Recent Progress and Perspectives on Neural Chip Platforms Integrating PDMS-Based Microfluidic Devices and Microelectrode Arrays
:1. Introduction
2. An Important Tool for the Modulation and Recording of Neural Information: Microelectrode Arrays
2.1. In Vitro MEAs
2.2. Methods to Improve the Performance of MEAs
2.3. Development Direction of In Vitro MEAs
3. An Important Tool for Neural Network Customization: PDMS-Based Microfluidic Devices
3.1. PDMS-Based Microfluidic Devices
3.2. Development and Latest Design of PDMS Microfluidic Devices with Compartments of Controllable Neurite Growth
3.3. Important Applications of Compartmental PDMS Microfluidic Devices with Controlled Neurite Growth PDMS in Neuroscience
4. Fabrication of Neural Chips Integrating Microfluidics and Microelectrode Arrays
4.1. Fabrication of In Vitro MEAs
4.2. Fabrication of PDMS-Based Microfluidic Devices
4.3. Bonding of In Vitro MEAs and Microfluidic Devices
5. Neural Chip Platforms Integrating Microfluidic Devices and Microelectrode Arrays Play a Key Role in the Application of the Neural Field
5.1. Recording and Modulation of Neural Signals
5.2. Neuropharmacology Research
5.3. Research of Neurological Diseases
5.4. The Study of the Brain by Means of Simplified Model
6. Conclusions and Future Perspectives
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Neural Chip Components | Arrangement of MEA | Detection Object | Application | Reference |
MEA | Microelectrodes fitting the shape of the dentate gyrus of the hippocampal slices | Hippocampal slices | Research on epilepsy circuit | He et al. (2021) [57] |
MEA | 128 microelectrodes are distributed in the center of the MEA | Hippocampal neurons | Research on the learning function of neural networks in vitro | Xu et al. (2022) [139] |
CMOS MEA | 4225 recording electrodes and 1024 stimulation electrodes | Retina | Research on visual restoration | Cojocaru et al. (2022) [163] |
MEA and PDMS-based microfluidic device | Microelectrodes are in the microchannel | Neural stem cells | Detection of neurite signals | Kim et al. (2022) [141] |
MEA and PDMS-based microfluidic device | Microelectrodes are arranged at the edges of three chambers | Human stem cell-derived neurons | Research on epileptic seizures | Pelkonen et al. (2020) [154] |
MEA and PDMS-based microfluidic device | Microelectrodes are arranged on both sides of the microchannel | Co-culture of motor neurons and muscle cells | Construction of the neuron–muscle model in vitro | Duc et al. (2021) [61] |
CMOS MEA and PDMS-based microfluidic device | 26,400 electrodes located in an area of 3.85 × 2.10 mm2 | Cortical neurons | High-density detection of neural signals | Duru et al. (2022) [164] |
MEA, PDMS-based microfluidic device, and magnetic bead | 60 microelectrodes are evenly distributed in two chambers of microfluidic devices | Cortical and hippocampal neurons | Cultivate three-dimensional brain network | Brofiga et al. (2020) [162] |
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Xu, S.; Liu, Y.; Yang, Y.; Zhang, K.; Liang, W.; Xu, Z.; Wu, Y.; Luo, J.; Zhuang, C.; Cai, X. Recent Progress and Perspectives on Neural Chip Platforms Integrating PDMS-Based Microfluidic Devices and Microelectrode Arrays. Micromachines 2023, 14, 709.
Xu S, Liu Y, Yang Y, Zhang K, Liang W, Xu Z, Wu Y, Luo J, Zhuang C, Cai X. Recent Progress and Perspectives on Neural Chip Platforms Integrating PDMS-Based Microfluidic Devices and Microelectrode Arrays. Micromachines. 2023; 14(4):709.
Chicago/Turabian StyleXu, Shihong, Yaoyao Liu, Yan Yang, Kui Zhang, Wei Liang, Zhaojie Xu, Yirong Wu, Jinping Luo, Chengyu Zhuang, and Xinxia Cai. 2023. "Recent Progress and Perspectives on Neural Chip Platforms Integrating PDMS-Based Microfluidic Devices and Microelectrode Arrays" Micromachines 14, no. 4: 709.
APA StyleXu, S., Liu, Y., Yang, Y., Zhang, K., Liang, W., Xu, Z., Wu, Y., Luo, J., Zhuang, C., & Cai, X. (2023). Recent Progress and Perspectives on Neural Chip Platforms Integrating PDMS-Based Microfluidic Devices and Microelectrode Arrays. Micromachines, 14(4), 709.