Factor Analysis of XRF and XRPD Data on the Example of the Rocks of the Kontozero Carbonatite Complex (NW Russia). Part II: Geological Interpretation
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Samples Description
2.2. Analytical Techniques
2.3. Data Processing
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Use of Factor Scores for Qualitative and Semiquantitative Mineralogical Analysis
- GROUP I represents the samples/diffraction patterns with peak intensity in the considered region above half the maximum peak for the studied sample set (in Figure 5B,C, fragments of the diffraction patterns and the figurative points of the samples included in this group are red-colored);
- GROUP II has peak intensities from a quarter to half of the maximum peak height (in Figure 5B,C, the elements related to this group are orange-colored);
- GROUP III has a peak intensity of less than a quarter of the maximum peak height (in Figure 5B,C, the elements related to this group are green-colored);
- GROUP IV has no peaks in the considered area (in Figure 5B,C, the details concerning this group are blue-colored).
3.2. The Application of Factor Scores for Mineralogical Interpretation of Geochemical Data
- The influence of vector 1, related to high content of L.O.I., Ca, and Sr in the rock, led to a shift of the figurative points into group 1;
- High contents of both Si (+Ti) and Na–K–Al (+Zr), with an essential contribution of Ba–Sr–S, caused a shift of points along vector 2 (towards group 2); and
- High contents of Si (+Ti) and Mg–Fe (+Mn) resulted in the shifting of points along vector 3 (towards group 3).
- Vector 1 (and the corresponding group) was associated with calcite content in the rock. Consequently, group 1 predominantly represented calciocarbonatites (apparently being rich in strontium);
- Vector 2 was due to the presence of albite, orthoclase, and sometimes analcime (±natrolite) in the rock. Thus, group 2 included samples rich in alkaline salic minerals; and
- Vector 3 responded to the presence of diopside, magnetite, andradite, monticellite, amphibole, serpentine (secondary phase), and/or biotite. Thus, group 3 included rocks rich in femic minerals.
- Titanium oxides (anatase and ilmenite) gravitated toward group 2, being rich in alkaline sialic minerals. However, titanium did not participate in the discrimination of groups 2 and 3. This suggests that the rocks of both groups were rich in titanium. However, in group 3, phases hosting Ti were not oxides but silicates such as biotite and/or garnet (as confirmed by EPMA);
- The position of the “dolomite” variable (as well as the “apatite” variable) near the origin in the coordinate system suggests that the presence/absence of this mineral was irrelevant in the division into the groups noted above. This may indicate that all studied rocks of the complex were equally subjected to dolomite mineralization and, therefore, this process was superimposed;
- None of the considered factors tracked the presence of quartz (supposedly, its content is nearly equal in all types of rocks). Several mineral phases (e.g., apatite, baryte, strontianite, burbankite, and fluorite) exhibited a barely noticeable relationship to the considered separation of samples into groups. Nevertheless, the FSs of these phases were related to other factors identified by classical FA. For example, the scores of apatite and pyrite factors were close to the positive pole of the previously mentioned “phosphate” Factor III (FIIILAp = 0.77 and FIIILPy = 0.37; see Figure 8A,B). The scores of the burbankite, baryte, strontianite, fluorite, and quartz factors formed a shift vector towards the positive pole of the “baryte” Factor IV (Figure 8C,D). In the studied rocks, these minerals constitute a specific mineral paragenesis superimposed onto the earlier associations.
4. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
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Kozlov, E.; Fomina, E.; Khvorov, P. Factor Analysis of XRF and XRPD Data on the Example of the Rocks of the Kontozero Carbonatite Complex (NW Russia). Part II: Geological Interpretation. Crystals 2020, 10, 873. https://doi.org/10.3390/cryst10100873
Kozlov E, Fomina E, Khvorov P. Factor Analysis of XRF and XRPD Data on the Example of the Rocks of the Kontozero Carbonatite Complex (NW Russia). Part II: Geological Interpretation. Crystals. 2020; 10(10):873. https://doi.org/10.3390/cryst10100873
Chicago/Turabian StyleKozlov, Evgeniy, Ekaterina Fomina, and Pavel Khvorov. 2020. "Factor Analysis of XRF and XRPD Data on the Example of the Rocks of the Kontozero Carbonatite Complex (NW Russia). Part II: Geological Interpretation" Crystals 10, no. 10: 873. https://doi.org/10.3390/cryst10100873
APA StyleKozlov, E., Fomina, E., & Khvorov, P. (2020). Factor Analysis of XRF and XRPD Data on the Example of the Rocks of the Kontozero Carbonatite Complex (NW Russia). Part II: Geological Interpretation. Crystals, 10(10), 873. https://doi.org/10.3390/cryst10100873