Innovative Biobased and Sustainable Polymer Packaging Solutions for Extending Bread Shelf Life: A Review
:1. Introduction
2. The Bread: Characteristics and Problems Related to the Packaging
2.1. Main Features and Characteristics of the Bread Typologies
2.2. Current Packaging Technologies Employed for Bread Products
2.3. Volatile Compounds Involved in Bread Aroma: Their Development and Packaging-Related Problems
2.4. Factors Affecting Shelf Life of Bread and Bakery Products
2.5. Problems to Overcome for Slowing the Spoilage
3. Active Biomolecules for Improving Bread Shelf Life
3.1. Oxygen Barrier
3.2. Water Vapor Barrier
3.3. Antimicrobial Properties
3.4. Antioxidant Properties
3.5. Protective Agents and/or Biopreservatives for Bread Packaging
3.5.1. Essential Oils
3.5.2. Lactic Acid Bacteria and Their Metabolites
4. Promising Biobased Biopolymeric Matrices for Bread Packaging
4.1. Starch-Based Materials
4.2. Cellulose-Based and Lignin-Based Materials
4.3. Polylactic-Acid-Based Materials
4.4. PHA-Based Materials
4.5. Other Completely or Partially Biobased Polymeric Matrices
5. Market Challenges of Innovative Biobased/Biodegradable Packaging Solutions for Bread and Bakery Products
5.1. Current Status of Packaging Solutions for Bread and Barriers to Overcome for Biobased/Biosegradable Solutions
5.2. Examples of Biobased Innovative Solutions on the Market for Bread and Bakery Products
5.3. Material Savings for Improving Bread Shelf life through Personalized Design and/or Processing Optimization
5.4. Future Perspectives and Legislation for the Application of Biobased Materials in Bread-Packaging Fields
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Matrix | Additives and/or Active Compounds Added | Bread-Packaging Improvements Registered | Ref. |
CMC | Chitosan/zinc oxide nanoparticles | The antimicrobial properties of chitosan–CMC films were tested, and the shelf life of sliced bread increased from 3 to 35 days. | [171] |
CA | Sodium propionate | Reduced bread mold growth of bread slices. | [172] |
Methylcellulose | Clove oil and oregano nanoemulsions | Inhibition of yeasts and molds in sliced bread stored for 15 days. | [138] |
Cellulose-derived polymer | Cinnamaldehyde | Protection of the bread against aerobic mesophiles, yeast, and mold. | [140] |
CA | Natural additives and oregano essential oil | Improved antifungal properties of hamburger buns. | [173] |
PVA | Lignin | Inhibition of mold growth on bread samples after 3rd day. | [105] |
PLA-Based Matrix | Additives and/or Active Compounds Added | Bread-Packaging Improvements Registered | Ref. |
PLA | Chitosan | Improved capacity to inhibit S. aureus on sliced bread. Moreover, the oxygen permeability and the film elongation at break were also improved. | [180] |
PLA/PBAT | Trans-cinnamaldehyde | Inhibition of mold and yeast growth in sliced bread without altering the sensorial bread properties. | [181] |
PLA/PBSA | Thymol | Inhibition of fungal growth for bread up to 9 days. Moreover, an improvement of thermal and barrier properties of the film was achieved. | [176] |
PLA/PBAT | Carvacrol | The PLA/PBAT ratio was optimized to control the films’ strength, permeability, and release behavior of carvacrol. A delay in the fungal growth and sporulation of Penicillium sp. and Rhizopus on the bread was also achieved. | [182] |
PLA | Schiff | Delayed growth of fungi on bread slices to day 5 compared with the control system. | [183] |
Matrix | Additives and/or Active Compounds Added | Bread-Packaging Improvements Registered | Ref. |
PBAT/PBS | - | The formation of oriented fibrous networks subsequently controlled mechanical and barrier properties of the blend films. Blending PBAT and PBS modified the morphology and permeability of biobased films and increased the shelf life of packaged bread. | [187] |
PBS | Geraniol essential oil | Shelf-life extension study informed that the spoilage of bread stored with an antimicrobial sachet was delayed by more than three weeks. | [188] |
PCL | Grapefruit seed extract/chitosan | Inhibition of the mold growth on packaged bread with film containing >1.0 mL/g grapefruit seed extract after 7 days. | [189] |
Cashew-gum-gelatin film | Carvacrol | Extension of the bread shelf life to 6 days with respect to the 3 days of the control system. | [190] |
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Gigante, V.; Aliotta, L.; Ascrizzi, R.; Pistelli, L.; Zinnai, A.; Batoni, G.; Coltelli, M.-B.; Lazzeri, A. Innovative Biobased and Sustainable Polymer Packaging Solutions for Extending Bread Shelf Life: A Review. Polymers 2023, 15, 4700.
Gigante V, Aliotta L, Ascrizzi R, Pistelli L, Zinnai A, Batoni G, Coltelli M-B, Lazzeri A. Innovative Biobased and Sustainable Polymer Packaging Solutions for Extending Bread Shelf Life: A Review. Polymers. 2023; 15(24):4700.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGigante, Vito, Laura Aliotta, Roberta Ascrizzi, Laura Pistelli, Angela Zinnai, Giovanna Batoni, Maria-Beatrice Coltelli, and Andrea Lazzeri. 2023. "Innovative Biobased and Sustainable Polymer Packaging Solutions for Extending Bread Shelf Life: A Review" Polymers 15, no. 24: 4700.
APA StyleGigante, V., Aliotta, L., Ascrizzi, R., Pistelli, L., Zinnai, A., Batoni, G., Coltelli, M.-B., & Lazzeri, A. (2023). Innovative Biobased and Sustainable Polymer Packaging Solutions for Extending Bread Shelf Life: A Review. Polymers, 15(24), 4700.