Oceanic Dimethyl Sulfide Emission and New Particle Formation around the Coast of Antarctica: A Modeling Study of Seasonal Variations and Comparison with Measurements
:1. Introduction
2. Global Size-resolved Aerosol Model
3. Simulations and Results
3.1. General Features
3.2. Comparison to Long-term Measurements
3.3. Vertical Profiles
3.4. Sensitivity Study: Impact of DMS Emission Variation and Contribution of BHN
month | observation | Case_ | Case_ | Case_ | Case_ |
1 | 643 | 685 | 798 | 468 | 76 |
Average | 311 | 304 | 364 | 217 | 85 |
r | 0.87 | 0.85 | 0.88 | 0.67 | |
NMB | −0.02 | 0.17 | −0.30 | −0.73 |
4. Summary
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Yu, F.; Luo, G. Oceanic Dimethyl Sulfide Emission and New Particle Formation around the Coast of Antarctica: A Modeling Study of Seasonal Variations and Comparison with Measurements. Atmosphere 2010, 1, 34-50. https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos1010034
Yu F, Luo G. Oceanic Dimethyl Sulfide Emission and New Particle Formation around the Coast of Antarctica: A Modeling Study of Seasonal Variations and Comparison with Measurements. Atmosphere. 2010; 1(1):34-50. https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos1010034
Chicago/Turabian StyleYu, Fangqun, and Gan Luo. 2010. "Oceanic Dimethyl Sulfide Emission and New Particle Formation around the Coast of Antarctica: A Modeling Study of Seasonal Variations and Comparison with Measurements" Atmosphere 1, no. 1: 34-50. https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos1010034
APA StyleYu, F., & Luo, G. (2010). Oceanic Dimethyl Sulfide Emission and New Particle Formation around the Coast of Antarctica: A Modeling Study of Seasonal Variations and Comparison with Measurements. Atmosphere, 1(1), 34-50. https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos1010034