1. Introduction
Biomass burning is a major source of particulate matter in ambient air, with the particles consisting of hundreds of organic and inorganic compounds, causing significant impacts on regional to global air quality [
1], human health [
2] and climate [
3]. The composition of the atmospheric particles depends on diverse factors, such as the original source, the amount of emission, the meteorological conditions and the topography of the area in which generation occurs [
5]. Due to the complex chemical composition of the emissions caused by the burning of biomass, it is not easy to find exact tracers.
Water-soluble organic compounds (WSOC) constitute an important fraction of atmospheric organic matter [
6], representing between 10% and 90% of organic carbon content in atmosphere aerosols, depending on location and season. Primary organic aerosols (POA) and secondary organic aerosols (SOA) are ubiquitous in the atmosphere, and their proportion will largely depend on emission factors and prevailing weather conditions [
7]. In the pyrolysis of plant products rich in cellulose and hemicellulose, a large number of low molecular weight (LMW) polar compounds have been identified, such as anhydrosugars [
8], sugar alcohols [
9], primary sugars and oxalic acid (C
2) [
10], as well as several sugar derivatives [
11]. These compounds are potentially important molecular markers when trying to determine the source of both anthropogenic and natural aerosols and elucidating the processes and pathways of organics in atmospheric aerosols [
12]. The most commonly used organic tracer is levoglucosan, a sugar anhydride produced via pyrolysis of cellulose and hemicelluloses; it is a highly specific molecular marker for biomass burning [
Dicarboxylic acids are another important class of WSOC in the atmosphere. These are produced by primary sources, such as biomass burning and fossil fuel combustion [
16], but the major portion results from photooxidation of organic precursors, so dicarboxylic acids are thus considered, in general, as secondary products [
17]. The diacids significantly change the hygroscopicity of atmospheric aerosols, contributing directly to the earth’s radiation balance by scattering incoming solar radiation, as well as to the increase of cloud condensation nuclei [
19]. For its part, water-soluble potassium (K
+) has been used widely as an inorganic tracer for biomass burning [
In México, climatic factors such as drought, hurricanes, and the El Niño and La Niña phenomena impact directly and indirectly the forested areas of the country, generating conditions that favor the development of forest fires of different magnitude and severity. In recent years, these forest fires have manifested extreme behavior and high resistance to control. In the state of Morelos, the number of fires and the area affected are directly related to human activities and the behavior of hydrometeorological phenomena. Specifically, the behavior of drought, or the lack of relative humidity in the environment, together with the accumulation of dead vegetative material, contributes significantly to the generation of fires [
Despite the relevance of these types of studies, which allow for the evaluation of the impact that these compounds have on the behavior of climate change at the local and global level, in the Mexican Republic, there are few records of the concentration levels of some of these biomarkers [
24]. Specifically, for the state of Morelos, there is no scientific study that has reported the concentration levels of these species.
The aim of the work presented here is to characterize the concentrations of combustion tracers in ambient air, such as levoglucosan, dicarboxylic acids and water-soluble potassium in the urban environment in Morelos, in 2016, between the months of February and August, the period in which the largest number of forest fires occur.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Sampling Sites
The city of Cuernavaca is located in the center of the Mexican Republic, 85 km from Mexico City. According to the last census, it has a population of 365,168 inhabitants [
25] (
Figure 1). Two sites were selected for sampling. The first one, downtown in the city (Centro, Site 1), is an area characterized by high vehicular and commercial activity. The second site is located north of the city, within the Autonomous University of the State of Morelos (Center of Chemical Research, CIQ for its acronym in Spanish, Site 2), and is surrounded by a variety of vegetation. The sampling sites were selected according to 40 CFR Part 58 Appendix A of the USEPA Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), taking into account the geographical characteristics, relevant anthropogenic activities and behavior of the meteorological variables [
2.2. Sampling of Airborne Particles
Sampling was done between February and August 2016. The particulate material was collected on fiberglass filters of 47 mm diameter and 2.0 µm pore size (Whatman, Darmstadt, Germany), which were conditioned in an oven at 550 °C for 30 min, and then transferred to a desiccator for 24 h. A low-volume (5.0 L min−1) sampler (MiniVol™ TAS, Eugene, OR, USA) was used, equipped with a 2.5 µm impactor. Sampling was carried out for periods of 24 h (12:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.). Gravimetric analysis was carried out under controlled room temperature and humidity (22 ± 3 °C, 40% ± 5%). Before weighing, the filters were stabilized for 24 h. Three blank filters per month were used as laboratory blanks. Each filter was weighed at least three times and the three readings had to agree within 5 micrograms to be accepted. The detection limit was calculated as 3 × SD of the mass change in the blank filters divided by the volume of the corresponding exposure time (24 h). The detection limit for the measurements was 0.92 mgm−3. The mass determination of PM2.5 was performed by weighing the filters before and after the collection period with a 0.1 µg sensitivity microbalance (Citizen CX-220™, Parwanoo, India). The concentration of PM2.5 in the atmosphere in mgm−3 was obtained by dividing the mass by the volume of filtered air, adjusted to conditions of standard temperature and pressure (25 °C and 760 mm Hg).
2.3. Meteorological Parameters and Criteria Pollutants
Simultaneously, meteorological parameters were monitored at both sites (temperature, relative humidity, solar radiation, wind speed and wind direction). Additionally, only at Site 1, criteria pollutant data were obtained (O
3, SO
2, NOx and CO) (
Table 1).
2.4. Extraction of Water-Soluble Organic Compounds
The sampled filters were placed in polypropylene tubes, and then 8.0 mL of Milli-Q water was added to each tube and extracted in an ultrasound bath (Branson 3210) for 1.0 h. The Erlenmeyer flasks in which the filters were introduced were fitted with cooled condensers with water at 10 °C; then the extracts were filtered through nylon membranes with a pore size 0.45 µm. Once the extracts were filtered, they were transferred to injection vials and stored at approximately 4 °C, until chromatographic analysis.
2.5. Chromatographic Analysis
The analysis of the WSOC was carried out by using Ultra-High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (UHPLC) in an Agilent 1290 Infinity LC System, coupled to a quadrupole-time-of-flight (Agilent Q-TOF 6545 mass spectrometer), equipped with an electrospray ionization source (ESI). The ESI-MS conditions were optimized by injection of single standard at a concentration of 100 ng mL
−1 of four compounds (levoglucosan and glutaric, malonic and succinic acids), in both positive and negative ionization mode. No signal was recorded in positive mode. Highly abundant analytes signals were detected in negative mode.
Table 2 shows optimal instrumental operating conditions.
For the separation of compounds, a Zorbax Rapid Resolution High Definition SB-C18 column with a 2.1 mm internal diameter × 50 mm and a particle pore size of 1.8 µm was used. The mobile phase was a solution of NH
4OH 13 mM in methanol:water (85:15), which was used in isocratic mode. The identification of the compounds was carried out by the retention time and the molecular ion (
Table 3).
Meanwhile the analysis of soluble potassium (K+) was determined by ion chromatography (CI, Metrohm model 861 Advanced Compact with conductivity detector), without chemical suppression in a Metrosep C2_150 (Metrohm) column; the mobile phase was a solution of tartaric–dipicolinic acid (4.0:0.75 mM) at a flow rate of 1 mL min−1. The injection volume was 50 μL.
Calibrations for all studied compounds were based on serial dilutions from a stock solution made by dissolving individual compounds in solid form. Each calibration graph was made with five concentration points. The concentration range for levoglucosan and carboxylic acids was between 50 and 5000 ng mL−1, while for K+, this was between 50 and 1000 ng mL−1.
2.6. Quality Control of the Analytical Methods
To exclude the presence of the compounds of interest in the materials and reagents used, laboratory targets were done once a week. The extraction efficiency was determined by enriching filters with a mixture of the compounds studied at a concentration of 100 ppb for levoglucosan, malonic acid, succinic acid and glutaric acid and 500 ppb for K
+. The enriched filters were extracted in the same way as the samples; the recovery percentages ranged from 80% to 85%. Furthermore, from the linear regression data, the detection limit of the method (LD) and quantification (LC) were determined, as well as the correlation coefficient (R) according to Miller and Miller (2002) [
27] (
Table 4).
2.7. Wind Trajectories
To determine the behavior of winds in the study area, HYSPLIT4 model trajectories, obtained from the NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), were used [
28]. During the study period, two patterns were observed with respect to the direction of the winds. The first occurred between February and April; in these months, the winds came mainly from the west–southwest. During the second period, from May to July, they came mainly from the east–southeast (
Figure 2).
4. Conclusions
This is the first study carried out in Cuernavaca in which the concentration of molecular markers associated with the burning of biomass was determined. It is clearly observed how, in the fire season, the concentration of such compounds is significantly increased, which contributes significantly to the deterioration of air quality in this zone and has possible implications for climate change.
The impact of biomass burning was observed by means of tracers such as levoglucosan and K+. The results showed that the high PM2.5 concentrations and molecular tracers coincided with the fire season. The C3/C4 ratio observed in this study suggested that, in the urban area of Cuernavaca, photochemical processes regulate, to a large extent, the presence of the dicarboxylic acids studied. Likewise, the K+/levoglucosan ratio reveals the relevance of open fires in the region’s air quality.
The Factor Analysis gave us an overview of the possible contribution of sources of the compounds studied in the region, however, to make a more precise estimate of the possible sources, it is required to apply more advanced models, such as PMF and CMB. These software programs will be applied in the next stage of the project, in which more sampling sites and more samples will be considered.
Finally, these results constitute a call to the environmental authorities for attention to the implementation of environmental education campaigns, as well as for the generation of strategies that allow for prevention, to a large extent, of the indiscriminate burning of plant material.