Spatial Downscaling of Satellite-Based Soil Moisture Products Using Machine Learning Techniques: A Review
:1. Introduction
2. Review of ML Algorithms
3. ML-Based Downscaling Techniques for Microwave-Based SM Products
3.1. Methodological Framework of ML-Based Downscaling Approach
3.2. ML-Based Downscaling Methods
3.2.1. Classical-ML-Model-Based Downscaling Approaches
3.2.2. Ensemble-Method-Based Downscaling Approaches
3.2.3. Neural Nets and DL-Method-Based Downscaling Approaches
3.2.4. SM Downscaling Studies Which Used Comparative Analysis between Different ML Techniques
4. Significance of Ancillary Variables, Modifications Made to ML Techniques in Downscaling SM Products, and Validation Methods Used for Downscaled SM
4.1. ML-Based Insights: Key Geophysical and Remote-Sensing-Based Land Surface Variables in SM Downscaling
4.2. Improvements Made to ML-Based SM Downscaling
4.3. Validation Methods Used for Downscaled SM
4.4. Future Research
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
AMSR2 | Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 |
AMSR-E | Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer Earth Observing System |
ASCAT | Advanced Scatterometer |
AWRA-L | Australian water resource assessment Landscape |
BAYE | Bayesian |
BPNN | Back propagation neural network |
CART | Classification and regression tree |
CLDAS | China meteorological administration land data assimilation system |
CNN | Convolutional neural network |
DBN | Deep belief network |
DEM | Digital Elevation model |
DisPATCH | Disaggregation based on physical and theoretical change |
DL | Deep Learning |
ERA | European Robotic Arm |
ESA | European space agency |
ESA-CCI | European Space Agency Climate Change Initiative |
ET | Evapotranspiration |
EVI | Enhanced vegetation index |
FDR | Frequency domain reflectometers |
FNN | Feedforward neural network |
GBDT | Gradient boosting decision tree |
GLDAS | Global land data assimilation system |
GLM | Generalized linear model |
GPR | Gaussian Process Regression |
ISMN | International soil moisture network |
KNN | K nearest neighbours |
LAI | Leaf area index |
LEE | Land evaporative efficiency |
LSM | Land surface model |
LST | Land surface temperature |
LSTM | Long short-term memory |
MATCH | hybrid downscaling method that integrates several approaches based on Bayesian three cornered hat merging |
MAE | Mean absolute error |
ML | Machine Learning |
NAFE’05 | National airborne field experiment 2005 |
NDVI | Normalized difference vegetation index |
PCA | Principal Component Analysis |
r | Correlation Coefficient |
R2 | Coefficient of determination |
ResNet | Residual Network |
RF | Random Forest |
RMSE | Root-mean-square error |
RNN | Recurrent neural network |
SAR | Synthetic aperture radar |
SASMAS | Scaling and Assimilation of Soil Moisture and Streamflow |
SM | Soil Moisture |
SMAP | Soil moisture active passive |
SMAP-E | SMAP Enhanced 9 km data |
SMAPEx | Soil Moisture Active Passive Experiments |
SMOS | Soil moisture and ocean salinity |
SRTM | Shuttle radar topographic mission |
SSR | Soil surface roughness |
SVATARK | SVR and area-to-area kriging |
SVM | Support vector machine |
SVR | Support vector regression |
SWI | Saga Wetness Index |
TC | Triple Collocation |
TDR | Time domain reflectometers |
TWI | Topographic wetness Index |
ubRMSE | Unbiased root-mean-square error |
VI | Vegetation Index |
XGB | Extreme gradient boost |
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Category | ML/DL Methods | References |
Classical methods | SVR | [108] |
Self-regularised Regressive models | [62] | |
Regression/Regression Tree | [109,110,111,112] | |
Ensemble methods | RF | [33,63,66,67,97,98,113,114,115,116] |
GBDT | [34] | |
Neural nets and deep learning methods | ANN | [100,101,102] |
Kernel weighted KNN | [117,118] | |
CNN | [119] | |
Bayesian deep image prior algorithm combined with a fully convolutional neural network and a forward model | [99] | |
LSTM | [120] | |
Deep neural network with a generalized linear model (GLM) | [32] | |
Comparisons of methods | Kernel-weighted KNN, RF | [121] |
RF, ANN | [59] | |
CART, KNN, Bayesian (BAYE), RF | [122] | |
ANN, BAYE, CART, KNN, RF, SVM | [123] | |
Multivariate linear regression, SVR, RF | [124] | |
Multiple linear regression, RF, SVR | [60] | |
GBDT, RF, ANN, RseNet, LSTM, CNN | [103] | |
RF, CART, GBDT, and XGB | [125] | |
regression tree, ANN, and Gaussian process regression (GPR) models | [126] | |
ANN, SVM, Relevance Vector Machine, and linear regression | [127] | |
DBN, neighbourhood constraint-based improved DBN, ResNet | [128] | |
DBN, RF | [129] | |
Regression, ANN | [130] | |
CNN (SM-residual Dense Net), RF | [131] | |
RF, boosted regression trees, Cubist | [64] | |
RF, LSTM | [61] | |
SVR, FNN | [65] | |
CNN, ANN, XGB, LSTM and ResNet | [132] | |
SVR, KNN | [133] | |
ANN kriging | [134] |
ML/DL Technique | Strengths | Weaknesses |
Linear Regression [159,160] | Easy and simple implementation. Fast training capacity. Less complexity. Overfitting can be avoided by dimensionality reduction techniques. | Applicable for linear relationships. Sensitivity to outliers. Prone to multi collinearity. |
Logistic Regression [161,162,163] | Easy and simple implementation. Easy updating. Fast training capacity. | Prone to model overfitting. Difficulty of capturing non-linear relationships. Necessity of large number of training samples. |
SVM [164,165,166] | Works well with structured and semi-structured data. Scales well for high dimensional data. Capacity of generalization. | Long duration of training for large datasets. Complex to understand and interpret the final output. |
Decision Tree [167,168,169] | Easy implementation. Ability to handle both numerical and categorical data. Preforms well with large datasets. | Trees are probe to non-robustness. Prone to overfitting. |
PCA [170,171] | Remove correlated features. Reduce the possibility of over fitting. | Must perform data standardization before PCA. Prone to loss of information. |
RF [78,172,173] | Avoid overfitting in decision trees and improve the accuracy. Can be used for both classification and regression. Data normalisation is not necessary as it uses a rule-based approach. | More complex than decision trees. Considerable time of training. |
XGB [173,174,175] | Flexibility of the technique. Handles missing data. | Often ignores the overfitting. Increased complexity in classification. Long computational time. Sensitive to outliers. |
ANN [163,166,171,176] | Less formal statistical training is required before developing. Detect complex and non-linear relationships between variables. Ability to detect all possible interactions between predictor variables. Multiple training algorithms can be used. | Limited opacity in identifying possible casual relationships—“black box”. Can be more difficult to use. Greater computational resources. Prone to overfitting. |
CNN [166,177,178] | Computationally efficient. Parameter sharing. | Difficulty in classifying tilted or rotated images. Requires large number of training samples. |
KNN [166,168,173] | Intuitive and simple. Responds quickly to real-time changes in the input data. Easy to implement for multi-class problems. Can be used for both classification and regression. | Sensitive to outliers. Not capable of dealing with missing value problems. Biased if the data are imbalanced. Necessity to choose optimal number of neighbours to be considered. Works well with smaller number of input variables. |
RNN [179,180,181] | Processes inputs of any length. Excellent capacity in time series prediction. | Gradient vanishing and exploding issues. Complexity in training. |
LSTM [180,181,182] | Avoids long-term dependency problem. Processes inputs of any length. Excellent capacity in time series prediction. | Complexity in training. Prone to overfitting. |
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Senanayake, I.P.; Pathira Arachchilage, K.R.L.; Yeo, I.-Y.; Khaki, M.; Han, S.-C.; Dahlhaus, P.G. Spatial Downscaling of Satellite-Based Soil Moisture Products Using Machine Learning Techniques: A Review. Remote Sens. 2024, 16, 2067.
Senanayake IP, Pathira Arachchilage KRL, Yeo I-Y, Khaki M, Han S-C, Dahlhaus PG. Spatial Downscaling of Satellite-Based Soil Moisture Products Using Machine Learning Techniques: A Review. Remote Sensing. 2024; 16(12):2067.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSenanayake, Indishe P., Kalani R. L. Pathira Arachchilage, In-Young Yeo, Mehdi Khaki, Shin-Chan Han, and Peter G. Dahlhaus. 2024. "Spatial Downscaling of Satellite-Based Soil Moisture Products Using Machine Learning Techniques: A Review" Remote Sensing 16, no. 12: 2067.
APA StyleSenanayake, I. P., Pathira Arachchilage, K. R. L., Yeo, I.-Y., Khaki, M., Han, S.-C., & Dahlhaus, P. G. (2024). Spatial Downscaling of Satellite-Based Soil Moisture Products Using Machine Learning Techniques: A Review. Remote Sensing, 16(12), 2067.