Batch Fabrication of Wear-Resistant and Conductive Probe with PtSi Tip
:1. Introduction
2. Design and Fabrication
3. Results and Discussion
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Parameter | ICP Power (W/MHz) | SF6 Flow Rate (sccm) | Pressure (Pascal) | Etching Time (sec) | Neck Width (nm) |
I | 1000/2 | 100 | 1.1 | 270 | 863 |
II | 1000/2 | 100 | 1.3 | 267 | 701 |
III | 1000/2 | 100 | 1.6 | 268 | 478 |
Annealing Recipe | Annealing Atmosphere | Temperature/Time |
1 | N2 | 200–300–550 °C 10 min–10 min–90 min |
2 | N2:H2 = 5:1 | 200–300–550 °C 10 min–10 min–90 min |
3 | N2:H2 = 5:1 | 200–300–550 °C 10 min–10 min–60 min |
4 | N2:H2 = 5:1 | 200–300–500 °C 10 min–10 min–45 min |
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Liu, M.; Zhu, Y.; Zhao, J.; Wang, L.; Yang, J.; Yang, F. Batch Fabrication of Wear-Resistant and Conductive Probe with PtSi Tip. Micromachines 2021, 12, 1326.
Liu M, Zhu Y, Zhao J, Wang L, Yang J, Yang F. Batch Fabrication of Wear-Resistant and Conductive Probe with PtSi Tip. Micromachines. 2021; 12(11):1326.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLiu, Meijie, Yinfang Zhu, Junyuan Zhao, Lihao Wang, Jinling Yang, and Fuhua Yang. 2021. "Batch Fabrication of Wear-Resistant and Conductive Probe with PtSi Tip" Micromachines 12, no. 11: 1326.
APA StyleLiu, M., Zhu, Y., Zhao, J., Wang, L., Yang, J., & Yang, F. (2021). Batch Fabrication of Wear-Resistant and Conductive Probe with PtSi Tip. Micromachines, 12(11), 1326.