1. Introduction
Composite insulators have been widely utilized in China’s power system due to their excellent hydrophobicity and pollution-flashover-resistance characteristics [
3]. HTV silicone rubber (SIR) is the main material used in the composite insulator shed. The chemical composition of SIR is based on the Si-O bond, which works as the main chain, and the hydrophobic methyl or vinyl groupworks as the branch chain [
4]. According to previous research, the aging phenomenon of SIR is caused by environmental stress factors, such as ultraviolet light, humidity, and temperature. Further, the aging of SIR can lead to serious disadvantages, such as chalking (where certain particles of fill form a rough or powdery surface), damage, and hydrophobicity decrement [
8]. Since insulators operate in the outdoor environment, their performance is greatly affected by environmental stress factors. These potential issues will affect not only the stable operation of composite insulators but also the reliability of the power system. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the aging state and aging patterns of SIR and to conclude the deterioration law of composite insulators, which will help ensure the safety and reliability of transmission networks.
The insulator sheds are an important and functional component of composite insulators. To enhance the reliability of composite insulators, researchers worldwide have investigated the aging phenomenon of insulator sheds. Some studies are focusing on the aging characteristics under different years and natural environments. Mavrikakis et al. [
9] analyzed the hydrophobicity of aged 380 kV composite insulator samples with a service life of more than ten years and found that the insulator surface had become hydrophilic. This resulted in increased electric field intensity in certain areas, which exceeded the corona onset threshold and led to corona discharge on the insulator surface. Additionally, the corona further degraded the surface and accelerated the aging process. Zhou et al. [
10] compared the difference in reflectivity of the Si-O-Si main chain and Si-CH
3 side-chain in an insulator shed. The study concluded that long-term pollution and ultraviolet radiation were the primary causes of aging. Zhang et al. [
11] found that the performance improvement of composite insulators by de-chalking treatment was inconsistent, and the chemical composition of the surface after removal of the chalking layer could be restored to a state similar to the SIR. Mu L et al. [
12] observed that as the service time of composite insulators increased, the hardness of composite insulators increased. The increase in micropores and filler precipitation can lead to decreased tear strength, potentially damaging the shed and reducing insulation strength.
Researchers have studied the aging characteristics under the artificial aging tests conducted in the laboratory. Yao et al. [
13] selected various SIR materials to undergo corona discharge aging tests and analyzed the impact of corona discharge on the aging properties. Liang et al. [
15] explored how factors such as contamination degree, aging duration, and environmental humidity affected the hydrophobicity and flashover voltage of SIR subjected to corona aging; meanwhile, the influence of surface discharge properties on flashover voltage was also analyzed in the study. Zhang et al. [
16] investigated the mechanical properties before and after the experiment, revealing that the surface discharge became stronger with the increase in the applied voltage, leading to a reduction in hydrophobicity, degradation of surface properties, and a continued degradation in the mechanical properties of SIR exposed to acidic conditions. Jiang et al. [
17] studied the fog-flashover characteristics of polluted insulators under different conductivity salt-fog environments using the artificial pollution test method. Wang et al. [
18] studied the flashover characteristics of post insulators in a haze environment by simulating the haze environment. Scholars have extensively researched the corona aging characteristics of SIR and the flashover characteristics of composite insulators; however, the various aging methods and environments can introduce deviations in the test results.
The aging condition of composite insulators operating under high voltage for extended periods remains unclear, especially for those operating at 500 kV and above for over ten years [
21]; moreover, the impact of mechanical and microscopic changes in the pulverized insulator shed on the power system is uncertain. Therefore, it is important to study the pulverization phenomenon of composite insulators. This article visually inspected the appearance status of 500 kV composite insulators that operated for 18 years. Furthermore, a natural pollution accumulation test and pollution flashover test were carried out, as well as detailed hydrophobicity, mechanical properties, and a pollution degree test. Upon comparing with the insulator operation standards and the new SIR sample, the reasons for the overall decline in the external insulation performance of composite insulators were revealed. This study could provide valuable insights for predicting the lifespan of insulators and optimizing operational protection measures.
4. Conclusions
In this paper, key parameters such as mechanical properties, electrical properties, and the microstructure of the shed along the string of composite insulators in 500 kV (DC) operation were studied. The experimental results were compared with a new insulator sample and the current standard. The main conclusions can be drawn as follows.
The roughness of the area with thick natural pollution is small, whereas the chalking areas showed significantly higher roughness, where the maximum Ra value is 27.131. FTIR analysis reveals that aging causes the main chain of PDMS to break, damaging its skeleton structure and causing filler loss, which is the reason for the increase in hardness of the insulator shed. In addition, the tensile mechanical properties of the test insulator shed failed to meet the operating requirements. Moreover, the hydrophobicity is significantly reduced because the hydrolysis reaction increases the hydrophilic group-OH and decreases the non-polar group -CH3, which leads to polarized insulator sheds.
Under the dry flashover state, the flashover characteristics of the aged insulator do not decrease much, while the samples could not show fine electrical properties in wet environments and salt-spray environments, which is consistent with the results of the hardness and hydrophobicity tests. The flashover voltage of wet flashover and pollution flashover of the grounding end is higher than that of the middle part, which is speculated to be related to the strong insulation performance of the insulator shed itself and the loss of filth and pulverization layer in the wet environment. The breakdown strength of the sample at the high-voltage end is the lowest, which is only 53% of the new sample. The high-voltage end sample can no longer meet the standard requirements, while the breakdown strength of the middle and grounding-end samples could still meet the standard’s requirements.
Natural pollution and chalking exist on the surface of the insulator sheds. The aging degree of the high-voltage end is the most serious. Aging leads to a decrease in the properties of SIR, including increased hardness, reduced hydrophobicity, reduced mechanical properties, and decreased electrical properties. It has an important reference value for insulator life prediction and operation protection. As for suspended insulators, their aging characteristics may be different from those of dead-end insulators, so these differences need to be considered when formulating maintenance strategies.