Association Mapping for Common Bunt Resistance in Wheat Landraces and Cultivars
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Plant Materials
2.2. Phenotyping Reaction to Common Bunt
2.3. Statistical Analysis
2.4. Genotyping and Genome-Wide Association Analysis
3. Results
3.1. Common Bunt Infection Scoring
3.2. Genome-Wide Analysis of Common Bunt Resistance
4. Discussion
4.1. Reaction to Common Bunt in the Field
4.2. Distribution of Polymorphic Markers
4.3. Genome Wide Association Analysis
4.4. QTLs Identified for Common Bunt Resistance
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Infection | Type | 2011 (%) | 2012 (%) | Average (%) |
Minimum | spring | 12 | 4 | 19 |
winter | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
Maximum | spring | 92 | 54 | 60 |
winter | 100 | 73 | 82 | |
Mean | spring | 49 | 25 | 36 |
winter | 43 | 27 | 35 | |
all | 44 | 27 | 35 |
Chromo-Some | n | Average Distance (cM) | Maximum Distance (cM) |
1A | 130 | 1.2 | 19.6 |
2A | 63 | 1.9 | 15.1 |
3A | 61 | 3.5 | 29.5 |
4A | 60 | 1.8 | 54.5 |
5A | 25 | 5.0 | 60.9 |
6A | 125 | 0.9 | 34.5 |
7A | 85 | 2.1 | 28.9 |
1B | 93 | 1.2 | 15.1 |
2B | 124 | 1.1 | 9.2 |
3B | 132 | 1.0 | 12.9 |
4B | 33 | 3.5 | 27.1 |
5B | 76 | 2.1 | 20.7 |
6B | 104 | 1.3 | 20.0 |
7B | 66 | 3.5 | 69.6 |
1D | 36 | 2.6 | 14.6 |
2D | 41 | 2.8 | 27.8 |
3D | 46 | 3.5 | 95.4 |
4D | 3 | 24.3 | 0 |
5D | 2 | 80.9 | 76.4 |
6D | 20 | 6.7 | 94.1 |
7D | 127 | 1.4 | 56.3 |
A genome | 549 | 2.3 | 60.9 |
B genome | 628 | 2.0 | 69.6 |
D genome | 275 | 17.5 | 95.4 |
QTL | Marker | Chr. | Pos. cM | Pos. Mbp | MAF | Year | Scale | p | q | P perm. | r2 | Effect |
QCbt.cph-2B | wPt.744022 | 2B | 10.88 | 1591 | 0.41 | 2011 | Log1–9 | 0.00001 | 0.016 | 0.00011 | 0.07 | 0.76 |
QCbt.cph-2B | wPt.0100 | 2B | 4.21 | 655 | 0.49 | 2011 | Log1–9 | 0.00006 | 0.042 | 0.00011 | 0.06 | 0.68 |
QCbt.cph-7A | tPt.6221 | 7A | 55.13 | 4369 | 0.05 | Mean | Log1–2 | 0.000004 | 0.005 | 0.00003 | 0.08 | 0.23 |
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Steffan, P.M.; Borgen, A.; Torp, A.M.; Backes, G.; Rasmussen, S.K. Association Mapping for Common Bunt Resistance in Wheat Landraces and Cultivars. Agronomy 2022, 12, 642.
Steffan PM, Borgen A, Torp AM, Backes G, Rasmussen SK. Association Mapping for Common Bunt Resistance in Wheat Landraces and Cultivars. Agronomy. 2022; 12(3):642.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSteffan, Philipp Matthias, Anders Borgen, Anna Maria Torp, Gunter Backes, and Søren K. Rasmussen. 2022. "Association Mapping for Common Bunt Resistance in Wheat Landraces and Cultivars" Agronomy 12, no. 3: 642.
APA StyleSteffan, P. M., Borgen, A., Torp, A. M., Backes, G., & Rasmussen, S. K. (2022). Association Mapping for Common Bunt Resistance in Wheat Landraces and Cultivars. Agronomy, 12(3), 642.