Frozen: The Potential and Pitfalls of Ground-Penetrating Radar for Archaeology in the Alaskan Arctic
:1. Introduction
Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR) in Frozen and Partially Frozen Media
2. Methods
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Dynamics of the Partially Frozen Environment: The Old Whaling Ridge at Cape Krusenstern National Monument
3.1.1. The Old Whaling Site
3.1.2. GPR Investigations at the Old Whaling Site, 2011–2016
3.2. Semi-Subterranean Houses in Partially Frozen Settings: Bering Land Bridge National Preserve and Kobuk Valley National Park
3.2.1. A Birnirk House Complex at Cape Espenberg, Bering Land Bridge National Preserve
3.2.2. A Village Site at Kobuk Valley National Park with an Earlier Site below the Permafrost Table
3.3. Fully Frozen Settings: Bering Land Bridge and Gates of the Arctic
3.3.1. The Bering Land Bridge Mammoth
3.3.2. An Alpine Ice Field in Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve
4. Conclusions
- Seasonal changes in the depth and character of the active layer influence the results of GPR surveys. In areas with substantial soil moisture, it may make sense to survey when active layer thickness reaches its seasonal maximum. The ground may be waterlogged, however, and penetration can be ensured by using a moderate antenna frequency as used in the examples shown here. Shortened wavelengths due to the high water content may allow excellent spatial and temporal resolution even with lower antenna frequencies.
- Accurate velocity determinations are critical for estimating both depth and dimensions of archaeological features and are therefore the most crucial parameters to be assessed. In partially frozen substrates, great care should be taken to consider the multiple velocities likely represented in the medium, which may in some cases exhibit extreme shifts, such as when a slow, wet layer is overlying a fast, frozen layer.
- Patterns generated by freeze-thaw processes can be mistaken for cultural features such as house remains. Care should therefore be taken to understand how natural variations within a given survey setting are manifest in GPR data.
- In fully frozen contexts, attenuation is limited and wavelengths are correspondingly increased with velocity. Surveying with higher antenna frequencies than those used for the examples in this paper may be warranted in order to maximize resolution. It must be kept in mind that not all surfaces encountered (e.g., snow) are amenable to the highest antenna frequencies due to difficulty of surface traverse and impracticability of the very closely spaced traverses that might be required to optimize horizontal resolution.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Material | Velocity (m/ns) |
Air | 0.3 |
Snow | 0.2 |
Cold ice | 0.16–0.18 |
Temperate ice | 0.15 |
Permafrost | 0.12–0.14 |
Dry gravel | 0.12 |
Wet gravel | 0.10 |
Silt (wet) | 0.07 |
Clay (wet) | 0.06 |
Fresh water | 0.033 |
Parameter | |
Gridded traverse | (varied) anti-parallel, sometimes bi-directional |
Transect interval | (varied) 0.20–0.5 m |
Trace interval | 0.05 m |
Tx-Rx offset | 0.279 m |
Time window | (varied) 80–200 ns |
Stacks | 8 per station |
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Share and Cite
Urban, T.M.; Rasic, J.T.; Alix, C.; Anderson, D.D.; Manning, S.W.; Mason, O.K.; Tremayne, A.H.; Wolff, C.B. Frozen: The Potential and Pitfalls of Ground-Penetrating Radar for Archaeology in the Alaskan Arctic. Remote Sens. 2016, 8, 1007.
Urban TM, Rasic JT, Alix C, Anderson DD, Manning SW, Mason OK, Tremayne AH, Wolff CB. Frozen: The Potential and Pitfalls of Ground-Penetrating Radar for Archaeology in the Alaskan Arctic. Remote Sensing. 2016; 8(12):1007.
Chicago/Turabian StyleUrban, Thomas M., Jeffrey T. Rasic, Claire Alix, Douglas D. Anderson, Sturt W. Manning, Owen K. Mason, Andrew H. Tremayne, and Christopher B. Wolff. 2016. "Frozen: The Potential and Pitfalls of Ground-Penetrating Radar for Archaeology in the Alaskan Arctic" Remote Sensing 8, no. 12: 1007.
APA StyleUrban, T. M., Rasic, J. T., Alix, C., Anderson, D. D., Manning, S. W., Mason, O. K., Tremayne, A. H., & Wolff, C. B. (2016). Frozen: The Potential and Pitfalls of Ground-Penetrating Radar for Archaeology in the Alaskan Arctic. Remote Sensing, 8(12), 1007.