2.1. Site Description, Experimental Design, and Cultural Practices
In 2013, three independent experiments were conducted at the University of Minnesota Sand Plain Research Farm near Becker, MN (approximately 45°23′17″ N, 93°53′20″ W; 295 m above sea level). The soil at the study sites was a Hubbord-Mosford loamy sand complex (sandy, mixed, frigid Entic Hapludolls and sandy, mixed, frigid Typic Hapludolls). The soil texture was loamy sand for the 0- to 45-cm depth layers and sand for the 45- to 100-cm depth layers. The mean content of sand, silt, and clay, respectively, was 860, 60, and 80 g kg
−1 for the 0- to 45-cm soil depth and 930, 10, and 60 g kg
−1 for the 45- to 100-cm soil depth. The soil water content was 0.176 m
3 m
−3 at field capacity and 0.084 m
3 m
−3 at permanent wilting point within the 0- to 45-cm depth, and 0.105 m
3 m
−3 at field capacity and 0.035 m
3 m
−3 at wilting point within the 45- to 100-cm soil depth [
The three experiments were established in close proximity in the same year to make use of spatial and temporal uniformity to increase the accuracy of the results. This enabled precise and timely irrigation application to simulate the drought stress conditions as desired in all three fields without the confounding effects of differences in weather and soil. Each experiment was planted to maize following different previous crops, which were three-year-old alfalfa (
Medicago sativa L.), soybean [
Glycine max (L.) Merr.], and winter rye (
Secale cereale L.) following soybean. Alfalfa and winter rye were terminated with herbicide 10 days before maize planting. All experiments were moldboard plowed seven days before maize planting, then field cultivated and culti-packed on the day of planting. Each experiment evaluated all combinations of three durations of drought stress, two maize hybrids, and three N fertilizer rates using a split-plot arrangement of these 18 treatments in a randomized complete block design with four replications. Main plot treatments were a duration of drought stress and subplots were a factorial arrangement of hybrid and N fertilizer rate. Each main plot was 6.0 m wide by 11.9 m long, and each subplot was 3.0 m wide by 4.0 m long, with maize planted in rows spaced 76 cm apart. The three durations of drought stress were: (i) a well-watered control, restoring soil water content to field capacity at frequent intervals throughout the growing season; (ii) sustained moderate drought stress from the 14 leaf collar maize phenological stage (V14) to maize physiological maturity (R6); and (iii) sustained moderate drought from R2 to R6. Sustained moderate drought stress in this study resulted in maize leaf rolling beginning around mid-day on nearly every day during the drought-stress period, except on days immediately following irrigation or precipitation. The V14 and R2 stages were selected for the onset of drought stress because maize is most sensitive to drought during the late vegetative to early reproductive stages [
35], and drought commonly begins around these stages in maize growing regions worldwide [
33]. Two maize hybrids were used: (i) a designated drought-tolerant hybrid, NK Brand N42Z-3011A, reported to have non-transgenic drought tolerance with a relative maturity rating of 99 and maximum yield potential in all growing environments; and (ii) a comparable standard hybrid, NK Brand N36A-3000GT, reported to have a relative maturity rating of 96 and maximum yield in optimum growing conditions.
The three N fertilizer rates were sub-optimal, optimal, and supra-optimal, representing N rates that were 50, 100, and 150%, respectively, of the expected economically optimum N rate for grain yield. Optimum N fertilizer rates for grain yield were 123, 168, and 213 kg N ha
−1 for maize following alfalfa, soybean, and winter rye, respectively, based on research summarized by Rehm et al. [
47] and Kaiser et al. [
48] for highly productive irrigated sandy soils. Nitrogen was applied as NH
3, with 45 kg N ha
−1 broadcast immediately after planting and the remaining amount sidedressed as a surface band 10 cm to the side of each maize row at the six leaf collar maize phenological stage.
Maize was planted on 23 May 2013 in all the experiments. A plant density of 81,500 plants ha
−1 was achieved by hand thinning at the one leaf collar maize phenological stage. Preemergence and postemergence herbicides were used to control weeds. Additional details on the experimental sites and cultural practices are provided by Ao et al. [
2.2. Soil Water Content Measurement and Irrigation Management
The soil water content was measured for the 0- to 20-, 20- to 40-, 40- to 60-, 60- to 80-, and 80- to 100-cm soil layers using a time domain reflectometry soil moisture sensor (TRIME-PICO IPH/T3, IMKO GmbH, Ettlingen, Germany) that was inserted into polyvinylchloride access tubes (Schedule 40, 5.25 cm id). The instrument was calibrated using bulk soil samples collected within the experimental plot area where maize followed soybean [
49]. Five days after planting, the access tubes were inserted 1.0 m deep into the soil after boring holes with a reverse-taper bit on a hydraulically-driven soil tube (Giddings Machine Co., Windsor, CO, USA). Within a plot, the tubes were positioned between the center two maize rows at 9.5 and 28.5 cm from one of the rows. Due to time constraints for tube placement and frequent measurement of soil water content throughout the season, the access tubes were placed in the selected treatments that were chosen based on their potential to provide meaningful treatment comparisons. In the experiment where the previous crop was soybean, access tubes were placed in all replications of treatments of both hybrids receiving the optimal N rate and all three durations of drought stress. In the experiments where the previous crop was alfalfa or winter rye, access tubes were placed in all replications of treatments of the drought-tolerant hybrid receiving the optimal N rate and all three durations of drought stress, and in the treatment combination representing the optimal N rate, standard hybrid, and drought stress from V14 to R6.
At the time of maize emergence, three soil cores per block (i.e., replication) in each experiment were collected from the 0- to 1.0-m depth using a hydraulically driven soil tube with an inner diameter of 4.1 cm. Each soil core was separated into 20-cm increments and gravimetric soil water content was determined using the oven-drying method [
50]. Gravimetric soil water content was then converted to volumetric soil water content and the sum of the values from the 0- to 1.0-m depth was considered as soil water storage at maize emergence. From the 12 leaf collar maize phenological stage (V12), prior to the application of different irrigation amounts to the drought stress treatments, until R6, soil water content was measured from plots with access tubes once per week unless precipitation occurred, in which case measurements were postponed to the day before the scheduled irrigation (six- to eight-day intervals). Total soil water content in the 0- to 1.0-m soil profile was used to calculate soil water deficit to determine irrigation water application from the 10 leaf collar maize phenological stage until R6, and for estimating ET
a throughout the period of measurement [
52] as described in the following sections. A sampling depth of 1.0 m was used for this study because (i) in these sand-dominated soils, the effective root zone is ≤1.0 m; and (ii) sand content in the 80- to 100-cm soil layer was 93% with a field capacity of 68 g kg
−1 and a wilting point of 17 g kg
−1; thus, plant available water is minimal in this soil layer and also in those below it. Actual crop evapotranspiration, K
cb, and CWP were calculated for the selected treatments containing access tubes for measurement of soil water content, while IWP was determined for all experimental treatments, representing all combinations of three water treatments, three N rates, and two hybrids in each experiment.
Uniform irrigation was applied in all drought stress treatments using a solid-set sprinkler system from the 3 to 10 leaf collar maize phenological stages, and using an on-surface drip irrigation system from V12 to the mid-dent maize phenological stage (R5.5) [
53]. The drip irrigation system for each experiment had an automated shut-off valve to apply the precise amount of water in each treatment. The drip tapes were connected to polyethylene header pipes (3.85 cm id) spaced 11.9 m apart and located at the front of each main plot (i.e., drought stress treatment). There was one line of drip tape on each side of every maize row. Each line of drip tape was placed 19 cm from the maize row and had emitters spaced at 15 cm intervals to achieve uniform distribution of water. One maize row was planted between each pair of adjacent main plots to mitigate edge effects resulting from differential water application. These buffer rows were fertilized with the 50% N rate and did not receive drip irrigation. For treatments with drought stress beginning at V14 and R2, irrigation was limited prior to V14 (21 July) and R2 (12 August), respectively, to achieve the desired moderate drought stress at V14 and R2. Compared to the well-watered control, the treatments with drought stress commencing at V14 and R2 received reduced amounts of water through drip irrigation beginning at the 12 and 16 leaf collar maize phenological stages, respectively.
A modified checkbook method [
54] was used to determine the irrigation amount to apply twice each week. Daily potential crop evapotranspiration was estimated using reference ET
o [
23], weekly volumetric soil moisture data, precipitation, and previous irrigation amounts. At each irrigation event, the amount of water applied in the well-watered treatment brought the soil moisture level back to field capacity, and the amount of water applied in the treatments with drought stress was 60 to 70% of that applied in the well-watered control [
49]. Additionally, for every irrigation decision, a visual observation of maize and the weather forecast of the following few days were taken into consideration. Additional details on drip irrigation management for the treatments are described by Ao et al. [
2.4. Crop Coefficient, Soil Water Balance, and Evapotranspiration
Daily grass reference evapotranspiration was calculated using the Penman-Monteith equation [
51]. Daily air temperature and precipitation were obtained from an onsite weather station, maintained and managed by the University of Minnesota. Solar radiation, wind speed, and relative humidity were obtained from the nearest USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service Soil Climate Analysis Network (SCAN) weather station [
56] located 6.4 km away at Crescent Lake, MN (SCAN Site Crescent Lake #1; 45°25′ N, 93°57′ W; 299 m above sea level) [
57]. Vegetation at this SCAN weather station site is grass and the soil is classified as Hubbard sandy loam (sandy, mixed, frigid Entic Hapludolls). The soil texture is sandy loam for the 0- to 23-cm depth layer, loamy sand for the 23- to 38-cm depth layer, and sand for the 38- to 203-cm depth layers. The SCAN weather stations receive annual preventative maintenance and sensor repair [
55]. Incoming hourly data from SCAN weather stations are automatically validated, and values occurring beyond pre-established limits are identified and subsequently evaluated for accuracy based on plots of data over time and comparisons with data for other weather variables from different sensors [
Daily ET
c was estimated as the product of (K
cb + K
e) and ET
o [
23], and was used to calculate deep percolation in the water balance equation. The K
cb was calculated using the dual K
c approach, accounting for the water-stress coefficient (K
s). Dual K
c is the sum of K
cb and K
e, reduced by water stress with drought conditions:
where K
cb is the basal crop coefficient, K
s is the water stress coefficient, and K
e is the soil evaporation coefficient. All terms are unitless.
The basal crop coefficient was calculated for three phases of maize phenological development, representing initial (from the date of emergence to the three leaf collar stage), mid-season (from the 10 leaf collar stage to R5.5), and late-season (from R5.5 to R6) growth phases (K
cb ini, K
cb mid, and K
cb end, respectively) according to Allen et al. [
23]. In all experiments, the maize canopy covered ≥80% of the soil surface at the 10 leaf collar stage of maize phenological development, supporting the use of this crop stage as the beginning of the mid-season growth phase [
23]. During rapid canopy development, which in this study was taken from the 3 to 10 leaf collar maize phenological stages, K
cb is assumed to increase linearly between K
cb ini and K
cb mid, at which time the full canopy cover reduces K
e to minimum values [
23]. The values for K
cb ini, K
cb mid, and K
cb end from Allen et al. [
23] were used to calculate ET
c. When the daily mean minimum relative humidity was different from 45% or when wind speed (
u2) at 2 m was different from 2.0 m s
−1, K
cb mid and K
cb end values were adjusted as:
where K
cb (Table) is the value for K
cb mid or K
cb end (if ≥0.45) from Allen et al. [
u2 is the mean value for daily wind speed at a 2-m height over grass during the mid- or late-season growth phase (m s
−1) for 1 m s
−1 ≤
u2 ≤ 6 m s
−1, RH
min is the mean daily minimum relative humidity during the mid- or late-season growth phase (%) for 20% ≤ RH
min ≤ 80%, and h is the mean height of maize during the mid- or late-season phase (m) for 20% ≤ RH
min ≤ 80%. The K
s was estimated according to Allen et al. [
23] as:
for D
r > (p)TAW, where K
s is a dimensionless transpiration reduction factor based on soil water content (0–1), TAW is total available soil water in the crop root zone (mm), D
r is root zone depletion (mm), and p is fraction of TAW that a crop can extract from the root zone without suffering water stress. The value of p was assumed to be 0.59, based on the recommendation of Allen et al. [
23] for maize on coarse-textured soils.
The soil evaporation coefficient describes the evaporation components of ET
c. When surface soil is wet following rain or irrigation, K
e is maximum; when surface soil is dry, K
e is small or zero. The K
e was determined as [
where K
r is the dimensionless evaporation reduction coefficient, K
c max is the maximum value of K
c following precipitation or irrigation, and f
ew is the portion of soil that is exposed to solar radiation and wetted. Additional details regarding these equations used for calculating K
cb, K
e, and K
s are provided by Allen et al. [
Actual ET
a was calculated on six- to eight-day intervals using the water balance equation [
where P is precipitation, I is irrigation, R is surface runoff, D is deep percolation below the measured crop root zone, C is capillary rise, ΔSF is change in the horizontal subsurface water flux within the root zone, and ΔS is change in soil water storage during the measured time interval. All terms are in millimeters per unit time. The ΔS was determined using gravimetric soil moisture content measured at maize emergence and volumetric soil moisture content measured at regular intervals from V12 to R6 according to Equation (1).
Deep percolation was estimated using daily precipitation, soil water content at the time of planting, dates and amounts of irrigation water supplied, effective crop rooting depth, crop phenology, and soil properties. Deep percolation was calculated as follows [
where D
j is deep percolation on day
j, P
j is precipitation on day
j, I
j is irrigation on day
j, R
j is precipitation and/or irrigation runoff from the soil surface on day
j, ET
cj is crop evapotranspiration on day
j, and ΔCD
j-1 is cumulative depletion depth in the root zone at the end of day
j–1. All terms are in millimeters per unit time. Surface runoff from the experimental sites was estimated using the curve number method, with a curve number of 75 based on land use and soil properties of the sites [
It was assumed that subsurface upward water flux and capillary rise were negligible in the sand and loamy sand soil. Therefore, the soil water balance equation for ET
a calculation was reduced to:
For comparative purposes, actual seasonal basal crop coefficient (K
ab) was determined following a modified approach used by previous researchers for K
cb calculation under deficit irrigation [
60]. The K
ab was calculated on six- to eight-day intervals using estimated ET
o and evaporation (E) according to the equations from Allen et al. [
23], and ET
a was calculated from the field data for the well-watered control and the two treatments with sustained moderate drought stress as:
where ET
a is actual crop ET (mm d
−1) and ET
o is reference ET (mm d
−1). Field-based K
s was computed using calculated ET
a and estimated ET
c based on K
cb and Allen et al. [
23] as:
Crop water productivity and IWP of maize were calculated using modified equations from Payero et al. [
where CWP is crop water productivity (kg m
−3), GY is maize grain yield (g m
−2), ET
a is total seasonal actual crop evapotranspiration (mm), IWP is irrigation water productivity (kg m
−3), and I is total seasonal irrigation for a given drought stress treatment (mm).
The date of emergence was 31 May for all treatments and the date of R6 was 24, 20, and 18 September for the well-watered control and the treatments with drought stress beginning at V14 and R2, respectively. Reference evapotranspiration, ET
a, average K
ab mid, CWP, and IWP were calculated using a spreadsheet software program from maize emergence to 24 September for all three durations of drought stress. Additionally, we calculated growth-stage-specific K
ab using K
ab computed at six- to eight-day intervals from the 10 leaf collar maize phenological stage to R6 from the experiment where maize followed soybean. All possible precautions were taken to achieve precision in the measurement of soil water content and calculation of water balance components [
62]. However, this study used the soil water balance approach to estimate ET
a, which is based on calculations that are reliant upon book values and assumptions. A more direct approach of measuring the influx and efflux of soil water into the crop root zone, such as weight-based lysimetry, may produce more representative estimates of ET
a [