Observational Characterization of the Synoptic and Mesoscale Circulations in Relation to Crop Dynamics: Belg 2017 in the Gamo Highlands, Ethiopia
:1. Introduction
- How does the topography and presence of lakes induce mesoscale circulations in the Gamo Highlands during the belg season?
- How do the mesoscale circulations interact with the synoptic circulation driven by the ITCZ?
- How do the weather variations resulting from this interaction affect crop growth?
2. Methods
2.1. Description of the GEMS Network Dataset
2.2. ITCZ Progression
2.3. Analysis of the GEMS Dataset
2.4. Potato Crop Field Experiment Trials
2.5. Simulating Crop Growth Variation along Mountain Slope Using the GECROS Model
2.6. Model’s Sensitivity to Changes in the Observed GEMS Network Dataset
3. Results
3.1. Monthly Variability: The Role of Large-Scale Weather Dynamics in the Gamo Highlands
3.2. Mesoscale Dynamics: The Role of Lake Breezes and Mountain Flows in the Gamo Highlands
3.2.1. Day–Night Contrast in February and May Winds
3.2.2. Diurnal Variability of θ and q in February along the Slope
3.3. Large-Scale Dynamics in Modulating Belg Precipitation
3.4. Crop Modeling Using GEMS Network Meteorological Data
3.4.1. Simulated and Modeled Crop Growth Gradient along the SN Transect
3.4.2. Model Sensitivity Experiments
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
- (1)
- How does the topography and presence of lakes induce mesoscale circulations in the Gamo Highlands during the belg season? The observations show a southeasterly lake/valley wind pattern as predominant during the day, and opposing land/mountain winds during the night. These observed patterns are based on the lower potential temperature and a higher specific humidity originated at the lowland stations. However, the signal and pattern of these upslope winds on temperature and humidity in the highland stations were weaker. Precipitation is highly correlated to the increase in elevation.
- (2)
- How do the mesoscale circulations interact with the synoptic circulation driven by the ITCZ? The ITCZ, a synoptic tropical weather system, which moves northward during the belg season, is correlated with the GEMS network SLP data and causes a shift in wind direction and moisture content during its passage. An interesting finding was that the ITCZ and maximum precipitation locations did not coincide. The ITCZ passes the Gamo Highlands overhead in March, but the maximum precipitation is recorded during May.In February, dry air masses originating at the Arabian Peninsula characterized the synoptic scale at the Gamo Highlands. Superimposed to this flows, we observed stronger E to SE lake breezes during daytime, and more localized and weaker mountain winds during nighttime. In May, and due to the northern movement of the ITCZ, the air masses originated at the SE to S reaching the Gamo Highlands are characterized by a high moisture content. Our observations show that precipitation is less often during daytime since the mesoscale winds aligned with the moist and warm SE synoptic winds. During the night, however, the interaction between the synoptic and local flows might facilitate convergence, which enhances cloud formation, and the precipitation conditions.
- (3)
- How do the weather variations resulting from this interaction affect crop growth? The design of the GEMS network in mountain transects, with stations every few hundred meters above 2000 m and sub-hourly observations, was capable of identifying spatial and temporal variations in wind and precipitation in the potato-cropping zone.The observed and modeled potato growth variables such as the length of the growing season (LGS), the maximum plant height, and the yield are clear functions of elevation (Figure 10). Using the crop model experiments, we found that precipitation, increasing with elevation, is by far the most important meteorological variable determining crop growth and yield in the Gamo Highlands. This is probably because other meteorological variables are less limiting.Relevant crop variables, such as the LGS, improve with the new input of the GEMS meteorological observations. The comparison of the attainable yield between the model results and the observations shows that the crop model requires a new calibration to be adjusted to the Ethiopian varieties. New observations of the attainable yield need to be done in the future to consider the field size. This future work will also address the omission of crop yield loss due to diseases higher up the mountains. There, the vegetation is more frequently wet and the growing season lasts longer due to lower temperatures.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Station | Transect | Location | Location Description | Soil a (LULC b) Description | Potato Crop Planting Dates | ||
Lon (°E) | Lat (°N) | Elv (m) | |||||
Arba Minch | Reference | 37.568 | 6.067 | 1200 | A plain farm | Vertisols (crop) | |
Tegecha | SN | 37.573 | 6.161 | 2091 | Near forest (S), valley (W) & mountain (N) | Nitisols (crop, forest) | 5 April 2017 |
Chencha | SN | 37.571 | 6.254 | 2753 | Rural town | Andosols (crop, rural settlement) | 25 March 2017 |
Gircha | SN | 37.564 | 6.302 | 3015 | Open grazing land | Andosols (crop, grazing land) | 7 March 2017 |
Zigiti | EW | 37.459 | 6.073 | 2414 | Near mountain (N) | Nitisols (crop, rural settlement) | |
Gazesso | EW | 37.337 | 6.130 | 2847 | Rural town, near mountain | Andosols (crop, rural settlement) | 2 March 2017 |
AWS | Variables Measured | Sensor Type | Resolution | Accuracy (±) | Update Interval |
Davis Vantage Pro2 + (DVP2) | Incoming shortwave radiation (SW↓) | Silicon photodiode | 1 W∙m−2 | 2% of full scale | 50 s to 1-min |
Temperature (T) | P–N junction silicone diode | 1 °C/ | 0.5 °C/ | 10 s | |
Relative humidity (RH) | Film capacitor element | 1% | 2% | 50 s | |
Precipitation (PPT) | Tipping bucket with magnetic switch | 0.2 mm | greater of 4% or 1 tip | 20 s | |
2 m wind speed (u) | Solid state magnetic sensor | 0.1 m·s−1 | 1 m·s−1 | 2.5 s | |
2 m wind direction (φ) | Wind vane potentiometer | 22.5 on compass rose | 3° | 2.5 s | |
Barometric pressure (SLP) | Davis Instruments 6322 | 0.1 hPa | 1.0 hPa | 1-min | |
Soil moisture tension (ψ) | Watermark | 1 kPa | 77–90 s | ||
Soil temperature (Tsoil) | Precision thermistor | 1 °C | 0.5 °C | 77–90 s | |
Leaf wetness (LW) | Artificial leaf electrical resistance | 1 (0 to 15 range) | 0.5 | 1-min | |
Campbell Scientific (CS) | SW↓ | LI-COR 200 r pyranometer | <1% over 360° | ||
T/RH | CS215-L | 0.10 °C/2.0% | |||
ppt | Pronamics professional rain gauge | 0.1 mm | 2.0% | ||
u/φ | 03001 Wind Sentry Anemometer/Vane | 0.5 m∙s−1/5° |
No. | Experiment | Experiment Name | Description of Input of Meteorological Variables |
0 | Control | Control | 6 variables as observed |
1 | SW↓ | SW↓, avg | 5 variables as observed + belg-averaged SW↓ |
2 | Tmin | Tmin, avg | 5 variables as observed + belg-averaged Tmin |
3 | Tmax | Tmax, avg | 5 variables as observed + belg-averaged Tmax |
4 | PPT | PPTavg | 5 variables as observed + belg-averaged precipitation |
5 | VPD | VPDavg | 5 variables as observed + belg-averaged VPD |
6 | early-belg | Early belg | exchanging May and March observation + other periods as observed |
7 | normal-belg | Normal belg | exchanging May and April observation + other periods as observed |
8 | belg-in-kirmet | Late belg | exchanging May and June observation + other periods as observed |
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Share and Cite
Minda, T.T.; Molen, M.K.v.d.; Heusinkveld, B.G.; Struik, P.C.; De Arellano, J.V.-G. Observational Characterization of the Synoptic and Mesoscale Circulations in Relation to Crop Dynamics: Belg 2017 in the Gamo Highlands, Ethiopia. Atmosphere 2018, 9, 398. https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos9100398
Minda TT, Molen MKvd, Heusinkveld BG, Struik PC, De Arellano JV-G. Observational Characterization of the Synoptic and Mesoscale Circulations in Relation to Crop Dynamics: Belg 2017 in the Gamo Highlands, Ethiopia. Atmosphere. 2018; 9(10):398. https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos9100398
Chicago/Turabian StyleMinda, Thomas T., Michiel K. van der Molen, Bert G. Heusinkveld, Paul C. Struik, and Jordi Vilà-Guerau De Arellano. 2018. "Observational Characterization of the Synoptic and Mesoscale Circulations in Relation to Crop Dynamics: Belg 2017 in the Gamo Highlands, Ethiopia" Atmosphere 9, no. 10: 398. https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos9100398
APA StyleMinda, T. T., Molen, M. K. v. d., Heusinkveld, B. G., Struik, P. C., & De Arellano, J. V.-G. (2018). Observational Characterization of the Synoptic and Mesoscale Circulations in Relation to Crop Dynamics: Belg 2017 in the Gamo Highlands, Ethiopia. Atmosphere, 9(10), 398. https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos9100398