“Cutting Down on Sugar” by Non-Dieting Young Women: An Impact on Diet Quality on Weekdays and the Weekend
:1. Introduction
Study Aims
2. Methods
2.1. Study Design
2.2. Sample Recriutment
2.3. Dietary Data Collection
2.4. Other Data Collection
2.5. Statistical Analysis
3. Results
3.1. Sample Characteristics
3.2. Differences between the Groups (Restricting vs. Not Restricting Sugar)
3.2.1. Energy and Sucrose
3.2.2. Diet Quality
3.3. Differences between Weekdays and Weekend (“2 Weekend Days” vs. “5 Weekdays”)
3.3.1. Energy and Sucrose
3.3.2. Diet Quality
4. Discussion
5. Limitations
6. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Category | Total (n = 192) | RS (n = 76) | nRS (n = 116) | p |
Age # (years) | 24.6 (24.3, 25.0) | 24.4 (23.8, 24.9) | 24.8 (24.3, 25.3) | ns |
Weight | 62.3 (61.0, 63.5) | 62.5 (60.6, 64.4) | 62.2 (60.5, 63.9) | ns |
Height | 166.7 (165.9, 169.4) | 166.2 (165.0, 167.4) | 166.9 (166.0, 167.8) | ns |
BMI # (kg/m2) | 22.5 (22.0, 22.9) | 22.6 (22.0, 23.3) | 22.3 (21.7, 22.9) | ns |
BMI § (%) | ns | |||
Underweight | 7 | 3 | 10 | |
Regular weight | 71 | 79 | 66 | |
Overweight | 20 | 16 | 23 | |
Obesity | 2 | 2 | 2 | |
Body fat (%) | 24.7 (24.1, 25.3) | 25.0 (23.7, 25.3) | 24.5 (23.7, 25.3) | ns |
Residence (%) | ns | |||
Village | 8 | 5 | 10 | |
Town | 59 | 67 | 53 | |
City | 33 | 26 | 37 | |
Education (%) | ns | |||
Secondary | 60 | 53 | 64 | |
Higher | 40 | 47 | 36 | |
Profession (%) | ns | |||
Student | 25 | 26 | 24 | |
Office worker | 33 | 38 | 30 | |
Physical worker | 20 | 18 | 21 | |
Services worker | 22 | 18 | 25 |
Total | Low Sucrose Intake <10% § of Daily Energy | High Sucrose Intake ≥10% of Daily Energy | p | ||
n = 192 | n = 89 | n = 103 | |||
RS | n = 76 | 100 | 66 | 34 | **** |
nRS | n = 116 | 100 | 34 | 66 | |
Total | n = 192 | 100 | 46 | 54 |
Nutrient | Crude (RS vs. nRS) | Adjusted for 2000 kcal (RS vs. nRS) | ||||||||||
7 Days | 5 Week Days | 2 Weekend Days | 7 Days | 5 Week Days | 2 Weekend Days | |||||||
RD | p | RD | p | RD | p | RD | p | RD | p | RD | p | |
Energy | −3 | ns | −4 | ns | −2 | ns | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Sucrose | −22 | *** | −25 | *** | −12 | ** | −20 | *** | −23 | *** | −11 | * |
Protein | 7 | * | 6 | ns | 6 | ns | 11 | *** | 12 | *** | 9 | ** |
Fat | −5 | ns | −6 | ns | −3 | ns | −2 | ns | −2 | ns | −1 | ns |
SFA | −6 | ns | −8 | * | −2 | ns | −3 | ns | −4 | * | 0 | ns |
MUFA | −8 | * | −8 | * | −7 | ns | −5 | * | −4 | ns | −5 | ns |
PUFA | 0 | ns | 1 | ns | −1 | ns | 4 | ns | 5 | ns | 1 | ns |
Cholesterol | 0 | ns | −3 | ns | 5 | ns | 3 | ns | 2 | ns | 6 | ns |
Carbohydrates | −3 | ns | −4 | ns | −2 | ns | 0 | ns | 0 | ns | 0 | ns |
Fibre | 30 | *** | 29 | *** | 28 | *** | 35 | *** | 35 | *** | 30 | ** |
Sodium | −3 | ns | −3 | ns | −1 | ns | 2 | ns | 3 | ns | 2 | ns |
Potassium | 7 | * | 8 | * | 2 | ns | 12 | *** | 14 | *** | 5 | ns |
Calcium | 26 | *** | 28 | *** | 22 | ** | 32 | *** | 34 | *** | 27 | *** |
Iron | 8 | * | 8 | * | 8 | ns | 13 | *** | 13 | *** | 10 | * |
Zinc | 10 | ** | 10 | * | 9 | ns | 15 | *** | 15 | *** | 11 | ** |
Phosphorus | 17 | *** | 2 | ns | 16 | ** | 22 | *** | 8 | ns | 19 | *** |
Magnesium | 18 | *** | 18 | *** | 16 | ** | 22 | *** | 23 | *** | 18 | *** |
Copper | 14 | ** | 15 | ** | 11 | ns | 18 | *** | 20 | *** | 13 | ** |
Vitamin B1 | 0 | ns | −1 | ns | 0 | ns | 4 | ns | 5 | ns | 2 | ns |
Vitamin B2 | 16 | *** | 13 | ** | 19 | ** | 22 | *** | 20 | *** | 23 | *** |
Niacin | −4 | ns | −3 | ns | −7 | ns | 1 | ns | 3 | ns | −3 | ns |
Vitamin B6 | 4 | ns | 4 | ns | 1 | ns | 10 | * | 11 | * | 4 | ns |
Folic acid | 15 | ** | 13 | ** | 16 | * | 21 | *** | 19 | *** | 20 | * |
Vitamin B12 | 10 | * | −4 | ns | 42 | ** | 18 | * | 3 | ns | 52 | ** |
Vitamin C | 17 | * | 13 | ns | 14 | ns | 23 | * | 20 | ns | 18 | *** |
Vitamin D | 34 | ns | 25 | ns | 52 | ns | 39 | * | 31 | ns | 54 | ns |
Vitamin E | 7 | ns | 10 | ns | 4 | ns | 13 | * | 15 | ** | 8 | ns |
Vitamin A | 5 | ns | −3 | ns | 27 | * | 13 | ns | 3 | ns | 39 | * |
Retinol | −24 | ns | −40 | * | 25 | ns | −17 | ns | −37 | * | 37 | ns |
β-carotene | 38 | ** | 41 | * | 19 | ** | 47 | ** | 49 | * | 32 | ** |
Nutrient | Crude (“2 Weekend Days” vs. “5 Week Days”) | Adjusted for 2000 kcal (“2 Weekend Days” vs. “5 Week Days”) | ||||||
RS | nRS | RS | nRS | |||||
RD | p | RD | p | RD | p | RD | p | |
Energy | 37 | *** | 34 | *** | - | - | - | - |
Sucrose | 44 | *** | 23 | ** | 6 | ns | −8 | *** |
Protein | 28 | *** | 28 | *** | −6 | ** | −4 | ** |
Fat | 39 | *** | 35 | *** | 3 | ns | 1 | Ns |
SFA | 38 | *** | 30 | *** | 1 | ns | −3 | Ns |
MUFA | 43 | *** | 41 | *** | 5 | ns | 6 | Ns |
PUFA | 39 | *** | 42 | *** | 2 | ns | 6 | Ns |
Cholesterol | 26 | * | 16 | * | −9 | ns | −12 | *** |
Carbohydrates | 32 | *** | 30 | *** | −3 | ns | −3 | ** |
Fibre | 20 | *** | 22 | *** | −12 | ** | −9 | *** |
Sodium | 25 | ** | 22 | *** | −9 | ** | −9 | *** |
Potassium | 17 | *** | 24 | *** | −15 | *** | −7 | *** |
Calcium | 26 | ** | 32 | *** | −8 | ** | −3 | Ns |
Iron | 23 | *** | 23 | *** | −10 | *** | −8 | *** |
Zinc | 25 | *** | 25 | *** | −9 | *** | −5 | *** |
Phosphorus | 33 | *** | 17 | *** | −5 | ns | −14 | *** |
Magnesium | 23 | *** | 24 | *** | −11 | *** | −7 | *** |
Copper | 20 | *** | 24 | *** | −13 | *** | −7 | *** |
Vitamin B1 | 32 | *** | 31 | *** | −4 | ns | −2 | Ns |
Vitamin B2 | 23 | *** | 17 | *** | −10 | *** | −12 | *** |
Niacin | 23 | ** | 27 | *** | −10 | * | −5 | * |
Vitamin B6 | 21 | *** | 25 | *** | −11 | *** | −6 | * |
Folic acid | 22 | ** | 19 | *** | −10 | *** | −11 | *** |
Vitamin B12 | 49 | ns | 0 | ns | 12 | ns | −24 | * |
Vitamin C | 18 | ns | 17 | ns | −15 | *** | −14 | *** |
Vitamin D | 34 | * | 10 | ns | −3 | ns | −18 | *** |
Vitamin E | 31 | *** | 39 | *** | −4 | ns | 2 | Ns |
Vitamin A | 34 | ns | 2 | ns | 3 | * | −24 | *** |
Retinol | 98 | ** | −5 | ns | 59 | ns | −27 | *** |
β-carotene | −6 | ns | 11 | ns | −30 | ** | −21 | *** |
© 2018 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Share and Cite
Czlapka-Matyasik, M.; Lonnie, M.; Wadolowska, L.; Frelich, A. “Cutting Down on Sugar” by Non-Dieting Young Women: An Impact on Diet Quality on Weekdays and the Weekend. Nutrients 2018, 10, 1463. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu10101463
Czlapka-Matyasik M, Lonnie M, Wadolowska L, Frelich A. “Cutting Down on Sugar” by Non-Dieting Young Women: An Impact on Diet Quality on Weekdays and the Weekend. Nutrients. 2018; 10(10):1463. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu10101463
Chicago/Turabian StyleCzlapka-Matyasik, Magdalena, Marta Lonnie, Lidia Wadolowska, and Agnieszka Frelich. 2018. "“Cutting Down on Sugar” by Non-Dieting Young Women: An Impact on Diet Quality on Weekdays and the Weekend" Nutrients 10, no. 10: 1463. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu10101463
APA StyleCzlapka-Matyasik, M., Lonnie, M., Wadolowska, L., & Frelich, A. (2018). “Cutting Down on Sugar” by Non-Dieting Young Women: An Impact on Diet Quality on Weekdays and the Weekend. Nutrients, 10(10), 1463. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu10101463