Impact of Indoxyl Sulfate on Progenitor Cell-Related Neovascularization of Peripheral Arterial Disease and Post-Angioplasty Thrombosis of Dialysis Vascular Access
:1. Chronic Kidney Disease and Vascular Disease
1.1. Chronic Kidney Disease and Vascular Disease
1.2. Peripheral Arterial Disease in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease
1.3. Vascular Access Dysfunction in Patients on Hemodialysis
2. Vascular Toxicity of Indoxyl Sulfate
3. Indoxyl Sulfate and Progenitor Cell-Related Neovascularization
3.1. Angiogenesis and Peripheral Arterial Disease in Chronic Kidney Disease
3.2. Mechanisms Underlying the Effect of Indoxyl Sulfate on Neovascularization
4. Indoxyl Sulfate and Thrombosis of Dialysis Vascular Accesses
4.1. Thrombosis of Dialysis Vascular Accesses
4.2. Mechanisms Underlying the Effect of Indoxyl Sulfate on Thrombosis
5. Overall Summary
Conflicts of Interest
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Cells | Primary Effect | Reference |
Endothelial cell | Induction of ROS | Dou [26], Yu [17], Itoh [27] |
Inhibit endothelial NO production | Yu [17] | |
Increase endothelial microparticle release | Faure [28] | |
Increase tissue factor production | Gondouin [29] | |
Inhibit endothelial cell proliferation | Dou, Yu [17] | |
Inhibit endothelial cell migration | Kharait [30] | |
Smooth muscle cell | Increase proliferation | Yamamoto [24] |
Inhibit proliferation | Mozar [31] | |
Reduce tissue factor breakdown | Chitalia [32] | |
Leukocyte | Increase leukocyte adhesion | Ito [33], Tumur [20], Pletinck [34] |
Increase inflammatory cytokine expression | Lekawanvijit [35] | |
Progenitor cell | Induction of ROS | Wu [36] |
Inhibit NO production | Wu [36] | |
Inhibit HIF/IL-10/VEGF pathway | Hung [37] | |
Decrease in number and function | Hung [37], Wu [36] |
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Wu, C.-C.; Hung, S.-C.; Kuo, K.-L.; Tarng, D.-C. Impact of Indoxyl Sulfate on Progenitor Cell-Related Neovascularization of Peripheral Arterial Disease and Post-Angioplasty Thrombosis of Dialysis Vascular Access. Toxins 2017, 9, 25.
Wu C-C, Hung S-C, Kuo K-L, Tarng D-C. Impact of Indoxyl Sulfate on Progenitor Cell-Related Neovascularization of Peripheral Arterial Disease and Post-Angioplasty Thrombosis of Dialysis Vascular Access. Toxins. 2017; 9(1):25.
Chicago/Turabian StyleWu, Chih-Cheng, Szu-Chun Hung, Ko-Lin Kuo, and Der-Cherng Tarng. 2017. "Impact of Indoxyl Sulfate on Progenitor Cell-Related Neovascularization of Peripheral Arterial Disease and Post-Angioplasty Thrombosis of Dialysis Vascular Access" Toxins 9, no. 1: 25.
APA StyleWu, C.-C., Hung, S.-C., Kuo, K.-L., & Tarng, D.-C. (2017). Impact of Indoxyl Sulfate on Progenitor Cell-Related Neovascularization of Peripheral Arterial Disease and Post-Angioplasty Thrombosis of Dialysis Vascular Access. Toxins, 9(1), 25.