Struvite Grown in Gel, Its Crystal Structure at 90 K and Thermoanalytical Study
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Struvite Crystals Growth from Gel Medium
2.2. Instrumentation
2.3. Data Collection, Structure Determination and Refinement
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Struvite Synthesis, Morphology and Habit
3.2. Crystal Structure
3.3. Thermoanalytical Study
4. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Formula | MgNH4PO4·6H2O |
Formula weight | 245.42 |
Crystal system | Orthorhombic |
Space group | Pmn21 (No. 31) |
a (Å) | 6.9650(2) |
b (Å) | 6.1165(2) |
c (Å) | 11.2056(3) |
V (Å3) | 477.38(2) |
Z | 2 |
ρ (calculated) (g/cm3) | 1.707 |
F (000) | 260 |
μ (mm−1) | 0.389 |
Absorption correction | Analytical numeric |
Temperature (K) | 90 |
Wavelength (Å) | 0.71073 |
θ (deg) | 3.44–26.36 |
Index range | −8 ≤ h ≤ 8, −7≤ k ≤ 7, −14≤ l ≤ 14 |
Rint | 0.019 |
Reflections collected | 12286 |
Independent reflections | 1061 |
Reflections (I > 2σ(I)) | 1060 |
Completeness | 99.8% |
Data/Restraints/Parameters | 1061/1/107 |
R1/wR2 (I > 2σ(I)) | 0.0121/0.0333 |
R1/wR2 (all data) | 0.0121/0.0333 |
GOF on F2 | 1.14 |
Largest diff. peak and hole (e/Å−3) | 0.24 and −0.19 |
Weighting: w = 1/[σ2(Fo2)+(0.0229P)2+0.0413P] where P = (Fo2+ 2Fc2)/3 |
Bond Lengths (Å) | v.u. | Bond Angles (°) | ||
P1-O1 | 1.5508(15) | O1-P1-O2 | 109.55(7) | |
P1-O2 | 1.5468(13) | O1-P1-O3 | 109.55(4) | |
P1-O3 | 1.5441(9) | O2-P1-O3 | 108.74(4) | |
Mg1-O4 | 2.1071(14) | 0.324 | O3-P1-O3 i | 110.69(5) |
Mg1-O5 | 2.1090(14) | 0.323 | O4-Mg1-O5 | 179.82(6) |
Mg1-O6 | 2.0751(11) | 0.348 | O4-Mg1-O6 | 91.17(4) |
Mg1-O7 | 2.0511(11) | 0.368 | O4-Mg1-O7 | 90.44(4) |
O5-Mg1-O6 | 88.95(4) | |||
O5-Mg1-O7 | 89.44(4) | |||
O6-Mg1-O6 i | 95.28(4) | |||
O6-Mg1-O7 | 87.66(4) | |||
O6-Mg1-O7 i | 176.61(5) | |||
O7-Mg1-O7 i | 89.34(5) |
D-H···A | D-H (Å) | H···A (Å) | D···A (Å) | D-H···A (°) | A Symmetry Code |
O4-H1···O2 | 0.81(3) | 1.87(3) | 2.676(2) | 179(3) | |
O4-H2···O5 | 0.78(4) | 2.23(4) | 2.9986(19) | 167(3) | x,y+1,z |
O5-H3···O3 | 0.87(2) | 1.79(2) | 2.6588(11) | 174(2) | 1/2-x,1-y,1/2+z |
O6-H4···O3 | 0.82(2) | 1.81(2) | 2.6336(13) | 174(2) | x,y-1,z |
O6-H5···O1 | 0.78(2) | 1.92(2) | 2.7017(13) | 173(2) | 1/2-x,1-y,1/2+z |
O7-H6···O2 | 0.84(2) | 1.80(2) | 2.6264(12) | 172(2) | 1/2-x,1-y,1/2+z |
O7-H7···O3 | 0.79(2) | 1.88(2) | 2.6544(12) | 168(2) | 1/2-x,3-y,1/2+z |
N1-H8···O1 | 0.90(3) | 1.90(3) | 2.792(2) | 179(3) | x,y-1,z+1 |
N1-H9···O7 | 0.89(4) | 2.49(4) | 3.1527(19) | 131.3(19) | |
N1-H10···O6 | 0.88(2) | 2.137(19) | 2.9726(17) | 158.2(18) | 1/2-x,1-y,1/2+z |
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Prywer, J.; Sieroń, L.; Czylkowska, A. Struvite Grown in Gel, Its Crystal Structure at 90 K and Thermoanalytical Study. Crystals 2019, 9, 89.
Prywer J, Sieroń L, Czylkowska A. Struvite Grown in Gel, Its Crystal Structure at 90 K and Thermoanalytical Study. Crystals. 2019; 9(2):89.
Chicago/Turabian StylePrywer, Jolanta, Lesław Sieroń, and Agnieszka Czylkowska. 2019. "Struvite Grown in Gel, Its Crystal Structure at 90 K and Thermoanalytical Study" Crystals 9, no. 2: 89.
APA StylePrywer, J., Sieroń, L., & Czylkowska, A. (2019). Struvite Grown in Gel, Its Crystal Structure at 90 K and Thermoanalytical Study. Crystals, 9(2), 89.