Microcystin Incidence in the Drinking Water of Mozambique: Challenges for Public Health Protection
:1. Introduction
2. Microcystin-Producing Species and Toxicology
2.1. Microcystin-Producing Species
2.2. Toxicology
3. Effects of Microcystin in Humans, Symptoms, and Treatment
4. Microcystin Detection and Monitoring in Freshwater
5. The Occurrence of Microcystin in Mozambican Drinking Water
5.1. The Drinking Water Scenario in Mozambique
- Achieve the sustainable development goals, universal access to water supply, and sanitation.
- Meeting of the basic needs of the poorest population, to reduce poverty, always looking for a sustainability situation.
- Water valuing, not only as a social and environmental asset but also with the economic value it holds.
- Government’s concentration on the definition of priorities, standards, regulation, and promotion of the private sector.
- Development of an institutional framework that contributes to the management of water as a resource and provision of decentralized and autonomous water supply and sanitation, where the private sector is called upon to participate.
5.2. Microcystin in Mozambican Drinking Water
- South Africa: MC Producers: Synechocystis sp. Microcystis aeruginosa, Microcystis panniformis, Nostoc sp., Planktothrix sp., Phormidium sp., in the Limpopo river basin [122,123,124,125,126], Hartbeespoort dam [127,128,129,130,131], Kruger National Park [132], Sand, Mawoni, Lephalale, Mokolo, Crocodile, Nzhelele ivers [126] MC -YR, -LR, -FR, -YA, -LA, -LAba (0.156–0.270, 0.059–0.18, 0.09, 0.02–0.044, 0.051–0.241, 0.080 mg.g−1) in Natal and Transvaal dams [133], 8.6 µg·L−1 in Hartbeespoort dam [134], 12,300 µg·L−1 in Hartbeespoort lake [135].
- Tanzania: MC-LR and -RR in different tissues of dead flamingos (Phoeniconaias minor) from Empakai Crater, Lake Natron and Lake Manyara (0.165–1.16 ng.g−1) [136,137,138], MC-RR (0.4–13 µgL−1) in Victoria lake [139,140], MC producers: Aphanocapsa sp., Anabaena sp., Microcystis sp. in Victoria lake [139,140].
- Malawi: MC producers: Anabaena sp. in Malawi lake [143].
5.3. Removal of Microscystin from Drinking Water in Mozambique
6. Final Considerations and Recommendations
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Order | Family | Species |
Chroococcales | Microcystaceae | Microcystis sp. [15], M. aeruginosa [16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26], M. viridis [20,24], M. wesenbergii [25,27], M. spp. [28,29], M. ichthyoblabe [25] and Synechocystis sp. [25] |
Nostocales | Nostocaceae | Anabaena spp. [29,30], A. flos-aquae [23,27], A. sp. [15,31], A. subcylindrica [32], A, variables [32], Nostoc sp. [27], Aphanizomenon flos-aquae [23,29,33] and A. circinalis [34] |
Oscillatoriales | Microcoleaceae | Planktothrix prolifica [24] and P. agardhii [29] |
Oscillatoriaceae | Oscillatoria agardhii [35], O. limosa [36], O. chlorina [25], Phormidium konstantinosum (O. tenuis) [36], P. corium [32] and Plectonema boryanum [32] | |
Synechococcales | Merismopediaceae | Synechocystis aquatilisf. salina [37] and Aphanocapsa cumulus [38] |
Pseudanabaenaceae | Pseudanabaena mucicola [25] and P. galeata [25] |
MC Variant | Detection | LOD | LOQ | Reference |
-LR: -LY: -LW: -LF: -LA: Asp3(Z)-Dhb7-HtyR: -DAsp3-RR | IA | 50–20,000 pg·mL−1 | [88,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99,100,101,102] | |
-RR: -LR: -LY: -LF | HPLC-UV | [102] | ||
-RR: -LR: -LY: -LW: -LF: -FR; -WR | HPLC-PAD | 5 ng | [103,104] | |
3-demethyl-MC-LR: -LR: -LY: -LA: -LW: -LF: 3-demethyl-MC-RR: -RR: 3-demethyl-MC-YR: -YR | LC–MS (/MS) | 0.2 pg–2057 pg | 1pg–15 µg·L−1 | [93,102,104,105,106,107,108] |
D-MC-LR; -LR: D-MC-RR: D-MC-YR: -RR: -YR: [H4]MC-YR: -WR | MALDI-TOF MS | [109] |
Province | Water System | Water Treatment Center | Capacity, m3·dia−1 | Water Source | Supplied Sites |
Maputo | Gov-Umbeluzi | Umbeluzi | 240,000 | Umbeluzi river and Pequenos Limbobo Dam | Maputo, Matola and Boane |
Ka Tembe Autonomous | Ka Tembe | 760 | Underground – Ka Tembe | Ka Tembe | |
Vila Olimpia Autonomous | - | Underground - Maputo | Vila Olimpia | ||
The Small | 6500 | Underground -Maputo | Zona Verde, Kongolote, Matola Gare na Matola, Magoanine and Albazine | ||
Gaza | Gov-Xai-Xai | Xai-Xai | 22,790 | Limpopo river | Bairro 11, Bairro 13, Hospital, Patrice Lumumba, Inhamissa 6, CFPP, Marieny Gouaby, Chinuguine and Praia |
Gov-Limpopo | |||||
Gov-Chongoene | |||||
Xai-Xai Autonomous | Underground – Xai-Xai | Chicumbane, Julius Nyerere, Muahetane e Chongoene | |||
Gov-Chókwè | 10,056 | Limpopo river and underground - Chokwe | Lionde, Conhane, Massavassa, Nwachicoluane, Xilembene, Hókwe, Mapapa | ||
Chókwè Autonomous | 6816 | ||||
Gov-Guija | Underground - Guija | vila-sede do distrito de Guijá | |||
Inhambane | Gov-Inhambane | 11,176 | Inhambane City, Salela, Nhamua e Josina Machel | ||
Gov-Maxixi | 9120 | Inhanombe river | Chambone, Rumbana, Nhambiho, Bato, Habana, Malalane, Macupula, Macuamene, Maquetela, Eduardo Mandlane, Nhamaxaxa, Matadouro, Mabil, Barrane and Bembe | ||
Mangapana and Mabil Autonomous | Mangapana and Mabil | ||||
Sofala | Beira and Dondo | Mutua | 50,000 | Pungué river | Beira and Dondo |
Manica | Gov-Manica | Chicamba | 38,600 | Manica, Chimoio and Gondola and Messica and Bandula village | |
Tete | Gov-Tete | Tete: Aeration through a cascade, followed by two decantation tanks and then filtration and finally disinfection with granular chlorine | 38,495 | Zambeze river | Tete city |
The Degué small | Degué | ||||
Zambezia | Gov-Zambezia | Licuar: Disinfection with HTH | 19,512 | Underground - Licuar | Quelimane, Nicoadala and Licuar |
Nampula | Gov-Nampula | Nampula: Pre-chlorination, flocculation, decanting and filtration | 20,000 | Monapo dam | Nampula city |
Gov-Nacala | Nacala: A mixture of flocculation, decantation, filtration, and disinfection | 6000 | Nacala dam | Nacala city | |
Cabo Delgado | Gov-Pemba | Pemba: Removal of iron by aeration and filtration | 12,000 | Underground-Metuge | Pemba city |
Gov-Angoche | Angoche: Disinfection with HTH | 1800 | Underground-Malatane | Angoche | |
Niassa | Gov-Lichinga | Locumué | 2400 | Locumué dam | Lichinga |
Chiuaula Autonomous | Underground - Chiuala | Chiuaula | |||
Cuamba | Cuamba: Disinfection with HTH | 960 | Mpopole dam | Cuamba |
Local | Date | Producer | MC | Reference | |||
Species | Detection | MC Variant | Detection | Conc. | |||
PL | 2008–2009 | Microcystis sp. | PC gene | LR and YR | LC-MS | 3.9 ng·g−1 | [118] |
Microcystis sp. | MCyA-MISY gene | ||||||
Microcystis sp. | MCyB gene | ||||||
Microcystis sp. | RFLP | ||||||
NL | Microcystis sp. | PC gene | LR, YR and RR | 159.4 ng·g−1 | |||
Microcystis sp. | MCyA-MISY gene | ||||||
Microcystis sp. | MCyB gene | ||||||
Microcystis sp. | RFLP | ||||||
CH | Microcystis sp. | PC gene | LR | 2.7 ng·g−1 | |||
negative | MCyA-MISY gene | ||||||
negative | MCyB gene | ||||||
negative | RFLP | ||||||
PL | 2002 | LM | MC | ELISA | 0.22 µg·L−1 | [120] | |
CH | Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii | < 0.01 µg·L−1 | |||||
CG | Microcystis novacekii and M. botrys | 6.83 µg·L−1 | |||||
PL | 2008–2009 | LR | LC-MS | < 0.01 µg·L−1 | [117] | ||
YR | 0.01 µg·L−1 | ||||||
CH | LR | 0.68 µg·L−1 | |||||
YR | 0.06 µg·L−1 | ||||||
NL | LR | 7.78 µg·L−1 | |||||
YR | 0.07 µg·L−1 | ||||||
RR | < 0.01 µg·L−1 | ||||||
PL | 2008–2009 | Microcystis aeruginosa | PC gene | [119] | |||
MCyB-Taq-Nuclease assay | |||||||
NL | PC gene | ||||||
MCyB-Taq-Nuclease assay | |||||||
CH | PC gene | ||||||
MCyB-Taq-Nuclease assay | |||||||
ML/NL | 2002 | Anabaena sp. | LM | [143] | |||
NKP | 2007 | Microcystis aeruginosa | PCR | LR | ELISA | 23718 μg·L−1 | [132] |
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Share and Cite
Tamele, I.J.; Vasconcelos, V. Microcystin Incidence in the Drinking Water of Mozambique: Challenges for Public Health Protection. Toxins 2020, 12, 368. https://doi.org/10.3390/toxins12060368
Tamele IJ, Vasconcelos V. Microcystin Incidence in the Drinking Water of Mozambique: Challenges for Public Health Protection. Toxins. 2020; 12(6):368. https://doi.org/10.3390/toxins12060368
Chicago/Turabian StyleTamele, Isidro José, and Vitor Vasconcelos. 2020. "Microcystin Incidence in the Drinking Water of Mozambique: Challenges for Public Health Protection" Toxins 12, no. 6: 368. https://doi.org/10.3390/toxins12060368
APA StyleTamele, I. J., & Vasconcelos, V. (2020). Microcystin Incidence in the Drinking Water of Mozambique: Challenges for Public Health Protection. Toxins, 12(6), 368. https://doi.org/10.3390/toxins12060368