K | [42,49,52,59,147] |
Advection | Velocity (U) | length/time | L/U | [23,49,59] |
Flushing by river flow | Volumetric flow rate (Q) | length3/time | V/Q | [87] |
Flushing by scalar flux | Mass flux rate (F) | mass/time | M/F | [42] |
1 Growth or decay | Specific growth or decay rate (μ) | 1/time | 1/|μ| | [25] |
2 Decay by one-half | Specific decay rate (μdecay) | 1/time | ln(2)/μdecay | [125] |
3 Growth by factor of 2 | Specific growth rate (μgrowth) | 1/time | ln(2)/μgrowth | [127] |
Sinking/settling | Sinking speed (w) | length/time | Lz/w | [59,60] |
4 Productivity | Areal Productivity (Pa) | biomass/(length2-time) | Ba/Pa | [125] |
4 Benthic consumption | Grazing/Filtration/Clearance rate (BG) | length3/(length2-time) | Lz/BG | [23,25,62,124] |
Zooplankton grazing | Zooplankton community grazing rate (ZG) | biomass/(length3-time) | Bp/ZG | [23,148] |
Oxygen consumption | Net oxygen consumption rate (CDO) | mass O2/(length3-time) | DO/CDO | [21,132] |
4 Nutrient uptake | Nutrient uptake rate (υ) | mass nutrient/(length3-time) | η/υ | [90] |
Author(s) | Water Body | Time Period/Conditions | Timescale(approach) | Value | |
Jouon et al. [112] | SW lagoon of New Caledonia | Constant, moderate trade wind | V/Q 1 | 6.8 d | 2 |
Mean residence time 2 | 10.8 d | ||||
e-folding 3 | 11.4 d | ||||
Lemagie and Lerczak [110] | Yaquina Bay (USA) | Q = 10 m3/s, Ao = 125 cm | TEF 1,4 | 3.96 tc | 26 |
Tidal prism 1,4 | 1.27 tc | ||||
Freshwater fraction 1,4 | 12.63 tc | ||||
Transit (e-folding) 2,4 | 32.6 tc | ||||
Flushing (e-folding) 2,4 | 5.16 tc | ||||
Monsen et al. [87] | Mildred Island (USA) | June 1999 (low flow) | V/Q 5 | 31-50 d | 17–28 |
e-folding 6 | 7.7 d | ||||
7 | 8.3–9.1 d | ||||
Mean age 6,8 | 1.8 d | ||||
Oveisy et al. [147] | Bay of Quinte (Canada) | Summer 2004 | e-folding 3,10 | 44 d | 14 |
V/Q 1,9,11 | 64 d | ||||
Residence time 2,10 | 52 d | ||||
Dispersion 3,10 | 1.7 y | ||||
Rayson et al. [100] | Galveston Bay (USA) | Mid–late April 2009 (peak flow) | Freshwater fraction 1 | ~10 d | 2 |
TEF 1,12 | ~20 d | ||||
Mean residence time 2,12 | ~20 d | ||||
e-folding 2,12 | ~20 d | ||||
Mean age 3,12 | ~20 d | ||||
Rayson et al. [100] | Galveston Bay (USA) | Late July 2009 (low flow) | Freshwater fraction 1,12 | ~200 d | 10 |
TEF 1,12 | ~20 d | ||||
Mean residence time 2,12 | ~25 d | ||||
e-folding 2,12 | ~50 d | ||||
Mean age 3,12 | ~30 d | ||||
Tartinville et al. [113] | Mururoa atoll Lagoon (French Polynesia) | Tides, wind, hoa inflow, stratification | L/U 1 | 8.3 d | 1113 |
L/U’ 1 | 5.3 d | ||||
Diffusion 13 | 5900 d | ||||
e-folding 2 | 114 d |
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Lucas, L.V.; Deleersnijder, E. Timescale Methods for Simplifying, Understanding and Modeling Biophysical and Water Quality Processes in Coastal Aquatic Ecosystems: A Review. Water 2020, 12, 2717. https://doi.org/10.3390/w12102717
Lucas LV, Deleersnijder E. Timescale Methods for Simplifying, Understanding and Modeling Biophysical and Water Quality Processes in Coastal Aquatic Ecosystems: A Review. Water. 2020; 12(10):2717. https://doi.org/10.3390/w12102717
Chicago/Turabian StyleLucas, Lisa V., and Eric Deleersnijder. 2020. "Timescale Methods for Simplifying, Understanding and Modeling Biophysical and Water Quality Processes in Coastal Aquatic Ecosystems: A Review" Water 12, no. 10: 2717. https://doi.org/10.3390/w12102717