Long-Term Shoreline Displacements and Coastal Morphodynamic Pattern of North Rhodes Island, Greece
:1. Introduction
2. The Study Area
3. Materials and Methods
3.1. Analysis of Shoreline Evolution
3.2. Simulation of Coastal Processes
- Data are grouped into wave classes with associated annual probability of occurrence. Then, the actual energy flux is determined as fiHi2Ti, where Hi is the wave significant height, Ti is the wave period and fi denotes the probability of occurrence of the specific event, i.
- As representative event is defined the one that maximizes the energy flux and its probability of occurrence is determined asfmax = Σ(fi Ηi2 Ti)/(Ηi2 Ti)max
4. Results
4.1. Historical Shoreline Evolution
4.2. Morphodynamic Pattern
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Date | Type | Source | Scale/Resolution |
15 June 1982 | Aerial photograph | Hellenic Military Geographical Service | 1:8000 |
17 June 1991 | Aerial photograph | Hellenic Military Geographical Service | 1:8000 |
30 March 2002 | Satellite Imagery | QuickBird-2 | 67.28 cm |
12 October 2003 | Satellite Imagery | QuickBird-2 | 62.59 cm |
31 October 2008 | Satellite Imagery | Orthophotomaps of the Hellenic Cadastre | 50.00 cm |
22 April 2009 | Satellite Imagery | GeoEye-1 | 43.51 cm |
16 July 2010 | Satellite Imagery | GeoEye-1 | 42.99 cm |
30 May 2012 | Satellite Imagery | WorldView-2 | 47.28 cm |
3 September 2012 | Satellite Imagery | GeoEye-1 | 44.76 cm |
9 October 2013 | Satellite Imagery | Pléiades-1A | 50 cm |
14 May 2014 | Satellite Imagery | WorldView-2 | 55.34 cm |
29 June 2014 | Satellite Imagery | WorldView-2 | 47.72 cm |
17 August 2014 | Satellite Imagery | WorldView-2 | 47.88 cm |
2 October 2014 | Satellite Imagery | WorldView-2 | 47.77 cm |
16 March 2015 | Satellite Imagery | GeoEye-1 | 47.22 cm |
17 October 2015 | Satellite Imagery | WorldView-3 | 33.61 cm |
21 April 2016 | Satellite Imagery | WorldView-2 | 48.24 cm |
27 April 2016 | Satellite Imagery | Pléiades-1A | 50 cm |
Scenarios | Hs (m) | Tp (s) | MWD (deg N) | Simulation Time (days) |
Sc1 | 1.25 | 6.75 | 255 | 45 |
Sc2 | 1.25 | 5.25 | 270 | 39 |
Sc3 | 2.25 | 6.75 | 135 | 12 |
Sc4 | 1.75 | 5.25 | 300 | 4 |
Shoreline | Max Advance (m) | Max Retreat (m) | Coastal Zone Surface (m2) | Surface Evolution between Consecutive Shoreline Items (m2) | Cumulative Surface Evolution (from 1982) (m2) | Duration (y) |
15 June 1982 | Shoreline of reference | 68,056.6 | Shoreline of reference | |||
17 June 1991 | 40.9 | −15.5 | 71,651.9 | 3595.3 | 3595.3 | 9.01 |
30 March 2002 | 69.9 | −25.1 | 74,759.5 | 3107.6 | 6702.9 | 19.79 |
12 October 2003 | 91.6 | −20.0 | 80,526.8 | 5767.3 | 12,470.2 | 21.33 |
31 October 2008 | 97.1 | −25.4 | 73,191.4 | −7335.4 | 5134.7 | 25.54 |
22 April 2009 | 27.1 | −32.4 | 69,941.0 | −3250.4 | 1884.4 | 26.85 |
16 July 2010 | 59.0 | −25.0 | 71,413.9 | 1472.9 | 3357.3 | 28.09 |
30 May 2012 | 39.8 | −16.9 | 72,864.6 | 1450.8 | 4808.0 | 29.96 |
3 September 2012 | 51.2 | −17.1 | 70,106.3 | −2758.4 | 2049.7 | 30.22 |
9 October 2013 | 61.5 | −21.9 | 68,199.3 | −1906.9 | 142.7 | 31.32 |
14 May 2014 | 37.8 | −33.9 | 69,923.7 | 1724.4 | 1867.1 | 31.91 |
29 June 2014 | 28.2 | −31.2 | 69,397.3 | −526.4 | 1340.7 | 32.04 |
17 August 2014 | 46.1 | −25.6 | 72,241.0 | 2843.7 | 4184.4 | 32.17 |
2 October 2014 | 57.3 | −29.7 | 72,967.5 | 726.5 | 4910.9 | 32.30 |
16 March 2015 | 40.5 | −34.9 | 73,291.5 | 324.0 | 5234.9 | 32.75 |
17 October 2015 | 64.7 | −28.8 | 71,329.4 | −1962.1 | 3272.8 | 33.34 |
21 April 2016 | 21.7 | −17.0 | 71,484.1 | 154.7 | 3427.5 | 33.85 |
27 April 2016 | 20.8 | −18.9 | 70,655.0 | −829.1 | 2598.4 | 33.87 |
© 2018 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
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Gad, F.-K.; Hatiris, G.-A.; Loukaidi, V.; Dimitriadou, S.; Drakopoulou, P.; Sioulas, A.; Kapsimalis, V. Long-Term Shoreline Displacements and Coastal Morphodynamic Pattern of North Rhodes Island, Greece. Water 2018, 10, 849. https://doi.org/10.3390/w10070849
Gad F-K, Hatiris G-A, Loukaidi V, Dimitriadou S, Drakopoulou P, Sioulas A, Kapsimalis V. Long-Term Shoreline Displacements and Coastal Morphodynamic Pattern of North Rhodes Island, Greece. Water. 2018; 10(7):849. https://doi.org/10.3390/w10070849
Chicago/Turabian StyleGad, Fragkiska-Karmela, Giorgos-Angelos Hatiris, Vassiliki Loukaidi, Stavroula Dimitriadou, Paraskevi Drakopoulou, Andreas Sioulas, and Vasilios Kapsimalis. 2018. "Long-Term Shoreline Displacements and Coastal Morphodynamic Pattern of North Rhodes Island, Greece" Water 10, no. 7: 849. https://doi.org/10.3390/w10070849
APA StyleGad, F.-K., Hatiris, G.-A., Loukaidi, V., Dimitriadou, S., Drakopoulou, P., Sioulas, A., & Kapsimalis, V. (2018). Long-Term Shoreline Displacements and Coastal Morphodynamic Pattern of North Rhodes Island, Greece. Water, 10(7), 849. https://doi.org/10.3390/w10070849