The Influence of Stratospheric Sulphate Aerosol Deployment on the Surface Air Temperature and the Risk of an Abrupt Global Warming
:1. Introduction
2. Methods and Models
2.1. Scenario Description
2.2. The OGI Climate Model
2.3. Adapting the OGI Climate Model to the Experiment
2.3.1. Parameter adjustments
2.3.2. GHG abundances
2.3.3. Sulphate aerosol layer due to geoengineering
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Testing the Performance of the OGI Climate Model
3.1.1. The eruption of Mount Pinatubo
3.1.2. The A1B SRES scenario
3.2. Geoengineering Deployment
3.2.1. Loading equivalent to Pinatubo’s eruption kept constant through injections
3.2.2. Loading equivalent to Pinatubo’s eruption increasing every year
- a)
- The loading injected increases by 1.9 % every year:
- b)
- The loading injected increases by 1.18 % every year:
3.2.3. Loading equivalent to half of the amount injected by Pinatubo’s eruption increasing by 1.9% every year
3.3. Geoengineering Failure Scenarios
3.3.1. Injections interrupted at 2030, 2050, 2075 and 2090 with a constant aerosol loading
3.3.2. Injections interrupted at 2050 and 2090 with a loading equivalent to half of the Pinatubo’s eruption increasing by 1.9% every year
3.3.3. Injections interrupted at 2050 with different aerosol loadings
3.4. Shortcomings of This Geoengineering Scheme
4. Conclusions
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Llanillo, P.; Jones, P.D.; Von Glasow, R. The Influence of Stratospheric Sulphate Aerosol Deployment on the Surface Air Temperature and the Risk of an Abrupt Global Warming. Atmosphere 2010, 1, 62-84.
Llanillo P, Jones PD, Von Glasow R. The Influence of Stratospheric Sulphate Aerosol Deployment on the Surface Air Temperature and the Risk of an Abrupt Global Warming. Atmosphere. 2010; 1(1):62-84.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLlanillo, Pedro, Phil D. Jones, and Roland Von Glasow. 2010. "The Influence of Stratospheric Sulphate Aerosol Deployment on the Surface Air Temperature and the Risk of an Abrupt Global Warming" Atmosphere 1, no. 1: 62-84.
APA StyleLlanillo, P., Jones, P. D., & Von Glasow, R. (2010). The Influence of Stratospheric Sulphate Aerosol Deployment on the Surface Air Temperature and the Risk of an Abrupt Global Warming. Atmosphere, 1(1), 62-84.