Zearalenone Promotes Uterine Development of Weaned Gilts by Interfering with Serum Hormones and Up-Regulating Expression of Estrogen and Progesterone Receptors
:1. Introduction
2. Results
2.1. Nutrient Apparent Digestive and Metabolic Rate
2.2. Serum Hormone Level
2.3. The Localization of ER-α, ER-β and PR in the Uterus
2.4. The Relative mRNA Expression of ER-α, ER-β and PR in the Uterus
2.5. The Relative Protein Expression of ER-α, ER-β and PR in the Uterus
2.6. The Relative mRNA and Protein Expression of ER-α and ER-β in Porcine Endometrial Epithelial Cells
3. Discussion
4. Conclusions
5. Materials and Methods
5.1. Preparation of Zearalenone Diet
5.2. Animals, Treatments and Feeding Management
5.3. Porcine Endometrial Epithelial Cells Culture and Treatment
5.4. Sample Collection of Analyses of Nutrient Availability
5.5. Sample Collection of Blood and Uterus
5.6. Determination of Serum Hormones
5.7. Immunohistochemical Analysis and Integrated Optical Density of ER-α, ER-β and PR
5.8. Quantification mRNA Expression Using Quantitative Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction
5.9. Western Blot Analysis
5.10. Statistical and Analysis
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Items | Control | ZEA0.5 | ZEA1.0 | ZEA1.5 | SEM | p-Value | |
Treatment | Linear | ||||||
Apparent digestibility, % | |||||||
CP | 84.80 | 84.78 | 85.10 | 85.69 | 0.433 | 0.391 | 0.043 |
GE | 85.82 | 86.43 | 86.71 | 86.93 | 0.451 | 0.429 | 0.045 |
Apparent metabolic rate, % | |||||||
ME/GE | 76.54 b | 77.51 ab | 78.04 ab | 79.61 a | 0.777 | 0.041 | 0.017 |
BV | 66.06 b | 66.57 b | 67.55 ab | 68.12 a | 0.781 | 0.048 | 0.024 |
NPU | 60.11 b | 60.59 b | 61.46 ab | 62.14 a | 0.552 | 0.039 | 0.026 |
Items | Control | ZEA0.5 | ZEA1.0 | ZEA1.5 | SEM | p-Value | |
Treatment | Linear | ||||||
E2, ng/mL | 11.89 bc | 12.74 b | 14.65 a | 11.15 c | 0.644 | <0.001 | 0.921 |
Pr, ng/mL | 1.03 a | 0.99 a | 1.06 a | 0.75 b | 0.012 | <0.001 | 0.101 |
FSH, mIU/mL | 2.86 b | 2.52 b | 4.12 a | 1.89 c | 0.074 | <0.001 | 0.440 |
LH, mIU/mL | 3.09 | 3.00 | 2.99 | 2.97 | 0.051 | 0.825 | 0.380 |
Ingredients | Content (%) | Nutrients 3 | |
Corn | 64.5 | Digestible Energy, MJ/kg | 13.81 |
Whey powder | 5.0 | Crude Protein (%) | 19.82 |
Soybean meal | 23.0 | Calcium (%) | 0.70 |
Fish meal | 5.0 | Total Phosphorus (%) | 0.64 |
L-Lysine HCl | 0.2 | Lysine (%) | 1.22 |
CaHPO4 | 0.7 | Sulfur Amino Acid (%) | 0.65 |
Pulverized Limestone | 0.3 | Threonine (%) | 0.75 |
NaCl | 0.3 | Tryptophan (%) | 0.22 |
Premix 2 | 1.0 | ||
Total | 100.0 |
Target Gene | Accession | Primer Sequence (5′ to 3′) | Product Size, bp |
GAPDH | NM-001206359.1 | F: ATGGTGAAGGTCGGAGTGAA | 154 |
ER-α | NM-214220.1 | F: GACAGGAACCAGGGCAAGT | 125 |
ER-β | NM-001001533.1 | F: ATGCCTTGGTCTGGGTGAT | 120 |
PR | NC-010451.3 | F: ATGAAAGCCAAGCCCTAAGC | 180 |
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Song, T.; Zhou, X.; Ma, X.; Jiang, Y.; Yang, W.; Liu, F.; Liu, M.; Huang, L.; Jiang, S. Zearalenone Promotes Uterine Development of Weaned Gilts by Interfering with Serum Hormones and Up-Regulating Expression of Estrogen and Progesterone Receptors. Toxins 2022, 14, 732. https://doi.org/10.3390/toxins14110732
Song T, Zhou X, Ma X, Jiang Y, Yang W, Liu F, Liu M, Huang L, Jiang S. Zearalenone Promotes Uterine Development of Weaned Gilts by Interfering with Serum Hormones and Up-Regulating Expression of Estrogen and Progesterone Receptors. Toxins. 2022; 14(11):732. https://doi.org/10.3390/toxins14110732
Chicago/Turabian StyleSong, Tingting, Xuemei Zhou, Xiangming Ma, Yanping Jiang, Weiren Yang, Faxiao Liu, Mei Liu, Libo Huang, and Shuzhen Jiang. 2022. "Zearalenone Promotes Uterine Development of Weaned Gilts by Interfering with Serum Hormones and Up-Regulating Expression of Estrogen and Progesterone Receptors" Toxins 14, no. 11: 732. https://doi.org/10.3390/toxins14110732
APA StyleSong, T., Zhou, X., Ma, X., Jiang, Y., Yang, W., Liu, F., Liu, M., Huang, L., & Jiang, S. (2022). Zearalenone Promotes Uterine Development of Weaned Gilts by Interfering with Serum Hormones and Up-Regulating Expression of Estrogen and Progesterone Receptors. Toxins, 14(11), 732. https://doi.org/10.3390/toxins14110732