Towards a Common Definition for the Diagnosis of Iron Deficiency in Chronic Inflammatory Diseases
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. The CARENFER Studies
2.2. Definitions and Statistics
3. Results
3.1. Study Populations
3.2. Prevalence of ID According to Officially Accepted vs. Common Definition of ID
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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International/National Guidelines | Common Definition | ||
Cancer | ESMO 2018 | Serum ferritin < 100 μg/L or Serum ferritin ≥ 100 μg/L and TSAT < 20% | Serum ferritin < 100 μg/L and/or TSAT < 20% |
Heart Failure | ESC 2016 | Serum ferritin < 100 μg/L or Serum ferritin (100 to 299) μg/L and TSAT < 20% | |
IBD | ECCO 2015 | Non-inflammatory context (CRP < 5 mg/L): Serum ferritin < 30 μg/L Inflammatory context (CRP ≥ 5 mg/L): Serum ferritin ≤ 100 μg/L | |
CKD | ERBP 2013/SFNDT 2020 | Serum ferritin < 100 μg/L and/or TSAT < 20% | |
TSAT: iron-saturation of transferrin | |||
ESMO: European Society of Medical Oncology [27] | |||
ESC: European Society of Cardiology [28] | |||
ECCO: European Crohn’s and Colitis Organization [29] | |||
ERBP: European Renal Best Practice [30] | |||
SFNDT: Société Francophone de Néphrologie Dialyse et Transplantation [31] |
Characteristics | CARENFER Study Populations | |||||||
Cancer | Heart Failure | IBD | CKD | |||||
N = 1221 | N = 1661 | N = 1036 | N = 1211 | |||||
General characteristics | ||||||||
Gender | ||||||||
Male, n (%) | 545 | (44.6) | 1023 | (61.6) | 496 | (47.9) | 737 | (60.9) |
Female, n (%) | 676 | (55.4) | 638 | (38.4) | 540 | (52.1) | 474 | (39.1) |
Age (years), median (IQR) | 64.0 | (55.0; 71.0) | 78.0 | (76.0; 86.0) | 39.0 | (29.0; 53.0) | 64.0 | (51.0; 74.0) |
BMI (kg/m2), median (SD) | 24.4 | (21.6; 27.8) | 26.4 | (23.0; 30.4) | 23.9 | (21.3; 27.4) | 25.7 | (22.7; 29.6) |
Overweight/obesity, n (%) # | 548 | (44.9) | 972/1616 | (60.1) | 407/1021 | (39.9) | 597/1065 | (56.0) |
Disease characteristics | ||||||||
Type | ||||||||
Solid or hematological tumor & | 1221 | (100.0) | ||||||
Acute decompensated HF * | 887/1475 | (60.1) | ||||||
Chronic HF | 588/1475 | (39.9) | ||||||
Crohn’s disease | 685 | (66.1) | ||||||
Ulcerative colitis | 351 | (33.9) | ||||||
Kidney transplantation | 616/1211 | (50.9) | ||||||
Reason for admission | ||||||||
Decompensation | NA | 887/1475 | (60.1) | 44 | (4.2) | NA | ||
Scheduled follow-up $ | NA | 588/1475 | (39.9) | 992 | (95.8) | NA | ||
Severity | ||||||||
Cancer—Metastatic treatment | 626/1199 | (52.2) | ||||||
HF—NYHA III-IV | 801/1601 | (50.0) | ||||||
HF—LVEF < 40% | 664/1502 | (44.2) | ||||||
IBD—Disease remission | 504/987 | (51.1) | ||||||
IBD—Mild/Moderate activity | 433/483 | (89.6) | ||||||
CKD—Stage 3B and 4 | 640/1208 | (53.0) | ||||||
Time from disease diagnosis | ||||||||
Median (IQR), in years | 1.0 | (0.0; 3.0) | NA | NA | 5.9 | (2.0; 14.7) | ||
Ongoing treatment | ||||||||
Disease-specific | 1091 | (89.4) | ||||||
Chemotherapy, n (%) | 823/1091 | (75.4) | ||||||
Proton pump inhibitors, n (%) | 741/1660 | (44.6) | ||||||
Aspirin, n (%) | 566/1660 | (34.1) | ||||||
Oral anticoagulant, n (%) | 864/1660 | (52.0) | ||||||
Anti-TNF | 622/1035 | (64.1) | ||||||
Immunosuppressive drug, n (%) | 234/1035 | (24.1) | ||||||
Current/completed treatment for ID | ||||||||
Oral iron, n (%) | 20/1215 | (1.6) | 81/1660 | (4.9) | 36 | (3.5) | 112 | (9.2) |
Intravenous iron, n (%) | 49/1175 | (4.2) | 188/1660 | (11.3) | 218 | (21.0) | 33 | (2.7) |
Erythropoietin, n (%) | 24/1213 | (2.0) | NA | NA | 241 | (19.9) |
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Cacoub, P.; Choukroun, G.; Cohen-Solal, A.; Luporsi, E.; Peyrin-Biroulet, L.; Peoc’h, K.; Andrieu, V.; Lasocki, S.; Puy, H.; Trochu, J.-N. Towards a Common Definition for the Diagnosis of Iron Deficiency in Chronic Inflammatory Diseases. Nutrients 2022, 14, 1039.
Cacoub P, Choukroun G, Cohen-Solal A, Luporsi E, Peyrin-Biroulet L, Peoc’h K, Andrieu V, Lasocki S, Puy H, Trochu J-N. Towards a Common Definition for the Diagnosis of Iron Deficiency in Chronic Inflammatory Diseases. Nutrients. 2022; 14(5):1039.
Chicago/Turabian StyleCacoub, Patrice, Gabriel Choukroun, Alain Cohen-Solal, Elisabeth Luporsi, Laurent Peyrin-Biroulet, Katell Peoc’h, Valérie Andrieu, Sigismond Lasocki, Hervé Puy, and Jean-Noël Trochu. 2022. "Towards a Common Definition for the Diagnosis of Iron Deficiency in Chronic Inflammatory Diseases" Nutrients 14, no. 5: 1039.
APA StyleCacoub, P., Choukroun, G., Cohen-Solal, A., Luporsi, E., Peyrin-Biroulet, L., Peoc’h, K., Andrieu, V., Lasocki, S., Puy, H., & Trochu, J.-N. (2022). Towards a Common Definition for the Diagnosis of Iron Deficiency in Chronic Inflammatory Diseases. Nutrients, 14(5), 1039.