In this section, the OpenFOAM solver developed in
Section 2.3,
rubberFoam, is applied to simulate rubber injection in textured moulds in two different cases. First, as proof of concept, the rubber filling of a cylindrical straight pipe is considered (
Section 3.2.1). Next, the methodology is applied to the simulation of the rubber injection on an industrial mould for the manufacturing of D-ring seals (
Section 3.2.2).
3.2.1. Test Case: Straight Pipe
The OpenFOAM solver rubberFoam is tested on a simple geometry, such as the case of a straight pipe, to analyze and quantify the influence of the micro textured wall on the filling process, specifically on the injection pressure. To this end, the following numerical study has been performed.
The numerical domain considered in this study is shown in
Figure 6. It consists of a straight pipe of length
L and diameter
D, the magnitudes of which are two of the parameters accounted for in this study (see
Table 5). It is worth mentioning that the dimples on the textured wall (
Figure 2) are not included in the geometry, since their effect on the flow dynamics is modelled with the ROM model calculated in
Section 3.1.
The domain is discretized to obtain an hexahedral computational mesh such as the one shown in
Figure 6. During the meshing process, particular attention is paid to ensure that: (i) the distance between the wall and the center of the cell near the wall is between the corresponding limits of application of the texture wall law (
); and (ii) keep the face size of the textured wall equal to or larger than the size of the base of the representative volume used to create the ROM model (0.2 mm × 0.2 mm).
Table 5 describes the cases considered in this study, considering the following parameters: (i) pipe length (
L), (ii) pipe diameter (
D) and (iii) filling flow rate (
). For cases 1 to 3, the geometry is the same and the inlet velocity varies; in cases 4 to 6, the influence of the pipe diameter is explored, while length and inlet velocity remain constant; lastly, cases 7 to 9, the impact of increasing length, with constant inlet velocity and diameter, is studied. It should be noted that cases 3, 5 and 7 are the same, so a total of seven cases are simulated.The case boundaries are defined by a uniform constant pressure at outlet (1 bar) and a uniform constant velocity at inlet (
), the wall is assumed to be non-slip and the system is considered isotherm (at 450 K).
In order to study the effect of the textured wall on the inlet pressure (i.e., injection pressure), the cases reported in
Table 5 are simulated twice using the solver
rubberFoam: (1) with textured walls; and (2) with smooth walls, henceforth named textured and smooth respectively. The results are shown in
Figure 7 and
Figure 8.
Figure 7 illustrates the rubber front profile, which shows a central plug flow where the deformation rate is lower, while the layer closer to the wall experiences a higher shearing. This represents the characteristic behaviour of shear-thinning fluids, where the viscosity increases with decreasing shear rate towards the centre of the pipe.
Figure 8, it can be concluded that injection pressure is, at any case, slightly larger for the smooth wall case than for the textured one regardless of the magnitude of the main system parameters:
D and
. This means that the wall texture is not increasing the pressure drop in the system. On the contrary, wall texture slightly decreases wall friction.
A deeper analysis of the results plotted in
Figure 8 leads to the following conclusions: (i) for a pipe of 1 mm in diameter and 20 mm in length,
Figure 8a, the average inlet-pressure of textured case is about 2% smaller than the smooth case at any flow rate; (ii) for pipe diameters smaller than 1 mm,
Figure 8b, no difference between smooth and textured wall is found whereas for larger diameters the injection pressure for the textured case is again around 2% lower than the smooth case; and (iii) the pipe length do not modify the former findings,
Figure 8c, for a given pipe of 1mm in diameter the pressure loss difference remain around 2% no matter the length of the pipe (20, 50, 100 mm).
It is worth mentioning that case 4 is the only case where no difference is found between textured and smooth cases. It stands for the case with smaller diameter and the result could thus be affected by the meshing restrictions imposed by the methodology. For this particular case, where the texture size (D = 0.1 mm) is of the same order of magnitude than the pipe size (D = 0.7 mm) the methodology might be inappropriate.
3.2.2. Real Case: D-Ring Mould
In the present section, the influence of the wall texture on an industrial mould is studied to check whether the conclusions reached in
Section 3.2.1 still stand for a real industrial application. In particular, the injection process of rubber in a D-ring seal mould is numerically assessed for the case of a standard mould (smooth walls) and for a novel mould, where only the internal face of the D-ring is textured.
Figure 9a shows the geometry of the use case, i.e., a mould cavity for the manufacturing of D-ring seals. It has one inlet, three exit vents (“Outlets”), an internal face where texture can be applied (“WallTexture”) and an external smooth face (“Wall”).
Due to the D-ring symmetry the computational domain is reduced to the half and then discretized according to the mesh requirements imposed by the methodology (texture wall law): (i) the distance between the wall and the center of the cell near the wall is kept between the corresponding limits of application of the texture wall law (
); and (ii) the face size of the textured wall is kept equal to or larger than the size of the base of the representative volume used to create the ROM model (0.2 mm × 0.2 mm).
Figure 9b,c show the resulting computational domain, together with some details of the mesh near the outlet vents.
This numerical study consists of the simulation using the
rubberFoam of two cases: (1) standard mould where all walls are smooth; and (2) textured mould, where the internal face is textured according to the pattern shown in
Figure 2. Based on industrial experience, a filling time of 1 s is specified, and the average injection velocity is calculated accordingly and set as inlet boundary condition. A constant and uniform pressure field (1 bar) is defined at the outlets. Injection temperature is set to 450 K.
Table 6 summarises the most relevant boundary conditions. Please note that the solver will automatically activate the texture wall law for viscosity at those boundaries whose name starts with
wallTexture. Thus, the only difference between smooth and textured cases is that the internal ring wall is called
wall and
wallTexture respectively.
The results of the numerical simulation of the mould filling process are illustrated in
Figure 10, for the case of the standard mould (no texture). No significant differences are found for the novel mould (partially textured). From the figure, it is highlighted that such a detailed simulation allows the accurate visualization of the rubber front evolution. For instance, cavities where air is trapped are easily identified and weld lines on the piece surface can be predicted. Moreover, unexpected flow dynamics can be visualised such as the fact that, due to the very high injection velocities, the rubber front reaches the surroundings of the mould oultet in less than 0.4 s, when only 36% of the mould is actually filled.
The evolution of the inlet pressure as the rubber filling proceeds is plotted in
Figure 11. As expected, the rubber filling rate of the textured case does not differ from the smooth case, because the inlet flow rate is equal and constant in both cases. Regarding the inlet pressure, the differences between the smooth and textured cases are almost negligible.