Assimilation of Satellite-Derived Soil Moisture and Brightness Temperature in Land Surface Models: A Review
:1. Introduction
2. Procedures for the Improvement of SM in LSMs
2.1. Land Surface Models
2.2. Uncertainties in LSMs, RTM, and Satellite BT and SM Products
2.2.1. LSMs
2.2.2. RTM
2.2.3. Satellite Data
- SM retrieval approaches. Different strategies and simplifications applied for parameterization of RTMs and soil dielectric mixing models in SM retrieval. As stated in [54,55], most of the SM retrieval algorithms used Ƭ-ω zero-order RTM as the baseline. The major difference between these approaches originates from their parameterizations and estimation of vegetation optical depth. The modeling of roughness, soil, and canopy temperatures, vegetation structure and its optical depth, and atmospheric effects are the most significant factors in SM retrieval. Choosing between effective single or multiple scattering albedo, single or double polarization, static or dynamic roughness coefficients, and single- or multi-angle satellite observations, the applied frequency and ancillary data make the algorithms complex and define the quality of SM products. Moreover, as discussed in [54], the selection of mixing dielectric modeling is another critical issue that needs to be regarded when using SM products and evaluating assimilation results.
- The time of satellite orbital pass. Some studies have investigated the accuracy of the SM products of a sensor at different acquisition times. For example, Martens et al. [58] and Yee et al. [59] showed that ascending SMOS data (about 6:00 a.m.) were more accurate than the descending pass (about 6:00 p.m.). However, Jing et al. [60] maintained that the descending pass of SMOS performed better than the ascending pass. In [17,61], it was stated that ASCAT SM data from the descending pass (9:30 a.m.) have more accuracy than the ascending one (9:30 p.m.). Jing et al. [60] noted that the AMSR-E ascending (1:30 p.m.) product was better than the AMSR-E descending (1:30 a.m.) product. Yee et al. [59] stated that AMSR2 X-band products have better performance in evening overpasses (1:30 pm) in contrast with morning overpasses (1:30 a.m.). As stated in [62], it is expected that night time or early morning SM products be more accurate due to: (a) assumed temperature equilibrium between soil and vegetation canopy in the SM retrieval modeling [63] and (b) expected minimum of Faraday rotations during the night [64,65]. However, as indicated above in some studies, other revisit times showed more accuracy, which can be attributed to other factors [62]. These are: (a) Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) contamination in some time periods and (b) diurnal variability of surface conditions such as water in vegetation. Therefore, it is expected that the accuracy of SM products in different acquisition times be checked in the study area before conducting an assimilation study.
- Land cover. The vegetation coverage and type affect the SM retrieval, especially at higher frequencies. In [17,61], it was reported that X and C bands are opaque in dense forests and shrubs with green vegetation fractions of more than 0.5. Other land covers, such as frozen ground, snow cover, water body areas (e.g., flooded areas, rivers, wetlands, lakes, precipitation at the time of satellite passes), steep topography (e.g., rocks), urban area, and heavily forested areas [66] would decrease the quality flag of data recording and, as a result, reduce the available data for assimilation.
- Temperature limitation. Due to the freezing temperature, currently, no reliable satellite-derived SM product is available for low-temperature latitudes and snow covers [67].
- Temporal resolution. The higher the temporal resolution, the more accurate SM temporal dynamics (e.g., caused by irrigation) can be retrieved. Yin et al. [68] proposed that SMOPS products (as combined products) have a higher temporal resolution, which can capture SM dynamics with more detail.
- Spatial resolution. The low spatial resolution of passive microwave sensors, the mismatch between the LSM and satellite spatial resolutions, and the unmolded sub-pixel heterogeneity (mixed land covers mentioned in item 3, land cover, within a pixel) could increase the errors. Downscaling the SM products can be a solution, but the accuracy of downscaling depends on applied ancillary data, downscaling the method and accuracy of in situ measurements, which needs to be analyzed [69]. Therefore, in some cases, it may bring forth lower results. For example, Lievens et al. [70] compared the performance of downscaled SM (by MODIS thermal data) with coarse resolution and showed that downscaling could not provide better results.
- Polarization. Vertical and horizontal polarization might not retrieve the same BTs; vertical polarization BTs are less sensitive to vegetation heterogeneity and roughness than horizontal polarization while they are more sensitive to SM [4,70,71]. Tian et al. [26] showed that the horizontal polarization BTs from AMSR-E have lower temporal variability than the vertical, which can make them less suitable for assimilation experiments. The role of incidence angle could make the problem more complex; Lievens et al. [70] showed that horizontal polarization with incidence angle less than 42.5 degrees could provide better results than in combination with vertical polarization and multi-angle observations (with SMOS sensor). They stated that it could be attributed to the correlation between dual-polarization and multi-angle observations. The higher sensitivity of horizontal polarization to SM and the lower sensitivity of vertical polarization to vegetation and roughness are issues that require more research to find out the weight of each one of these characteristics.
- Dynamic drying rate. The drying rate of estimated SMs in LSMs could be different from satellite-derived SMs. Shellito et al. [72] compared the drying rates of SMAP and those simulated by Noah and showed that the drying SSM from SMAP is faster than Noah simulations. They also stated that when SM content (Noah and SMAP SM contents are linearly related) is high, potential evaporation is high, vegetation cover is low, and SMAP drying is the fastest. They reported that the effect of vegetation on the Noah model is simplified and is less than SMs retrieved by SMAP.
2.3. Calibration of LSM and RTM Parameters
2.4. Bias Correction in SM Assimilation
2.5. Applied Approaches for Assimilation of SM and BT in LSMs
2.5.1. Recruitment of Assimilation Methods
2.5.2. Comparison of Assimilation Methods in Improvement of SM Estimates
2.5.3. Optimal Ensemble Size in EnKF and PF
3. The Results of Assimilating BT and SM in LSMs
4. Discussion
- a
- Joint Use of Calibration and Assimilation
- b
- The Role of Precipitation, Vegetation, and Land Cover
- c
- The Joint Assimilation of Satellite Data
- d
- Selection of Assimilation Method
- e
- Selection of Assimilation Period
- f
- Satellite BTs and SMs
- g
- The Spatial Resolution of Satellite Data
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
AACES | Australian Airborne Cal/Val Experiments for SMOS-AACES |
AARD | Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development |
ACCESS-A | Australian Community Climate Earth-System Simulato |
AGCD | Australian Gridded Climate Data |
AGDMN | Alberta Ground Drought Monitoring Network |
ALADIN | Me’te’o-France’s Aire Limite’e Adaptation Dynamique de’veloppement InterNational |
ALEXI | Atmosphere Land Exchange Inverse |
AMSR2 | Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 |
AMSR-E | Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer–Earth Observing System |
ARS | Agricultural Research Service |
ASCAT | Advanced Scatterometer |
AWDN | Automated Weather Data Network |
AWRA-L | Australian Water Resources Assessment landscape hydrology model |
BAWAP | Bureau of Meteorology–Australian Water Availability Project |
CAM 4.0 | Community Atmosphere Mode |
caPA | Canadian Precipitation Analysis |
CCI | Climate Change Initiative |
CERES | Clouds and the Earth’s Radiant Energy System |
CLDAS | CMA Land Data Assimilation System |
CLM | Community Land Model |
CLSM | Catchment Land Surface Model |
CMFD | China Meteorological Forcing Dataset |
COSMOZ | Cosmic ray Soil Moisture Observing System |
DHSVM | Distributed Hydrology Soil Vegetation Model (DHSVM) |
EAKF | Ensemble Adjustment Kalman Filter |
EBKS | Ensemble-Based Kalman smoother |
ECCC | Environment and Climate Change Canada |
ECMWF | European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) |
EDA | Evolutionary Data Assimilation |
EKF | Extende kalman Filter |
En4DVAR | Ensemble Based Four-Dimensional Variational |
EnKF | Ensemble Kalman Filter |
EnOI | Ensemble Optimal Interpolation |
ERA | ECMWF Re-Analysis |
ESRF | Ensemble Square Root Filter |
ETKF | Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter |
EuropeNet | European Network |
Evol | Evolutionary |
FCRN | Fluxnet-Canada Research Network (FCRN) |
FluxNet (OzFlux) | Australian and New Zealand Flux Research and Monitoring Network |
FNL | NCEP Final Analysis |
GDAS | Global Data Assimilation System |
GEM | Global Environmental Multi-scale Model |
GEOS-5 | Goddard Earth Observing System Model |
GLDAS | Global Land Data Assimilation System |
GLEAM | Global Land Evaporation Amsterdam Model |
GPCP | Global Precipitation Climatology Project |
GPF | Genetic Particle Filter |
GRACE | Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment |
GSI | Gridpoint Statistical Interpolation System |
GSMDB | Global Soil Moisture Data Bank |
HTESSEL | Hydrology Tiled ECMWF scheme of Surface Exchanges over land |
ICN | Illinois Climate Network |
IPF | Improved PF |
ISBA | Interactions between Soil, Biosphere, and Atmosphere |
ISCCP | International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project |
ISMN | International Soil Moisture Network |
JULES | Joint UK Land Environment Simulator |
KF | Kalman Filter |
MAWN | Michigan Automated Weather Network |
MERRA | Modern-Era Retrospective analysis for Research and Applications |
MESH | Modélisation Environmentale-Surface et Hydrologie |
Mesonet | Mesoscale and network |
MongoliaNet | Mongolia network |
MSMMN | Murrumbidgee Soil Moisture Monitoring Network |
MVIRI | Meteosat Visible Infra-Red Imager |
NASMD | North American Soil Moisture Database |
NCEP-NCAR | National Centers for Environmental Prediction–National Center for Atmospheric Research |
NLDAS | North American Land Data Assimilation System |
Nudg | Nudging |
OI | Optimal Interpolation |
OK Mesonet | Oklahoma Mesonet |
Oznet | Australian monitoring network for soil moisture and micrometeorology |
PF | Particle Filter |
PFMCMC | Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling |
PF-SIR | PF with commonly used sampling importance resampling |
SAFRAN | Système d’Analyse Fournissant des Renseignements Atmosphériques à la Neige |
SCAN | Soil Climate Analysis Network |
SEKF | Simplified Extended Kalman Filter |
SiB2 | Simple Biosphere Model 2 |
SMAP | Soil Moisture Active and Passive |
SMAPCVS | SMAP core validation sites |
SMMR | Scanning Multichannel Microwave Radiometer |
SMOPS | Soil Moisture Operational Products System |
SMOSMANIA | Soil Moisture Observing System–Meteorological Automatic Network Integrated Application |
SMTMN | Soil Moisture and Temperature Monitoring Network on the central Tibetan Plateau |
SVS | Soil, Vegetation, and Snow |
TESSEL | Tiled ECMWF Scheme for Surface Exchanges over Land |
TMPA | TRMM Multisatellite Precipitation Analysis |
TRMM | Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission |
USCRN | US Climate Reference Network |
USDA-ARS | United State Agricultural Research Service |
VIC | Variable Infiltration Capacity |
W3 | World Wide Water |
WFDEI | WATCH Forcing Data methodology applied to ERA-Interim reanalysis data |
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LSM | Number and Depth of Soil Layers (m) | Reference | |
Noah | 4 | 0.1, 0.3, 0.6, 1.0 | [30,31] |
Australian Water Resources Assessment system (AWRA-L) | 3 | 0.1, 0.2, and 8 | [32] |
Catchment Land Surface Model (CLSM) | 2 | 0.02, 1.0 | [33] |
Community Land Model (CLM) | 10 0.204, 0.336, 0.553, 0.913, 1.506 | 0.018, 0.028, 0.045, 0.075, 0.124 | [34] |
Joint UK Land Environment Simulator (JULES) | 4 | 0.1, 0.25, 0.65, 2.0 | [35] |
Interactions between Surface, Biosphere, and Atmosphere (ISBA.Diffusion) | 14 | 0.01, 0.04, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, 5.0, 8.0, 12.0 | [36] |
Simple Biosphere Model 2 (SiB2) | 3 | 0.05, 0.20 and 2 | [37] |
Variable Infiltration Capacity model (VIC) | 3 | 3; 0.1, 1.6, and 1.9 | [38] |
Soil, Vegetation, and Snow (SVS) | 7 | 0.1, 0.2, 1, 2, and 3 | [39] |
World Wide Water (W3) | 3 | 0.05, 1, and 10 | [40] |
Global Land Evaporation Amsterdam Model (GLEAM) | ** | 0.15, 1, and 2.5, and short | [41] |
Distributed Hydrology Soil Vegetation Model (DHSVM) | 4 | 0.01, 0.05, 0.4, and 0.8 | [42] |
HYDRUS | 100 | 100 cm discretized to 1 cm layers | [43] |
Modélisation Environmentale Communautaire (MEC) Surface and Hydrology (MESH) | 3 | 0.10, 0.35, and 0.41 | [44] |
SW-ET | * | 0.05, 0.10, 0.20, and 0.50 and 1 | [45] |
Tiled ECMWF Scheme for Surface Exchanges over Land (TESSEL) with improved land surface hydrology (H- TESSEL) | 4 | 0.07, 0.21, 0.72, and 1.89 | [46] |
Met Office Surface Exchange Scheme version 2 (MOSES 2) | 4 | 0.1, 0.25, 0.65, and 2 | [47] |
Assimilation Methods | Description | References | |
1 | Kalman Filter (KF) | The state vector and covariance matrix of error are computed at each time step and are then forwarded in time by a linear model. | [122] |
2 | Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) | The Kalman Filter model and observation operators are replaced by non-linear equations to solve the inherent linear problem in the Kalman filter approach. | [123] |
4 | Ensemble Adjustment Kalman Filter (EAKF) | A deterministic configuration of EnKF where the observations are not perturbed; uses a linear operator for updating the prior ensemble. | [124] |
5 | Ensemble-Based Kalman Smoother (EBKS) | Time is included in EnKF, which causes the smoothing. | [125] |
6 | Ensemble based Four-dimensional Variational (En4DVAR) | A hybrid method where background error covariance is estimated from ensemble forecasts. | [126] |
7 | Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF) | The model states and error statistics are generated by perturbations in the model initial conditions (causing a set of ensembles) and are forwarded by a non-linear model without the need for linearization. | [127] |
8 | Ensemble Optimal Interpolation (EnOI) | A variant of EnKF that uses the prescribed background error-covariance. | [128] |
9 | Ensemble Square Root Filter (ESRF) | A deterministic configuration of EnKF where the observations are not perturbed; uses square-root of the forecast or analysis error covariance matrices. | [129] |
10 | Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter (ETKF) | A deterministic configuration of EnKF where the observations are not perturbed; uses an ensemble transformation matrix to compute analysis perturbation matrix. | [130] |
11 | Evolutionary (Evol) | Relies on evolutionary algorithms to provide evolved members for analysis step in assimilation. | [131] |
12 | Particle Filter (PF) | The probability density function of model SM estimates is represented by particles; a set of weighted trajectories (based on observations) are defined between background and analysis steps. | [132] |
15 | Newtonian Nudging (NNudg) | The model is dynamically relaxed toward the observations, and therefore the model is considered as a weak constraint and observations are considered as perfect. | [133,134] |
16 | Optimal Interpolation (OI) | Based on the known errors, observations are weighted and the analysis is estimated based on the gain matrix to obtain the analysis. | [135] |
17 | Variational (3D and 4D) (Var) | Model state is estimated by minimization of cost function, which explains the misfit between the model simulations and observations. If the cost function is conducted in a time interval, it is converted to 4D Var type. | [136] |
Authors | LSM | Sensors | In Situ Data | Study Area | RTM | Forcing | Bias Correction | Approach | Ensembles |
[53] | CLM | BT-AMSR-E (6.9 GHz) V | 226 field sites | China | QH, LandEM, and CMEM | Fengyun-2C and NCEP-NCAR | - | En4DVAR | 60 |
[97] | SiB2 | BT-AMSR-E (6.9, 10.7, and 18.7 GHz) V | CTP-Naqu | Tibetan and Mongolian Plateau | Described in the paper | CMFD and GLDAS | - | LSM calibration | - |
[121] | NOAH | SM-SMOS (S1) | SCAN | US | - | FNL | Blind-bias | 1D-Var | - |
[121] | NOAH | SM-SMOS (S2) | SCAN | US | - | FNL | Blind-bias | 1D-Var | - |
[84] | SiB2 | BT-AMSR-E (18.7 GHz and 6.9 GHz) V | CEOP/Mongolia site | Mongolia | Q-h model | GLDAS | - | PF | 500 |
[108] | VIC | SM-SMOS-Level 3 CATDS | OzNet | Australia | - | MERRA | CDF | EnKF | 32 |
[70] | VIC | SM-SMOS-Level 3 CATDS (S1) | OzNet | Australia | CMEM | MERRA | CDF | EnKF | 32 |
[70] | VIC | BT-SMOS-TB (42.5 degree) H (S2) | OzNet | Australia | CMEM | MERRA | CDF | EnKF | 32 |
[70] | VIC | BT-SMOS-TB (42.5 degree) HV (S3) | OzNet | Australia | CMEM | MERRA | CDF | EnKF | 32 |
[114] | NOAH | SM-SMOS-Level 2 (S1) | NASMD | US | - | NLDAS-2 | _ | EnKF | 32 |
[114] | NOAH | SM-SMOS-Level 2 (S2) | NASMD | US | - | NLDAS-2 | CDF (uniform) | EnKF | 32 |
[114] | NOAH | SM-SMOS-Level 2 (S3) | NASMD | US | - | NLDAS-2 | CDF (based on land cover) | EnKF | 32 |
[145] | CLSM | Sentinel back scatter and SMAP TB | SMAPCVS, SCAN, USCRN SMOSMANIA, and OzNet | Eastern USA and western Europe | Tau-omega | GEOS-5 | RTM calibration | 3D-EnKF | 24 |
Authors | LSM | Sensors | In Situ Data | Study Area | RTM | Forcing | Bias Correction | Approach | Ensembles |
[146] | NOAH | SM-AMSR-E (S1) | One station | Tibet Plateau | - | - | - | Newtonian relaxation | - |
[97] | SiB2 | BT-AMSR-E 6.9, 10.7, and 18.7 GHz | CTP-Naqu | Tibetan and Mongolian Plateau | Described in the paper | CMFD and GLDAS | - | LSM calibration | - |
[146] | NOAH | SM-AMSR-E (S2) | One station | Tibet Plateau | - | - | - | ||
[147] | NOAH | SM-AMSR-E (S1) | ARS and one SCAN station and SGP | US | - | GDAS | Mass conservation constraint | 1D-EnKF | - |
[4] | SiB2 | BT-AMSR-EE-V 6.925 and 10.65 GHz | One station | Tibetan Plateau | - | NCEP | - | EnKF | 50 |
[114] | NOAH | SM-SMOS (S1) | NASMD | US | - | NLDAS-2 | CDF-matching | EnKF | 32 |
[114] | NOAH | SM-SMOS (S2) | NASMD | US | - | NLDAS-2 | CDF-matching | EnKF | 32 |
[114] | NOAH | SM-SMOS (S3) | NASMD | US | - | NLDAS-2 | CDF-matching | EnKF | 32 |
[121] | NOAH | SM-SMOS (S1) | SCAN | US | - | FNL | Blind-bias | 1D-Var | - |
[146] | NOAH | SM-AMSR-E (S3) | One station | Tibet Plateau | - | - | - | Newtonian relaxation | - |
[147] | NOAH | SM-AMSR-E (S2) | ARS and one SCAN station and SGP | US | - | GDAS | Mass conservation constraint | 1D-EnKF | - |
[113] | NOAH | SM-SMAP | A gauge in Elora, ON, Canada | US | - | CDF-matching based on soil type | EnKF | 12 | |
[90] | CLM | BT-AMSR-E-V | 2 stations | Two stations in China | LandEM | Ground observation-based | - | EnKF | - |
[121] | NOAH | SM-SMOS (S2) | SCAN | US | - | FNL | Blind-bias | 1D-Var | - |
[84] | SiB2 | BT-AMSR-E-V 18.7 GHz and 6.9 GHz | CEOP/Mongolia site | Mongolia | Q-h model | GLDAS | PF | 500 |
Authors | LSM | Sensors | In Situ Data | Study Area | RTM | Forcing | Bias Correction | Approach | Ensembles |
[148] | NOAH | SM-AMSR-E | USDA-ARS (S1) | US | - | NLDAS | After assimilation, the analysis is optionally bias-corrected | 1D-EnKF | 20 |
[147] | NOAH | SM-AMSR-E | ARS and one SCAN station and SGP (S1) | US | - | GDAS | Mass conservation constraint | 1D-EnKF | - |
[147] | NOAH | SM-AMSR-E | ARS and one SCAN station and SGP (S2) | US | - | GDAS | Mass conservation constraint | 1D-EnKF | - |
[121] | NOAH | SM-SMOS | SCAN (S1) | US | - | FNL | Blind-bias | 1D-Var | - |
[148] | NOAH | SM-AMSR-E | USDA-ARS (S2) | US | - | NLDAS | After assimilation, the analysis is optionally bias-corrected | 3D-EnKF | 20 |
[121] | NOAH | SM-SMOS | SCAN (S2) | US | - | FNL | Blind-bias | 1D-Var | - |
[114] | NOAH | SM-SMOS | NASMD (S1) | US | - | NLDAS-2 | _ | EnKF | 32 |
[114] | NOAH | SM-SMOS | NASMD (S2) | US | - | NLDAS-2 | CDF-matching | EnKF | 32 |
[114] | NOAH | SM-SMOS | NASMD (S3) | US | - | NLDAS-2 | CDF-matching | EnKF | 32 |
Authors | LSM | Sensors | In Situ Data | Study Area | RTM | Forcing | Bias Correction | Approach | Ensembles |
[121] | NOAH | SM-SMOS (S1) | SCAN | US | - | FNL | Blind-bias | 1D-Var | - |
[121] | NOAH | SM-SMOS (S1) | SCAN and CRN | US | - | FNL | Estimated the SM bias and removed it | 1D-Var | - |
[29] | SiB2 | SM-AMSR2 | One station | Australia | Described in the paper | Ground station and CLVDAS | - | Genetic Particle Filter | 512 |
Authors | LSM | Sensors | In Situ Data | Study Area | RTM | Forcing | Bias Correction | Approach | Ensembles |
[147] | NOAH | SM-AMSR-E (S1) | ARS and one SCAN station and SGP | US | - | GDAS | Mass conservation constraint | 1D-EnKF | - |
[149] | Jules | SM-SMOS | OzNet | Australia | - | ACCESS-A | - | Evolutionary based on Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic | 20 |
[147] | NOAH | SM-AMSR-E (S2) | ARS and one SCAN station and SGP | SM | US | GDAS | Mass conservation constraint | 1D-EnKF | - |
[29] | SiB2 | SM-AMSR2 | One station | Australia | Described in the paper | Ground station and CLVDAS | - | Genetic Particle Filter | 512 |
[150] | SiB2 | BT-TMI 10.7 GHz | MS3608 | Tibetan Plateau | AIEM | Station measurement | - | EnKF | 100 |
Authors | LSM | Sensors | In Situ Data | Study Area | RTM | Forcing | Bias Correction | Approach | Ensembles |
[147] | NOAH | SM-AMSR-E (S1) | ARS and one SCAN station and SGP | US | - | GDAS | Mass conservation constraint | 1D-EnKF | - |
[147] | NOAH | SM-AMSR-E (S2) | ARS and one SCAN station and SGP | US | - | GDAS | Mass conservation constraint | 1D-EnKF | - |
[114] | NOAH | SM-SMOS (S1) | NASMD | US | - | NLDAS-2 | _ | EnKF | 32 |
[114] | NOAH | SM-SMOS (S2) | NASMD | US | - | NLDAS-2 | CDF-matching | EnKF | 32 |
[121] | NOAH | SM-SMOS | SCAN | US | - | FNL | Blind-bias | 1D-Var | - |
[114] | NOAH | SM-SMOS (S3) | NASMD | US | - | NLDAS-2 | CDF-matching | EnKF | 32 |
[114] | NOAH | SM-SMOS (S4) | NASMD | US | - | NLDAS-2 | CDF-matching | EnKF | 32 |
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Khandan, R.; Wigneron, J.-P.; Bonafoni, S.; Biazar, A.P.; Gholamnia, M. Assimilation of Satellite-Derived Soil Moisture and Brightness Temperature in Land Surface Models: A Review. Remote Sens. 2022, 14, 770.
Khandan R, Wigneron J-P, Bonafoni S, Biazar AP, Gholamnia M. Assimilation of Satellite-Derived Soil Moisture and Brightness Temperature in Land Surface Models: A Review. Remote Sensing. 2022; 14(3):770.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKhandan, Reza, Jean-Pierre Wigneron, Stefania Bonafoni, Arastoo Pour Biazar, and Mehdi Gholamnia. 2022. "Assimilation of Satellite-Derived Soil Moisture and Brightness Temperature in Land Surface Models: A Review" Remote Sensing 14, no. 3: 770.
APA StyleKhandan, R., Wigneron, J. -P., Bonafoni, S., Biazar, A. P., & Gholamnia, M. (2022). Assimilation of Satellite-Derived Soil Moisture and Brightness Temperature in Land Surface Models: A Review. Remote Sensing, 14(3), 770.