Bidirectional Associations between Parental Feeding Practices and Child Eating Behaviors in a Chinese Sample
:1. Introduction
2. Methods
2.1. Study Design and Participants
2.2. Demographic and Socioeconomic Data
2.3. PFPs
2.4. CEBs
2.5. Covariates
2.5.1. Parental Perception of Child Weight and Concern about Weight
2.5.2. Child Temperament
2.5.3. Parental Depression
3. Statistical Analysis
4. Results
4.1. Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics of the Participants at Baseline
4.2. Stability and Continuity of PFPs and CEBs
4.3. Correlations between PFPs and CEBs
4.4. Bidirectional Associations of PFPs with CEBs
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Variables | Mean (SD)/N (%) |
Child age (years) | 4.39 (0.72) |
Child sex | |
Boys | 452 (53.0) |
Girls | 401 (47.0) |
Child weight (BMI Z-score) | |
Underweight: BMI Z-score < −2 | 25 (2.9) |
Normal weight: −2 ≤ BMI Z-score < 1 | 690 (80.9) |
Overweight: 1 ≤ BMI Z-score < 2 | 109 (12.8) |
Obesity: BMI Z-score ≥ 2 | 29 (3.4) |
Children’s temperament | |
Inhibition control (range of possible scores: 1–7) | 5.259 (0.78) |
Emotionality (range of possible scores: 1–7) | 4.045 (0.97) |
Duration of breastfeeding | |
0–6 months | 239 (28.0) |
6–12 months | 415 (48.7) |
More than 12 months | 199 (23.3) |
The role of caregivers | |
Mothers | 700 (82.1) |
Fathers | 153 (17.9) |
Parental age | 35.21 (4.22) |
Parental weight status | |
Underweight: BMI < 18.5 kg/m2 | 68 (8.0) |
Normal weight: 18.5 kg/m2 ≤ BMI < 24.0 kg/m2 | 567 (66.7) |
Overweight or obesity: BMI ≥ 24.0 kg/m2 | 215 (25.3) |
Parental education level | |
Senior high school or below | 79 (9.2) |
College or higher | 774 (90.8) |
Parental perception of child weight (range of possible scores: 1–5) | 2.81 (0.70) |
Parental concern about child overweight (range of possible scores: 1–5) | 1.78 (0.97) |
Parental concern about child underweight (range of possible scores: 1–5) | 2.24 (1.08) |
Number of children | |
One | 532 (62.4) |
Two or more | 321 (37.6) |
Family structure | |
Living with parents and grandparents | 454 (53.2) |
Living with parents | 399 (46.8) |
Household income/year | |
Above average (>CNY 300,000) | 350 (41.7) |
Below average (≤CNY 300,000) | 489 (58.3) |
Parental depression (range of possible scores: 0–30) | 4.14 (3.39) |
Measure | T1 Mean ± SD | T2 Mean ± SD | Pearson’s r | t | p |
PFPs | |||||
Encouragement of healthy eating | 4.111 ± 0.510 | 4.135 ± 0.529 | 0.575 *** | −0.924 | 0.356 |
Modeling | 4.116 ± 0.567 | 4.128 ± 0.602 | 0.490 *** | −0.437 | 0.662 |
Monitoring | 4.056 ± 0.803 | 4.075 ± 0.737 | 0.461 *** | −0.509 | 0.610 |
Content-restricted feeding | 3.451 ± 0.801 | 3.724 ± 0.749 | 0.419 *** | −7.260 | <0.001 |
Pressure to eat | 3.217 ± 0.849 | 3.291 ± 0.811 | 0.576 *** | −1.828 | 0.068 |
Use of food as a reward | 3.271 ± 0.752 | 3.348 ± 0.782 | 0.430 *** | −2.094 | 0.036 |
CEBs | |||||
Food fussiness | 3.005 ± 0.648 | 2.958 ± 0.658 | 0.617 *** | 1.704 | 0.138 |
Food responsiveness | 2.445 ± 0.568 | 2.443 ± 0.584 | 0.536 *** | 0.043 | 0.965 |
Satiety responsiveness | 2.648 ± 0.682 | 2.778 ± 0.665 | 0.645 *** | −3.965 | <0.001 |
Unhealthy eating habits | 2.490 ± 0.811 | 2.422 ± 0.787 | 0.690 *** | 1.779 | 0.075 |
Initiative eating | 3.461 ± 0.673 | 3.545 ± 0.653 | 0.622 *** | −2.610 | 0.009 |
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Wang, J.; Wu, R.; Wei, X.; Chang, Y.-S.; Tang, X.; Zhu, B.; Cao, Y.; Wu, Y.; Zhu, D. Bidirectional Associations between Parental Feeding Practices and Child Eating Behaviors in a Chinese Sample. Nutrients 2024, 16, 44.
Wang J, Wu R, Wei X, Chang Y-S, Tang X, Zhu B, Cao Y, Wu Y, Zhu D. Bidirectional Associations between Parental Feeding Practices and Child Eating Behaviors in a Chinese Sample. Nutrients. 2024; 16(1):44.
Chicago/Turabian StyleWang, Jian, Ruxing Wu, Xiaoxue Wei, Yan-Shing Chang, Xianqing Tang, Bingqian Zhu, Yang Cao, Yinghui Wu, and Daqiao Zhu. 2024. "Bidirectional Associations between Parental Feeding Practices and Child Eating Behaviors in a Chinese Sample" Nutrients 16, no. 1: 44.
APA StyleWang, J., Wu, R., Wei, X., Chang, Y.-S., Tang, X., Zhu, B., Cao, Y., Wu, Y., & Zhu, D. (2024). Bidirectional Associations between Parental Feeding Practices and Child Eating Behaviors in a Chinese Sample. Nutrients, 16(1), 44.